The Contractor of the New Sister Devil

The New Sister Devil's Contractor Chapter 435


Nanao turned her head suddenly when she saw Bladegen's face and said to Hasegawa:

"I hope you will relieve his anxiety... If there is anything I can help, it's okay. I really want to help him."

"Dongcheng classmate..."

Nanao felt depressed and lonely at the distance between herself and Blade, but blade was consistent - no, she cared more about Nanao than before.


Knowing this, Nanao couldn't help but redden her eyes——


Blade even said that he would dispel Nanao's anxiety, and crying now would only increase his worries... When Nanao was holding back the tears with such thoughts--

"That's it... Then start with An Ding Orange's spirit and satisfy his needs."

Hasegawa smiled and said:

"To do this, you must first find out the cause of his physical and mental confusion... Orange, can I speak for you?"


This unexpected question from Hasegawa made Nanao ask back.The blade next to him also asked:

"Did the teacher think of the possible reason?"

"Not just thinking about it, it's already affirmative... However, Tachibana is now subconsciously afraid of facing the problem, so I should talk about it."

After speaking, Hasegawa showed a slightly teasing smile—and then said it.

"——Tachibana, you just want Dongcheng to treat you as a girl."

"I... hope that Dongcheng classmate...?"

After hearing Hasegawa's words, Nanaohara tried to add "how is it possible", but in the end he opened his mouth and couldn't speak.


It was not dumb because it was revealed that the truth was broken-it was just that nothing could be said.

...Why, why?

In more consternation than dazed--

"Because you used magic eyes. To suppress your feelings for Dongcheng in your heart--"

After a breath.

"——Used magic eyes on myself."

Hasegawa asserted:

"You may have used something like a mirror-that is more effective than powerful self-suggestion, resulting in a result similar to self-hypnosis. After all, that is your own strength, there does not seem to be any magical change in appearance. Being discovered by others... is really a good way. However, your feelings for Dongcheng may be too strong, and in the end it reacted physically like this."

"I...hypnotize myself..."

"What do you think, you have to ask yourself. I think you are worried about causing trouble to the East City, so you did this because you couldn't think about it for a while."


"--What do you want?"

Hasegawa said to Nanao who was still a little doubtful:

"You should have set the conditions for release, but... I can remove the magical eyes you have on yourself like the effect of unlocking Kajiura, and also remove your feelings for the blade from your heart. At that time, you should You can restore the so-called indeterminate physical state of men and women before the age of eighteen. This is your personal problem. You can decide for yourself. It doesn't matter what I do?"


When Nanaoichi couldn't make a decision among the choices in front of him and was silent--

"—Can you say something?"

Blade, who remained silent beside Nanao, looked at him even more and said:

"If what the teacher said is true, you have a magical eye on yourself because of me... I can tell you that I will never hate you for doing that."


Nanao asked in surprise.

"It's an honor to be liked, and I don't feel bothered at all. It doesn't matter if it is friendship or love."

and so.

"If it is really like what the teacher said, that... your real wish is to hope that I can treat you as a girl, then I will treat you as a girl from now on."

Then a little shyly--


Call him by name instead.Listen to the blade even more so-


Tachibana Nanao suddenly felt a split in her heart, and at the same time--

……this is……

The memory of Blade Geng suddenly rushed up - and Nanao also understood what the situation was.The magic eye he used to restrain himself had just disappeared.

Then I remembered myself standing in front of the mirror in the locker room at home.

"...Dongcheng classmate...I...!"

Nanao gradually wetted her eyes with tears.

"Unfortunately, the effect of the magic eye has been..."

"It seems to be correct... The conditions for the removal of the magic eye he set may be the moment you accept his will."

Hasegawa told the surprised blade even more of her speculation, and the fact is indeed the case-Nanao nodded vigorously.


Blade expressed his thoughts more briefly, and lightly hugged Nanao's shoulder.His gentleness made Tachibana Qixu think-to be able to like this person, Dongcheng Blade is a happy thing.