Mrs. Chu heard the words of the old king, and he was half-embarrassing: "What do you say?"

In addition to the flower hall, Chu Jin Yao was called by Yang Xiaoxia: "Five girls, stay."


Yang Xiaoxia looked at Chu Jin Yao and smiled strangely. Because of the mood, her eyes are extremely bright, the smile in the eyes is not uncomfortable: "It is rare to see Chu Lao, and in order to give old princes, five girls, this time Chu Lao lady personally Have you come to the county Wangfu, why? "

Chu Jin Yao understood, Yang Xiaoxia, I am afraid that I have heard what the wind is, now I will show off the feathers. Chu Jin Yao did not want to pay attention to her, turned to go outside, and Yang Xiaoxia refused to easily let Chu Jin Yao, specializing in chasing from behind: "Five girls, you have not returned, how can you go? Oh By the way, how is your father's mother, your family's friendship, it is really touched. "

If it is just aimed at her own, Chu Jin Yao is too lazy, but Yang Xiaoxia is really excessive, and it actually pulling the Southern Mother, but also use this tone. Chu Jin Yao stopped, look back and looked at her: "Yang girl, doing people to leave a line, there is a good evening. You don't have to accumulate it, you will not come back."

Yang Yixia is like what is so funny news, gainful, the whole person smiles, the branches: "Things now, you still dare to threaten me? It's really laughing. Chu Jin Yao, you think you are What about the old people in the eyes? I may wish to tell you directly, your dreams, including your family, I'm very happy. You are grateful to grab someone else, and finally don't want to return to the original. Some Things, who is who is, how do some people feel good, and they will not be gone! "

Chu Jin Yao smiled soared, couldn't help but say: "Yang girl, you do this marriage, don't necessarily. Have these kung fu and me Yao Yangwei, it is better to see the book, learn."

"Oh you!" Yang Yixia was born in Chu Jin Yao, and she was angry, and her heart, the heart, let Chu Jin Yao lost his face. Yang Yixia scared and said: "You are now mad, after all, after all, you have to give me tea, but I am now a madness."

Chu Jin Yao listened to this and frown: "What do you say?"

Yang Xiaoyan gave a down, deliberately to pull the tone: "Oh, is there a five girls don't know, the old princess feels that you don't match the chamber, but you can't bear to make you marry, so I plan to let you give the Shizi cousin. . "

Chu Jin Yao seems to sound the thunder, almost surprising that she can't stand. Yang Yixia saw Chu Jin Yao's face whitening, she laughed: "You are on the side, can you give me a tea? Hey, I have to call you a sister. Five younger sister?"

Chu Jin Yao's face has faded, she has identified that Huaoling County Wangfu actually dares so much. She thought that this thing is nothing more than the county Wangfu satisfied, if satisfied, then they are happy to be a family, if not satisfied, then it is completely refined, and the male marriage is married, no one can delay who. However, how can the Queen Wang House be destroyed this, clearly says that it is okay, but let her do it? The side of the side is so good, can be on the royal jade saucer, but is this?

Chu Jin Yao is cold, and there is a disappointment of the county Wangfu. It is also unwilling to be embarrassed. What did she do wrong? The Sufu Mother came to the door to smear her reputation. She is also a victim. If the county Wangfu felt that this will bring their own reputation, then the mouth is back, why do you want to be insulting her?

Chu Jin Yao fingers, I don't know if it is a wind blow, and Yang Xiaoxia is not to follow Chu Jin Yao to follow him: "Five sisters, how is your face? Is it too cold outside?"

Chu Jin Yao couldn't help, cold and cold looked at Yang Xiaoxia: "If I am you, I will not say these irritated me now, but I will find a place, I hide myself."

Yang Xiaoxia was scared by Chu Jin Yao's eyes, and then he didn't see weakly. "What happened, what is wrong? What is it hiding?"

"Since you don't see the coffin doesn't fall tears, then I will remind you a few words." Chu Jin Yao's cold is converted to the topic, "Yang girl, you can remember the end of the year, you have done it with Lanze. ?"

Yang Yixia leaks two shots. She also put it asked, forcibly evil: "What are you talking about, I don't know."

"Chu Jin Mili wants to lie to me to change clothes, the little encountered at the door is yours? I said how to find this person in Wangfu, because I originally, this is not the county Wangfu Next person. If you left, do you want to hear me to continue? "

Yang Xixia is honest, biting his lips. Chu Jin Yao glanced at her, saying faintly: "If you are so knowing, why don't you have no face? I have been too lazy to say you, but you have to jump in front of me. I tell you, if you dare to provoke me , I will tell the old king, you are more clear than me. When I arrive, I can congratulate you in advance, becoming the side of the world. "

After Chu Jin Yao, I swept the cold and glanced at Yang Xiaoxia, and I turned myself. Linglong is so busy, she doesn't seem like Chu Jin Yao, but in turn is full of anxiety and fear, almost overflows: "Girl, if she is telling, what do we do?"

"What should I do if it is proved." Chu Jin Yao is going to step, and the face is calm to terrible, "grandmother?"

Linglong saw Chu Jin Yao's face and secretly felt shocked. I heard Chu Jin Yao asked, she didn't dare to neglect, quickly replied: "The old lady speaks in front and the old king."

Chu Jin Yao is headed and going towards the front hall. Mrs. Chu heard the words of the old king, and she knew that she couldn't help but only bad things, so Chu's wife did not attack, but according to the gas, continue and the old king said: "The old family, we are also ten The old acquaintances in the coming year, the beads were the next pair of children in Wangfu, and she couldn't pick up these years. "

Old Wang Yan squinted, smiled: "The old couple is naturally good."

"Before there, there is a five girls in our family. The old family should know that our daughter is good. We are the family of ten years. Now the beads are also filialize you in the house, you will fall in our home. ? "

"Mrs. Chu said," Lao Wang, "We also know that the five girls are a good child, but she and her parents, even with the shopkeeper, now there is still no statement. Chu, our Wangfu is also paying attention to people, so unclear, how do you rest assured? "

Mrs. Chu, I still want to persuade, let the old prince re-establish Chu Jin Yao is Zhengfei, but she hasn't waited for her to say that the door is suddenly pushed. I saw it, but I didn't stop it, but Mrs. Chu and the old king heard the shouts. They stopped and turned to the door.

The precious wooden door was pushed away by people. He followed the couple and advised: "Chu five girls, the ancestors are talking inside, disturbing! You can't go in."

Chu Jin Yao ignored the blocked people, she gained the Mrs. Chu and the old king, did not flash, not flashing: "Grandmother."

Mrs. Chu seems to feel, stand up and ask: "How come you?"

There is also a lot of people who want to stop in Chu Jin Yao, Chu Jin Yao is impatient, leaving the threshold to the old lady to come: "Grandmother, male marriage, women, you are you love, I Not rare to marry their home. We are going! "

Old Wang Hao was angry, "" Let's talk, what do you say? "

Mrs. Chu listened to Chu Jin Yao, and she was also suffering from the mouth of the enclosure. But the lady of Chu is still a signs, people are here, she says it, maybe there is a turning machine?

Chu Jin Yao came over and pulled the Mrs. Chu, but the voice was not strong enough: "Grandmother, this wait, I can't see the unbelievable people, let's go home."

Mrs. Chu looked at Chu Jin Yao firmly, suddenly calmed down. Is there anyone who made her granddaughter? According to the old lady, it is also the goddess in the palace. Mrs. Chu returned to Chu Jin Yao's hand and said: "Well, let's go back."

Old Wang Hao has just been helping to stand up, heard these words, if he didn't pick it up. She flew her finger to Chu Jin Yao and Chu, said: "You, you ..."

Mrs. Chu did never felt this to make this eyebrow, she returned to the old Wang Hao: "It is already good to repent, and even can say that the wife is the words. The county Wangfu is really a rule, and our Changxing Houfu Gao Pan can't afford! This do you have a job, let's make it. "

After that, Mrs. Chu did not wait for the old king to react, and she took Chu Jin Yao and her. After the old printed, the old lady said something, the more anger, the eyebrows, obviously what they can't see Chu Jin Yao, why do you let Chu family say a pro? It seems that the county Wangfu is rejected!

And I don't mention how old Wang Hao is angry. After Chu Lao came out from the old king, immediately let the , let a few girls pick up things home.

Chu Jin Miao is careful, and after seeking the county, the Zhang has taken her. Cool is not secret to the message to stand, Chu Jinming plans to be disrupt, very angry: "Ok, how to go?"

"Four girls, you have a good action, the old lady is not very happy today."

Chu Jin Miao flies, and fell to go out. When I arrived in two, Chu Jin was found to be inexplicable, even Chu Zhu is surprised.

"Mother, you are going to go? Are you talking to my mother-in-law? What is going on? I haven't said to talk to you."

Chu Zhu is inexplicable, and Mrs. Chu is in distressed, but the water married to the daughter, now Chu Zhu is Lin Jiaren, Chu, Mrs. Chu, said: "You go back, let's go first. "

"Hey, mother ..."

The carriage of Changxing Houfu gave birth to a person, and it was unclear, so it was standing in place.

Lin Xiyuan has been holding this matter in the past few days, and he even sent people to explore the Mother of Su Shi. The result of the hand can pass back, Lin Xiyuan can only wait anxiously. Today, he heard that Chu Jin Yao came, and immediately ran to the backyard, but after he came, he only saw Chu Zhu. Chu Zhiti stands at the door of the flowers, and his eyes in front of it. Lin Xi is surrounded by an eye, I don't understand: "Two, how can I only have you? What about Houfu?"

Chu Zhu said that there was no goodness: "Just gone, you can see a tea will come again."

"Get?" Lin Xi is extremely unexpected. "Why did they go so soon?"

"I don't know." Chu Zhu said, "Let's go to ask the ancestor."

After Lin Xiyuan heard this from his own family, he almost thought that the old king was joking.

"Grandmother, what are you talking about? It is clear that it is a martial author, how can it be a side?"

The old king slammed his eyepiece, lying on the Luo Hao bed, let Xiaoyang hit a fan: "Far, you are the life of the whole family, your world should be the best woman in the world. Don't say words to German It is a personality, but also a good time, perfect. The five girls of Changxing Houfu, she didn't have this blessing. "

"Grandmother, how do you know that she is not the best girl in the world." Lin Xi said with anger. "In my heart, she is the best woman. You have a ridiculous woman today, after coming out, our county Wangfu What else is it? Since it is given me a wife, then I said to count. "After that, Lin Xiyuan walked outward.

Old Wang Hao listened to anger, half-shaped, smashed with Suner's back: "You will come back! Marriage is the parent's words, don't you still want to do marriage? You don't want yourself. Name sound, no matter what woman's life? "

Lin Xiyuan is extremely angry, but he heard the old king's words, he had to endure the gas station: "No ..."

"Since you don't have this idea, then you will go back. This thing, I have my mother and your mother."

"But my grandmother ..."

"I know." The old king eased the look, and she was comfortable with Lin Xi. "I didn't know it originally, this is not considered. Since I know what you mean, I will naturally treat it."

After many years, Lin Xi is still remorse. He at the time, if you ask more, then how much.

Lin Xiyuan looked at the old Wang Hao's love and gentle eyes, and finally believed his grandmother: "Well, then he is a master of grandchildren."

Mrs. Chu, rejected the old prince with a gong, and returned to Changxing Houfu. But when she sat in Rongning Tang, after calm a moment, I feel regret.

At that time, she relieved the old prince, but she was so comfortable, but what should I do?

Many of the children of Chu Jin Yao and the county Wang House have a ear to hear. Before they came to come and close, they were in the eyes of the outside, but now, suddenly, Chu Jin Yao, no wedding, how? Want Chu Jin Yao?

Even if the Mrs of Chu is missing this family, don't say that the outside people say that the county of the county Wangfu is going to Bundlor, except for the sympathy with sympathy Chu Jin Yao, what will be used? The Shi is still nothing to say. On the contrary, after Chu Jin Yao exits, some is to picked up the Queen of the county. But is Chu Jin Yao? Can you say good people?

What's more, Chu Zhu is still in the county Wangfu, and Mrs. Chu is not able to tear face with the old king.

Mrs. Chu thought about it at night, the next day, she made Zhao's Pen's Geng's post, she personally selected.

Previously many ladies tried to ask Chu Jin Yao's marriage. At that time, Mrs. Chu was full of Chu Jin Yao to do the world, where did these people? Now, the world is not yet, Chu Lao is in a hurry, and then pick it up from the people who have theges, where can you pick it up.

Mrs. Chu was silent for two days. At the third day, I finally called Chu Jin Yao and said: "What do you see?"

Chu Jin Yao is very unexpected: "Isn't it over? Their family deceived too much, I want me to give them a family, I will dream."

Mrs. Chu looked at Chu Jin Yao, just like a child who was looking at a positive rebellious period, Mrs. Chu said: "You are a good heart is good, but life is in the world, you can't rely on qi. Because I was busy with the county Wangfu, I delayed it to tell you, and now many ladies know what you and the world. If this is suddenly known to be yellow, I am afraid that it is not good for you. "

Chu Jin Yao listened to listening, I simply felt a big open eye. She is unbelievably wide-wide: "But my grandmother, they let me do the side, not the world! The aunt is still doing two rooms in Houfu, if I really want to be sovered, give people the side, then you let the aunt How is the cousin? "

"Royal, can you be the same as ordinary people?"

"But they are not surnamed Qin! Even if you surname Qin, what makes me do?"

"Domestic mouth!" Mrs. Chu is simply being scared by Chu Jin Yao. "What is Qin of Qin Qin, the task is what you can say? Who teaches you this?"

Chu Jin Yao bites his lips and said, "No one teaches."

Mrs. Chu, I feel that my heart returned to my stomach. She looked at Chu Jin Yao, I couldn't help but sighed, and I was suffering: "Jin Yao, life is in the world, there will always be a lot of helplessness. If there is better Choose, I will not say this, I also want you to be grateful to the wind and light, and give the Huaoliang County Wangfu, there is no face. However, the world is not as good as us! "

Mrs. Chu said, rare swallowed: "This is probably a human life, obviously a good girlfriend, it is not a good person. I am young, it is like this, it is still like this. "

The light in Chu Jin Yao gradually became silent. She understood the Mrs. Chu, and Mrs. Chu did find a way. However, the result of the matter is such a unfair, and the person who is destroyed is not damaged, but she has to face none. People can marry. Mrs. Chu, I saw Chu Jin Yao, continue to say: "You can rest assured, the county Wangfu, they losses, after a few days, I will definitely find someone to do a speaker, and when you cry, let's show, I will give it a little. You seek to say. Even side, let them give you no less than the positive room. "

Chu Jin Yao, the more I feel, I can't help but say: "Grandmother, say, they are a county Wangfu, although it is higher than our door, but can be high? We are also Zheng Houfu, father Also hand in the right, why do you want to do this like this, let our own daughter to give them a sister? "

"If it is the front of the Wauling County Wangfu, the old king dare to say that when we do the girl, I will ignore her, maybe it will be in this way. However, now they have different past days, want to blow wings. Ah. "Mrs. Chu said," Since you have asked here, then I told you too. Lin Jia spent a big price, the trustee gave the old lady of the Zhenbei Houfu speaking. Mrs. Zhenbei Houfu Have been happy, talked, to enter the palace and the Queen's leader said. You can know what people in the town of Beihai? "

"I know." Chu Jin Yao has some gods, low and low ground, "Zhenbei Hou is the brother of the Queen's Niangniang, the sate of the prince."

Mrs. Chu, "You don't know? You know it, the province, I explain it. Since you know the background of the town Beibu, you should know, although we are the Houfu, but our family and people are completely Can't be better. Zhenbei Houfu is the Queen's Niangjia, Tianzi, Princess Prince, I have to retreat to avoid it, the people in the gate of Zhenbei Houfu are still decent. Lin family can find people to say Tong Town The old lady of Houfu, the position of the prince, basically has been very stable. Qi Lao is the Queen's brother, she speaks, the queen will not be able to resolve, and the emperor is listening to the Queen, as long as the queen is quasi, then This can be checked. Because of this, the old Wang Hao and the county Wang Hao dare to move this mad, because of their home, there is a prince! "

Chu Jin Yao dialect almost in the mouth, but in the end, she still reluctant. The Prince was because of the lofty queen, and the Little Queen is like a water fire, even if there is a thorough word to the town Beifu. Huaing County Wangfu went to Xiaqi to walk, really to say pro?

I am afraid not to be ambidating.

But these words Chu Jin Yao did not say. The prince, the queen is too far away, and the county is the wrong person, but if it is really in Xiaoyi, it will not be able to do it, if it is not a singer, change the emperor, Wang Hao is still ok. The county owner is not bad, no matter how it is almost, it is really worried, in fact, Chu Jin Yao himself.

Mrs. Chu also said: "Huaoliang County Wangfu makes our family's girls, this is the mother of them, but if you change into the mother of the Prince, do you say that you are not proper?"

Naturally it is. Single the Wyeling County Wangfu is still an ordinary power, if the county is maincoming the Taizi, then Lin family will become the second town of Bei Houfu, jump into the top of this class. Let a miss that can't do the last generation of the Houfu, it is more than enough.

Chu Jin Yao closed his eyes, heart-hearted: "Grandmother must so? Can I not marry?"

The author has something to say: New people group [Zhenbei Houfu] [royal people] To debut, Chu Jin Yao wants to update social installation package ~