The Dean Has Arrived

Chapter 409 Bat: Adjective, describing creatures without morals

Alyssa's illness has improved a lot under the joint efforts of Xiwei and Sophia.

The little girl finally settled down to continue recuperating after knowing that her mother was not in any serious trouble.

On the other side, Franken approached Sevi.

"Master Dean." He twisted the screw on his head, which is about to become his habitual movement: "Do you have time?"

"what happened?"

For Franken's hesitating attitude, Siwei was quite curious: "Now there is indeed a little free time..."

You must know that what you like to do as a capable man is to punish students who violate the discipline (of course, the punishment is within the acceptable range of Alice and the others), is to lock yourself in the room and do all kinds of appalling experiments. .

Generally speaking, he would never leave his precious room.

This situation has changed a lot after Claude was taken to the academy by Franken-after learning Claude's last name is also

After Stan, Syvey swiped a pen to his mind and gave him a permit to attend—now holding a chainsaw (...) chasing Claude throughout the college has become Franken's third hobby.

It's almost impossible to find Xiwei directly like this, let alone look at him, this time it seems that this is not an official business...

"Please come with me."

After bowing respectfully to Xiwei, he took Xiwei to his room.

Undead creatures don't need to rest, so Franken is full of all kinds of debris, and the room that can't even see the bed is not so much a bedroom as a laboratory.

At this moment, the Skeleton Mage took out a few pieces of parchment from the mess on the table and handed it to Xiwei.

Because of the three-sage system of the college, many offices have been paperless, but the habit that Franken has cultivated since his lifetime makes it more than that of translucent panels.I prefer the combination of parchment and feather pen.

Xiwei took the heavy papers and quickly scanned them one by one.

The above records are various data and experimental results after observation of Claude for a week.

Although nothing strange at first glance, Xiwei still noticed some of these changes.

"Crowder's soul and body disorders continue to worsen... That is to say, the effect of Spectre's disease is still continuing?" He again compared the data on the few sheets of paper in his hand and concluded: Before he started, the speed of the disorder he himself said was much slower."

To put it simply, compared to the time when he was in Morag, the degree of worsening of the disorder every day has dropped to the point where the number after the decimal point will change.

"Yes, he thought he was cured."

Franken nodded: "You should have a deep understanding of the soul disease in treating Miss Eliza this time, so if you can, I would like to ask you to help."

"If I can help, I will definitely help."

Xiwei sighed, "But to be honest. Don't hope too much."

Although Alisha is indeed getting better, her condition is completely different from that of Claude.

The girl only suffered damage to her soul. Sevi and Sophia deciphered the "The Weight of the Soul~The Sixth Element~" before they realized that the special existence of the soul called'Aura' between matter and energy. Does not exist in the main material plane (material territory).It is similar to void energy, which is completely the product of another dimension.

With Xiwei's magic skills and Sophia's alchemy skills, the two of them even tinkered with a magic device that can extract aura from the soul dimension...Although that thing is very simple.

It took Sivi a lot of time to tame a bit of aura, and finally successfully repaired Alisha's soul.

But Claude is different, his soul is complete, and in terms of strength, he is much stronger than ordinary people.It's just that the soul and body began to appear inexplicable incompatibility, which gradually began to exclude each other.

If you want to make an analogy, Xiwei and Sophia have just figured out that the car needs gasoline, and they have worked so hard to get a little gasoline.Then Franken heard about it and asked him to help repair the motor failure of another car.

You are cheating!How do I know how to fix this stuff...

In the end, Sevi agreed to Franken to help as much as possible, and then left his room and went to the restaurant to get some fruits to visit Eliza.

"I always feel that the teacher is different from before." Leaning on the bed.The girl wearing the special medical gown of Adric Academy looked at Xiwei who was peeling apples by the hands of the mage, and said suddenly.

"How do you say? Do you think teacher, I have become more mature?"

Xiwei, who had successfully peeled the apple peel into a long strip, replied absently.

"The previous teacher always seemed to be very busy." Alisha didn't care about Xiwei's teasing.With a pure smile in his eyes, he said: "At that time, you looked like a city wall that could shelter us from wind and rain, a tall and stalwart. But recently you have begun to relax and start to get closer to our lives. I just saw you running I went to the backyard to fly a kite with Tio and the others. I heard Alice say that you dragged Miss Saran to help her wash the dishes last night, right?"

"Well, I have been more free these days."

Xiwei cut the apple into small pieces and put them together on the plate into a smiling face: "That's why I came to accompany you."

"Liar." The little girl frowned and said: "Sister Sophia said, the human coalition war is very tight recently. You are the person who cares about the war most, but now you deliberately put aside those chores to accompany us, what happened? ?"

Sivi was silent.

What Eliza said was right.

After he died from the fourth floor of the Tower of Grinding the day before yesterday, he thought a lot.

This is so far, the only vice he has no confidence in the success of the strategy.

Maybe, my life has really started to count down.

If he was going to die tomorrow, what would he most want to do today?

If it’s before the crossing, what he wants to do most is probably to call a few buddies to go to the playground or simply make a fuss in the arcade, and then have the best dinner with his family in the evening, and finally with his family. Friends are together, quietly waiting for their own death.

After he came to this world, he came without worry, and it didn't matter if he let go anytime.

But before he knew it, there were many people who couldn't let go.

After recalling his past behavior, Xiwei found that after the establishment of the college, he had been using the school's busy schedule as an excuse, and he had not even had a good time with them.

Feeling that he has little time, so he simply put aside the burden of the past, and while trying to attack the Tower of Grinding every day, he spent ordinary, warm and precious time with these important people around him.

"You're so worried." Sivi patted her face, showing a smile, and then rubbed the girl's head: "I only found out that I had overlooked something before and wanted to make it up."