The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 543: Princess Princess Isn't That Ridiculous?

First time with the pull. When Flea met, Leah Lin's first feeling was that she and Xia Yan were really like, both in character and appearance, and both belonged to the kind of girl with the holy light, except this La. Flia is more mature than Xia Yan, with long silver hair and waist, giving her an intellect and beauty.

“I really didn't expect that the legendary fourth real ancestor would be such a handsome young man. I had heard of the new fourth real ancestor, I thought it would be a serious middle-aged man. ”

With a faint smile in the corner of his mouth, pull. Flia seemed very good at mocking people. Immediately after her first introduction, she relaxed and talked to Li Yalin as a very equal person.

I have to say, she was so close to Li Yalin when she opened her mouth, after all, they were young people, they talked to each other very well, right?

“The princess praised me, I'm just an ordinary person, I'm nothing compared to the beautiful and wise princess.” Though so praised by a beautiful girl, Li Yalin's divine colour remained unchanged, only a faint opening, completely untouched.

“Is it funny how you two brag about each other? ”

Leah Lin and La. What Flia said after the meeting was completely a formalized dialogue. You said something to me, and both parties understood that it was just a guest house, but at this point, an uncomfortable voice suddenly sounded, but the voice was not loud, but clearly passed into the ears of the two.

Li Yalin is naturally quite familiar with the sound, because the owner of the sound is the good sister of the snow dishes, the dancing lady of the Lion King's Authority, and Li Yalin's chosen target - Yahua Huangsaka.

Just with the pull. When Flia met, Leah Lin had already seen Sayahua behind the princess, only to prevent this from happening officially. Although there were no outsiders present, it was not easy to greet her immediately.

Though there were some surprises that she appeared on String Kamijima so quickly, think about Sayahua's identity and follow La. There's nothing wrong with Flia.

You know, when Wattora came to String Kamijima, he was also responsible for accompanying Sayahua, nominally a receptionist, but actually a surveillance.

I don't know if it caused resentment because I didn't say hello to her. Anyway, when the two of them were talking, Sayahua was just sitting next to them. It was really embarrassing not to speak up and let the two of them hear it.

“Ah, do you know Miss Hirosaka and Mr. Arryn? Why do I smell acid? ”

Admittedly, Sayahua's words embarrassed the scene for once, but Li Yalin and La. Flia is not a simple figure, and how can she be really stuck with it?

No, pull. Flia just smiled lightly and easily resolved the crisis without saying anything, even some belly darkness hit back and immediately made a big red face of Sayahua.

“What... what acidic taste, Princess? What are you talking about? ”

“It's been a long time since I've seen Sayahua, Your Highness. Don't mind me. Sayahua and I are good friends. I'm used to joking. ”

Saya Yahua's expression was very embarrassing. Li Yalin's heart was funny but also helped her to unravel the fence. After all, they did know each other. However, this is usually a joke to get used to. It is purely Li Yalin's mouth and moustache.

“Who... who are you good friends with!” Although Sayahua felt a little happy after hearing Li Yalin's words, she would never admit it in her mouth as a standard arrogance.

“Looks like you two are really good friends. ”

At this moment, Sayahua's face rose red, and there was a lot of fighting with Leah Lin, but seeing this scene, pulled... But Furia is having fun again.

This is clearly a pair of happy wrongdoers. If you are still laughing at Ya-hwa Saya-hwa at first, then she can now confirm that Ya-hwa Saya-hwa likes Li Ya-lin.

“No… that's not true! ”

The positive tone of La Fliana made Sayahua wonder how to refute it. After thinking about it, he could only end up with a stomp of anger, indicating that it was not true at all.

But how can a little girl be so delicate, pulling... Flia seems to be more of a default.

“Well, let's get down to business. I don't know what the Princess is so anxious to find me for. ”

Leah Lin is here to see Ra. Flia is for business, not for flirting with Sayahua, just a little smile, don't go too far.

Turning around, Li Yalin's expression got a little serious, he knew, and then he pulled... There will surely be a confrontation between Flia, and although he does not know who wins or loses, he will never allow Xia Yan to leave himself.

“Lord Arryn, please relax. I have no ill intentions. ”

La Flia saw Li Yalin's vigilance, although it did not show, but she just had the feeling that the other party seemed to know what she was coming for, but it was impossible.

I don't know where this vigilance came from, but I'm pulling it now. For Flia, the most important thing is to eliminate this sense of vigilance, which would otherwise be very detrimental to her.

“I believe in this, but it's better to say something straight. I'm a straight person and don't like turning corners. I would appreciate it if Her Royal Highness could speedily explain it. ”

In La Flia's view, she did not want to immediately identify the purpose, in her opinion, but rather gradually, first in close relationship with Li Yalin La and then move forward without delay.

But Neha, Leah Lin, who seemed to speak very well, showed no oil and salt at this time, as if to say that she was in a bad mood, causing her to be very exasperated.

I can't use anything I was prepared for, should I really go straight to the theme?

“Well, it seems that His Excellency Arryn is indeed a fast man, so I didn't hide it, so I just said it. ”

Gazed at Lealin for a while, pulled. Flea found that Leahlyn didn't really seem to be trying to test herself, but really wanted to make it clear that she sighed and sighed, which was totally inconsistent with the plan, but she didn't have much of a choice to make for it.

“This is the best. ”

Seeing each other compromise, Li Yalin also laughed in his heart. His Highness, though wise, was still young and could not be a true old oil strip without experiencing so much.

If it's a more mature one, I'm afraid Li Yalin is still fighting each other. Flia has given up.

“In fact, the purpose of my visit to String Kamijima is for Yesei Xiayin... No, it should now be called Xiao Xiayin. This is about the secrecy of the Royal Family of Rihavain. I hope that Lord Arryn will understand our mood and let us welcome Xiao Xiayin back. ”

La Flia didn't say it in any particular detail, but she meant it in a different way. Xia Yan is from the Rihavain royal family. She came here to pick someone up, hoping that you could be a little more interesting and give her a convenience or something.

It's no surprise Learling, if he's not a client, pull. I'm afraid Fulia won't tell herself so much, but unfortunately, he already knew about the Rihavain royal crap and needed to pull it. Furia said?

“Her Royal Highness is joking, Xiayin is my family, now part of our Xiaojia family, what does it have to do with your royal family? Her Royal Highness, don't tell me what Xia Yan was the first emperor's illegitimate daughter. She was abandoned until now. It's impossible to take her back or anything. ”

Laughed and waved, Li Yalin still calm on the surface, but revealed to Pu. But what Flia means is more obvious.

I knew what you guys were up to. Trying to steal Summer Sound? No way!

“It seems that His Excellency Ahreum has known for a long time, and although he does not know where he came from, Xiao Xia Yan does have the blood of the Rihavain royal family, who is a royal person and naturally has to return to her own home. ”

Her Royal Highness the wise princess found out. Dawn Xiayin's identity was revealed. The fourth real ancestor knew her identity long before her eyes. In this way, things could be really troublesome.

Leah Lin's attitude was obvious, and it was clear that he wouldn't let anyone go, and he pulled... Flia has not been able to use any means of coercion. Xiayin's identity is secret and cannot be disclosed to the public. Otherwise, it will be the royal scandal of the Kingdom of Artikia, and the whole country will be in a crisis of trust, which is absolutely forbidden.

Moreover, Xiayin has now become the adopted daughter of Xiaojia, which is protected by law. Even the Kingdom of Altikia cannot force people to plunder back, the only way is to convince Li Yalin to let go of his own initiative.

But at the moment, it is unlikely to see Li Yalin like this.

But even though Li Yalin is tough, pull... Flia had no intention of giving up, even saying that she had spared no effort to persuade Li Yalin that he would return to greet Xia Yan back home.

Unfortunately, what she did was useless.

“Home? Her Royal Highness is a joke. Does the kingdom of Arthikia count as her home to Xiayin? Do you count as her family? If so, where were you when her mother died? Where were you when she was adopted? Where were you when she was remodeled without ghosts? No, none of you are here, so to you, Xia Yun is just a bastard daughter, and now you're here to tell me you're going to take her home, Your Highness, don't you find that ridiculous? ”