The Dragon God of Gold and Silver

Chapter 540 of the paradise of the beast (the author's birthday, add more chapter!)

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The East is only nodded, and he said: "Well, big off, we start!"

The big supply of Mujing said: "Well, I release my gun now, you feel carefully."

Said, the big supply of Mu Jing right hand, refers to the gun, and goes forward.

The endless gun is centered on the Finger of Mujing, and the sky is turned to the sky storm, which is the endless murder, so that the East is born.


Just when the Oriental is condensed, the other is a small place.

This is the paradise of the beast, countless beasts walk away in this mountain, make a burst of roaring.

A dark brown door is standing at the foot of this mountain, and the two moves from the inside.

"Golden, this is where the madness is inheriting the temple." Ling Xiaoxin was a little curious, and this mountain came to feel familiar with her feelings.

Jin Yu nodded and said: "It is here."

Ling Xiaojiu took the initiative to pull the hand of Jinlu, said, "Let's go to the mountain, I will inherit the temple of this mall."

The two quickly found a mountain trail and climbed toward the top of the mountain.

Jinlu and Ling Xiaoxin did not cover up their own breath, and let him spread it toward each other.

The inheritance of the god of the martyrdom, so that the beasts between the mountains have come, and they are looking at the place where the land is located.

The breath of Ling Xiaoyu Yulin goddess is to make these beasts feel warm and close.

Not long, the two came to the top of this hill.

Outside two hundred meters, a dark brown temple of up to two hundred meters stands in this mountain, the dark brown temple is engraved with the pattern of the king of the beast of the beast, and it looks very much.

"It seems that this should be the temple of the god of the mad beast." Ling Xiaoxin is golden. "

Jin Yan said: "We have passed." Said, Jin Xiaolaked Ling Xiaoxin went to the direction of the temple of the mall.

Just in the 5th meter of the god of the mall, the martyrdom of this mad be inherited, the temple of the temple was automatically opened, and in the god of this mad, the god of the temple, a naked upper body , The middle-aged strong man with dark brown cloaks standing there.

"Who are you?" The middle-aged and strong man asked, he was guarding how many years of the god of this mad beast, this is his first time, he saw that there was a life to enter this position, let him Have to be cautious.

The golden pair, with his own soul to activate the god of the wild beast on the forehead. He took some respectful meaning, saying about this middle-aged strong man: "Hello, I am the god of the beast." The inheritor is golden, I am coming to this mall inheriting the temple to accept the test. "

I heard the words, this middle-aged strong man finally moved, he was excited to speak from the language: "Countless years, finally let me wait until the inheritor!"

Obviously, the real age of this middle-aged strongman is absolutely less than three digits. As for the image at this time, it seems that it is very early when he reaches high level.

After all, on this place in Douro mainland, the monk as long as the title of the title Douro, can be stationed, staying youth.

Even if this plane is not a Daura mainland, its cultivation rules are different from them, but this ability can be accomplished by a certain strength, but it is in all walks of life.

This middle-aged strong man quickly moved forward, for Jinluo: "Welcome to you, inheritors! I am the god of the madness inherit the ninth generation of the temple, mad war!"

Jin Yan nodded and said: "Dashed, can I enter the god of the mad be inherited in the god of the mall?"

Ling Xiaojiu Xiaoxiao red, but there is no refuting, just grabbing his hand more powerful.

The big supply is a big battle, said: "Please!"

Said, he gave the road to the god of the mad be inherited, and the two people entered the god of the mad behemoth inherited the temple.

After the two people entered the god of the mad behemoth, the temple of this mad be inherited was also closed.

After entering the god of the mad be inherited, I found that the god of this mad be inherited in the temple. In addition to them, there was no one, and he had some doubtful way to the big battle. "Dashed, this mad beast Only us three people in the God of God? The temple of the gods should not be nine weed? "

The big supply of mad war shows: "We inherit the second offer of the temple, the three dedication and the four offerings now take care of those beasts in the mountains. You also know that we believe in the god of the mad beast, and these beasts, The god of the beast is left before. "

Jin Hao asked: "The five offer, six offerings, seven dedication, eight offerings and nine offer? What is the five dedication?"

The big supply is crazy, laughs: "The Lord is unknown, the dedication of our mad beast is all from the god of the beast to find a suitable monk in various places, down the invitation. And the god of the beast The latter five in the need is not strong, which also leads to their lives without us. "

"So, the current five-service offerings have been done in the end of the year before decades. And the new generation of five delegations have not yet found it." The big supply of mad war.

Golden Erlus nodded, said: "It turns out."

The big support is asked: "Less Lord, your current mad beast, has been taken to the first test?"

Jin Wei replied: "The seventh test, that is, the test of the god of the mad behemoth inherit the artifact. The big dedication, where is the martial artifact of the wild beast now?"

I heard the words, the big supply is shocked, he is a little incredible: "You have already completed the first six test?"

It is naturally easy to see the bones of Jinluo to see the strength of the mad war.

In his opinion, Jin Hao is so young, and the top is mostly started.

But he didn't expect that Jin Hao had completed the first six tests of the mad beast.

"Well." Jin Yan failed to offer the idea of ​​the big war.

The big supply is unbelievable: "Less Lord, you are really extraordinary! When I got the invitation of the gods of the beast, I have been 933 years old."

The big supply of mad war is the original place. Although the level of its plane is not lower than the Douro, the cultivation speed of the monk's monks is very slow.

However, the monks of this plane have a long life, which makes them don't worry that their strength will cause you to die too fast.

In this way, the monk in this plane is actually similar to the soul of the Douro's mainland.