The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1740: Are You Interested in Teaching?

“Kaga? Are you alone? ”

First, Li Yalin arrived in a room belonging to Akashi and Kaga. Although there are plenty of homes in the town guard, Akashi and Kaga still live together.

After all, we are colleagues and comrades in the same cruise, eating and living together or something, but we are talking about the past.

Like witches at home, there are a lot of them living together in one room.

For example, the combination of long and bureaucratic aircraft, living with each other is meant to be compatible with the tacit understanding that, once there is agreement on life, more powerful combat forces can be achieved on the battlefield.

Only this time Li Yalin arrived, but only Kaga was seen. Akashi didn't seem to be in the room.

“It would have been better to go to the cafeteria if the Governor had found Akagi. She should be there by now. ”

At this time Kaga was sitting on his knees in the room meditating. Upon seeing Li Yalin come, he hurriedly stood up from the ground, and the expression on his face was also very serious and serious.

According to her, Akagi had gone to the cafeteria one step ahead, and it was obvious that she had misunderstood Li Yalin, who thought he was here to find Akagi.

“Okay, don't be so serious. I just came by to check it out. Are you guys used to being here? ”

Looking at the pen standing in front of him, Li Yalin waved his hand very casually, allowing Kaga to relax, while also measuring himself around the room.

There is no shortage of materials in the town guard house. In terms of life, he usually wants to satisfy his mother-in-law and witch to the fullest. The room environment is certainly not bad.

But in the rooms of Akagi and Kaga, he felt unexpectedly quaint and perfectly reconciled, which was really simple compared to the rooms of other witches or ships.

“Yes, Governor, Red City and I are very accustomed to the life of the town guard. ”

Although Li Yalin has relaxed Kaga, it doesn't look like she can do it with one or two words.

At least for now, Kaga is still so serious and serious.

“So that's how it is, just get used to it. ”

Seeing Kaga hasn't changed, Li Yalin hasn't persuaded him anymore. He can see that Kaga's personality is so. Since she is used to it, let her go.

“By the way, do you and Akagi need anything else? If you do, you can talk to me. ”

Leah Lin nodded and turned his attention back to Kaga. The purpose of his visit was to get a deeper understanding of his new ladies, and naturally their preferences.

If they really needed anything, Li Yalin must have responded.

“Everything is fine with Akagi and I, there's nothing I need... just...”

After hearing Leah Lin, Kaga shook her head first, indicating that she didn't need anything, but she was still hesitating.

Obviously, she had something in mind, but she didn't feel comfortable saying it.

“Just what? Don't be polite with me, just mention anything you need. ”

Seeing Kaga's expression, Li Yalin knew that she must have needed it, and in this case, of course, he had to show his attitude.

“Actually... if there is a bowing alley in the town guard...”

“So that's how it is, no problem! Bow court, huh? I'll be ready in a minute. ”

What made Kaga hesitate to negotiate was that there was no archery in the town guard's office. From her and Akagi's costumes, she could tell that they were definitely archery masters.

Li Yalin also thought that it seemed that Akagi and Kaga were on the battlefield to turn the plane into an arrow and then use the long bow in their hands to launch out for battle.

These are the unique abilities that belong to both of them.

Lexington and Saratoga, on the other hand, are using deck launchers, each with its own methods, which is simply a matter of habit.

From this point of view, Li Yalin is not thoughtful enough. Without a bowing alley, Red City and Kaga would definitely not practice arrows. This is a first class big thing, which must be solved later.

Anyway, after his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, he had the right to build non-military and special buildings in the town guard, buildings like bow fields, which he could redeem in minutes with merit.

Moreover, it is not a military building and special building. The cost of the bow court is not much. Li Yalin must of course meet Kaga's small requirements.

“Thank you very much, Governor! ”

Seeing Leah Lin so happily answered, there was only a serious and serious praise on his face, and at this time he couldn't help but show his joyful eyes.

It means so much to her and Akagi to have a bowing alley!

“It's just a small matter. Do you need anything else? ”

He waved at Kaga with a smile. For Li Yalin, this is nothing. On the contrary, he also wanted to see if Kaga had any other needs.

“No, Governor, that's enough, I'm very satisfied. ”

shook her head, Kaga is really satisfied now, there is no other need at all, but she is no longer in need, looking at Kaga in front of her, Li Yalin thought of another problem.

“Is that enough? OK... By the way Kaga, are you interested in being a teacher? ”

Yes, that's Li Yalin's idea!

Speaking of mother-in-law, why say the battleship is the big sister and the destroyer is the elementary school student?

This is not only in their physical form, but also in their thinking and knowledge.

The women of the ship seem to be proportional in shape and knowledge, like mature battleships or aircraft carriers. They all possess mature thinking and a wealth of knowledge that can be pulled straight to the battlefield without any further cultivation.

But elementary school students can join the battlefield as well, but the amount of knowledge is less abundant.

They must learn to become stronger, otherwise Li Yalin will not have to send them to school.

Before him, Victoria was in charge of teaching the town hall, and with his occasional help and everything, it was fine.

But now that Victoria has returned to Karlsland, teaching on this side of the town guard has been forced to be replaced by Takei alcohol, but alcohol alone is far from enough.

Seeing Kaga always creates a feeling of seeing the teacher. In his view, Kaga is a natural teacher. If he is not a teacher, it is a waste of talent!

That's why he said it.

“Teacher? Me?”

Suddenly Li Yalin's suggestion, Kaga's expression came a little stunned.



Can you do the job yourself?

“Yes! There has been a recent shortage of teachers in the town guard house. It would be great if Kaga could help. ”

nodded towards Kaga, but Lealin looked forward to joining her own blood alliance fleet school.

“If this is the expectation of the Governor, I naturally have no reason to object. ”

After a moment of reflection, Kaga felt she could try. Although she did not know if she could become a qualified teacher, at least she would not disappoint the Governor in front of her.

“Then please! ”

Looking at Kaga's state, there was no reluctance. Li Yalin's side was also very happy. Finally, he found someone to make up for Victoria's shortage. I believe the alcohol side can be relieved.

After continuing to chat with Kaga for a while, Li Yalin resigned and, through the conversation with Kaga, Li Yalin already had a preliminary understanding of her.

As you can see, serious Kaga is definitely a great help, and definitely a reassuring one on the battlefield.

Very good, very good!

So, after Kaga, who do you want to see?

Well... go to the cafeteria to see Red City, just wonder if she's still there.

Because Li Yalin talked to Kaga for a while, Li Yalin didn't know if Akashi would still be in the cafeteria, and with the idea of taking a chance, he went.

And just after he arrived at the dining room, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

Is that... giant curry rice?

Yes, that's right!

At this time on the table in the corner of the cafeteria, it can almost block the table front man, as high as a hill, it is the giant curry rice!

Oh no, it's not just giant curry rice, it's super giant pork chop curry rice!

Not only are there thick fried chicken chops on top, but there are even plenty of cabbage, corn grains and hot spring eggs.

Li Yalin felt like he couldn't finish it for three days.


“I'm on it! ”

From after that curry rice, it was the voice of Akagi, which is absolutely the voice of Akagi!

In other words, after sitting there after the curry dinner, the blocked eater is exactly what Li Yalin is looking for in Red City!


So much curry rice, Akagi ready to eat alone?

Well, that's it, with the scoops and scoops of excavation, the top of Red City's head, has been exposed in vain in front of that hilly curry.

“Is the Governor coming to dinner? Lord Governor, if you want something to eat, I'll prepare it for you now. ”

Just when Li Yalin was shocked by Akashi and the giant curry rice, the Kanban Mamiya Palace in the dining room also discovered his arrival, hurried a few steps to run him close.

Just as Akashi took over the renovation plant as soon as he arrived at the town guard house, the canteen is now the main camp of the Mamiya Palace.

Moreover, since the arrival of the Mamiya Palace in the canteen, it has become the most popular person in the town guard. After all, the appearance of the Mamiya Palace not only greatly improves the quality of the canteen food, but also satisfies everyone's stomach.

Including Li Yalin.

It can be said that now there is no one left in the town guard, only the mausoleum cannot be lacking, otherwise, there is no such delicious food, we must not riot.

“Hmm… give me a curry rice too, hmm… regular curry rice. ”

Although Li Yalin felt full when he saw the giant curry rice in front of Akagi, he ordered a curry rice after all in order to find a topic with Akagi.


Make sure you get the right amount of curry rice!