The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 253: Are High School Students So Terrible Today?

“What's wrong with you? ”

Though Makoto shouted to let Li Yalin leave with Sakura, unfortunately Li Yalin stopped the gangsters, but had no intention of leaving. Instead, he looked at Makoto Makoto with surprise and did not understand what was happening to him.

“Don't worry about me! Take the cherry blossoms! ”

Shinji Mitsuro saw Li Yalin nowhere, his face suddenly showed a helpless and angry look. Is this guy stupid? Can't he see these guys are not good people?

It can be said that Shinji Mitsumomo is in danger, but the cherry blossom is still in mind. On this alone, his sister is very qualified and Li Yalin is very satisfied.

As for taking cherry with him, although he could do it, he did not do so, just because Li Yalin understood that, in this case, even if she wanted to take cherry with her, she would not accept.

After all, she was surrounded by gangsters, but her brother.

After only a few contacts, Li Yalin already knew that the relationship between the brothers and sisters was very good, and although the character of the cherry blossom was soft, in some places she stumbled upon it unexpectedly, she would never look at Makoto Shinji and sit around and ignore him.

“You bastard, you want to get mixed up? If you don't want to die, get the fuck out of here! Otherwise, watch your back! ”

At the time of Leah Lin's conversation with Shinji Kiryu, the gangsters beside him didn't have time. They saw a beautiful chick show up. They weren't waiting for a trick. Is that why anyone wants a hero to save the beauty?

Hero saving beauty comes at a price! Absolutely not. Little high school kids like you are staying at home!

“Safe lives? ”

As soon as I heard the gangsters with their teeth and claws, Lee Arlington laughed, and no one had told him that in a long time, his own life was in danger? Who do you think you are?

“Don't you understand? Want to die? ”

Perhaps Leah Lin's laughter provoked the gangsters, and he saw them with a friction, looking at them and trying to teach the bastard in front of him who didn't know the thickness of heaven and earth a lesson.

And their performance scared the cherry behind Leah Lin. After all, it was the first time she had experienced this kind of thing. In the face of these fierce evil hooligans, you can't even be afraid.

Subconsciously, Cherry embraced Li Yalin's arm behind him, his chest firmly attached to his arm, giving Li Yalin a crisp feeling.

This cherry… seems quite predictable, though not apparent from the surface.

“Get out of here! ”

Shinji Ma shouted immediately, hoping to alert Li Yalin, at least don't stand here foolishly, take Cherry Run immediately.

But unfortunately, his words had just been shouted and his face had been punched steadily.

“Son of a bitch, can you talk here? Be honest! I'll take care of you later! ”

Not only was he punched in the face, even his body was kicked and punched for a while. This scene was very calm in Li Yalin's eyes. After all, it had nothing to do with him. After all, Master Er was beaten or something. Isn't this something I'm glad to see?

However, when Shinji Ma was beaten, Sakura couldn't bear to shout at her brother, but in front of her, these hooligans stopped her from going. She couldn't do anything. She had to hold Li Yalin tightly, not knowing what to do.

“Don't worry, I'm here.” Knowing Shinji Kiryama Sakura's worries, Li Yalin patted her shoulder and was very gentle to say comforting words.

I don't really want to save that guy, but in front of Sakura, be a good thing.

“Senior..." Sakura's eyes became red. Li Yalin's words reassured her a lot just now. If she only felt that there were seniors, there would be no problem.

However, how will Senpai save his brother?

“I said... you're almost done. What do you want to kill people in the middle of the day? ”

There are cherry blossoms, plus Shinji Michima did learn a lot of lessons, Li Yalin feels almost, naturally openly stopped drinking opposite.

But unfortunately, his appearance is really not deterrent, at least in the view of the gangsters, a high school student dressed as an asshole book bug dared to spell the word here, it is simply intolerable!

“What did you say? ”

One of the gangsters on the head of the plane squeezed his eyebrows and did a great job of putting his left hand in his ear. He looked like I couldn't hear him. He had to beat me more than he could beat me.

“Didn't you hear me? Deaf?” Li Yalin mumbled, and the guys still couldn't communicate in words.

“You're too arrogant, you little brat! ”

For the gangsters, Li Yalin's watch reality is so provocative, if all this can be tolerated, why would they come out to be gangsters?

As a qualified hooligan, nature is to bully, to do what you want, only to bully people, not to bully others.

This is the path of hooliganism, and the kid in front of you is challenging the bottom line!

I think Li Yalin is just an ordinary high school student. Anyway, the gangster on this plane didn't use his weapon. He threw his fist directly at Li Yalin. Looking at it, there is a whole lot of meaning not to beat up Mong Li Yalin and vow not to stop.

But this guy never thought Li Yalin might be that easy to beat up?

As soon as he raised his hand, the gangster's fist was held in Li Yalin's palm, followed by a gentle twist...

“pain pain pain…”

In that instant, the tears of the gangsters on the head of the plane fell from the tear glands, while the knee was soft, and the person fell in front of Li Yalin.

“What can't you say? Why do you have to use your fist? I'm a man who hates violence the most. ”

Li Yalin frowned and said seriously to the gangster on the head of the plane. The expression, believing that the person he saw would believe his words, but if he looked at the action again...

How dare you say you hate violence the most?

“Masada-kun! ”

Seeing the gangster on the head of the plane was actually suffocated by an enemy. The remaining gangsters panicked. A few people came straight at me and wanted to attack Li Yalin and save his companion. It's just a shame...

“Don't come near me. If I accidentally push hard, his hand will break. ”

Li Yalin's face raised his head with a very sunny smile, but in stark contrast to his smile, it was the miserable howling jet-headed hooligan.


The rest of the gangsters were frightened when they saw their peers' hands bent in an incredible direction.

“I don't know what happened, but can you let that man go in my face? ”

Still smiling on his face, it sounds like a negotiated silence, but the gangsters know that if they resist, the seemingly harmless high school student across the street will break his partner's hand directly!

Are high school students so horrible now?

The subconscious shuddered, and the rogues backed away, also staring vigilantly at Li Yalin.

“That's right. ”

Li Yalin nodded at the performance of the gangsters, expressing his great satisfaction and letting go of his hands, sort of letting go of that airplane gangster.

“Thank you for your cooperation, but I would also like to say here, don't think about taking revenge or anything. It is best not to see each other again in the future, otherwise..."

After releasing the gangster on the plane, Li Yalin picked up a metal bat from the ground, after all, Li Yalin's smile and actions were just too frightening, no one could have imagined that a high school student would be so aggressive, even if the weapon in his hand had fallen off.

Li Yalin was cheap, but Li Yalin wasn't prepared to take the metal bat into his own possession. Instead, he actually held both ends of the bat with both hands, then pressed so hard...

Virgin Mary's up there. What do I see?

The hooligans were scared to pee because they saw that the metal bat, which was still good, was actually in the hands of the student who seemed to be just a degenerate bookworm, slightly bent...

How powerful is this? How could a guy like that be his opponent himself!

“You... we'll see! ”

The shocked hooligans left a harsh message and fled quickly, as if they had seen a ghost. After all, they broke the metal bat with their bare hands. Such a guy could never provoke them.

This is a standard ending, isn't it?

Watching the gangsters go away, Li Yalin shrugged his shoulders and threw a metal bat on the floor that had become L-shaped in his hand.

At the same time, Sakura quickly came to Makoto Makoto and was very concerned to ask about his injuries.

“What's up, brother? You all right? You all right? ”

“I'm fine...”

Frowned, Makoto Michima stood up under the help of Sakura. He had just been beaten by a fat man. It would be good if he could still stand up.

“Don't think I'll thank you! Sakura, let's go! ”

In the face of Li Yalin, Shinji Mitsumi's face revealed a complex divine color. At first, he stopped speaking twice, as if he had something to say but could not say it. Finally, he glanced at Li Yalin and left with a limp.

“Brother! ”

Cherry is really a little upset about his brother's attitude. Faced with saving his benefactor, if you don't say thank you, how can you show this attitude?

However, there is no way. After all, it is her brother, Shinji Mitsumi, who caused the trouble, and she has to deal with it.

“I'm so sorry, Senpai, you saved us, but he..."

“Nothing, look at that Mitsuro seems to be hurt a lot too, Mitsuro, you should take good care of Mitsuro... In other words, two Mitsuro students, that's so awkward. ”

Shook his head, Li Yalin smiled indicating that he was very large, but when he also called Makoto Kiryu and Sakura, his face revealed an awkward color.

“Well... if you don't mind... just call me by my name.” I can see that Li Yalin's face is unwieldy, and Sakura's face is also red. She knows that she and her brother are both named Mutong. It's more troublesome to distinguish between them, so...

“In that case, Sakura...”
