The Dream Master

Chapter 1535 Rules

"Give you, the Swiss above wrote the label." The fire spirit threw the reel to the bowel, put away the black stone monument, and flew back the fire refiner.

The graffiti on the detailed side of the detachment, this thing seems to be a map, but it is completely wrong, and each intersection has a few directions. Many routes are still overlapping each other, even conflict, which has this terrain structure?

He shook his head and put the reel income in his arms, and put it up in the camping refiner, which continues to advance.

The channel is quite long, he dares to go quickly, and it is enough to go to the head for a quarter.

In addition to the dark channel, the front suddenly became bright, and a long bluestone channel appeared in front, and a stone monument next to the passage, which is engraved with a few lines.

"To the second layer of Tianzhu Palace, the strength is extraordinary, the courage is Jiajia,

The front is the labyrinth, which is dangerous and opportunities. "

Shen Lu looked at the stone monument, tone.

It seems that this is indeed the second floor of the Tianzhu Palace, inexplicably involved in a test, I don't know if it is good or bad. .

He told the bluestone channel in front, it seems that there is no special place, and the walls are caught in the two sides of the walls, the rocks, flows, people, birds and beasts have, and it is somewhat, and it is very poor, and people can't understand the people who draw. What is it.

The bluestone passage is also a banned fabric, and the knowledge is still unable to spread.

They all arrived in this step, I didn't have hesitized, I was going to move forward, my eyes were suddenly seen behind the stone monument, and they looked over.

The stone monument is close to the wall. From this angle, it is not easy to see inside. He will watch his face on the wall. It is clearly written in the same way, and it is obviously the same person.

"In the labyrinth, destroying the wall, it will be punished!"

"Written in this place, what exactly wants to see, still don't want to see." Shen Lu is somewhat speechless to the people under the stone monument, and there is a bit of the stone monument, and there is no other hidden content. This will move forward.

Walk along the bluestone passage, a crossroads suddenly appear.

Three almost extensive channels extend, curved, difficult to see the end.

He recalls the content on the stone monument, and then continues to advance along the front channel.

Didn't go out, the bursts of the bursts came from behind, and the calves were immediately flaunting, and the blinks flipped to the previous crossroads.

However, the crossroads here have no disappearance, become a trigeminal intersection, and the two bluestone channels leading to exports and left have disappeared, and there is more access to the left front.

"Can change the labyrinth of the terrain ..." Shen Lu muttered himself, turning around and continued.

Soon a double road appeared in front, extends around, he chose the road to the left.

This Tianzhu maze is complicated, and there is a way in a paragraph, or two, or three, and after an intersection, there will be changes immediately.

At the beginning, I tried to go to the route of the memory path, and the more got it later, the foundation couldn't mention it, and the sure is no longer afraid, where is it?

At this moment, a sound of a metal crash friction came from the front.

I didn't stop the footsteps, but I continued to advance, I quickly saw the source of the metal crash, but it was a cyan bromad.

This is a bit similar to the green snake, but there is also different, and the arm is bent. It is like a snake. It is no longer a bending knife in his hand. There is also a bloody pattern, quite extraordinary.

The cyan bromades have seen the depths and immediately rushed over.

The situation is strange in the maze, and the sterile is unintentional with this armor is more entangled.

It's that the two snake swords, I don't know what material, and I have no broken hit by Xuan Huang, just the bending of being smashed.

"Hey, this has a lot of mystery turtles and blood scales in the long sword. It is no wonder that you can bear your stick. Give this to the long sword, I will refine the mystery of the mystery and blood scales. You have a lot, just have a little less. "The sound of the fire is again.

In the eyes of the eyes, the mystery of the turtle is not used. Blood scale is a precious material that refines the bloody yuan. He did not find it in Tiancheng City. If you can't think of it here.

The sleeves were collected on the long sword, sent into the temple, he continued to go forward.

In the case of this cyan, it seems to be a beginning. The next step will encounter one or two clams, some are the previous serpentines, some are other.

These is not very powerful, and they have been easily resolved by him, but also collected three four pairs of snakes, enough to refine the bloody yuan.

There are also some precious materials in other аа, gaining a lot.

"Does these is the dangers and opportunities mentioned on the stone monument?" Dark road in the heart.

Soon, he entered this day, the maze exceeded a time, and the Qingshi channel was just a guardian guard, and he did not have other dangers. He is considering whether to speed up some speed.

's footsteps came from the front, very fast, and the previous armor is very different.

A cluster of the bowel eyebrows, I am going to hit the soft smoke, but I can't get it.

A moving shadow appeared in the front channel, is a car sky.

"Oh, calm, you are also transferred." The car is so surprised, and then laughs.

"Car label, you are here, I don't know if I have been inherited this day." Shen Lu saw the car Qingtian, and the heart was also surprised, so he said calm.

"How do you know that this is the Tianguo Palace?" The car is steep, and the sound is cold.

I watched the words, can't the car be played from the first floor like him? In front, there are many places to indicate that this is the Tianzhu Palace.

And the car Qingtian listened to him mentioning the name of the Tianzhu Palace, the reaction is so big, it seems that he has long known this place.

"How do I know, why do you want to tell you?" Shen Lu's heart is turning between and responds.

"Tianzhu Palace is the holy place that our car can enter, since you don't want to answer my question, then go to death!" The car is green, full of murder, and tap and remove a snow white sword.

A wide sword is like a sundened head, and he is head.

Sinking early and attended the hand, did not fall too much into the wind, transporting Xuan Huang and a stick to resist.

However, I just passed two tricks, I was unfair, and the car Qingtian took action like a ghost. The sword was amazing, and the sword law is more superb, several times more than before.

Just bought two tricks, the bowel right arm was scanned by a sword, and the blood swarmed out, and Qikou Jin Yu did not play much.

He hurriedly connected to the trick to show his mess, this is reluctant to force it.