The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1800: Playing a Big Hand

“What should we do now? Sitting around or… sending troops to help Liberia? ”

Although Victoria, as the future heir to the imperial Karlsland, had almost taken control of the entire country with William III's massive devolution, she was still accustomed to listening to Li Yalin's ideas.

Today, the choice of the Karlsland countries is nothing short of sitting around or meddling in them, but no matter what the choice, I'm afraid it won't turn out so well.

It was a tough choice, and Victoria felt she couldn't make it.

“Assistance to Liberia… I think we're going to have a big game this time! ”

With his eyes closed, Learin had an idea in his heart at this time. Although he had nothing to do with the Allied Coalition Army at the moment, and the three countries of Karlsland, Gaul and Romania had separated from the Allied Coalition Army earlier, he could not miss the battle.

After all, it does him no good.

Yes, it was true that Liberia didn't like him before, but it was also very prestigious to get personal weapons, but in Learin's view, they were all clown tricks that were completely untouchable.

Now that Liberia is in distress, it makes no sense for him to laugh in the back. Even if the country is destroyed, it is only destroyed. What more can there be?

Instead of watching Liberia destroy, it would be better to pull the battlefield directly to Liberia and fight in North America than in the Europe that he has just rebuilt?

Even said, he might be able to take advantage of this opportunity to earn a reputation, which is good.

“Play a big one? ”

For Li Yalin's words, Victoria came a little surprised, what exactly is a big game?

“Well, you'll see. ”

With a slight smile towards Victoria, Lea Lin did not explain the words clearly. This was not because he was blunt, but because he was not completely certain, it was difficult to fully explain to Her Highness the Princess.

So, how exactly did Li Yalin play a big hand?

It's simple, he's going to deepen his ship, his witch, his habitat fleet, his fog fleet, all in this war!

Weren't you pretty good in Liberia before?

Didn't you think you'd be invincible if you developed a human weapon?

Good. Let me tell you what reality is!

Regarding the emergence of the new Nile, Li Yalin informed the Misty Fleet of the total flagship Yamato at the first moment and agreed with her to meet in the North Atlantic waters.

In order to play World War I, Yamato agreed with Li Yalin that not only did he decide to go personally, but he also dragged his first, second and third cruisers to the battlefield!

In addition to Yamato, Li Yalin in the deep sea also informed the southern ghosts and the harbor queens to prepare them for the attack.

Recently, with enough evolutionary keys, the ghost queens of the Deep Sea Alliance have all evolved at this stage and their own fleet of deep-sea warships has been fully replenished to restore their former energy.

We can all be quite confident in the next World War.

Apart from that, Li Yalin's ladies have been placed in the deep sea fleet, ready to launch.

As for the last major force, it goes without saying that it must be a witch soaring in the sky. After all, this war is still a landing battle, and it is simply not enough to take back the fallen cities of Liberia.

In addition to sending their own troops, Learin also sent a total of 24 squadrons of witches from Karlsland, Gaul and the Principality of Romania, who, although slightly underpowered and equipped with only jet feet, always had room for them on the battlefield.

“How is it going? ”

After the war decision had been made, the Karlsland Troika had mobilized urgently, especially Li Yalin's clan forces, whose pressure should be greatest.

After all, we have never seen Nero, who does not even possess the core, and no one knows exactly what this battle will be.

I'd be worried, that's normal.

It is also because Li Yalin understands everyone's feelings that he will walk around the troops on the eve of the war to soothe the witches' nervous hearts, which is why he is now at the 501 United Combat Air Corps site.

“Teacher! We're ready to launch! You can go anytime! ”

Seeing Li Yalin suddenly arrive, Mio Sakamoto hurriedly stood up from her equipment. She was just making the final commissioning of her equipment in order to ensure that future battles would not fail.

“Good, be safe on the battlefield, don't be too desperate, if you really encounter an unsuccessful opponent, report it to me immediately, if necessary, I will personally solve it. ”

Mio Sakamoto had a good spirit, and Li Yalin nodded with satisfaction. Among his students, he actually had the best taste in Mio Sakamoto, not only because of her strength, but also because of her forever optimistic attitude.

This time on the battlefield, he felt it was necessary to remind everyone in front of him that it was not a sensible choice to fight to the death in the face of a new enemy.

You know, he's ready to do it, and once he encounters something he can't handle, he'll definitely do it without being stingy.

Because he felt that the battle was not just a witch's experience, but a challenge to him!

The stronger Neroy shows up, can he experience it himself?

“Will the teacher do it? ”

“Brother, will you do it yourself? ”

“Awesome! Don't worry if Arlingo does it! ”

This statement by Li Yalin not only shows Mio Sakamoto a surprise, but also makes the witch girls present in the room happy.

They know exactly how powerful Leah Lin is, the kind of power that can raise their hands and throw their feet between the heavens and the earth, even as gods in heaven, and the goal they have always pursued.

Exactly, we were all worried about the coming war, and in the face of new challenges, we would all be more or less disturbed.

But now, everyone's anxiety has disappeared because there is one person standing behind them!

Someone you can trust wholeheartedly!


Just when everyone was happy, a sudden voice caught everyone's attention.

Looking in the direction of the voice, you can see what's going on all of a sudden, because the owner of that voice, Charlie, is the most cheerful character in the 501 squad.

“What's wrong, Charlie? ”

When Charlie suddenly called herself, Leah Lin had not reacted at first, but soon he understood, nodded towards Charlie and slightly raised her mouth.

“Thank you teacher... thank you so much..."

Coming to Leah Lin, Charlie bowed deeply to him and why she did it because she was a Liberian.

Previously, after the disbanding of the 501 Integrated Combat Air Corps, Charlie was dragging Ruchini around because of the despicable tactics of Liberia, and there were no reports of her return to her former forces.

But that did not mean that she had forgotten her country.

As part of Liberia, when Charlie heard that her home town had been attacked by Neroy, it could be said that she was in a state of desperation and that her subconscious desire was to leave the ranks to save her country.

Just her impulse, finally persuaded by Mina.

What Mina said to her at the time was, believe in the teacher, trust in her own companion, and no one would be watching Liberia really fall.

In fact, as Mina said, Li Yalin soon issued an order for assistance to Liberia, which did not impress Charlie.

Ming his own country used vile means, but his teachers, his own companions, were willing to help their country, regardless of their expectations.

Such an emotion even made Charlie's eyes cry.

You know, Charlie would cry or something. It's just amazing! When I saw Charlie's tears, I even freaked out Ruchini. I thought Charlie was stupid and needed urgent medical attention. The base was chicken flying dogs jumping.

Fortunately, Buchholon finally hit Ruchini's head with a knife and calmed her down.

“You don't have to say thank you, that's all I'm supposed to do. ”

In the previous step, Li Yalin patted Charlie's shoulder lightly, but this Liberian girl was quite attractive, enthusiastic and running away. This serious gratitude is not suitable for her.

“Everyone rests well today, tomorrow we will officially march, if you hang the eyes of a panda, don't blame me for not reminding you. ”

After nodding her head again to Charlie, Leah Lin turned to the girls present and said to them, he saw that everyone was in good shape, so he didn't have to talk too much.

As for the rest, more troops await him to pacify, compared to the following station, 502 United Combat Air Corps.

This second integrated combat airliner, formed after 501, has become Li Yalin's lineage unit, although not on the bright side, but at least everyone is in their minds.

After all, the 502 Integrated Combat Air Corps enjoys all the same treatment as the 501, and not only should the troops have an adequate budget, all kinds of sustenance and everything.

Of course, the most enviable of all, is the solo exoskeleton armor liberator, you know, not all of Lee Yalin's lineage troops can equip the liberator, at least the newly formed hybrid air corps can only be equipped by very individual recognized witches.

The Unified Combat Air Corps 502, on the other hand, was able to fully equip the liberators before the liberation of the Principality of Romagna, with countless merits on Romagna's soil.

How can that not be enviable?

So... what was the state of the girls who made the witches envy each other before the war?

Li Yalin felt it was necessary to understand.