You can search for "Daily Search Novels of the Dimension Traveler (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After that meeting, Gao Qiumin's long-depressed knot was finally untied. She picked up the paintbrush again and continued to paint "Animal Paradise" with the assistance of Zhai Yongyuan.

Ye Yixu believes that this "Project to Save the White Rabbit" has been successfully completed.The white rabbits and their world should have been sealed and merged into the "Final Yan", it is only a matter of time.

But on this day, an unexpected stumbling block appeared.

"Ye Yixu! Is Ye Yixu here!"

He heard his voice before seeing him.But even if he saw him, Ye Yixu still didn't know who he was.

The uninvited guest is a tall and fat middle-aged man. He glared at the audience with his gaze, blocking the entrance of the office area where the Dimensional Breakthrough was like a mountain.

"Ye Yixu! Come out for me!"

The man yelled again, and he squeezed into the room so hard that he could hardly stop the horse-mask receptionist on duty today.

Ye Yixu had to get up and walked to the troublemaker who he didn't even know in full view.

"Hello, sir, is there anything wrong?" Ye Yixu still had to maintain basic politeness.

"You are Ye Yixu?" The man looked him up and down.

Ye Yixu nodded, and then the opponent threw something on him.He picked it up and saw it was his business card.This made Ye Yixu even more confused. He didn't remember that he had sent his business card to the guy in front of him, and he couldn't even remember what he had done that would make people come to the house to settle accounts.

"You instigated my daughter to do those things, do you know that she is now in her second year of high school!"

Daughter... Sophomore year... Ye Yixu's words made Ye Yixu grab some pieces of information.

Could this guy be...

"Oh! Why did you really come here!" This time it was a female high school student wearing blue sneakers.

Ye Yixu understood in an instant that the troublemaker was Gao Qiumin's father.

"I'm sorry, my dad caused you trouble." Gao Qiumin apologized to Ye Yixu, while pulling her dad out of the door.

Gao Qiumin once said that her parents were particularly against her drawing cartoons.They were already disgusted when Li Qingning was still there. Later, they reiterated that Gao Qiumin gave up drawing cartoons. At that time, she agreed to this request because of sadness and guilt.Now she is secretly "returning to her old business". After being discovered by her father, not only is she scolded, but even the people who persuaded her to redraw the comics cannot escape the blame.

Dad Gao easily broke free of his daughter's restraint, and his fingers touched Ye Yixu, and he said angrily:

"You guy is a liar, today I will expose your lies!"

Even though his anger had already rushed to the top of his head, Ye Yixu tried his best to keep the surface calm.

"Dad Gao, I think there are some misunderstandings between us. Talking here will affect everyone's office. Why don't we go to the meeting room and talk again."

They all said that they would not hit the smiley with their hands. Dad Gao couldn't burn his unilateral anger, so he had to follow Ye Yixu to the meeting room.

"The mysterious wife is actually a minor in high school, and the father-in-law came to scold the son-in-law as a liar?! Tsk tsk, this drama is too exciting!" Ms. Lo picked up her goji berry health tea and tasted it deliciously.

"The loan shark was killed by the debtor, and he lost his daughter and lost money?! I can't help! I can still chase a thousand chapters of this novel!" The fat man grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing with relish.20 Novel Network

Among the trio of gossip, only Zi Mao had a conscience. He was worried about the development of the situation, so he secretly followed.

"Papa Gao, in fact, I can understand why you are so opposed to Gao Qiumin's drawing cartoons. Are you worried that she will not have a proper job in the future and will not have a stable job? But in fact, drawing cartoons can also be a serious profession. There are many professions in our company. Gao Qiumin is an art artist, and she is very talented in drawing comics. Maybe we can become colleagues in the future." Ye Yixu said.

"Really? Is it really possible for me to join your company!" Gao Qiumin's eyes gleamed, but her father's glaring extinguished him in the next second.

"I spent so much money for her to study art, so that she could draw comics in the future? How much money can I make by drawing comics! Look at Master Yin Liri Yin, who can draw just two strokes for 10,000 yuan? !"

"How many Master Yin can there be in this world..." Ye Yixu whispered.

"What are you talking about?!" Gao Dad's roar was accumulating power.

Ye Yixu quickly shook his head to deny, only to escape.

"Anyway, I would not agree with my daughter to continue drawing that shit comic..."

"I want to draw, I want to draw! That's our painstaking effort, it's not a shit!" Gao Qiumin got more excited as he said, "I have promised that drawing comics will not affect my study, nor will it occupy my practice. When I’m painting, I only paint in my spare time after class. Why do you care about me!"

Sure enough, the tiger father had no dogs, and her daughter's outbreak shocked her father.

"Oh, what kind of magic do you think you are... painting that thing is nameless and unprofitable, what are you doing!"

What is the picture... People who can ask this sentence probably can't understand the stubborn "power generation with love".Ye Yixu sighed helplessly in his heart.

However, since this is a negotiation between people in society, Ye Yixu has also made a good sense of contributing half of his salary.

"In fact, it is profitable. Gao Qiumin and their works have successfully passed the preliminary review. Even if they fail to pass the final review, they will not be included in the public promotion works of this event. They will receive a good bonus!" Ye Yi Xu decided to do the fake show, at least to give the "labor fees" to others.

Gao Qiumin waved his hand quickly, "I painted to complete the agreement with Xiao Ning, not for bonuses."

"Huh!" Dad Gao snorted contemptuously, of course the object he despised was not his daughter, but Ye Yixu."If you don't mention it, I almost forgot about it! Don't think I didn't know you were lying!"

"I didn't..." Ye Yixu's momentum weakened in an instant, and she was not emboldened to lie!

"I checked on your company's official website and contacted your official phone number. There is no campus promotion activity as you mentioned! If it weren't for you to lie to people, such a large-scale activity, why there is no news on the Internet? "Papa Gao is worthy of being an old gangster, Ye Yixu's skill in a three-legged cat simply can't deceive others.

Just when Ye Yixu couldn't hold on and was about to tell the truth, suddenly someone pushed the door and came in, and that person was actually Zi Mao.

I saw him holding three full water glasses in both hands, walking staggeringly.Everyone squeezed a sweat for him, until he put the water glass on the table safe and sound, everyone was relieved, and the originally tense situation was temporarily relieved.

"The reception is not good, the reception is not good." Zimao quickly apologized.

"It's okay, you can go back first." Ye Yixu wanted to spread the purple hair away, but he didn't want his younger generation to be there when his lie was exposed.

"Brother Yixu, in fact, I am not only here to send water, but there is also a notice to tell you." Zimao continued, "This classmate’s cartoon has been officially selected as the first batch of outstanding campus works promotion activities. The work will be published on the company's homepage next month, and bonuses and certificates will also be issued at that time."

Gao Qiumin was stunned, Gao's father was stunned, even Ye Yixu was stunned.

What's the situation?!!!