The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1360: Opportunities to relieve stress

According to Li Yalin's opinion, he must be reluctant to engage in collective activities. After all, he does not see when this is all happening. Tiangong City's boundaries still cause headaches, and the spiritual power of everyone is completely unstable. Plus, a garden god who still doesn't know the bottom line is Rin...

Going out for a group event? How big is this heart?

Unfortunately, his reluctance to appear useless. Once he heard his words, Shixiang's eyes lit up in a flash and his face was full of excitement.


Seeing such an interesting ten incense, Li Yalin couldn't really refuse her for a while, and his subconscious turned his eyes to the violin.

What are the opinions of the violin in this situation?

“Isn't that nice? Taking part in a group event or something seems like a good option. ”

Nani even agreed to the violin?

“I don't know what collective activity is, but it sounds interesting. ”

“Endorses the hope that it will be possible to participate in this collective event. ”

“Ah, if Arryn goes, I will definitely participate. ”

Now, look at the next few people, there is not a single rejection, even said that even the garden gods beside it, even the eyes of hope are revealed.

Do you even want to participate?

By the way, according to Li Yalin's knowledge, Park Shenlin is also a member of two years and four classes. Of course, she can't miss this kind of collective activity.

“Well, if everyone wants to join us, then go to bed early today and we'll leave in the morning! ”

I couldn't help it. I swept around the living room and everyone actually said they wanted to go. This made Li Yalin unable to refuse at all. He could only follow the opinion of the people and directly promised to come down.

This, too, allowed Shika to cheer with her hands up, looks really looking forward to tomorrow's collective event.

I don't even know what the event is. Is it necessary to be so excited?


Li Yalin sighed in the heart, and at this time, the four threads beside him gently pulled his sleeve, slightly nervous on his cheek, obviously wanted to say something, but failed to say it.

“What's wrong, Shinoyano? What can I do for you? ”

“Can't you see that? Big Brother, you are really unexpectedly retarded, of course Si Yang wants to participate in tomorrow's event! ”

Suddenly, she was caught by the four threads. Li Yalin was still a little confused. After he asked, she didn't wait for the four threads to speak. She took the lead in preaching to Li Yalin.


Li Yalin can't really argue with Si Yannai's statement. After all, he can't perceive Si Yannai's mood. He is also a little dull.

“So it turns out, I did neglect it. So, Sinatra, would you like to join us tomorrow? ”

Nodded, then Li Yalin turned his eyes on the four threads, in fact, the four threads were able to be so proactive, it was the first time in the wilderness.

You know, Si Yarn is this shy little Lori, but even in the Wuhe family, she basically watches TV with Si Yarn Nai for the rest of her time, apart from being closest to Li Yarin, like this kind of active participation, is absolutely unique.

Then it was easy for Si Yan to take the initiative once, of course Li Yalin can't miss it.

“Mm-hmm! ”

After hearing Leah Lin's words, Si Yan hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded heavily.

Looks like she also looks forward to tomorrow, and seeing this scenario makes it even more unlikely that Li Yalin will say anything without attending the event.

Though he may struggle harder tomorrow if this happens, even hard work is worth it for the smiley face in front of him!

“Qin Li, how did you agree to be so happy today? ”

Li Yalin's heart had made a decision, but it did not mean that he had no doubts. When Shixiang and the others had returned home, he found them in the qin. He asked her a question in vain.

I can't help it, he really doesn't know what he's thinking in the piano, but he promised to come down at the first moment. What the hell is going on here?

“Isn't that great? Everyone has been feeling nervous lately. We should also find an opportunity to relax. If we continue to hold it, God knows if there will be chaos. ”

In the face of Li Yalin's inquiry, the answer in the qin is very obvious, but it is also an immediate awakening for Li Yalin.

“It is also true that this is an opportunity. ”

As Li Yalin said, because of the return of their spiritual power, everyone's mood inevitably creates tension. Although Li Yalin has been helping everyone, it still creates stress.

So finding an opportunity to release these pressures has become a very important link. Although I don't know what the moths are going to do tomorrow, it is definitely an opportunity.

“Brother, don't worry, I will cooperate with you on Fraxinus, you are not alone in the battle. ”

Leah Lin has any concerns. This sister in the qin knows her heart. In fact, she has taken this into account, so Fraxinus will be ready for battle tomorrow.

After all, she is the captain of Fraxinus, the commander of Ratatosk!

“You cooperated with me on Fraxinus? Aren't you coming with us? ”

Listening to this, Leah Linton stunned for a moment. He thought Leah Linton was going to work with everyone, but she ran over and sat behind the town.

“That's not necessary, I don't have much pressure to release, and Fraxinus needs me to command it, and it's enough that your voice will cooperate with you on the ground. ”

shook her head and seemed to have really failed to consider the issue of action together, and she made the point.

Yes, there are village rain ringtones cooperating on the ground, then she must stay on top of Fraxinus, otherwise if you give Fraxinus to the godless Kyouhei, that would be a real mess!

“Are you sure? ”

The words in the qin are reasonable, but in Li Yalin's view, she is a bit strong.

When it comes to stress, it is certain that everyone will have it. Even Li Yalin himself, there is a certain amount of pressure, but the distinction is only large and small.

So like this collective action to relieve stress, naturally it should be counted as one of them, only unfortunately, she is willing to sacrifice little me for the sake of big me, it is really a bit intolerable for Li Yalin.

“Of course. What else can I do? ”

shook her head towards Leah Lin and gently laughed in the harp, but as you can see, she had a slight reluctance in this smile.

In fact, the piano wants to work with you!

“It's enough for me to have everything, and you can come with us tomorrow in the qin, as long as nothing happens, there's no need to sit in the town of Fraxinus. ”

As soon as he reached out, Li Yalin held the violin directly in his arms, gently patting the back of the violin, while also making his decision.

Yes, he doesn't need Fraxinus' support, and he will do his best to avoid accidents, so that his sister can relieve the stress and enjoy the summer.

When Li Yalin held her in her arms, her unconscious eyes closed as she found herself really enjoying this feeling.

Soon after, however, she recovered as usual and left Li Yalin with some difficulty before shaking her head again.

“I'm fine, Brother Sir, I'll leave tomorrow's collective event to you, and I'll do my best to cooperate with you. If you feel unfair to me, can I make amends later? ”

“This… okay. ”

There was insistence in the qin, which Li Yalin could see, and that's why he didn't continue to insist, because he knew very well that even if he insisted, the qin wouldn't change his mind.

If it's not sweet to twist, let her go.

As she said, it's a big deal to wait for a chance to make it up to her later.

So, one night of silence, until the next morning, Li Yalin was woken up by a group of excited sisters and came to the place he had agreed to with the Hongchen people.

In yesterday's phone call, Hiromachi was very vowed that this was a class group event, but the result is...

“The group activities you're talking about… are these the only people? ”

The corner of his mouth was violently moved a few times, Li Yalin now really has a urge to beat up the Hongman of Palace Town.

For no reason, just look at the guys in front of this guy.

Origami counts as one. After all, wherever Li Yalin walks, she will follow, which does not need to be explained at all.

In addition to the origami paper, the three-piece combination, which has always had a good relationship with Shixiang, was also present, and Li Yalin had nothing to be surprised about their appearance.

It's just... how come there's no one else but these four? What about the collective event? Are you kidding me?

“Listen to me...”

It was also very embarrassing for Hiromachi, who was caught by Li Yalin. In fact, yesterday he was really everyone who notified him in turn, but he didn't realize it. Nobody gave him this face. The agreed collective activities actually brought so many people here.

Li Yalin and the girls behind him, there is no doubt about this. After all, he is his‘ best friend '. This face must be given.

The origami also came normally. Last night he mentioned that Li Yalin would participate, and the origami side promised to come down.

The same is true of the three-shirt combination. The Hongchi people mentioned ten incenses before they came to participate.

But the rest of you... he really didn't expect that he was so unattractive!