The Dean Has Arrived

Chapter 263: Attacking Goblin

In the all-wood traditional hotel room, four young girls are sitting around the table. The flickering candlelight on the table makes the atmosphere between them look a little eerie and strange.www.мdyzww.ммmм

After silence enveloped the four for a while, Riddle took a breath and showed a serious expression.

"I think..." He paused, looked around at the other people, and then said, "Is it better to open the window? Isn't it wasteful to light candles before it gets dark?"

"This is the atmosphere!" Kamiyu immediately objected: "Although I don't know why, all the secret conversation plots in knight novels are like this."

The depressive atmosphere just now has disappeared because the spoiler between Riddle and Camiu has disappeared. The girl Dorothy who has always felt a little uncomfortable finally relaxes, picking up the toast on the table and tearing it into small pieces. There was a grumbling in his mouth.

"It is written in the novel to prevent the content of the conversation from leaking. We as magicians don't need to close the doors and windows like ordinary people. As long as a soundproof barrier is fine."

"Have you learned there?" Tannis seemed to want to reach out for the toast at first, but after being a step ahead by the girl, he could only retreat and retract his hand-because of the stinginess of the halfling, it is attached after booking. The food presented is only a piece of toast...

"I remember the soundproofing barrier is very behind the content." In order to cover up his embarrassment, Xiao Pangdun could only find some topics casually.

I don't know if I didn't eat before I found Kamiyo and they just thought the toast tasted good.The girl quickly finished a piece of toast like a hamster.But although the speed is very fast, the girl did not show the ugliness of starving ghosts.On the contrary, she maintained her usual elegant posture. From this point of view, Dorothy's tutor should be very good.

"One of the benefits of the picket committee is to be able to obtain additional guidance from Professor Franken."

The girl took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth: "So we generally have a little more than you."

After talking, Dorothy glanced at Kamiyo who was staring at her again: "What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking," Kamiyu stared at the girl's two hair curlers on her chest, and said hesitantly: "How about we order another long berry roll?"

"no need!"

(Note: Long Berry Roll is a kind of bread originating in the west of Huolian. The shape is a bit like a croissant, but the long strawberry juice is added during the baking process. The taste is sweet and soft. It is popular throughout the eastern plains. This is Kami Especially spit out Dorothy’s drill-shaped curls...)

Kamiyou shook his head regretfully, and then ignored the girl's almost bursting anger, his face immediately sank, and he asked very solemnly: "Then please ask Dorothy classmate..."

"Call me Tyler!"

"Okay~Taylor." Kamiyo shrugged indifferently and continued: "Just ask Taylor to retell the information about the treasure chest."

The girl cast a white glance at Kamiyo, and after clearing her throat, she recounted her experience.

Most of the members of the picket committee are stronger than ordinary students, plus they are different from ordinary students who form teams temporarily.They were already divided into teams when they became pickets, and they continued to work together.Sufficient strength and a good spirit of collaboration make them often move faster than ordinary students. Of course, the five-member group Dorothy is in is the same.

In fact, even in the Kamiyo group, which ranks top among all students in terms of overall strength, the Dorothy group, with its strength and number, still leads the opponent by nearly a day after choosing a similar path. !

However, when passing through that huge forest.A wind elemental expert magician in charge of the investigation found a large number of goblin creatures gathering somewhere.

After a series of investigations, according to various signs, there should be a treasure chest there.

Because it was very interesting, the Dorothy team planned to try to attack that treasure chest...

"Wait a minute!" Kamiyu interrupted Dorothy's memory loudly: "What's the reason for'because I find it interesting'?! Are you kids!"

"Are we kids?" Dorothy (10 years old) asked rhetorically with an unclear face.

"..." Kamiyo (12 years old) was silent.

So the memories continue.

Although the Dorothy group is indeed only a child, it has been educated by the elite of Adrian College (...).They will not rush forward rashly.

In fact, they did make and implement a very good plan.With the help of three people, all the goblin creatures in the periphery were taken away, and the remaining two took the opportunity to seize the treasure chest.

However, what they didn't expect was that when the treasure chest capture team could not find the treasure chest, they were surrounded by two bear goblins.

Panicked, Dorothy, who had fled, separated from another member of the treasure chest capture group and came to this halfling village alone.

If it is not because of the name book (a strange item, you can use this item to see the status of other students after entering the gate of the trial. The white name is normal, the gray is out, and the green is the trial has passed). The name was still white, and Dorothy thought that her companions had been knocked out by those monsters.

It is precisely because the names of her companions have not changed that she stayed in this village, trying to wait for her companions to come.

"I always feel that this treasure chest is not easy to hold..." Kamiyo listened to the girl's memories, arms crossed his chest, and a pensive expression: "Riddle, what do you think?"

"The most important thing is the location of the treasure chest, right?" Riddle thought for a while and replied: "The most difficult thing about collecting wild honey in the mountains is not how to deal with the bees, but how to find the hive."

Then the two turned their eyes to Tannis, who hadn't spoken much since just now.

"I have a question." Probably sensing the gazes of the two, Tannis raised his head and asked the girl: "What kind of goblin do you mean by goblin creatures?"

"There are many, dust goblin, sharp claw goblin, swollen nose goblin, etc..." Dorothy broke her hands cutely and began to count.

"But the problem is..."

Tannis's eyes shone brightly: "When we came from that forest, all we met were the black goblins."

"……No way."

The black goblin is cruel and greedy by nature, and even other goblin creatures who are distant relatives cannot tolerate it.Around their tribe, apart from bear goblins whose strength is better than them, it is impossible for there to be more than a certain number of other goblin creatures.

Just as the girl and the little fat man looked at each other, there seemed to be some commotion outside the window.

Riddle, the most alert, ran over and opened the window.

In an instant, crying, roaring, screaming...a series of voices poured into the room.

"What the hell is going on?!" Dorothy squeezed her wand tightly, her knuckles becoming a little pale because of excessive force.If you look closely, you can still find that this little girl is shaking undetectably.

"It's a black goblin!" Kamiyo immediately noticed the cause of this situation: "They came and attacked the village!"

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