The sixteen tournament means it's all going to be World War Four.

The opponents of World War II were similarly skilled as World War I.

When I point to my last hand,

"I'm here."


"Ugh, I knew you weren't relentless... just as I imagined..."

He didn't seem too sorry this time, stating things that didn't make sense, etc., and left.

I made it to the semifinals.


"Yeah, nice to meet you"

The opponent was still a woman, what a lady with a calm atmosphere.

So far they are all women, but what the hell are the men in the cavalry doing...

The woman rolled the corn and dice without saying anything.

I roll the same way.

Four to six.

I was in the forefront.

"Well, let me get you started."

"Go ahead."

I pointed first hand.

As I got to the middle of the day, I became heartless.

They were so strong that they couldn't help but think.

Obviously, as strong as I am.

Intentionally used a method of warfare that neither A nor B could take until the middle, my method of warfare was disturbed, and it was still chaotic on the board, counting maneuvers that were usually at the end of the day.

It still can't be a advantage or a disadvantage because I was confused, too, but the other guy made the corresponding sacrifice to make it so.

The opponent loses the big pawn of the bird driven as a price and lacks momentum, although he has an advantage over me over the pawn count.

When I moved the pawn, the other guy talked to me.

"You're pointing early."


Early pointing means that if there is no time limit in place, you can also take it as if you are licking the target or are rushing it.

Even so, I'm thinking a little too, so it should be open between them to the extent that they won't be rude to me.

"My father taught me that it's not something that keeps women waiting"

Although I haven't been taught.

It would be easy to say this.

"You are. I think it's a good idea."

"Sorry if I offended you."

"I'm not going to blame you. But being able to point early means your hands are being read. No, no, no, no, no. I'll lose confidence."

Indeed, it was, this woman was right.

Early pointing means looking at the other hand and pointing to the next one, and if that's a completely strange hand, we need to think about it.

If the time limit is imminent, even if you're not sure if it's the best hand, you have to point to the right one, but that's not what this is about.

If you ask me, I can point to them right away because I've done an analysis of where they're going to point to next, and I'm done with the idea of "if you point to me like this, I'll point to you like this".

To put it the other way, you can't do that unless the other person thinks long.

When it comes to Me and Myalo against each other, I think about it in a crowd.

Me and Myalo just pointed, so we can't wrap up our thoughts between their hand numbers.

"I'm wrapping my tongue inside, too. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be on your face."

"Oh yeah?"

I'm serious about this one, and I don't mind losing if I lose, so maybe I'm relaxed.

"... I'm here."

And the moment I was told, I felt more tired.

"Thank you......"

It's been a really long time since I've had a fight that used my head to pack so much.

"Welcome. It was a fun match."

A light thank you, the woman rose from her seat.

I'm still mentally exhausted and I don't feel like standing up.

"That's more than anything..."

"Well, unfortunately, if you'll excuse me."

The unknown opponent disappeared into the audience.

The sun will be down by now, and if I rest a little, shall I go home too?

"Good luck, Yuri"

I heard a familiar voice from my back.

It's Myalo.

Beyond the fence is Myalo.

"You've been watching."

"It's the semifinals, so we were all there for you."

I didn't realize, but if I looked around closely, there was Carol or something.

There's a glimmer of familiar faces, and a lot of other guys in cavalry uniforms are watching.

If you think about it, it was a quasi-final.

I thought there would be a lot of support if I did it over there, but there seemed to be a lot of it over here.

If you go to the semi-finals, what kind of star do you expect from a knight academician?

"You free man."

"I wanted to see Yuri-kun's sunshine, so I did."

That would mean I lost on purpose.

Isn't it because it was annoying or something else?


Carol is next.

Carol was at the forefront of the fence, looking at this one.

You're exaggerating. Really.

Now, if so many people are watching, we have to do what we deserve.

I'm the eldest son of a general, and Carol is the eldest daughter of Her Majesty the Queen.

If it is a place where others see more than acquaintances, there is a corresponding attitude.

I took a seat.

When I got to Carol's side, Carol was used to it, and I've been giving her my hand all the time.

"Thank you, Your Highness"

I crouched and took Carol's hand, kneeling over the fence, and put it on the back of my hand.

When she let go of her hand softly and stood up, Carol looked angry or stunned, not sure.

Oh, my God, I guess I've been offering you a hand with that intention.

"Gosh, I won't suffer"

Speaking strange words, Carol turned her heels back and turned her back and went away.

Come to think of it, this was Carol's house.

"Pfft... cum..."

"What are you laughing at?"

Tell Myalo.

"Yes... no... pup. I didn't offer you my hand, I tried to slap you on the shoulder."

"Did you?"

I did it.

I tried to slap him on the shoulder and he kissed me on the back of my hand, so you were eating him.

Nevertheless, earlier, it shouldn't be a particularly strange response on the part of the world.

When I went outside the royal castle, the night was completely up.

It's kind of like a fancy riding carriage with lots of them in front of the castle.

Seeing as college students ride on one after another, it seems like a bus from the college.

I was put on a black painted carriage that Myalo came on, not on it.

Is this a carriage out of Gudanvier's house?

"Earlier, you were the best finger of our time. That's great."

Myalo says in the carriage.

The cobblestone caused a terrible vertical swing in the carriage, but the chair was so soft that I could talk normally.

"Even the best of our time, it's a story among amateur students."

Just because you won the Student Convention, some adults should be gobbling better.

It's the same as chess, just because you won a student tournament, from a celebrity who won a celebrity fight, I guess you're just one of those ivory amateurs.

I just do it on a hobby, so I don't want to hang out with them.

If you try to do that, that's what should take so much effort to sacrifice your life.

"Though that's true"

"But you were just strong. At that level, if you do it a few times, you're going to lose."

"I guess. Exactly, it won't be a hundred fights a hundred wins."

"I didn't feel any better than Myalo."

Even though I'm strong, I feel I was an extraordinarily easy opponent to handle compared to Myalo.

Even as they danced from beginning to middle, I had the feeling that they were being vandalized, stirred up, but didn't feel like they had taken the lead.

In Myalo's case, that's just what they think, even if they think this one's taking the lead. Sometimes.

"When Yuri-kun tells me that, it's strange because I'm tempted to try harder"

I didn't see much in the evening, but Myalo seemed to smile happily.

"If I get any stronger, I'll have a hard time dealing with them, too. Cum me up."

"I'm not talking about chess. Really, Yuri is a very good person."

What are you talking about?

"I wonder... oh, could you drop me off around here for a second"

"Huh? Are you taking the day off at your parents' house?

The carriage was plugged onto a road near a separate mansion.

There is no Luke or Suzuya in the separate residence, so I have no particular business.

"No, there's something wild about the company."


Even when it comes to the company, I don't mean the waterwheel shed.

From the separate mansion, he rented a building across the street.

And it came to pass, when Myalo opened the window to the throne, and gave instructions to stop, that he immediately stopped his horse.

I open the carriage door and go down on the cobblestone.

"It's a dorm, isn't it?"

"I'm going to."

"Well, you'll be waiting a little"


You could have gone first.

"If it's going to take until midnight, I'll think about it."

"No, I'm just leaving a word behind. I'll be right back."

Let's get down to business.

When I rushed into the company, I sent a message to Bure, who happened to be there, and went back to the carriage again.

I went straight to the college, and when I got to the dorm cafeteria, there were some unfamiliar students in the corner of the cafeteria.

An unfamiliar student is one with a large physique and looks like a bunch of upperclassmen.

Well, it's not like you should come into the lower classroom dorm.


"Whoa, looks like you're here."

I heard a lot of good brothers in Gatai find me and say so.

The guys I've been turning their backs on, they turn around and look at my bumps.

Hi-Fumi-Yi... Seven.


Well done, you bastards I saw at the opening ceremony.

Three of the seven had been together in lectures and training, so I didn't remember their names, but they were familiar with each other.

"Look, here, here. Sit down."

My geeky brother invites me.

Uh, you don't have a veto right, do you?

I can smell the liquor subtly.

These guys, come to my junior dorm and have a drink.

I hope I didn't lose anything, but why are you even in my dorm and drinking?

"Er, yes"

I went as close as I could and said hello to my unwillingness.

"Hi, it's Yuri."

"You're tired. Was that annoying?

Gatai's good lady says.

That would be annoying......

I'm not tired, either, and I think why I have to hang out like a workplace drinking party that I don't feel comfortable with here.

"I'm hungry because I haven't eaten dinner."

"Right, so you want to roll it out to the store?

Hey, you can take a piss.

"No. In the first place, what are you holding? This."

"It's your celebration."

You think it's a celebration?

"Aren't you feeling too fast?

If it's a celebration where I made it to the finals, my intentions are too low.

If you want to do it after winning, maybe not yet.

"You may not know, but the person you won today is a woman who has been defending her victory for the last three years, not to mention Leelika Kukrillison. Winning is like deciding."

What, was that opponent such an amazing person?

That's why he was strong.

But if she's a bucket of stuff class, this dorm happens to have two bucket of stuff classes.

If it comes to winning/losing ratio, Myalo will be a little stronger than me, so this can be considered an anomaly.

What the hell?

"But I don't want to let you down, so I won't let you celebrate."

I've decided not to drink.

"That's a special triumph. It doesn't have to be."

But what is this guy?

Looks kind of great naturally.

Sounds great, or it seems like a unique way of speaking to a great person by birth.

How tall are you?

As a matter of fact, this guy has done it several times with his spear sword.

Who was it?

"Then just listen to your opponent tomorrow"

Said the geek-style man.

Well, let me ask you something.

Tomorrow's opponent is a woman named Jula Lachramanus.

"I hear so."

I already knew that.

The game ended a little after my third game and they decided to advance, which I was listening to from Myalo.

The finalist is Lachramanus' woman, who has been harassing the Howe Company in a variety of tangible and intangible ways.

I wasn't watching any other games. I'm sorry, too, but more importantly. That's what I thought.

"That's right. Laklamanus Hits the grandson of the current lord's firstborn muscle. I mean, you're the eldest daughter of our Lord."

Says a good man in Gatai.

The grandson of his eldest daughter Suzi means that if he goes in due course, he will be the next Lord.

However, I know that the option of skipping a generation and letting his grandchildren inherit him is also frequently taken by witches because when the Lord changes his corn in a short period of time, it is under confusion.

I heard this from Myalo.

I mean, when they take that option, they skip my mother and Jula Lachramanus becomes the next direct winner.

That being said, if we go with it, we're talking about.

Witches have a lot of choices because it's not like firstborn survival is absolute.

It seems to be a family line of plots and is basically capability oriented.

My oldest daughter is incompetent, so I make her my second daughter.

But while I'm waiting, I figured I'd take that kid for the lead because my oldest daughter is having a baby and that kid looks good.

Changes to such decisions are made in the hearts and minds of the witch-head and are written down in a suicide note prepared by the Lord in preparation for an accidental accident.

But from the point of view of how the surroundings look at it, unless it's obvious that it's not done badly, it's still seen as the next main thing.

I knew Jula Lachramanus well.

The age is twenty-two, with a beautiful appearance, and the faction in the birch dormitory has a second size from the top.

In addition to the parchment guild, the mother is entrusted with the management of several guilds within the Lacramanus family business (Sinogi), but nothing can be done about it.

From the point of view of the mother's age and position, it is normal that she dominates a number of larger guilds.

In the first place, the official position held at the same time as the graduation of the correctional institution has also resigned in a few years.

In fact, it seems to be in the form of being forced to quit because he didn't serve.

In other words, he is incompetent, and this is also true of Jula's mother's two sisters.

The age of graduation in correctional institutions is twenty-five for all three sisters.

If she is a maturity graduate and a talented woman who has spared no effort in studying, she doesn't seem to have very good grades in a correctional institution where she graduates around the age of seventeen.

Because of this, it seems that only one of the current principals holds a large official position in the Laklamanus family.

Looking at the lack of proper management of the territory (Shima), it would be reasonable for the Lachramanus family to assess the lack of human resources.

"Commonly used tactics include Ichaku Windmills, Jamico Siege Battle and Wang Eagle Replacement Spears in the lead. Especially when using a push from an icky windmill. Use the Higgs Assault Spear, Marco detour, and in some cases the Saluan Self-Defense Siege at the rear turn"

... What are you talking about, this guy?

I don't know half of it.

There are these people out there.

Even in major battle types, the treatment in action varies from person to person.

People who want to add even more unique nouns to that changing, so to speak, metamorphotic usage.

When it comes to taxonomy, it's like giving a unique name to a subspecies.

I can't hang up if I remember everything.

I know you like chess.

If you liked chess so much, you would have kicked Jula off on the way.

Isn't that the problem?

"I see. I learned. Thank you."

I bowed my head to the dust.

"Okay. What's staying too long? Go home."

That's what Gatai's good brother says, he gets up.

"Right," "Right," etc., and the others took their seats.

Good. Good.

This makes the dorm peaceful too.

Not OB, but the situation where seniors are sitting in dorms doesn't make anyone feel good.

"You haven't introduced yourself yet. As you may already know, my name is Lyao Rube. I'm here for you tomorrow."

Gatai's good brother has asked me to shake his hand by saying so when he left.

"Of course I know you. Thanks for your support."

When I lied like I was breathing, I shook my hand back so vigorously.

Is this the guy from Rube?

I don't remember the name, but it's one of the five generals (Fifth Braves).

Does that mean my kind?

After shaking hands with the others, I ate and slept.