"The way is not correct?" Gu Wei glanced at the old lady, did not receive the meaning of the stop, so she continued asked, "How is it?"

Su Mother said eagerly: "There is a store in the famous girl, called Yun Weili embroidery, is it?"

Is there a store in Chu Jin Yao? When the girls in the yard suddenly looked at Mrs. Chu, when was this? Why did they know?

Southern Sutang is sitting in the court in the courtyard. The top step is standing in an old lady. It is estimated that Houfu's old ancestors, this ancestors still stands many young daughter-in-law, it is estimated that the small generation of Houfli, combing the head is the wife, no head It is a granddaughter. On the other side, I stood an expense woman. The clothes were the old lady who had the old lady had to shine. The Su Mother guess, this should be Chu Jin Miao, from the mother of the county Wangfu.

Honestly, the Suichi has been surprised after seeing Chu Jin Yao, and Chu Jin Yao actually made this picture? If it is not mentioned in advance, it will be in the street, and Su Mother can't recognize it. Chu Jin Yao stood on the corridor, and the black is like a cloud, and the lips is red. It is not inviolable, and it is even more eye-catching than the side of the court. The Su Mother still feels delicious, seeing other noble people, and how we don't dare to do other minds, but it is difficult to accept the Chu Jin Yao from a small call. It is difficult to accept it. .

The Su Mother got a circle and found that in addition to the face of several girls, the most central king did not have a different color. It is also, people are the mother of the county Wangfu, and I have never seen anything, a embroidered villa, saying that the county Wang Hao still feels inexplicable.

The Sui will add again, say: "There is a pavement in the name of the girls, so you can know what this pave is from?"

"Language?" Three girls stood in the crowd, couldn't help but secretly, "Can you come to the road, isn't the grandmother and father?"

The Sui mother earned, she exaggerated his head, said: "This is not. This shop is not the industry of Houfu, the real shopkeeper of Houfu, Wei, Houfu, there is no relationship, this embroidery, Wei Da The shopkeeper makes a five girls into the share. "

Mrs. Chu listened for a long time, but he listened to this ignorant saying that she was smirked and said: "I still have anything, it is these. I don't want the county Wang Hao, I have already known, their family The shopkeeper gives a five girls every month, I know. "

"Oh?" The county Wang Hao is very curious. "The dividends are not other, not the people who have been trustworthy. Why is the Wishwood cabinet white branch to five girls?"

"Said the leader." Mrs. Chu thought that these people did this, she disdain it, she didn't even show the county of Wang Hao. "Last year, five girls saved a child in the street, these things, all as used as Xie Li sent it. "

Mrs. Chu has a selfishness, I want to hide the Prince's family, I will take this thing. The county Wang Hao listened to the ear and gave birth to a lot of questions.

She also hooks with the store supplier, who will use the shopkeeper to use the paved pavement to make Xie Li? This is not too expensive, and it is said that there is no life. The county Wang Hao heard will hear himself, but also feel that the Changxing Houfu is engaged in ghost.

The Father of the Father attached to the ground. He didn't talk, and now it is nothing to put. Su Mother is very can't see the soft foot of Su Yafi, so I am squeezing to Su, sitting on the ground and crying, selling the power: "I originally a life-saving grace, but also secretly She said that the five girls are hard, and she doesn't want to raise her. But we came in the city in the past few days, I heard the buddy in the pavement said that they had the master of the house, Hu Qian Jin Bomei Smile. The Wei's hand is doing so, distinguished, there is another thought! "

Chu Lao's eyelids are heavy, and they are busy drinking the Sui: "You marinate the old woman, what are you talking about?"

The Sui took the lesion to cry: "You don't want to say that I am not good, you don't say that you are talking about it. Otherwise, who else will cut your own meat, do this?"

Xiao Yan hiding behind the pillar has been stealing the private language, and the county is in the heart, and the Mrs. Chu said is unknown. Now he listens to this mad woman, it seems to be such a thing.

Mrs, Mrs. Chu got angry, this involved the female name, can you say it? She immediately saved the two madmen, Su Mi Lisi, lying on the ground, crying, a "I poor." Looking at it, Chu Jin Yao took the initiative to hold the Chu Lao Mrs. The arm and said: "Grandmother, you will let people go, I told her two words."

Mrs. Chu endured, temporarily let Gu Xi will take people next to him.

Chu Jin Yao looked at the Sushu, who was lying on the ground, bought a stupid, which was raised her thirteen years. It was not to call these two people until two years ago. Chu Jin Miao's voice is surprisingly calm: "You can't just be able to praise people, you can practice my reputation, can there be evidence? You said that you said that the boy in the store said, but the gossip of the mi, It is an ordinary guy who can know? You are from a mouth, but you don't want to have anything to arrange anything. Now I have come to everyone. "

One of the Sui, immediately hammered the heart and called: "I raised you for thirteen years, and I have a big diaper. You actually bury me. I am suffering from so many years, I would rather I don't have enough. Feed you, and finally I have to be hit by you. You said that I will depends on you, but the Wei's head cabinet is this kind of thought, you don't know, can you still say it? "

Chu Jin Yao was blocked, the airway: "You are less here to arrange Weijia's shopkeeper, you have to come up!"

"This male woman is thinking about any evidence? You cassels this person, Wei Jia is awesome, is there such a thought? This is also looking for evidence!"

This is simply a nonsense, there is no evidence, and it is not allowed to make a voucher. It is "how I feel", "I can do it, there will be, I will have such a problem. However, the terrible Su Mother although rough, but it really smashed the soft ribs of the woman's reputation. Now that the ethics is strict, the world is very demanding for the reputation of the woman. If the person is seen, if you accidentally flow to the outside, the world will not say that the man is not, will only blame the woman who is not self-satisfied, and the woman is not doing anything. Now that the Su Mother is bullous, she can't get evidence, but can't make sense, but fall in someone else, it is Chu Jin Yao wrong.

The name of the woman who ruined a woman is too simple, even if the wind is facing, the air is windy, even if the family is more believed in the woman, but for the face and avoiding the suspicion, it will be with the woman.

The county Wang Hao is now this idea.

Although Wang Hao, the county, although this is awkward, but their home is Wangfu, such a noble door, some is a clerk woman can pick, she wants to find an unknown daughter-in-law? This woman is likely to say a way, give Chu Jin Yao, but ... case?

If it comes to the old prince today, this thing has to turn, but the county Wang Hao will not say Chu Jin Yao. Now he listens, immediately changed his idea, I feel that this is still needed.

Mrs. Chu, saw the face of the county, when the heart was cold. She quickly said that she said: "Full of her mouth, let them go out!"

The Sutu lie down and rolled over the ground: "Oh, we must make a trick, and the Hou Houfu dares to know ..."

Chu Jin Yao really can't help it, cold voice: "This is a fake thing, how long do you plan to play? Do you really think that I don't know your mind?"

"Can I have any thoughts, I am for you!"

Chu Jin Yao brugged: "It's so embarrassed to say, you are afraid that you are your daughter."

Chu Jin Miao Zhi is satisfied with standing on the side, cold and not to prevent Chu Yao to fire to her. Chu Jin was shocked, and quickly said: "You are not clean, you don't want to pull me with water. You have just said that you want to evidence, what are you talking, evidence?"

"You shut up." Chu Jin Yao glanced very paramunse, said, "said the wall on your own skirt yet hasn't wiped it."

Look at the lively girls, immediately turn to the head to see Chu Jin's skirt. The three girls quietly hit the arm of the six girls, whispered: "You look at that piece, it seems to be homoked."

The six girls shook their heads, and the three girls didn't talk. Chu Jin is confused, she wants to see her skirt, but I am afraid to leave the handle, hard to stand back. She didn't give it to the weak. "I don't know when I am gray on the skirt, but what can I explain? I don't even know them, what is the relationship with me."

"If you don't matter, what are you eager to clear?" Chu Jin Yao said, "no one said that you have a relationship with them, it is yourself to jump out to clarify."

Mrs. Chu saw a lot of trouble, so I broke it: "Okay, don't say it, this is specific, I will make people carefully, and I must give a fair statement."

Three girls smiled, obviously don't think about it. With Chu Lao's values ​​of Chu Jin Yao, naturally obscure this matter, find out the results, can you believe?

Mrs. Chu said to the county Wang Hao: "The county is sitting in the inside. He later tells the beginning and end of the country later."

The county Wang Hao is hesitant to nod, she is also a person who is a person, she is very believed in the so-called results of Chu Lao. However, in Houfu, how do you have to give Chu, Mrs. Chu's face, she nodded, let people go back to her house.

Mrs. Chu Lao is a sigh of relief, and there is no matter what the fierce, now, now the urgent needs to speak the county Wang Hao, let the county of Wang Hao agreed to be more than this.

Mrs. Chu only valued the interests and did not attend the truth.

Before entering the house, Yang Xiaoxia said unintentionally: "The five girls are really good, there is a great mother who protects her."

After the county Wang Hao listened, his face was more and more.

At the time of Su Father, a person who watched Houfu had to pull them, and suddenly shouted. Si Prefecture, the same, Si Father, did not shout: "We are in a good heart to ventilate, you don't grate, don't you say, now I have to make a trick?"

Sutu is a rolling of the yard, screamed: "It is necessary to give good princes, there is no king!"

Chu Ji Yao's hand shakes, she knows that if people really pull the Sutong Sui, she can't say clearly whether the final result is. The result is bad, others will say she is alive, the result is good, these people will also say yin and yang strangely: "She bought the mouthful of the card."

It's really a disaster, Chu Jin Yao looked at the performance of the Suiyu and ugly. She closed her eyes, suddenly opened to Gu Wei: "You and stay, I have a fortune, what is wrong, You can understand the face of everyone. "

Gu Wei advised: "Girl, they are a crude farmer, why do you want to dialogue with them?"

"Even the farmers, but they will pull me big. She put it in the past, I have to call them a good mother."

Gu Yixiao is stiff and stiff: "Girl ..."

"Don't be uncomfortable, this is the truth, there is nothing wrong with it." Chu Jin Yao said, "You let go first, I will talk to them."

Gu Wei is embarrassed, she retracts half a step, looks up and see the indication of the Mrs. Chu.

And Chu Jin Yao has standing in front of Sui, the Su Mother is lying on the ground, and after the Chu Jin Yao station, the Sui is lying and Chu Jin Yao stands, the Sushu face is thicker, and it will not be able to turn around. The ground climbs up from the ground.

Chu Jin Yao faced the Su Mother and said: "I called you a mother, so you have to do anything to me, I have been returned to Houfu, I read it in your kindness. Nor did it talk to anyone. However, I respect you when you have a long elder, but you want me to die. "

Su Ya listened to it, Chu Jin Yao did not give her this opportunity, continue: "When you are young, how do you have to me? Counting the winter, you let me go to the river to wash clothes, my sister secretly give I came to hot water. After you saw it, you are fined with my face, I will punish me for a day. You let me go to the hill on the mountain, after I come back, you But I kick, but I still have a lazy do, and Su Sheng sleeps all day long in bed, but you can't see it. "

Chu Jin Yao said that there was a bit swallowed. She took a deep breath and she took a breath. I looked at the Sun: "Yes, how did you come to do so today, why don't you come? You must feel that Su Sheng is People who have known well-known, can not throw their heads, can't come to others to do these places. You are from small eccentric, not to call me, I recognize, who makes me a girl? But I know now, you are not It's just like this to me! You know that I am not your daughter in the morning, so I will give me a good meal, I feel that it is good. However, when you are torture me. What day is your biological daughter at Houf #, she is a jade food, servant is like a cloud, my parents relatives really hurt her! "

Linglong listened to the uncomfortable, tears: "Girl ..." Chu old lady on the side heard angry: "They dare to be like this?"

Chu Jin Yao finally said that he said in a better thing. She didn't pay out the outsiders, continue to say: "At the beginning, you deliberately change me, I want your daughter to live a good day, then I didn't have my father. I will be bluff in this life. Since my father finds me back, the man looks forward, I haven't planned more than the past. However, now your daughter has passed a rich day, she Still the four ladies of the Changxing Houfu, what do you want? Why do you want to jump out of my life, I owe you? "

Some people in the yard can't hear it. It is not to hear it again, and the people in the county are not tolerant. For those who can't step on the ground, they can think about what extent. The people next to him feel angina, and the parties in Chu Jin Yao are calm. Her grievances and uncomfortable have long been finished.

Su Ya and Sui were in the face of Chu Jin Yao, and I was asked to retreat again and later, and I couldn't say it. And this is not finished, what is the use of previous accounts, these pain have passed, Chu Jin Yao really wants to count, it is now this account.

Chu Jin Yao suppressed the emotions of rolling and continued: "Because you, I have been a bitter day outside, and the frostbite on the hand in the winter is fine. Because you, my biological mother and I don't close. It is still a mustard with me now. And now, in order to Chu Jin Miao, have you harm me again? Why do you pick it up today, why don't you say anything else, ignore my name? No internal people, you can't agree with the two outsiders. How can you go here. Your mind is really screwed, I am afraid that I have blocked your biological daughter's way, but you still say that it is I'm good?"

Zhao said that Chu Jin Yao said that he had surprised and accidentally surprised after Su Jia. She lives in the rich people in their lives, and the four sides are not in the grain. She thought that she was in the countryside, but only worse than the wearing is different. There is no difference between the other and Houfu. Now listening to Chu Jin Yao, she knows how much she is wrong.

Zhao's mouth lips watered a creep, but I wanted to say, but I didn't have a chance. She didn't know that Chu Jin Yao came in the past that if she knew, she won't neglect Chu Jin Yao. When Zhao's heard Chu Jin Yao said that the mother and she did not close it, Zhao was a knife, and couldn't help but cried.

And the Suichi was asked by Chu Jin Yao, and it was already panicked. One of these questions also said, she is doing according to the arrangement of Chu Jin, Su Mother does not dare to come to Chu Mili, and I don't want to look at it. Taoism: "You have a complaint about us. It is our own business, don't involve things on others, what is the four girls? "

Chu Jin Yao smiled in self-launted: "You are not tapped with me, but the strange woman who only saw a few faces was maintained. Sure enough, the daughter of the biological daughter is different."

Chu Jin wonderful things are far away, he heard this sentence: "Chu Jin Yao, you will pay attention, I don't know them, don't take these two townships and me."

Chu Jin Yao laminated the Su Fiao Mother: "Hearing no, you will have a great guilty for her to lose money, but she still is quizs you. You can come here, you will lose your way. Otherwise, how can her dress on the wall on her skirt. "

"You have a lot of mouth!" Chu Jin is confused, "I have evidence," Do you dare to spray it here? I don't know them here, and the gray on the skirt is going to take a walk. "

"You dare to say that you have never been to the second door, I have never seen Su family three?"

Chu Jinmao bite his teeth: "I dare."

Chu Jin Yao and Chu Jin were dead, and Wang Hao, the county, said to the Mrs. Chu Lao: "The old lady, the two ladies of the Guard are ."

Mrs. Chu is embarrassed, the woman is the most important thing is supple, and the mouth is not the advantage. The Rongning Tang, the court suddenly ran in a person, and people saw Su Fi Su Mother, and suddenly got her face.

"How come you come here?" Su Hui got a toothache, and the hand pulled up the Sui's mother was going out. "I said that you are gods in God, it is to bully Yaoyao. She Have good, do you let her not let her? "

Mrs. Chu wrinkled: "Who is this? How can people come in?"

Lin Xiyuan and Lin Xun Ning's voice were raised from the outside, and the two young masses came together.

"It is we brought." I said, "I heard that someone in the backyard will come together with the world. We just saw this woman in the door. I asked her five sisters. I can say that she can say that the Shi said that she is really a report, she has brought it together. "

The county Wang Hao met his son, and his expression was mitred. She said softly: "How do you come over?"

Lin Xi did not speak, he looked at this wolf borrowed in the yard and asked: "What happened?"

Su Hui used to Lusu mother went out: "You are so province, you can't see Yaoyao from small, now people go home, what do you run? Your people are now, you will come back with me!" Su Hui side twisted the Suiyu, while said to Chu Lao and the county Wang Hao: "People Su Hui, once a five girls' sister. I have a problem with my brain, I usually love said something, I have been in front This is like this in the village, and a few days of madness have been made, and many other people don't want to be true. "

It turned out to be the daughter of the couple. Several ladies present were suddenly realized, since their daughters came out, it seems that this is unclear with the couple. Chu Lao's face is a loose, said: "For a long time, it turned out to be a madman. It turned out to have a five girls, it is really no disaster."

The expression of the county Wang Hao is loose, and when it is a mad? Chu Jin Miao saw something bad, when she hated the teeth, she said inadvertently: "Is it a brain? But I see them talking to doing things, unlike people, a child. This kind of cursing parents can not tell, clearly, I just see that they are very organized. "