The elegant daily routine of sage Grecas - here we go with a lovely 'Sage Hall' life!
operational meetings and the secret of reversal
At the corner of Rudens Castle, on the door of a certain room, 'Ops meeting room (no access except for those involved!)' was stretched with handwritten paper.
Suspiciously enough, we're in the middle of an ops meeting there right now.
"- And that's the status quo. Any questions?
I wrote shapes and letters in white chalk on the blackboard and finished the whole explanation.
It's Lentomia and the fairy Metius who haven't listened, but I don't mind because I'm asking the two of you to do something important magic.
"Grecas, how did you know that the Ice Wizard Ajito was a" seven-colored rock mass "?
Elbowed to the long table in the conference room, Faria, who was sitting on the provided chair, raises her hand and raises the question.
A female warrior with silver hair in a ponytail is sitting in a chair with heavy armor, so her legs are giddy.
"Good question. The Ice Wizard Cubereria said on his departure," I'll be waiting at the fort. "I've heard a lot in the cafeteria, and that's the only place around here that's called a fort."
"I see. That must be a dangerous zone where demonic activity is active and travelers bypass..."
Faria turns a chilling glance at the warrior captain beside her. The bearded faces of the wind, such as the oligarchy warrior, listened quietly.
"When the demons lurk in the fort, it becomes a problem for us."
"Yes, yes, Grecas."
Faria lifts Ni's mouth.
"I'm going to ask for a frontal breakthrough... do you mind?
"We only know how to go straight, so we're happy."
A bearded face of wind, such as an oligarchy warrior, laughs.
- Seven colored rocks. Commonly known as the Seven Colored Fort.
It is a mountainous area with huge seven rocks exposed to the surface, about half a day's ride from here by horse. Apparently, the name comes from the fact that the rocks look different colors in relation to the minerals. This is not search magic (Gogol)... but what people have told me.
"Breaking through the demonic siege nets that are gathering around Rudens and attacking down the Seven Colored Forts. This is the first operation. For the other side, it's a convenient place to lure us into battle, which means it's in the middle of a trap."
"... the... I'm sorry I got into all this trouble when I said I was the benefactor (...) who helped my brother. Besides, I can't believe we're going to be able to help..."
I bowed my head like Faria was sorry.
I can see my left arm. Originally, he turned into my brother Secondary, who was supposed to be cursed, and I was cursed to death. But I don't care anymore.
"Come on, stop saying it like someone else. This... gave me a surprisingly good lesson (...). Thanks for your concern, Faria."
The curse that leads to death - High Dragon Despariah is certainly a terrible creature of pain, but it's even going to swallow it and feed it.
I gave him a spare smile.
Faria let her emerald-colored eyes shine like a relief.
"Sister Faria, you look happy"
"Hey, hey! I'm just relieved."
I smile when Sanya dulls. Watching sisters in warrior costumes even makes me feel incredible that the battle is about to begin.
The truth is, we're both better off in dresses.
Faria's agitation and grief after I fell in the evening seemed profound.
After the fight, when I heard that it was the longest dating female warrior (Faria) who held me up and carried me, I just accidentally laughed, "How many times..."
But change your mind and keep talking.
"Cubereria is inviting us by making it look like we're retreating. in a more favorable (...) place. The dragon man and Rudens have fallen apart, but he hasn't given up on causing chaos in this country."
I pointed to the blackboard.
In this room, I was describing an operation I had devised to break the status quo (...) in which Rudens was placed.
Look around slowly at the participants.
First of all, Falia, first princess of Loudens, and Sanya, two daughters. They are brave and beautiful sisters dressed in warrior costumes.
Always listening in silence beside it is Rudens Dragon Warriors representative, Hildias. Mustache men such as skilled warriors with difficult faces, but do you think they usually do "wood dusting" in this country where there are no professional soldiers?
He was summoned by the King for an emergency meeting today.
The other is Care League Array, a skinny, serious looking Rudens agent.
What a proper title a clerk is, but it seems he is a good and multi-pronged official who does anything from political administration to accounting books to interpreting to messengers between states.
Now, the problem of Rudens is narrowed down into two.
One is that demonic activity is enlivened, as surrounds Arktails, the capital of Rudens.
The second is that it has taken the place of the Royal Roudens and I have been cursed.
For Rudens, both would be really headache issues.
This morning, reports of a deal carriage being attacked by demons have come from Care League Array, and we can see that it is in a very dangerous state.
Fortunately, no casualties seemed to emerge as Loudens' defense team rushed away, but for Loudens, who withheld the Apology Festival, a spring snow festival, it became a watered outfit.
The activation of demons can be seen as at the hands of the icy wizard Cubereria.
Regardless, there is likely another enemy fanning demons in the woods. No matter how powerful Cubereria was in the Divine Polaris (Auva Auraria), during the attack on the castle, common sense does not seem to control even the demons of the forest.
"... What about the three examples?
Ask Secretary Rudens, Care League Alley.
"Ha. As you instructed, I gave you superb (...) meat, booze, and a meal.... with the sage plug. We have also compensated the rancher for the sheep thief (...), so we will release him by the end of the day."
The young man, who says he's a Rudens Castle clerk, seems to know quite well. Continue to report pale without changing your expression.
The three examples are the Shinto Polaris (Auva Auralia) who attacked me yesterday.
I have no doubt that they are Cubereria's men, but they were not moving with loyalty or respect for Cubereria.
All the principles of action are "justice and belief" that think of their country.
Then there's the gap.
It was about time Slime's Civile Poison came out, but they couldn't use magic, so they were anxious. I know how it feels to be restricted in my own use of magic.
Cubereria didn't even care about the three of them in the evening raid.
I gave him booze and a meal while I told him about it. They did their job. From here on out, even if you don't go with your allies, it's best to lure them from hostility to neutrality (...) at least.
"If you eat good food, you'll come as a tourist this time."
"Yes, I was wary at first, but I wanted to be grateful. At the end of the day, it was a banquet and I was with you... He said he would return to Prucia after liberation."
Care League Array sets aside for a beat and looks straight at my face. And
"They go home through the Seven Colored Forts, just right for a magical rehab..."
"Right. Be my guest."
I lifted my glasses with my fingertips.
I don't know how they move, but that's why it's also a seed of miscalculation (...) for Cuberleria.
"Grecas, our Rudens Warriors open the blood path to Fort Seven Colors while eliminating the enemy. In that gap, a separate team of you (...) defeats Cubereria and breaks the curse... right?
"Ah. You're right about the operation."
But Faria still seems to have feelings.
"Grecas, you know, I don't... I don't know anything about magic, but can you beat that icy wizard right now?
Faria is staring at me worried. The face is serious.
"You can win. I have a trusted companion, Lentomia, Manuferno, Hemperoza, Metius, and the Magic Corps."
"Right......! Right."
It would be pretty tough to ask what the odds are. Still, I was working out a way to beat him. That is also only possible with the cooperation of Lentomia and Manuferno.
And Metius flickered up and sat on my shoulder.
"Sage Grecas! That's good news."
"Greg! We've got the magic of the example, the prototype! Want to try it?
"No...... Corner, but not now."
"Huh!? 'Cause you can't use magic without removing the curse, can you?
"That's why there are some winning opportunities (...)"
"... Huh?
Lentomia tilts her little neck strangely.
If I'm right... the magic of cooling used by the icy Cubereria has a certain karaki.
The power of a "glass wand" that builds up magic is not the only thing that can float itself in the air and serialize that much high-output cooling magic. There was a trick in the magic itself.
The tip was surprisingly familiar. It is the magic "Thermal Transfer Ceremony (PERTIES)" designed to regulate the temperature of the sage's robe.
"Come on, let me compare the magical wisdom..."
And -.
That night, at 2: 00 p.m.
We were finally on our way out.