The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra

the student's duty (2)

Vacation is in a month, right? But either this week or next week, he's taking a magic writing test."


"Jevedi hates cramming. That's why I always have an unexpected evaluation. Bad-tempered."

Then how should we prepare?”

"It's his trick to make sure that we put a magic school that doesn't show up in the textbook into the test. Memorize the first volume of "The Magic Circle," and in the first grade, Jebedi will get a perfect score no matter what the problem is."

"The Magic Book"? Can I borrow it from the library?”

"What kind of library is that? You still haven't bought the necessary subtext? Call the messenger as soon as soon as possible. Buy all three volumes of "The Magic Book" in a new edition.

"If you know the situation so well, why don't you go look at the problem paper?"

He was hit by a cat punch.

"Where do you find your way? And if you see a problem, can you understand it? Let's start with the basics. Do you know what magic and truth are?"

"I saw Dean Jebedy use magic. Open the circle, launch the magic formula, and say one word, and the blood stops at once."

"Good job, one of his specialties. So did you figure out how it works?"

"No, not at all. Not at all."

"You didn't even know why you had to memorize the magic school meal!”

Behemoth looked once at the ceiling, once at the bottom, and again at the sight of an empty bottle of wine, he regained his composure. The power of bribery was great.

"Well, I know what it is. 'The magic spells out the magic spells the magic. As a sacred figure that holds Ether and makes him serve on the orders of the wizard, man cannot create a new one. A true word invokes an ether arranged along the law school. This is how magic works.’”

Thanks to the "memory" function, Clayo, who memorized the textbook without a syllable error, watched with a look of surprise.

"But memorizing this doesn't mean you know how to use magic."

No wizard was mentioned much in the manuscript except for Jebedy, who uses healing magic.

Magic is a great ability, but the problem was that it was difficult to master.

Furthermore, because it takes time to start and can only be applied within the circle range, it was useful for research purposes but less useful for combat purposes.

"Oh, I can't tell if you're a fool or a smart one. Then I'll explain it more easily. Let's compare it to a gun. If the magical loading is loaded, then Jin-eon is like a launch. You need a bullet to shoot. You know what you're doing, don't you?


"Well, how do you make a bullet? You have to memorize the magic form completely and reach the level you can use on a blank sheet of paper, and that's your bullet."

"Is there anything else you can do?”

"No, you have to memorize it to become a wizard. The reason why first-year students can't open the circle is to memorize the school meal in advance is because they can use it right after they open it."

"I see!"

It is too late to go and memorize it later. One hundred books in the first volume of "The Book of Magic" need to be memorized to show the evil spirit of the wizard. Memorizing it, the first grade ends."

A hundred... Okay.”

Clayo's mouth has gone up a little.

That's enough, you can do it.

I tried it while reading the textbook.

It was impossible to imitate the artist's artistry, but a set of shapes and characters, such as a magic formula, were written down once by hand and entered into the head.

Memories were omnipresent, as long as they were typed in.

"It's a labor, but it's not difficult. The problem was that I didn't know where to start and how to memorize it.’

"Then one more. There's no real word in the textbook. Should I look at the "Magic Book" too?

Magic expressions are all that come from outside the world today, and what is in the magic book is all that exists in the world. But the truth is different for each wizard."

"Ugh, I'm not confident in writing....”

"So! Mandatory subjects! There is a classic. If you are an outstanding wizard, you should be familiar with language. This is because there is more power in the language of beautiful composition. If you're good at the truth, even if the same level of sorcerer uses the same law school, your power is twice as different! It's a change in the firing power."

"That's why Professor Jebedi doesn't shout "lipid", but "stop the leak of life".”

"That's exactly the case. The magical name of the magic formula is the pointless haemostasis. Of course, that's how magic works."


Clayo recalled the memory of when the defense magic was invoked. I remember shouting "Save me" and "Save me" just before both.

'Was that a true word for word?’

However, even Zebedee can`t treat two people at the same time if they use the same name. The use of the expression 'a leak of life' has made it so powerful."

"So, for example, if it's a defense magic, you're saying these cheesy words instead of [Save me], what do you mean?"

"Of course."

"Can't you copy other people's?"

"It's recommended to take a classic as a bike. However, whether it is in order or composition, you must change the word. The children of the goddess who gave magic to man were strict in praise and poetry. The exact same statement halts the power of magic power.

"You're driving me crazy."

Isn't this too much of a writer's resignation? Whew, liberal arts isn't all the same liberal arts. It would have been more helpful here if I had studied Korean literature, not history.’


In the end, I couldn't sleep at all.

Whenever I felt sleepy, the cat's front paws hit my hand.

Behemoth, who had no expectation of a grain of dust from his student, completely changed his posture when Clayo memorized a chapter of the "Magic Book" that the messenger had bought within hours.

Finally, Clayo stayed up all night being beaten by the cat's front and back feet.

There was success.

"Good job. You deserve to be my pupil. After memorizing the first volume of "The Magic Book" in a day, all you have to do is raise the ether level. I'll let you go over level 3 in the next 4 weeks. And then…."

"Let's go step by step, Mr. nail, the mausoleum of art."

The dawn light came on.

The cat, who became tired and couldn't move its eyelids because it was hard, smiled face to face with each other.

I walked around the school and ran around once, changed into extra school uniforms, and entered the class.

When I was not sleeping for the first time, somewhere in the classroom, I heard a murmur because he was a fraudulent student and was trying to kill himself, but he ignored it, not directly arguing.

Clay was more passionate in class than in his third year of high school. The professor gave a lecture by demonstrating the contents of yesterday's preparation, and it was very easy to hear.

And in the third period, after completing two hours of basic magic, Zebedee made a bombshell announcement.

"Well, I'll take a ten-minute break and take the magic test next class. The problem is a total of ten questions. Group 2 of the wizard will be counted as a perfect score if 10 is correct, while group 1 of the test candidates will be calculated as a perfect score if 3 are written. The test will be reflected in 30 percent of the total score for the final exam. That's all."

The professor's declaration buzzed the classroom. Most of the students were embarrassed. Except for 1 trillion Arthur, who still intends to make a blank paper, and 2 trillion Clayo, who has something to believe.

"You behemoth, you wise man. A magnificent tomb.'

Clayo, who was covering his mouth from yawning, hid his laughter in his palm.

600 dinars was a successful investment.’

Not only could I understand the contents of the class comfortably, but it was no job to answer 10 questions on the quiz.

Listening to sighs coming from all over the classroom, Clayo filled the problem squarely.

Even the composition was taken by Behemoth. That's four questions in the "Magic Book."’

Arthur, who is sure to have submitted a blank paper with only his name, was the first to leave the classroom.

Secondly, Nebo, who seemed to have given up on the test, kicked up his chair.

The third was Clayo, who submitted a full examination paper and returned to the dormitory with a light heart.

The assistant kicked his tongue so that even Clayo could hear that he was a test-taker, but he didn't care.

'I'll see you later.'

The joy of doing well on the test was for a while.

Four hours were short even if I slept well after lunch. Master Ryuba woke me up at around 4 p.m. to go to school for volunteer work.

Dark circles were down to the cheeks on the face reflected in the sink mirror.

'You said life is sweet and salty. But this is over soon. Just go on vacation... I leave school and never come back.’

Clayo moved to the library.

Last week, roses on the hedge, which used to be buds, bloomed, and the weather was still good. Nevertheless, I felt as far away as last year, a week ago, when I lied down, played, and drank day after day.

Arthur waved his hand at the entrance of the library, but turned a blind eye to it. Because I didn't want to talk to him at all.

The librarian took Clay and Arthur to the warehouse behind the annex.

It was a disciplinary action imposed on the two boys to clean the warehouse after moving discarded books and documents accumulated for decades outside.

Clayo's face was dark and dark, looking at the lumps of books, dust, and paper piled higher than his height.

"If I move all of this to my body, I will lie down. I think we can use it during the magic ceremony. I need to learn to use magic as soon as possible.’

Whether Clayo was depressed or not, he was noisy when he said what he wanted to say.

"Really, aren't you going to answer?"


Instead of answering, Clay wore the gloves that the librarian gave him and lifted the bundle of documents closest to him.

Then Arthur took the ball and threw it back. He was so strong that he flew like a baseball.

"Can I have an answer?"

Arthur, who still looked like he was smiling, strode up as he took off his gloves.

Clayo stepped back a few steps from an instinctive sense of crisis.

"Are you trying to beat me without my gloves in case I get bloody?’

In the previous manuscript, Arthur at the age of 17, had the dance of an Ether level 4 and an intermediate examination. He was already a swordsman at the current Choi Jong High School. If you get hit, you can't even get rid of the bones.

"Will he be able to withstand the defensive magic?" I still can't open the circle.’

Arthur's right hand popped out in front of Clayo, who crouched his neck. This is where blood was flowing after the failure of the "Editor Authority" last week.

"I'm gonna hit you? Why overdefense? I was the one who was bleeding. Look, I got this."

"What do you have? It healed without a scratch....”

"You can't see this? Oh, I'm going crazy. It's faint, but there's a mark. You made it, and you should be seen."

"I didn't do anything."

"No, I was wondering. I don't know exactly what you did, but it's a solid proof of what you did that day."

'This is proof of what you've done.’

The horse worked like a starter. Clayo's "Promise" on his left hand was so shiny that it could be seen outside his glove.

Clayo felt his heart throbbing all of a sudden.

[Inherited item: □□□'s promise]

[—The user's narrative intervention also increases, opening the second stage of 'promise' functionality.]

[—Understand the components of the narrative in depth.]

Gold letters came to mind around Arthur's right hand.

Clayo staggered because he could not handle the sudden influx of information.

On Arthur's back of his hand, a half-sized pattern rose.

Now I can see clearly in Clayo's eyes.

A small circle in the middle, a double fan shape surrounding two thirds of the outside of the circle, and a long rectangle below the circle.

At first glance, it has a unique metallic line that looks like a shell.

It was a clear sign of the castle, drawing a floor plan of the 'round theater'.

[Unique Skill: 'Frontline'

— Create subspaces that are inviolable by any force or magic.

—Move you and your designated person from events and backgrounds into subspace. —Increases subspace duration and number of people available to enter in proportion to the user's ether level.

User: Arthur Riorgnan

Timeout: 00:00:40

Number of people allowed to enter: 4 people including users]

That Sung-heun was a unique skill given as a reward to Arthur, who broke through the 'round theater' dungeon in the last plaintiff's standard.

Why is that happening to Arthur now?’