The Death Mage Who Doesn’t Want a Fourth Time

Episode 88: The King Pulls the Thread

At first, I did not know how to use the liquid metals `` Dead iron '' and `` Copper '' created by the magic of Vandaloo, but when I tried it for the time being, it turned out to be a metal that was unexpectedly easy to process .

"This guy is a dream metal!

The weight of dead iron and copper remains the same as the original iron and copper, but since it is a liquid, it can be easily changed by pouring it into a mold.

And the hardness becomes harder the more you heat. At the temperature where iron and copper melt, dead iron and copper change into solids like iron and copper at room temperature.

Of course, it will return to the original liquid when it cools down, but if it is hardened, it will be solid if it is forged by hitting it with a hammer.

The dead iron or copper poured into the mold is heated until it is hard enough to be easily machined, and then the hammer is shaken and forged. Then, even if the heat is cooled, it does not return to liquid.

The resulting dead iron swords and spears are harder, more sticky and sharper than steel. However, when the blade is still damaged, as long as the pieces can be recovered, the part returns to the liquid and fuses immediately.

On the other hand, copper is suitable for armor, absorbs shocks well, withstands slashing piercing, and is also strong against magic. If damaged, the damaged part returns to the liquid and fuses like the dead iron, and is restored to its original state.

In addition, either metal has a property that easily applies the magic of the death attribute because it is a metal mutated by the magic of the death attribute. It was easy to make swords with [Incurable] or [Very Poisonous] or shields with [Energy Absorption].

"It's a drawback that you and I can only be trained by Undead or Ghoul, but that's cute!

However, both dead iron and copper can be processed only by the Vandalu who created it, whether or not [Enchanting Death attribute] is effective. Anyone can use the resulting product.

Now there is no problem as there are Datara, the giant undead who helps him, and the ghosts trapped in the Nineland catacombs.

By the way, if you want to return the finished product to the original metal and process it again, heat it once at a high temperature, apply [heat removal] to make the heat energy zero, and when it cools down, it will return to the original liquid.

Datara succeeded in making coins by using a method in which a suitably heated dead iron and copper were put into molds, hit with a hammer several times, lightly forged, and then hardened.

In this way, one thousand Luna copper coins and one hundred Luna dead coins were made.

"Can I be so small?"

Vandalu, who picks up the finished Luna coin with his finger, seems worried that the size of the coin has become about one yen in Japanese yen.

"It's enough"

But Cesare was confident.

"But it's originally copper or iron?"

"That's right ... I'm worried that I could get a hundred Amid gold coins when I started trading in the future, because it was originally copper."

"Yes, it's copper."

"But it's harder and more beautiful than gold or silver. I prefer this one."

"Unlike gold and silver, you can attach this coin to your armor when it's time to come. I think this is better."

"I like hard metal too."

Vandaloo, Taleah, Sam and others are worried that they will be able to exchange gold and silver coins in the future because they are made of iron or copper.

Zadiris, Basdia, Vigaro and Ghoul, whose value is determined by their superiority when used as weapons and armor, not rarity, is not familiar with the money economy.

And the third group smiles bitterly if both groups are out of alignment.

"I don't know if a coin of this size has the same value as an Amid or Baum coin--

"I think you will exchange money normally"

"Your Majesty, to get this coin made of dead iron and copper, not only merchants but also royal nobles could make mountains with gold coins. No, they may make mountains with platinum coins."

For some reason, Rita, Thalia and Princess Levia saw the value of dead iron and copper coins as high currency.

"I agree with you, Vandaloo, because this is a magical metal that only Vandaloo can make in the world.

Yes, as Eleonora says, the exact value of dead iron and copper is unknown in the higher sense. Because Vandalu is probably the first metal created in Lambda!

Even if the original is copper or iron, which is much less valuable than gold or silver, only Vandaloo can create it. So its scarcity is immense. No one can decide how much value gold or silver has.

"I see. Well, it's OK to have this size anyway. But before we trade in the future, we need to think about currency exchange."

In the future, when trading with other countries, dead iron coins and copper coins may disappear at a tremendous rate. On the contrary, there is a possibility that he will not be watched.

The Luna currency distribution started in this way, but for now it is smooth.

"This is ten lunas, this is fifty lunas ... oh, the dead iron glows in rainbow colors when it's over the sun."

"The purple color of the copper coins is also beautiful.

"Buff ~, I make a necklace with dead iron coins"

Ghouls and orcas who are not accustomed to the money economy seem to be more concerned with the appearance of coins than on the value and convenience of coins.

"I'm really grateful that I can get the money, and I'm grateful to have you work out ... thank you."

"I'm glad I didn't die in the mine."

"From now on, if you work, will you be paid off and return ... but the miners don't want to go anymore. Will they go to the farm?"

"On a farm, they seem to be singing and dancing for some reason.

"I'll go to the tofu factory."

"I can do sewing, so I'll do it with a needle too."

"I'm gonna start my business. I remember when I was selling fish in Sauron."

The former refugees and former villagers working at the slave mines, who have lived in a monetary economy to some extent, have accepted Luna as is.

Non-combat ethnic and productive people like them are precious in Tarosheim. Until now, he hasn't been involved in agriculture, fisheries, or industry except for some ghouls and former undead.

Many of the Gofas are ex-mining slaves and have [mining] skills, but a minority are willing to do the work that has been exploited for 200 years by freedom, even after becoming free. In Tarosheim, Mining requires combat abilities to mine in dungeons. It is likely that you will either work for a newly built Golem factory in Tarosheim or work on a farm.

The same goes for the former pioneer villages, but in his hometown of Sauron, he was a leather craftsman, a needleman, and a merchant, and he said he wanted to make use of his former job to live.

You may be wondering if there is work to do at a golem factory or a monster plant farm where the golems move instead of working robots, but there is a lot to do.

The golem will continue to move silently, providing only a small amount of the magical power of Vandalu. But it's just a golem.

It repeats the specified actions and procedures exactly, but does not work. Above all, golems are too weak to determine the temperature difference and the condition of their products, so that their bodies made of minerals are not damaged. Later, I am not good at detailed work.

People fill these holes and finally approach products made in factories on earth.

Tofu made by craftsmen is more delicious than tofu made entirely by machine.

"After all, people are necessary."

Vandaloo was grateful to go to the Duke of Hartner.

Incidentally, the tax system is also being prepared. The introduction of income tax.

"Your Majesty is not very sane!

In the Lambda nation, the tax on general people other than adventurers and mercenaries is determined by the per capita tax. There is a tax of about 50 to 40% on the profits of harvesting and business in the fields.

The new Tarosheim will abolish the capita tax and collect income tax from the sum of all income. In this case, unlike head tax, even those with low incomes can theoretically pay taxes.

Of course, in addition to the tax exemption system if the income is too low, a system has been set up to collect a higher rate of tax for those with a higher annual income than those with a lower total income.

The tax rate is 5% for those who are low and about 20% for those who earn.

"Remember, Your Majesty! This tax system is originally imposed on merchants and adventurer guilds of commercial guilds. You need to know the income of the nation in order to do it for individuals! And the tax is too low compared to other countries!

Yes, it's no wonder Cesare appeals to Vandalu. Under such a discount tax system, the country will become poor in the not-too-distant future and will not be able to maintain its system.

But Vandalu said with a simple face.

"I'm the owner of most of the business that's taking place today in Tarosheim?"

"... Yeah."

In the production of miso and soy sauce, the magical power of Vandalu's [fermentation] magic is used, so the power of Vandalu's magic is indispensable as a power at various golem factories.

In other industries, business is not feasible without Vandaloo. Golems, Monster Plants, Immortal Ent, and Cemetery Bee are also blessing Talosheim because of their presence in Vandaloo.

The operation of the exchange of the adventurer's guild ruins also consists of the supply of goods by Vandaloo.

Other temples, masons, carpenters, and blacksmiths. Everything is on top.

So it is not difficult to keep track of the people's income. It may be difficult in the future, but it is only necessary to set up a mechanism by then.

And it will not be in need of taxes. The people end up buying and living with various things from King Vandalu.

Actually, it's not 100% problem-free, but the only way to do it is to repeat the trial and error to improve each time a problem is encountered.

"Understood. Then leave it to me. "

"... Cesare, why don't you leave the general and do it with the Prime Minister?"

"No, I'm just a soldier, your Majesty"

Can a mere soldier do the job of a civilian so far?

Time passed after such a conversation, and it was about the end of the summer heat. Vandalu had a snack between work in the basement of Tarosheim Castle, where he defeated the Dragon Golem and obtained the ingredients for the Rapièsage.

"Oh, your Majesty, what is it?

"This is ramen, Princess Levia"

Vandalou explains, pointing to the ramen where various ingredients and noodles are immersed in the white soup inside the bowl.

"This is a dish similar to udon. By the way, this is a tofu ramen made based on Braga's wishes.

Soy milk-based soup and noodles are mixed with flour and yellow flour in a certain mix, and fried or Takano tofu instead of char siu. Condiments are onions "

Tofu forever ... soy ramen. No waiting for isoflavones (meaning unknown).

Speaking of greed, I want to get leeks as soon as possible. Wouldn't it be better if you add sesame to the soup later?

"It looks so delicious? Evandalou is good at cooking. How about a princess?

Dalcia, who shares his sense of taste with his son with Vandalu's [Mental Erosion] skill, recommends with a happy face.

However, it seems that Princess Levia does not want to hear ramen.

"Thank you. But it ’s not ramen-”

"So this? This is a wedding dress

Another one who is eating ramen is another Vandalu .. After breaking away from the body, one of the working people pointed to the wedding dress that was being created.

With countless sewing needles and threads, Vandaloo patched the wedding dress directly from the threads.

"I was worried that I could do something because it was troublesome, but recently I noticed that I should just make clothes directly from thread without using paper patterns"

"It is running. By the way, this is the dress of Marie and Linda of Braga's bride. "

"I finished measuring. The material is honey silk from Cemetery Bee. "

The thread-thin, branched arms of Jakajakashakashaka and the four Vandaloos operate innumerable sewing needles.

Someday I'd like this to be a golem or a car stool, but it's a little work and I'll have to do it for a while.

"I can make seamless clothes with this!"

"Frill frills ... race races ... frills frills"

"But if I'm the only one now, the limit is two or three pieces a day, so I have to make a sewing machine. It is still at the very limit. After all it is pedal type?

Lambda's clothing was still inferior to the earth, as seen in the towns of Nineland and Niaki. The dyeing is richer or more vibrant than Earth, but the design is limited.

Looking through the eyes of the insect undead possessed by Eleonora in Nineland, and looking at the secondhand clothing sold at the market, it was quite awkward in the sense of Vandaloo who lived in modern Japan.

Vandalu, a high school student at the time, wasn't just doing well because he wasn't running in delinquency. I was watching it from found things.

So I plan to make various things. Especially brassiere, garter belt and stockings. Swimsuits will be launched after finding fibers that are difficult to see through even when wet.

Later, as a body aiming for the physical beauty of a Hollywood action star in the future, should we also make men's boxer shorts after the occasion?

"Is it really beautiful? I'm sure everyone will be happy, and I think they will buy it if they make a product when trading in the future. '

"Yes, I think it's very nice. But it's not that ... what is that ... "

Princess Levia turned his eyes on a piece of meat being carried out of the resuscitation device.

A piece of meat with no hands, no legs, no head. On the red surface, there are blood vessels running wriggling and it seems that they seem to be living incredibly.

"Oh, don't think about that--"

"That's my mother's seventh failed work."

"No! Don't say it!

"No, that's not the true shape of my mother, so calm down."

Vandalou came up with the idea of manipulating liquid dead iron and copper with golem training to fill in the missing parts of the resuscitation device. Then, as a result of the execution, the resuscitation device moved. However, even if you tried to create Darussa's body, the device could only produce meat chunks.

I've been through trial and error in various ways, but the only thing that can be done is a piece of meat that is similar but not similar to Darussia.

"As you can see, there is only meat and blood vessels. If there are internal organs, I will assemble them together with the skeleton of Orichalcum.

After all, it seems impossible to operate an imperfect resuscitation device with unnatural emergency repairs. ''

I've moved it seven times so far, but it's a mysterious piece of meat that can't be helped. Legend has it that a perfect human body could be created except for the absence of a soul, but the results are far from complete.

"Well, somehow ... Vandaloo will say so, but it seems like it is said that it is really like this."

"I'm sorry, I'm ..."

"Good, I just think so. Probably because of the imperfect equipment. "

"Moving works for the time being, so I'll try to get closer to the completed form. Please wait a little longer, mom."

(I guess you have to fill or connect the damaged part with the same material. Other rabbits are also horns, and it is still impossible to arrange Orichalcum into a fine shape ... Is it Homunculus?)

[Golem training] Your skill level has improved, but it is not until you can make precision parts with Orichalcum. It is not enough to make semiconductors by hand, but it is a detailed work like writing letters on rice grains. Not easy.

You may have to contract for the evil or evil gods and use the homunculus method to build a Darussian body.

The knowledge needed to do this has been obtained from the Nineland Wizards Guild. It is a high hurdle even in the eyes of Vandaloo, such as the sacrifice of a virgin, but if you talk to evil gods and evil gods, it may be manageable.

(Can God negotiate? I can't threaten)

In fact, he had already eaten a single evil god, but Vandalou, unaware of it, unconditionally considered God to be above him.

"I'm just looking for a good evil god or evil god."

"Mr. Leviah, my son is going to run in a bad religion. What should I do in such a case?

"Eh, uh, oh, maybe it's okay!

He seemed to have made him anxious if he made a strong declaration of relief. Why not, I don't say that I worship separately.

[Blacksmithing], [Spinning], [Body Enhancement: Hair] skills have been acquired!

"[Clothing] has been integrated into [Spinning] and [Body Enhancement: Hair] has been integrated into [Body Enhancement: Nail Tongue]!

[Cooking], [Body Enhancement: Hair, Tongue, Fang], [Spinning] skills have been increased!

And time flows and it's October.

After completing the Gofa's [juvenile] measures and making money, Vandaloo was facing a harvest festival in the reclamation village.

Treat unwell villagers and treat them to soup that contains fried rice-like ingredients and ingredients of southern rice fried with vegetables and meat instead of rice and millet porridge that they had eaten before.

"Do you go well, so how many glasses?"

"Third cup."

He gave three horn rabbits and one bag of walnuts as souvenirs.

"No, it was hard after you returned. Something happened in the slave mine, the walls were destroyed, the mine was vacant, and all the soldiers and slaves were skeletons."

"Everything is true, I can't believe it."

In fact, the culprit, the main culprit, Vandaloo, said with no expression and stick reading tone. The facial expressions and tone were always the same, so the Festers didn't seem to notice.

…… It is also useful in such a case that you can not change your expression unless you are conscious and your emotions do not appear.

"Oh, it seems that the walls were broken from the outside, so maybe a monster came out. I couldn't find any footprints or traces."

"So the soldiers and slaves killed by the demon would have gone undead."

Apparently, the knights surveyed guessed so. It seemed worthwhile to process the demonic bones with Golem Training so that they would look like giant skeletons so that they would not notice that the slaves were gone.

"Fortunately, the monster that broke the wall has moved to the south of where the mine was."

If there were no traces of the movement of the army, the culprit was only a monster, and if there were no trace of the demons, those who thought that they had gone somewhere without flying or in the sky seemed to have thought.

(Actually, some people are trying to think of it as being linked to the demon's unsealing, but ... you probably don't know.)

You wouldn't dream of breaking the seal of a hero and breaking part of the Demon King (blood) to help a slave from a slave mine.

Indeed, Heinz and others at the Temple of Arda, who knew of the slave mining incident, as Vandalu thinks, were tilting their heads. Given the timing of the incident, it's not irrelevant, but why? When.

The Duke of Hartner is an important place to get mineral resources outside of the dungeon. However, anyone who has unsealed the Demon King, or the sealed Demon King's fragment itself, remains a questionable target.

Neither are the pieces of the other demon sealed, nor are there any other evil or evil gods. So if you don't realize that the one who opened the seal was a former refugee in Tarosheim working in the mine, you'd be wondering why.

And it doesn't seem to notice yet.

The fact that the settlement is unchecked is evidence that those investigating the case are not approaching the truth.

The lack of guards and spies has been revealed by Remulus, the familiar of Vandaloo, still floating above the village.

"Thanks to the town of Niaki, adventurers and knights for subjugation went down the highway, and my father was wowing. I'm embarrassed. "

Kashim, who doesn't know anything wriggling behind him, is enjoying the festival leisurely. Healed indeed.

"Lina seemed to have a lot of work, but it was hard."

"Speaking of which, didn't you join the suppression squad?"

In fact, Vandalu already knew that through the remruth, the Kasims had joined the subjugation squad, but questioned it because it would be unnatural if not heard.

"Of course I participated, and just attending was rewarded separately from Iishiro."

"Skeleton ranks 2 because we can beat it and we have a lot of subjugation squads."

"And the village men have begun to goblin hunt to make the gob-gob you told me. Some women have also begun hunting goblins. There's no goblin around me. ''

Vandalou knew because he was watching through Remruth, but the people in the reclamation village are strong. No, I guess he was able to come here until now.

"But it was kind of weird. That skeleton. It seemed to be attacking other people normally, but as if to say to us ..."

"I felt like I could practice it. No, we've got real weapons, but we've defeated them."

"I think it was going to be a real battle, but I felt like I was training like a real battle, and I felt like I was watching from somewhere."

How do you fight enemies wielding long objects, when faster enemies, more enemies, shields and bowers come at once? Kashim seemed to feel like they were giving such tasks one after another.

Of course, it was the result of Vandaloo commanding the skeletons with Remruth and the remaining insect undead. He made letters with countless insects on the back and ordered the skeleton.

"I've heard that the undead repeat their actions in their lifetime. Did the skeletons once used to be new instructors?"

Kasim and others who understand that "I see." She seemed to think she was a skeleton.

In fact, they were not such good guys in their lifetimes.

"Speaking of that, what happened to that priest? I can't see him."

There was no life attribute magician operative, Flott, disguised as a pilgrimage priest in Arda who left the village saying he was heading for the town of Niak.

"No, we don't even know. I don't want to see him not only in this seventh settlement, but in other settlements too."

"I asked the people who spoke to the subjugation squad, but I don't know such a priest. What about Vandalu? Did you not meet when you went to town?"

"Fester, the Arda Temple is a high threshold for me. Unfortunately I haven't seen it."

"Well ... hopefully nothing happens."

Vandalou nodded at the three worried faces.

"Yes, maybe it's okay."

It was Vandaloo who did not yet know that Freto was an operative. Remruth's look-ahead is somewhat transparent, but he notices that he is too close, so he only sees human movement from a distance.

Niaki's Town of Dark Night Fang was slain by Edgar, one of the Five Colored Blades earlier than planned, so no information can be gathered.

As a result, Vandaloo considers Freto to be a rare good priest, albeit still a member of Arda.

"By the way, what are you going to do?"

"Yes, tomorrow we will have a harvest festival around other pioneer villages. After that, let's go to the town to get daily necessities and visit those who are far away from my mother."

"Maybe my mother's distant relative?!?"

"No, my father is a vampire."

"Ah, is that so? No, definitely ..."

Eleonora might have been misunderstood again. Vandalu, knowing she cares a lot, was glad to be alone this time.

"Hey, it's time for the main event. Come here because we'll put the stone statue in the shrine."

The father of "Anything Shop" came to call for Vandaloo and the conversation was interrupted for the day.

By the way, the result of the original mason Ivan's Vandalu statue was ... subtle. Because they are all made of stone, they cannot express the color of hair, skin, and odd eyes, so if you are not told, you may not realize that it is Vandalu.

Skill Explanation: Magic Power Recovery Increased Magic Recovery Speed

[Automatic power recovery] is a skill that automatically recovers power even if you are doing exercises or chanting, regardless of what the owner is doing.

[Rise recovery speed] is a skill that increases the pace at which magic power recovers during a break.

Similar but separate skills.

[Automatic power recovery] Skills are determined based on the percentage of the owner's total power, and the amount of time required for recovery is reduced regardless of the power. Therefore, those who have more magical powers want to acquire the [magical power automatic recovery] skill.

However, there is a drawback that it is difficult to acquire the [magical power automatic recovery] skill, and it is difficult to take a training method to increase the total magical power by consuming excessive magical power after acquiring it.

The pace of natural recovery of magic depends on the state of health and mental state, but sleep is known to be an explosive way to increase it, and larger magicians tend to be more concerned with their sleep time and environment. There is.

It is noted in the biography that the famous magician carried his pillow while traveling.