The Dean Has Arrived

630 But I Didn't Treasure

After careful deliberation, Seavey finally decided to send Sister Clayson into the caravan under the Adrics Academy to help... Adric is a magical academy, not a charity, so naturally he won't pick it up when he sees a difficult guy. Eat for nothing.

In addition, Claisen also left the ins and outs of the matter with a dagger on his wooden table. If his father had not been poisoned, he should be able to see if he returned smoothly, would he have to travel through mountains and rivers and hope that Morag is him? Own business.

There is nothing to say in the next few days.

After the dual existence was restored, Xiwei began to study the monster cemetery.

But apart from the human corpse standing at the top of the corpse mountain, it should have been a battle mage, there is no other gain.

As for those corpses, although they are old, most of them have become ordinary wrecks because of the loss of magic power, but there are still many rare alchemy materials.When Xiwei established the portal in the monster cemetery, the corpses began to be sent to Morag for processing.

When most of the corpses were removed, the things buried in the middle of the corpse mountain were also revealed in front of him.

That is a piece of amber.

To be precise, it is part of a piece of amber.

But just the exposed part was enough to surprise Sivi.

In the hill-shaped amber, part of a certain creature is condensed in it.

Six green, strange crystalline pupils arranged diagonally in two rows, a double-layered mouth full of teeth, and a torso full of horny spikes, no matter how you look at it, they should be the heads of some unknown creature.

However, this head is already as huge as a hill, making Xiwei completely unable to imagine how huge its body is and how this piece of amber that can completely wrap it is formed.

Even the wizard's hat, which was originally intact, lost the battle on this piece of amber that only showed the tip of the iceberg, without showing the name of the monster that was locked in it.I don’t know if it was disturbed or the monster inside was actually dead...

And the human corpse that originally stood at the top of the corpse mountain.After removing the other corpses, it was also clear that he was actually standing on top of the amber and piercing the epee into the amber.

Siwei suspected that the formation of Amber might have something to do with his action.Just in case, even if other bodies were removed.He didn't even move the human body.

Let's put aside the research and investigation that Siwei has fallen into a bottleneck first, and transfer the perspective to Adric College.

"How do you plan to spend the summer vacation?"

In the dean's room, the core staff of Adric College are rarely gathered together.

It's just that one of the two Xiwei is still studying Corpse Mountain, and the other ran to the ideal home refuge to continue to help the white elves tinker with the magic system, so they were not present.

Fett, who was floating in mid-air, asked first: "Xiwei said that not only students but also professors can temporarily leave the college to enjoy some free time during the holidays."

"My words should be to stay in the academy." Sophia replied almost without hesitation: "Although the Lange family always intends to let me go back, to be honest. I don't think I can be in a home full of calculation and use. Sleep well."

Then she patted the thick black book on her hand: "Besides, I still have books I haven't finished reading."

After the death of Bruno Lange, the former dean of the Huolian National Academy of Magic, the Lange family showed the limit of decline. It is precisely because of this that the family who hadn't waited to see Sophia, an illegitimate daughter, hurriedly wanted it. Winning has become Xiwei's confidant.Want to use this to indirectly strengthen the reputation of the family.

It's a pity that Sophia does not seem to be used as a bargaining chip for the family.

"Where Xiwei is, it is home."

Tioyan said concisely, there was no trace of confusion or hesitation in the girl's bright yellow eyes, even if there was still a fief on Huolian's side, she was obviously not interested in it at all.

Or.From beginning to end, the little girl was only interested in Siwei, sweets, and people who could be called friends.

"I should be back home...but my family has now moved to Morag, and it's actually no different from staying in the academy..." Alisha put Tio in her arms and rested her chin on Tio On the light blue head, said with a smile.

Teo seemed to enjoy Alyssa's embrace, and did not protest.Instead, he narrowed his eyes and seemed to want to take a nap.

"I have to go back to the palace. Huolian hasn't been very peaceful recently."

Evangeline sighed: "During this period, due to the successive occurrences of various natural disasters, many cults have jumped out of various parts of the Eastern Plain, and they have promoted rumors such as doomsday, which has caused the whole country to panic."

"Why do some guys like to do things that hurt others and themselves..." Alisha pursed her lips, and was also indignant at the actions of the cultists: "It should be united when encountering natural disasters and working together. ?"

"Because they understand subconsciously that once the world becomes chaotic, the opportunity to fish in troubled waters will come."

Evangeline replied with a sneer, as if laughing at those clowns who couldn't help themselves.

"Of course there are some guys with ulterior motives." Fett, who understands that Xiwei and He Luo have recently met the black shofar cultists, and has noticed that the other party seems to be planning something, also answered.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, and no one spoke.

After a few seconds of silence, Franken unscrewed the screw on his head and broke the silence first: "I will stay in the academy...Although I really want to say that, but Claude recently escaped, I have to Find him out and educate him on the principles of life."

It may be because of the improved speech craftsmanship. Recently, Franken's tone sounded a bit less blunt and more realistic than before.This kind of negative test tone made the few people present involuntarily shiver.

"Speaking of Alice, what are you going to do? I remember your father is also a nobleman?"

Sophia hurriedly changed the subject.

"Well, if possible, I would like to go home and take a look... But then I would be disqualified as a maid! The maid education I received from my mother since I was a child does not allow this to happen!"

There seemed to be a blazing flame in the eyes of the maid girl.

Although she has become an excellent puppeteer under Eve's training, and even possesses the combat effectiveness of the'one-man army' level, Alice still seems to put herself in the position of Xiwei's maid.

"That's really awe-inspiring loyalty." Evangeline drank lipstick tea, and said without praise or criticism.

"Ms. Eliria and Miss Frey were both called back by Sanctuary for a routine physical examination. I don't know when they will come back. Miss Saranlia sent a letter back not long ago... I will find time to come back to play during the summer vacation."

Alice took a letter from the back pocket of her maid group and put it on the table.

"Speaking of..."

At this moment, Alyssa, who had been resting her chin on Teo’s head, suddenly asked, “Do you know what the teacher’s summer vacation plans to do?”

Everyone fell silent for a moment.

...Yes, how do you plan on that guy Xiwei's vacation?

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