The Contractor of the New Sister Devil

The New Sister Devil's Contractor Chapter 476

The suddenly swaying ground slightly messed up the pace of the blade and touched the ground—then he saw it.

The sword of "St. George" no longer emits the light of "wind" and "fire", but the colors of "water" and "earth", and the earthquake is getting bigger and bigger in it.

"Could it be...!"

Rengeng's gaze immediately chased Seris's cross-cutting track, and saw that the northern slope suddenly bulged - the next moment, a tsunami-like earth-rock flow erupted.


It was judged that the first move was taken, and it was all completed in an instant-the blade was even carrying the earth and rock flow, and sprinting towards the south with an unstable foot.

——The battle range set by the elder Weibian and Celis is not limited to this depression.The mountain area used for actual combat training is quite large, including many valleys.Therefore, against Celis, who uses "St. George", there is no need to stay in this low-lying grassland. She has to move to a more favorable terrain as soon as possible; however, Blade wants to rush into the forest behind the southern slope even more--

"—Do you think I will let you go?"

But it was easily broken by Celise's next attack.She swept one more sword in the reverse trajectory, and this time the southern slope collapsed sharply, and Xiangbian rushed forward.


The blocked blade still rushed southward without stopping.Even if you change to run east or west, Celis can also destroy the slope there.

"Then I might as well break through forcibly-oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

While sprinting, the blade pierced the tip of Brunhild into the ground with a fierce swing from bottom to top, hitting a shock wave bursting from the ground, and blasting a straight passage several meters wide on the mud-rock flow blocking the path.

"That's it-uh!"

However, at the moment when the blade was about to rush directly through the earth and rock flow-the impact from directly below hit him into the air.Celis took advantage of the raised ground of "St. George" to hit the body of the blade.

He flew into the air in an instant—even the blade change at the same height as Celis, without any defense.

"Didn't I tell you... I won't let you go."

Celis's cold voice was behind the blade, so--

"Um... oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

The blade twisted forcibly and swung his sword behind his back.

"——Take me one more blow."

But Celis's words came faster, and at the same time—Blade was hit horizontally.

"St. George" manipulated the airflow and compressed air, slamming on the blade.

The blade more completely withstands Celis's attack, and it is only inevitable that it will fly.

The figure disappeared to the west in an instant—then there was a boom in the forest in the distance.

The blade hit the forest floor even more, and the screaming impact followed through the forest.The blade that was smashed by Celis was not only falling to the ground, people also followed the impact and smoothed large areas of forest ground and trees.

"The blade is more...!"

Seeing this scene from the video broadcast from outside the barrier, Mio couldn't help shouting in sorrow.Although she never thought Celis was a simple opponent, after all, Blade had even equalled with the current Demon Lord Leohart, and even successfully repelled the Demon God Kaios.Of course, it cannot be judged that Cyris can defeat Leohart or Caios simply because of this.Fighting in the demon world with strong magic elements, the Cyris ability of the brave clan and the power of "Saint George" will be significantly attenuated.But having said that--

"What about that sword... It's too foul!"

Seeing that Celis's fighting style is so versatile, Mio, who is also a magical type, ignited an almost angry emotion in his heart.Both the high-level magician Mio and the elf magician Walnut can use the four elements of magic-but it is impossible to use plural attributes at the same time, or to activate the magic without chanting a spell and other concentrated will.And Celis is not only amazing in magic, but also terribly high in swordsmanship.General magic swordsman’s tactics are to combine impure magic or swordsmanship into one and complement each other to enhance power and versatility. However, Celis has reached the pinnacle of both sword and magic.Moreover, there are other reasons why the blade was more unilaterally beaten, that is--

"Sure enough, the blade is still......"

The murmur that Yuxi vomited next to Mio-came from her understanding of the bitterness of Blade Geng's heart.

Ever since the start of the war, not to mention the "dimensionless execution", even the elimination of waves has not been let go.

Using either party can provide other solutions to soil and rock flows.

However, the blade did not do that even more—no, it could not be done.

...The blade is more...

In this hometown, using the ability to exile oneself in the scene of previous tragedies will definitely make Blade feel more strongly repelled.On the contrary, Celise can use any trick without hesitation.


Without changing her cold complexion, Celis used the "St. George" to manipulate the wind element to launch flying magic, flying across the sky to chase the blade that fell into the forest on the west side.That's right... the battle is not over yet.

And a few of Mio-can't do anything except watch and fight.

The blade that fell into the forest on the west side was still under the strong impact of shoveling the ground and breaking the wood.

"Um... uh... ah... grumble...!"

The blade even used Brunhild to stab the ground or the giant wood to try to slow down, but it only left many sword marks and couldn't stop.

——However, soon something blocked the cutting edge that kept falling to the ground.It is not a man-made obstacle, but a bottomless rift in the earth-a huge cliff more than ten meters wide.

And the other side is a rock wall that is so high that one can't help but look up.Jiangen's momentum was too strong to make him fall directly, and first hit the rock wall on the opposite bank.

"Uh, ah...!"

The only oxygen remaining in his lungs was knocked out, and then he was dragged by gravity toward the bottomless abyss waiting to be swallowed.From the original grassland, I was beaten to the forest on the west side—Blade recalled the terrain of this area even more, trying to grasp the position during the fall, and finally when he heard the sound of the water flowing underneath and was surprised that there was a river underneath—


He immediately pierced Brunhild into the rock wall, choosing to avoid falling into the river.

Not because of concerns about the impact of crashing into the water.The opponent is Celis, who can freely manipulate the four major attributes. Once she falls into the water, she might decide the winner on the spot.

"——Your judgment is not wrong."

Celis's voice suddenly came from directly above.It was chased by flying magic, right,

"But it's still too simple...Have you forgotten what drove you up in the air in the grassland?"


Blade quickly stepped on the rock wall and jumped into the air.Immediately afterwards, the blade pierced into Brunhild and the hanging rock wall thundered, and the horizontal stone pillars burst out.

Only then did he dodge this blow in a thrilling manner, and Bladegen's consciousness has taken the next step.On the grassland before, Celis created landslides on the north and south sides, so-thinking about it this way, the cliff that the blade leapt towards also pierced the stone pillar.

"Sure enough, this set...!"

Seeing that the situation was as expected, the blade turned over and kicked the side of the pierced stone pillar, jumped to the rock wall again, and sprinted up the cliff like this, rushing to the ground before Cyris's next attack. Escape directly into the dense forest in front of him.

...If this continues, I can't beat Cyris at all...

While weaving between the trees and the green bushes, the blade gritted his teeth even more distressed.