The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 471: Nothing Is Easier Than A Fist

Leah Lin has an ambition to be able to return home safely and then live a shameless and happy life with the girls he likes. In order to achieve this ambition, no matter what obstacles he has in front of him, he will step aside without courtesy.

Unfortunately, this ambition is not so simple to achieve, because before realizing the ambition, he must possess superior power over everything, recreate the glory of the Demon Nation, and trample the human world...

Cough, trampling the human world or something, is actually just a small part of Li Yalin's plan, the main purpose is not to be proactive. After all, Li Yalin is not always in the habit of laying eggs in a pit, and it is always good to have a reasonable retreat.

And the fiery fiery lion kingdom, happens to be his favorite.

This is a very good country, close to the Real Demon Nation, with little influence in the human world, and it would definitely be good for me if I could control this country in my own hands.

Thinking about the benefits, Li Yalin was delighted to decide, so after Morgan threw the olive branches at him, his mind resolutely generated an idea.

“Captain? Uncle Morgan, if you're just a small captain, you should be very grateful.” Though countless thoughts flashed through his mind, it was actually just for a moment, seeing that Uncle Morgan's voice had just fallen, but Li Yalin's face revealed an arrogant dark color, as if he was very indifferent to the duties of the team leader.

“Oh? Looks like Little Brother Arryn has a lot of confidence in what he's capable of. ”

Seeing Li Yalin's performance, instead of being annoyed, Uncle Morgan showed a very interesting expression and appeared to be very interested in Li Yalin.

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of people who experience such a situation, the first being pure waste and noble pride, with no merit whatsoever.

But the second word is, people who have real talent, because they have real talent, and that's why they don't give a shit.

With Uncle Morgan's knowledge of Li Yalin, he's not the kind of loser nobleman, so that means he's really capable.

Morgan is not afraid of people being proud, he is afraid that people won't be able to do it. If Li Yalin is really good, then he can actually find the treasure.

“It's not confidence, it's strength. ”

Li Yalin approached Morgan's idea. At this moment, he naturally had to fight for himself. After all, his purpose already existed. Naturally, he had the opportunity to climb as high as he could.

Moreover, Li Yalin knows better that strength is not something that can be blown out as soon as his upper lip hits his lip, but is visible. Therefore, with his voice just falling, a frivolous momentum emanated from his body, but it surprised Uncle Morgan.

“This… is amazing! ”

Uncle Morgan is also a master, naturally able to distinguish Li Yalin's strength. This is not the work of a three-legged cat, he is definitely a first-class master!

Being able to possess this momentum, at least the strength of the Primary Swordsman rank, but how old is this Little Brother Arryn? How can he possess such strength? He must be a genius specially cultivated by a large family!

Now it seems that the family behind him would never have been easy, and if it hadn't been for the coincidence, he wouldn't have gotten this talent himself.

“Okay, okay! That's wonderful! With this strength of Brother Arryn, being a team leader is really too benign. Don't worry, Brother Arryn, follow me and I will do well. Uncle will never hurt you! ”

Uncle Morgan was excited to see Hunting Xinxi. According to the power of mankind, the swordsman should correspond to the demon fighter level. Walking in the human world is also a strong person, and is definitely the object that the major forces want to fight for, so no wonder Uncle Morgan will behave like this.

Morgan is not a fool, naturally it can be seen that Li Yalin is prepared to stay in Lakarta City for a long time. He needs a guarantee, and he, is the very person who can bring him protection. You have a love for me. If you go one or two, you will not be guilty of rape... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Speaking of this, Morgan's meaning has become obvious. A junior swordsman can basically hold the position of Legion Leader. Don't say team leader, even the big captain is very talented, so Morgan has not said anything about the position.

But with such a talent, Morgan couldn't have wasted it. Though there was no guarantee, there was no need to say too much, just to know each other.

As such, both sides were very happy. Morgan got the talent he wanted. Li Yalin also boarded the ride smoothly. After all, he only knew Morgan from the three factions in La Kada City, and now he can't make any other choices.

A day later, an astonishing news broke out in the Raqqada City Defense Forces, a deputy commander who had never appeared, and now he has a candidate!


All Urban Defense Forces soldiers met face-to-face and had not previously elected deputy commanders. It was rumored that Captain Morgan would be examining the eight captains under his command and selecting the strongest of them as deputy commanders.

But now, how can one accept that none of the eight captains has taken office, but that one deputy captain has fallen into the air?

Who's the vice captain? What do you mean?

For a while, there was much discussion in the City Defense Forces, but no one knew that an argument was going on in Morgan's regimental conference room.

“I don't like it! What makes this kid vice captain? ”

“Exactly! A hairy boy in the district, what can we do to sit on our heads? Sir Captain, you must give us an explanation! ”

“There must be a narrative! ”

Very well, the conference room of the city defense corps department is now like the food market, a few men dressed in full weight are roaring loudly, as for the contents of this quarrel, it goes without saying that nature is the new deputy leader Li Yalin.

In fact, Li Yalin didn't think that Uncle Morgan would directly assign him a deputy chief. After all, he was just an outsider, and he never showed military capability. Suddenly he became deputy chief, isn't it too hasty?

Looking at Morgan, Li Yalin immediately voiced his doubts.

But who conceived that Uncle Morgan laughed for a while, saying that it was very comforting to have this idea of Lea Lin, but soon his explanation made Lea Lin understand why.

It turns out that Uncle Morgan made himself vice captain, and he was simply prepared to give himself a buffer period, and he never considered taking up his post for a long time.

According to Uncle Morgan, the strength of Little Brother Arryn is extraordinary. Even more sooner or later, if he is only in the army, isn't it a waste of his gift?

So Morgan is going to let Li Yalin go to the army for a while and recommend him to His Majesty the King when he has the chance, and it won't be too late.

In other words, Morgan is very keen on Li Yalin's future, which is basically to see him as the top beam pillar of the future of the fiery lion.

You can't help but think of me, can you? It's only a pity your kindness is destined to attract wolves into the room.

He shook his head in secret, but Leah Lin couldn't tell Uncle Morgan, and even said that he had to work hard to play the role of deputy chief.

It was no surprise, however, that he was the target of an attack by the commanders of the Urban Defense Forces.

Understandably, after all, Uncle Morgan had explained to him earlier that the post of his deputy chief had been vacant for so many years, and several of his captains had been staring at him.

It's just a little too much at the moment.

The Lakada Urban Defense Forces have eight battalions, each managed by eight captains, but now, those who speak out against Li Yalin actually make up six of them, the remaining two are watching with cold eyes.

Of course, they don't look too good when they look at Li Yalin.

a headache.

By pressing the temple, Leah Lin looked at Uncle Morgan with some grudge. His expression was full of grudges, but Uncle Morgan laughed haha and had no sense of being the culprit.

Well, it was obvious that you had to look at your abilities and let yourself handle it.

Li Yalin whispered in secret, the spitting trough in his heart could not stop, but the trouble in front of him, he still had to solve it, otherwise didn't he lose face in front of Uncle Morgan?

“Cough, guys, can I have a word? ”

Seeing the noise, Li Yalin gently coughed twice and prepared to say something one step ahead.

Unfortunately, the other party did not seem to give Li Yalin face at all. He saw one of the captains in his twenties or under thirty years of age, stared directly and fiercely at Li Yalin, and in the meantime rebutted him.

“What are you? Is there anything you can say here? ”

The tiger won't blow. What if you assume I'm a sick cat?

Li Yalin had wanted to settle it peacefully, but soon he realized that his idea was very stupid. There was nothing easier to deal with this kind of person than fisting.

Therefore, in the face of this arrogant guy, Li Yalin directly punched to show who he was!

Almost instantly, Li Yalin's figure suddenly disappeared and appeared immediately in front of the person, suddenly striking at a speed that no one could detect. After everyone reacted, the guy who was still arrogant with Li Yalin was already embedded on the wall of the conference room.

“So now, who else has a problem? ”

Slightly patted his hands, the corner of Li Yalin's mouth slightly raised, smiling at the crowd of shocked captains.

What's this guy doing here? Why are you so horrible?

Faced with Li Yalin, the massive captains' hearts felt faint helplessness. The guy who just got hit by Li Yalin's fist into the wall is also upstream, but he is not one of the enemies of others. Although he accounted for the ingredients of the sneak attack, don't exaggerate so much?

Opinion? What else can you say in the face of such a powerful power?