The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1595: Call Me Brother

“What's going on? This is the wrong way! This is not the way to the palace! ”

Just as Li Yalin thought about how to help Ulysses, His Highness suddenly shouted and frightened Li Yalin.

Not the way to Imperial Palace? What the hell is going on?

“Where does this road lead? ”

Li Yalin's eyebrows wrinkled with consciousness. He had just learned about Yulis' wishes, and he became clearer. His Highness must have been on the black list of Tonghe Enterprise Consortium.

In that case, he had to start thinking about whether it was a trap or not.


Ulysses hesitated for a moment when she heard Leah Lin's question before finally answering.


This answer stunned Li Yalin. If this is a trap or conspiracy of the Tonghe Enterprise Consortium, why drive them downtown?

This rhythm is somewhat mysterious.

At a time when Leah Lin was surprised, outside the car window, there was a burst of cheers, and then look out, good guy, this is a scene of 10,000 people in an empty alley, as if the entire inhabitants of Stolell were pouring into the street, and the crowds of cheers were crowded around the left and right sides.

And most importantly, Li Yalin also saw a lot of banners, and the sky was also filled with colorful bands, and as for what was written on that banner, it was basically a letter welcoming the princess back home.

What's more exaggerated is that he sees banners welcoming himself, which means he has fans in the country?

In fact, if you think about it, it can be understood that the Star Wars Festival, as a global event of interest, naturally attracts the attention of people all over the world, especially the princess of Ulis or Lezetania, the princess in the war, can the people not pay attention?

Then it is possible to be noticed and even liked as a partner of Her Highness the Princess.

“Travel the streets? Let my brother wait! This isn't over! ”

Just as Leah Lin thought up the answer, Ulysses also hung up. Looks like she called Flora and asked the little maid about it.

As can be seen, Her Highness the Princess is in a very bad mood.

“It was my brother who did this to me. I told him to return to China in secret. I didn't expect him to publicize it and let us go around the streets... it's simply unbelievable! ”

fist clenched, Ulysses chewed her teeth and explained the situation to Leah Lin, the result was ridiculous.

Li Yalin doesn't know what Yulis's brother thinks anymore.

“Forget it, it is impossible for us to get out of the car. Since the people welcome us so much, we must also respond to the expectations of the people. Smile and do not let the people perceive your mood. ”

Holding Yulis' hand gently, Leah Lin knew exactly what was going on and had no choice. He couldn't have left with Yulis in public, could he?

Speaking of which, he is not unfamiliar with the situation, he had this experience long before his ascendancy in Blood League City and was even taught a lot of etiquette knowledge in this regard.

This, while holding Ulysses' small hand, Li Yalin told the driver to open the car window so that the public could better see themselves in the car, but also put a smile on his face and waved his arms slightly towards the people outside the car window.

Not too close, nor indifference on the part of superiors, such an attitude is the most enthusiastic of all.

Especially exaggerated, Li Yalin deliberately put on a charming and unpaid smile, causing a lot of young girls to scream, many of them are probably his fans, scene for a moment is very lively.

“You really adapt to this kind of thing. ”

For Ulysses, this kind of procession was a painful ordeal, obviously unhappy, but with a smiling face, she was stiff and unhappy.

Opposite Li Yalin, he seems to be enjoying this feeling, which even left Ulysses with a delusion.

Li Yalin seemed to be visiting His Majesty the King of his people, while she was the Princess accompanying His Majesty the King.

No... no! Think about what you're thinking!

Just as the idea had risen, Ulysses even shook her head and tried to keep it down, but the more so, the more exaggerated the redness on her cheek.

At last, the convoy arrived at the palace, and fortunately, there are no more exaggerated welcoming ceremonies here, otherwise even Lea Lin would probably not be able to eat it.

For his part, he hated this superficial ranking quite a bit.

Just got out of the car, didn't wait for him to say anything more, Ulysses didn't turn his head and rushed out, couldn't even scream.

Li Yalin, helpless, could only leave Yulis first, he assembled with the other sisters, then led by Flora, and the large army walked into the palace.

Through the corridor to the second floor and up the stairs, Li Yalin can hear Yulis' angry voice.

Looks like Ulysses is really pissed off.

“Flora, how is your king's relationship with Ulysses? ”

Pulling Flora next to him, Li Yalin asked softly in the ear of this little maid, who needed a clear answer.

“Your Majesty's relationship with the princess? Of course it is. Why would Lord Arryn ask that? ”

Flora was somewhat confused about Li Yalin's problems. In her view, His Majesty the King and Her Highness were excellent brothers and sisters, and it was clear to everyone.

In this way, Li Yalin's problem would of course make her feel strange.

“So that's what I'm asking, don't worry. ”

With Flora's answer, Li Yalington revealed a flash of divinity and waved his hand, while everyone had come to their destination.

Actually, you don't need Flora to lead it, and even with Ulysses' voice, you can find it.

In this luxuriously furnished room, Ulysses is angry at a very casual man who looks about 25 or 26 years old and is definitely no older than 30 years old.

Next to the man, there was a woman who looked like she was in her 20s, listening to Yulis' anger with the man.

As for the content of Ulysses' outrage, naturally it was just a matter of procession, from which it was inferred that the man opposite Her Royal Highness should be her brother, His Majesty the King of Lesettania.

How can I say, Li Yalin, who reached this conclusion, felt quite strange in his heart. After all, the man did not look like a king at all. Especially when listening to Yulis' anger, he also revealed the appearance of Hanging Lang as a face. It was really difficult to link him to His Majesty the King.

“I said, Ulysses, why don't you pause your sermon? Your friends are here. Aren't you going to introduce me? ”

When Li Yalin came, the man immediately seemed to discover the new continent and walked a few steps in front of Li Yalin.

“Welcome to the Kingdom of Lazettania. I am Jobert, brother of Ulysses, and it is a pleasure to meet you here. ”

“Brother? This is His Majesty? ”

Although Li Yalin had already guessed the identity of the other party, few of the sisters behind him could immediately understand it. After all, the difference between His Majesty and the king we all remember was too great.

No, Rin shouted and couldn't believe his eyes.

“Yes, it doesn't look like much, but I am the king. ”

Rather, Rin's reaction was rude, but looking at His Majesty the King, who called himself Jobert, he didn't seem to care at all. Instead, he took the opportunity to mock himself.

“Glad to accept your invitation, Your Majesty. ”

Li Yalin certainly can't be as faint as Rin, as a demon king from different worlds, he is quite proficient in etiquette.

After all, he was educated by his maid chief for a while.

Posing positively, Li Yalin reached out to Jobert, and if he were someone else, he might be embarrassed by the other king's status, but unlike him, he now puts Jobert on an equal footing, neither arrogant nor humble, but decent.

However, if this action was seen by outsiders, it would definitely be considered disrespectful to the King, even if His Majesty was just a puppet.

“Arlin, can I call you that? You know, I've always wanted to see you. If you don't mind, you can call me brother. After all, you and Ulysses..."

Seeing Li Yalin reach out, Jobert not only held it with no hesitation, but even more so, he took a step forward, one on Li Yalin's shoulder, attitude is called a kindness.

But before he could finish, Ulysses pulled him from behind and stuck him in the neck, unable to say another word.

“Brother, if you talk nonsense again, I'll be rude to you! ”

Princess, are you being polite now?

Looking at Yulis, who was blushing and choking Jobert's neck, Lealing was a sensible choice. Shut up and the fool would burn himself at this time.

But then again, Ulysses and her brother, Jobert, had a good relationship, but before that, why did Ulysses...

Looks like you have to keep observing yourself.

Despite a farce, Ulysses finally calmed down and introduced each other.

And that's when Li Yalin finally found out that the woman next to Jobert, turns out to be his wife, the Princess of Lazettania, named Maria.

After introducing each other, Jobert said that there was a grand welcome party waiting for you tonight.

Upon hearing the news, Ulysses was almost blown out of her veins by gas.