The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1882: You Let This Lady Go Back

Laurie and the others in the Book of Summoning, the name of Li Yalin is very varied, but only Li Yalin is the owner, but only Nonsheng Chaoxia is alone.

Likewise, among these Lolites, the power of Noon is one of the strongest, and even Tina, who is equally astonishing, will probably not be her opponent in the melee.

Li Yalin let Nonsheng Chaoxia out this time, it was clear that Luz was going to teach them a little lesson, otherwise, they would probably look down on these Lolitas.

However, it is more embarrassing that this little guy, Noon Seong Chao Xia, doesn't seem to know much about the changeover. Upon hearing Li Yalin's order, he actually laid the sharp knife on Luz's neck, and even cut Luz's neck immediately after a big inconsistency.

This situation frightens a lot of people.

All of you here are eating on the battlefield, facing shooting and shooting showers every day, and never counting the strong who fought before, but they have never seen such a spectacular scene.

This speed... that indifferent voice...

Is that true?

The girl with the knife in her hand and the indifferent look on her face, does she really have that horrible strength?

Uncle Rem and others unconsciously pulled out their hands in the waist - the gun, but immediately after they pulled it out, they stopped again.

The reason they pulled the gun was because they felt the crisis, but soon they reacted -- this is not a battlefield.

“All right, Asahi, they're all my friends. Don't overdo it. ”

Li Yalin just wanted to teach Luz a small lesson, but he wasn't prepared to really kill his friend, just scare him for a moment, don't make any mess, otherwise he has to help the rescue field.

“Yes, master. ”

With Li Yalin's command, Nonsheng Chaoxia immediately retracted the knife in her hand and returned the knife to the sheath, while she also stood in front of Luz.

“Please do it. ”


In the face of this situation, Lutz has been completely foolish, just momentarily put the blade around his neck, has made him feel the breath of death, perennial mixed battlefield he is very acute about this feeling, but no matter what, he could not have imagined, put so much pressure on him, is actually a very cute looking little girl, also about 10 years old.

And what's even more exaggerated is that when the knife leaves her neck, the little girl actually lets herself do it the next minute.

What do you want?

She can hold the knife around her neck without the ghost knowing, what else is necessary for her to do it?

“Lin... I was wrong, let the lady go back. ”

Looking at the faceless little face of Nonsheng Chaoxia, Luz couldn't help but beat a chill and turned his eyes to Li Yalin. This guy was actually crying.

She doesn't want to be brutally abused by a little guy. If it gets out, won't it embarrass him?


Please let me off!

“Didn't you doubt our sister's strength? I'm giving you this chance now, why don't you? ”

Lutz's pitiful expression almost made Leah Lin laugh and forced him to bear it, but then he shook his head seriously, indicating that he was actually giving Lutz a chance to prove it.

“I'm really wrong! I shouldn't have doubted the strength of these ladies! I'm so sorry! ”

Luz this guy, although usually people are funny, but his brain is turning very fast, knowing that the power of Nonsheng Chaoxia is terrible, naturally won't die again.

After all, he's good at long-range sniping, melee fights, etc., and he's kneeling steadily on the ground.

“It doesn't matter, after all, my sisters are still young, you should educate your predecessors, oh yes, my sister prefers sniping, do you want to compare your hands with her to make her see better? ”

Cruelty to Luz or something, Li Yalin certainly likes it the most. Since this old oil strip doesn't want to be brutalized by Shinseng Chaoxia, it's not a problem anyway.

As a sniper, Lutz's best and proudest is his ability to snipe, and at that point, he doesn't accept anyone.

As soon as Lee Yalin told him to compete with these little girls in sniping, Lutz's eyes lit up.

“Sniping? That's fine! ”

In the melee, Lutz said he was definitely not an opponent of the little monster, and even if he had a gun, he wouldn't be hit.

But sniping this thing isn't just about strength and speed. Don't be a good sniper without talent and hard work!

And he, Lutz, is the elite sniper among the elites!

Better than sniping? That's exactly what this grandfather does!

It's impossible to be held by a little girl around her neck without embarrassment, and Lutz himself wants to get the place back, naturally he can't refuse.

Instead, he now has a pair of eyes emitting light.

“No problem, Tina, go and compare it with my friend. ”

If you can beat Lutz in sniping, every Lori in the room can do it. After all, it has grown to the point where they are now. A sniper gun in a district isn't easy to play with.

But to speak of the strongest of them, it is also not Tinamo.

Li Yalin will definitely let Tina do the sniping this time with Rutzby, and everyone can imagine the result.

“How is this possible…”

After several rounds of competition, Lutz knelt down like a bereavement dog, and his proudest sniper actually lost to a little girl around the age of 10.

Is this magic?

2,000 meters away, that little girl can actually make an accurate head shot?

God... If this is a dream, please wake me up now!

In fact, it's not just Lutz, all of you here basically rubbed your eyes so hard that you didn't see them clearly.

Rutz's trial with Tina did not use any fixed targets, but pulled them out directly and sniped those moving zombies remotely.

Lutz's sniper compares the middle rules and measures the air humidity at the distance of the wind direction before finally firing a decisive shot, which is the only way to ensure the accuracy of the shot.

As a sniper, he is good enough.

But then again, Tina, this little guy had a sniper rifle, and she used it as an assault rifle! The kind of scene that keeps pulling the trigger, it definitely leaves a lot of people speechless on the spot.

At first, people thought this little guy was pulling the trigger, but then, when they found the dead body in the binoculars, one after another, they finally realized that this little guy was a supergod sniper!

Can a man make an over-range head sniper out of a hundred rounds?

Lin this guy... where exactly did you find these kids?

“What do you say? The strength of these sisters, they all look good, right? ”

When Tina emptied the bullet and retrieved the sniper gun, Li Yalin patted the little guy's head and immediately turned his attention to his companions.

He couldn't help but laugh when he looked at everyone with a stubborn expression.

But for now, let's talk about Lori's strength.

“It's more than good! Just give her enough time to kill all the zombies in the city! ”

When Leah Lin said this, Lutz jumped right up, he swore he'd never seen such a powerful sniper before. That kind of indulgent ultra-range head explosion, but the goal he pursued in his life!

If possible, he even hopes to be a mentor to Batina!

Didn't you see what he now calls Tina, and he's already starting to use her honorable name?

“Lin, you mean, ready for your sisters to help us unite the world? ”

You must have very much agreed with Lori's strength, although it only revealed the tip of the iceberg, but it was also amazing enough, at least one of the people present counted as one, and it would not be possible to do so at random.

But even so, with 100 Laurie, it's not enough to want to unify the world or anything, at least nobody thinks these little reinforcements can unify the world.

“How to put it, the united world has to be divided, and I now have two choices, and I have yet to decide which one to use. ”

Shook his head, Leah Lin certainly couldn't have hit the world with just one hundred lollies, the world was so big, this hundred people spread out, not even a splash of water, what year and month would it take to want a united world?

These Lori are just vanguards, and there's going to be a lot of reinforcements, so don't worry.

What he is now involved in is just how to unify the world. After all, there are many ways to govern the world, which is the most effective, which needs to be carefully considered.

“You still have two choices? ”

When Leah Lin said that, everyone opened their mouths at once, could there be many options for a unified world? What the hell does that mean?

“Of course, I'm actually more inclined to the first option - to crush all nations directly, to truly unite the world, and to make Coach the only queen in the world or something, which is perfectly possible. ”

Li Yalin will not hide the question of how to unify the world, he will always say the same thing, and eventually he will listen to the opinion of Coal.

After all, once the world is united, Li Yalin will hand over all the mess to Coach and then hurry to the next world.

So how do we do this, or do we focus on the will of the cardamom?

Li Yalin needs the resources of this world, but most importantly, it is a world of total peace to Coach!