After leaving the staff, Lin Yan looked at the time: "I am going to the bathroom."

Until I saw the door of the lounge again, Ji Yong couldn't help but slamward the teammates, asked: "Do you think ... The atmosphere between our coach and the captain does not seem to be very strong?"

Chen Yu is deep with eyebrows: "Is it a bit?"

Before the Justics, there was a little feeling, but there were not many thought. Now I got the recognition, the more I felt it, the more I felt something wrong: "I really have problems! I have been talking together, I still secretly carry it. We ran out to eat nightclub? "

Gu Lu listened to it, moved his mouth, and a distant look.

Bi Yao Hua did not want to take this kind of hook, I still couldn't help but show the briefing: "You will not find it now?"

The simmer is in the same place: "Do you know ?!"

Gu Lu finally squatted: "In fact, it has been so long."

When Chen Yu, she started to hear a little stunned, and she only returned to the taste, and finally had a dishody of the same look.

Ji Yao looks at Gu Lu and looks at Biyao Hua, and then looks deeply and looks at the door close.

Biyao laughed, but it was also very intimate to cover his mouth and didn't make a sound.

What else didn't say anything, let Nakan have digest it.

When Lin Yan came back, the hit is that the lounge is excessive atmosphere.

He didn't look at a circle in the wrong place: "What happens, one, this is uncomfortable?"

Bi Yao said, "No, just now I have a little essence, now I need to have good products in my heart."

Lin Yan turned to see the brief: "What is the comprehension and other games, don't think too much at this time."

Jianye Yunguang glanced between Yaohua almost smiled on the chair, secretly grinding the grinding teeth: "Know the coach."

Lin Dangdou nodded, and touched the remote control to open the TV screen in the rest room: "Ok, look at the opening ceremony."

In fact, the so-called opening ceremony, but all the representatives of all participating teams come out and simply communicate with two sentences.

However, it is just a simple link, and it is a absolute benefit for the fans of each team.

As the lights of the scene suddenly switched, after the entire venue was quiet, the screams of a wave of high waves were almost directly embraced roof.

Although a few people are in the lounge, they can still feel these cheers through the earthquake.

Gu Lu Xiao He wingently lied his own trembling heart, tone: "It turned out, is this the scene of the autumn season ..."

Bi Yaohua didn't think it was a smile: "Where is this? Wait until the finals, come and feel the real enthusiasm! Now come to the scene, the fans of other teams, etc. That day, at least half of the entire venues were our supporters, that is really cool! "

When he said, he said in a way that the other people listened to the ear, and the heart was suddenly obvious.

At the scene, the host has begun to introduce all the war teams and representatives.

At this time, it is basically the team's identity, such as Jingzhou and Luni Luni, of course, there are several teams specially arranged the core players of the team to debut, such as PAY and Three wuhoo.

Whenever a team's representative player is playing, the entire site will inevitably set off a stormless applause.

The host is naturally unforgettable in such a warm atmosphere.

Among these routine questions in major wars, it will inevitably refer to "Outlook for this year" and "the opponent's opponent on the field".

LUNI of the LDF team answers from this occasion to drop the water: "If you can get the champion, it is naturally the best, of course, if you don't have it, you will not feel too much. In short, you do your best. It is also a best conservation for the Fans of LDF. Whane wants to say the most expected opponent ... Nowadays, most teams have already tired, this seems to be, I want to join the newly entered the GH Take a look. "

The PAY team AI obviously doesn't like this kind of entertainment, and the eyebrows are twisted throughout the interview: "The goal is of course championship, the opponent's words, everyone is the same. Do you want to choose one? GH, they are very interesting. "

The BK team's Kuitian Road did the captain for such a period of time. The official cavity has been like a model: "This year's BK's main goal is not to let the fan disappoint, but also expect to be on the court. We are currently The relationship is very good, since it is competition on the field, this is also a welcome ceremony for them to enter the league. "

The Three team wuhoo responded more perfunctory: "The goal will protect the two contends, the team wants to fight ... Since they all choose GH, then we also choose GH."

The captain of Suu Peng River is simple: "Looking forward to GH."

An interview with a player and listened to their answered, and the expression of the audience could not make a better than one.

Whether it is a spring season or a fall season, every opening ceremony in the past has arranged such a link, but every team will pay tribute to each other in the future, and how much will be so much. One or two nominations.

However, what is the situation today?

Is these teams are all about a good time, actually neatly and uniformly point the spear head to the GH team just entered the professional league?

You know, every year, the new Jinqi team can play eight strong games, it is already a strong existence, and which team has once in the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony!

Prior to this, the Internet discussion has said that "hot collection line" This electric competition variety show is entirely the product of the high-rise head of the professional alliance. Therefore, every passerby mentioned the GH team with this channel, the first feel basically only stayed at the "Men's Character Show". The graphics said that such a team of team strengths, but it is almost a full retardation after a routine tour, no matter what, don't understand, why is it taken seriously by these top players.

Is the official to arrange an interview with these top players?

If not, is this GH team really so strong?

The ordinary league fans have no obstacles from the winds of each team training. After this link, one is full of question marks.

At this time, all teams were completed and finally the last GH.

When the lens on the big screen falls in the body of Jingyuan, the original bustling scene is quietly quiet.

Such a quiet part stems from the curiosity of this team, and the other part is because the player itself is in the complex mood.

Especially those of those BK's old powders.

Previously, every time this year, I always saw Jing Yuan's figure, but he was still the captain of their Titans, BK team.

But today, it is still familiar with the face, but it is no longer a team of the BK team.

Jing Yuanzhou's current identity is already the captain of the GH team.

Although I wanted to say that I would like to follow the BK fans who have followed years, I don't know what should I start for a time.

Unlike other teams, because this is the first time in the professional league, the host has an interview with several issues.

Jing Yuan has already happened to usually, and it is incomparable.

When the host asked about the expectation of the war teams, Jing Yuan is a little paused, and the corner of his mouth has a touch of smile: "Thank you for your recognition, in order to live up to everyone, this year's autumn Championship trophy, our GH will be. "

It is clear that there is no upholus tone, but the last four words seem to bring their own effect, and hit the heart of everyone.

It was originally still exploded at the scene.

Luni heard his head next to: "I haven't seen it in a season. I just came back this game."

Wuhoo Lucky smiled: "Don't say, his team is really a bit interesting."

Next to the AI ​​didn't come, look down on the ground, and the face "When can I end" impatient look.

Other representative players on the field are different, and some headaches have smashed the temples, and I don't know that this year's autumn is not too peaceful.

The scene's scene is completely transmitted to the eyes of everyone in the lounge through the live shot.

Lin Yan came from just now, the smile on his face was completely hidden.

At this time, I couldn't help but I watched my two eyes. I took a shundment: "Okay, your captain has picked the venue. Both activities, you can prepare it."

After Luo Lu was registered after registration, Luo returned to the lounge. At this time, I hit the phone next to it, and I didn't accidentally see the online public opinion and I have completely exploded the initial interview.

I couldn't help but twitched a mouth.

This is a hot spot? The frying is still almost? !

After the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony, Jingyuan Hui returned to the lounge to simply organize the peripheral carrying.

Subsequently, GH people boarded the game under the leadership of the staff.

Lin Yan is standing behind the context, lifting slightly, looking at the scene from the distance from the distance.

The bottom is a faint smile.

This battlefield, they finally came ...

On the explanation, the official explanation has already introduced it generously.

Because the interviews in Jingantia have not been needed at all on-site, the atmosphere has been strong to the extreme.

Lin Yan has sucks a breath and pick up the headphones hanging on the neck.

In a moment of dress, all the surroundings were completely isolated, and only a tranquility in the whole world.

Lin Yan gently "feed", do not wait for others to answer, continue to open the mouth and lightly open: "This bureau opening, rushing them."

Everyone knows that Men's strength is only in all professional teams, but it is only a middle and downstream level. However, the public's psychology is often likes to do things. Even if I haven't expected it too much about Men, I have a lot of people who have just been looking forward to the interviews just now. I hope that Men will compete in today's opening.

The competition is officially started under the best.

This game Bo1, Men's performance is quite aura, and it is necessary to improve the performance of the audience, and their overall level is much better than before the season in the season.

It is a pity that their opponents are fighting unprecedented.

The GH team seems to have all the air flames and swept the entire field.

In just 32 minutes, the opening of the autumn session ended this.

Kill 22: 8.

Just as Lin Yan, the GH team completed the first show in the autumn game with absolutely crushing record.

The entire attitude is like the name of "going back to the team", strong, and rampant.