The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1515: You Transfer Student Are Arrogant

“Is that you?”

After hearing a shout, Li Yalin's gaze was naturally diverted to the past. Unexpectedly, he saw a familiar figure in this classroom.

Isn't that the fancy girl he just helped?

How come we meet again so soon?

To be honest, Li Yalin's expression is also a bit odd now. After all, he really didn't expect to see the cold-faced girl again in a short time.

I was going to say pretend, do good things without leaving a name or something, but the result is good. How long has this been going on? Together again.

It is clear that the two will soon become classmates.

“Huh? Princess Her Highness actually knows the new transfer student? ”

“Looks like we know each other. Yes! It's amazing how loud the princess can make such a sound! ”

“Is that a special transfer student? Looks pretty handsome. ”

“Huh! What's the use of handsome! Baoqi came in through the back door! ”

Just as Li Yalin and the fancy girl looked at each other and stood still from each other, the class was also noisy, and all kinds of arguments were loud and even worse, as if they saw something incredible.

This… seems a little too high-profile…

When he first came to the Star Guide School, Li Yalin's idea was to keep a low profile first, until he understood everything and integrated into the group, and then it was not too late to raise his profile.

But he didn't expect to get the attention of the class on the day of school.

Also worth mentioning is the pink girl… what seems to be Her Highness the Princess? Is she a princess? Just a name, or is she really a princess?

At this moment, Li Yalin's mind generated many thoughts, but the most important thing to do now is to remain calm and say hello to the teacher in this class.

After all, he is also a new student.


“You have the nerve to be late for the first day of class and still be late for my class! ”


When Li Yalin turned his eyes to the class stage, he saw a woman with a slightly thin body but a very high pick and a very sharp eye.

This should be the teacher in this class.

It's just...

Looking at each other's fiend and fiend, is this really the kind of look a teacher should show?

“I'm so sorry, this is the first time I've been to Star Guide Hall today because it's too big for me to get lost. ”

Well, for Leah Lin, even if this teacher were to ‘fiend the fiend', he wouldn't care. He's been through a lot of horrible things, would he still be afraid to stare?

But anyway, he's also a teacher, isn't he? The face to be given is still to be given, such as a reason for being late, he needs to give it first.

If you're lucky, you'll be able to follow this step.

“Oh, you're late for an excuse? You are a very arrogant transfer student. ”

Ming Li Yalin is explaining that it can be seen in people's eyes, but it is directly an excuse, which makes Li Yalin quite speechless.

This means… Are you not willing to give up?

“This transfer student is going to be in bad luck and dare to offend Teacher Jinzaki Tani. ”

“If you don't do death, you won't die. Someone doesn't understand that! ”

Beneath the podium, the students in this class started to mumble again, and listening to them, the teacher didn't seem to be very fuel-efficient.

Teacher Yatsuzaki? It certainly does not look good.

“I am not looking for excuses, but for a fact. ”

While listening to the discussion under the podium and knowing that the teacher was definitely not a provocative character, Li Yalin still responded calmly, meaning it was quite petty and not surprising.

That's why his performance frowned on the other teacher, Tsuzaki Tani, and his eyes were filled with intense anger.

“Very good! Very good! You are such an arrogant student, it is rare in this Star Guide School! ”

In a whisper, the teacher Tsuzaki Tani had an extra black and red stabbing bat in his hand, and he hit the ground with a stabbing bat and made a huge noise.

The accompanying killer, in the face of the situation, everyone in the class felt just a breathing difficulty.

It's killer! Absolutely killing!


Teacher Gu Jinzaki's killing really made the students in the class feel very uncomfortable, but looking at Li Yalin, he still stood there calmly, as if he didn't feel anything.

Teacher Gu Jinzaki's killer came to him as if he had swept the wind and could not lift the slightest ripple.

“Oh? No wonder you're so arrogant. It turns out it's a little priceless! ”

Li Yalins was not moved at all, and was already seen in the eyes of Mr. Gu Jinzaki, which flashed a surprise in her eyes, you know, students who can withstand her killing, that is rarely seen!

This special transfer student seems to really have two moments.

“Can I take a seat first, Mr. Tanizaki? Standing right here seems to disturb the class. ”

Li Yalin saw the surprise of Teacher Gu Jinzaki, but also understood very well that he was a little too high-profile, but did everything, he was not a person who would regret it.

The best way now is to put an end to this farce.

“The course has been interrupted, so I don't care about this little bit of time. As a new transfer student, you should introduce yourself. ”

As a teacher, Gu Jinzaki is also unlikely to really do a fresh hand at Li Yalin, gently snorted cold, picked up her stabbing bat, and then continued to talk to Li Yalin to introduce herself.

Is that okay?

Looking at the teacher Jinzaki Tani, looking back at the curious face under the podium, Li Yalin couldn't help but smile.

Well, in that case, let's introduce ourselves.

“My name is Li Yalin, above. ”

He said that he was introducing himself. Li Yalin wasn't actually prepared to say any more bullshit. Hurry up and end it. It is only right to reduce those eyes that are full of joy.

Besides, he really had nothing to say, because he could tell that not all of his classmates really welcomed him.

In those eyes, there was curiosity, vigilance, indifference and hostility... well, I don't know exactly how much that hostility meant, but one thing can be certain is that this class is far more troublesome than he imagined.

Understandably, after all, this is the Star Guide School, and the students who live here are all true proud sons of Heaven, each of whom is a rare generation of stars from the outside world.

There will be strife in places where the proud sons of these heavens gather.

“That's enough, Teacher Yatsuzaki. ”

After introducing himself, Li Yalin turned his gaze to Jinzaki Tani, but without waiting for the opening, the students under the podium showed their dissatisfaction.

“That's it? ”

“Just one name. That's too little, right? ”

“What a personality introduction! I love it!”

Just now, Li Yalin had attracted the attention of many people, including even the powdered girl he had helped before, at a time when she was so faint under the murderous breath of Jinzaki Tani.

Everyone wanted to listen carefully to his introduction so as to get some useful information from it, but I didn't expect that his introduction would be so brief.

Short can't do, asshole!

That doesn't satisfy us!

Of course, there are also a number of appearance association sisters who express their appreciation of Li Yalin, which will be praiseworthy and understandable.

“Finished? Go sit in that empty seat when you're done! Remember! I'm not ready to let you go about your tardiness! ”

Teacher Gu Jinzaki ignored the scene under the podium. After a deep look at Li Yalin, he fingered an empty seat in the class, indicating that it was his future seat.

At the same time, she also made clear that Li Yalin would not be so easily let go, but how exactly not to let go, but she did not explain.

“Well, Teacher Tsuzaki Tani, if you're happy. ”

Seeing this, Li Yalin shrugged her shoulders and her face was filled with a calm expression, turning to her seat.

Coincidentally, this seat of his is the table next to the girl with the fan hair. What is this? Is it fate?

“It's a coincidence that we meet again. ”

“Yeah, it's a coincidence, Mr. Li Yalin! ”

Since they were all neighboring tables, Li Yalin had nothing to hold on to. As soon as he sat down, he said hello to the pink girl. After all, they had both met before.

Only to look at the pink girl, the expression on her face came very strange, and after a moment of hesitation, she chewed on Li Yalin's teeth.

However, precisely because of this response, the whole class was detonated again!

“See! The princess is talking to the transfer student! ”

“She actually responded to the transfer student! This is incredible! ”

Are the students in this class sick?

The discussion in the class fell into Li Yalin's ear without a scratch, but it also gave him the feeling that either the fancy girl known as the princess was a 10,000 year old ice cube, or the students in this class were having problems.

It's just a word. Are you so surprised?

“Quiet! What are you talking about? It's in the classroom, you know? ”

Teacher Tsuzaki Tani on the podium hit the stabbing bat heavily on the ground, shouting and suddenly making the whole classroom feel cold.

Does this teacher Tsuzaki Tani look prestigious in his class?

But no wonder, with her strength, she can really help these students. After all, she is also a master at what she says.

That's right, Mr. Tsuzaki Tani! He's a real expert!