The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1487: Wishing the King Wuyun Changlong

‘I do live with Mad Three, yes, but Mad Three, who lives with me, it doesn't look like you, does it? ’

Seeing the look of Eyemask Three is getting weirder and weirder, Li Yalin finally can not remain silent. After all, if he continues like this, God knows how he will be misunderstood by Eyemask Three.

Though he always wanted to attack Madness III, he was equally clear that he had no way of attacking her until he had solved the Madness III knot.

Even listening to her laugh, it's doubtful how many of these are true and false.

‘My body, isn't that me too? ’

With regard to Li Yalin's rebuttal, Crazy Three quickly smiled. It is truly incorrect to say this.

Isn't that Mad Three?

That's right, but the problem is, it's not the same thing.

‘Seems like an interesting thing to hear. Seems like in five years, one of my splits will be out of my control and conquered by this man? ’

Li Yalin's hand was always held by Eyemask Maniac 3, so he communicated with Maniac 3, and Eyemask Maniac 3 naturally heard clearly.

And that's why the expression on the three faces of the blindfold madness will come even stranger at this time, as if to hear something very unbelievable, with the eyes of Li Yalin, is also full of fun.

‘Conquering something... should actually be mutual love, right? ’

When Li Yalin subconsciously scratched his cheek when he heard the word "conquer", he didn't think he had conquered the Madness 3 of the family. At best, he was just in position to attack.

If you want a true conqueror, even a split, it's a very tough battle!

‘Do we like each other? ’

Leah Lin seems to be even more excited about this statement, but if he goes on like this, Leah Lin may not be able to hold up.

“I say... now doesn't seem like the time to discuss this, does it? We're running out of time. Can you use the twelve bullets on me right now? ”

Under helplessness, Li Yalin could only draw back his hand, interrupted the connection between Eyemask Maniac 3 and Maniac 3 after 5 years, and then continued to speak. The expression was very serious.

We should move on to the next topic!

“It is true that, in that case, we shall meet again in five years. ”

Li Yalin said the words to this effect, the Eyemask Maniac 3 did not mean to continue to pursue, smiled slightly at Li Yalin, and fired a gun at the short handle in his hand, also pointed at Li Yalin's head.

“Crazy Three… I'll see you in five years. ”

nodded three times toward the blindfold, and Li Yalin said, even if it was the two of them separately.

“Well, then... wish King Wuyun a long time! ”

Li Yalin nodded with a smile. The next moment, Li Yalin lost consciousness immediately after he pulled the trigger of the firearm.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself back a few days ago, when the fire in Tiangong City had just spread!

“Another transmission error? ”

Seeing the fire around him, Li Yalin couldn't help but stand by for a moment. Before he talked to the blindfold madman about the transmission time, it should be before the pixie in the piano, that is, Tiangong City should not have burned yet.

The main reason for asking for that point was that Li Yalin had the heart to stop origami from meeting the phantom, and even said that he wanted to seal Tiangong city fire as soon as he became an elf in the piano.

If we're going to change history anyway, isn't it better to do something bigger?

More importantly, he can also take this opportunity to meet the phantom and discover each other's true face. After all, this is the biggest secret of dating!

Unfortunately, there was an error in the transmission of Eyemask Maniac 3, and Li Yalin could not be sent to the time he wanted to go. The fire had already burned in Tiangong City, indicating that he was already late!

“After all, Ya Lin, you have too much spiritual power, and the error appearing in a short time is in reason. By the way, this is not the time to tangle these things up, if you can't act, you will really be late. ”


Just as Li Yalin's heart was depressed, the voice of Mad Three came back and awoke him.

Now is not the time to get involved. Let's move!

Fortunately, despite the deviation, the tragedy did not occur. According to his impression, Li Yalin quickly found the scene where the origami parents were killed.

And by the time he arrived at the scene, the origami parents were holding hands with the origami, avoiding the flame around them, and appeared to be in a panic before entering here.

The result was a very coincidental hit by origami five years later, even without a whole corpse.

So well, at this coincidental time and coincidental location, coupled with such an unexpected attack, Li Yalin approached the opportunity to show up at the most critical time to save origami and her parents.

Along with a huge pale blue magic array, the attack of Pokémon Origami in the sky was completely resisted, and at the same time, the scene was the stare of the Origami family.

Origami family was supposed to go out to play today, but did not expect a sudden fire in Tiangong City. In this disaster, Origami's father dragged his wife and daughter busily and ran off to this strange street.

But I didn't expect to escape the fire easily, but a fierce white light in the sky suddenly fell. Although I don't know what this is, the family's three mouths still instinctively closed their eyes.

However, after waiting a while, the family did not feel any abnormality and opened their eyes again, but found a strange boy, holding up a magic formation and blocking the white light.

Jesus... what the hell is this?

What's the matter with this?

The origami family had all three silly eyes, and at this moment they even stood idly in place, meaning nothing movable.

It was not until Leah Lin completely carried the origami blow and retracted the defensive magic array that the family finally regained consciousness and understood what was happening in front of her.


The first person to ask is the origami father, facing the unknown, but every human creates fear.

But even so, the origami father opened his mouth, and although he didn't really understand what was happening, he could see that the magical teenager in front of him saved their family.

“It's dangerous here, take your wife and daughter out of here and protect them! ”

For Leah Lin, he did not know whether this was a first meeting with his father-in-law. After all, according to his relationship with origami, there was no doubt that the future would come true.

However, in this situation, Li Yalin can't get close to others. He can't tell them that he came five years later, and your daughter almost pushed him backwards?

Don't joke!

Now, let the origami family leave this dangerous zone as soon as possible, even if their plan succeeds.

“Yes… yes! I understand!”

After hearing Li Yalin's words, Origami's father instinctively stunned, but soon, he reacted, pulling his wife and daughter around, bowed to Li Yalin and thanked him, then fled the dangerous place in a hurry.

He was well aware that his family was ordinary, and in that case the most important thing to do was to stay away from danger.

However, while the origami father was pulling his wife and daughter away, the origami with his small hand, her eyes were always on Li Yalin, as if to imprint his body photograph inside.

Unfortunately, that's not what Li Yalin knew, because his attention was completely focused on the sky.

Saved the origami parents, which is equivalent to changing history, so what happens to origami in the sky?

"The system has released a new text message, please check it."

What the hell?

At this critical moment, a piece of information about the system suddenly gave Li Yalin's eyebrows a wrinkle. The system has not appeared for some time. Neither said that he had any tasks to complete, nor revealed a little drama. Almost forgotten by Li Yalin.

But at this time, the system is starting to show its presence again. What does this have to do with itself?

"Please arrive at DEM Japan and thoroughly destroy it in the remaining time, with three minutes remaining and the countdown begins.

What task is this?

Without paying attention to the elf origami in the sky, Li Yalin opened the system news. At first glance, the corner of his mouth was a moment of flutter, and he could not understand what was going on.

This is the first time the system has given him such a mysterious task.

Destroying the Japanese division of DEM? Didn't you do this yourself five years later? Why did you come here five years ago and do it again?

"Please note that there is no reward for this task, you can choose to give up, but you will be responsible for the consequences, counting down to two minutes and forty-five seconds.

Nani, you can give up, but you're responsible for the consequences?

At a time when Li Yalinna was bored, the system sent another message, and this time the message was even more difficult for him to understand.

What the hell is this? Threaten yourself? Still complacent about the consequences. Do you really think that's what you're doing?

All right, man, that's what I'm eating!

Watching the countdown go by, Li Yalin did not hesitate any more and flew directly to the sky, heading in the direction of DEM at a terrible speed.

“Mr. Arryn, what are you doing? We don't have much time left. You'll be back soon. ”

Everything Li Yalin did, five years later, Mad Three also saw clearly, but now she can't understand Li Yalin's actions, what exactly is he going to do?