Fouti Niiteh was troubled.

It can be said that Corno's achievements in the turmoil were more than he could have imagined and more satisfying.

Naturally because he was appointed Viscount of Akia and was able to create a medium ground with signs of war.

But my fame exerted a power beyond my assumptions, and I gathered too many soldiers.

As a result, the food and salaries given to the soldiers are in a tight state.

Even so, I don't want to reduce the number of soldiers who have gathered me because of it.

I want to get a bigger territory for this.

However, the territories adjacent to each other are the Marquis Mario Wellia, which dominates most of Akia, and the province of Cameno, which is ruled by Count Orario Cay.

Together, the local power is too different to be obtained on their own.

But if we don't get a bigger territory soon, we'll eventually starve the soldiers.

Since the end of the turmoil in Corno, this troubles had toured in grandeur, causing Fouti to suffer.

One day, a messenger from Mario came and said:

"Dear Fouti Niîte, my lord Mario Wellia wants to throw a feast. You'll be busy, but be sure to join us."

After a few thoughts, Foutie agrees.

I want to know what Mario thinks first.

As it stands, I'm a disturber to Mario who's gaining strength in his own territory.

I have no fear of being assassinated...

But I haven't told anyone yet that I want his territory.

There will be no movement to this point.

And even if you were planning an assassination, you could kill Mario with your own white rainbow sword.

If that's not going to happen, just turn back.

I don't have a problem with that.

In that case, my daughter and her men will be able to cut the Marquis considerably by poking at the gap where Mario's men are confused.

For the most part, people like me can't leave their names in authentic history without risking their lives.

But when I went to Mario, he was led to the immediate vicinity of Mario after a great reception.

It's a clap.

But thank you very much, let me drink a delicious drink from the famous family secret.

The lightly switched Fowtie decides to enjoy the feast.

Siun, Mario's military master, spoke to Fouti like that.

"Dear Foutie, I have a suggestion for you today. That's something that's good for both of us."

"I don't like it when I think about it. If you need to talk, just talk."

"Hey, Fowtie. Sioun's story is the rest. Watch your language."

... you old Mario...

He's still handicapped.

Rich silver hair reminiscent of this guy's abundant riches, a fabulously stretched hairstyle that you shouldn't seem to be claiming to be unwilling to wave a spear on the battlefield, a neater face than any of the other women out there, I care about everything.

... Wait, no. This guy's words are natural.

That's the only difference between me and Mario. Mostly, as a prefabricator, I'm under control.

...... chip. Did you put in a little of what I did?

"I beg your pardon for this, Master Mario, and Lord Siun. Looks like you've been drinking too much."

"No. Never mind. Well, then, may I continue the conversation?

Yeah, Mario doesn't seem willing to go any further.

Thank you very much for the drink.

Not only does it entertain me, it even afflicts me with sin.

But this woman named Siun doesn't know what she's still thinking.

Always smiled face, dark hair hidden to the eye.

Like on purpose? I guess it's on purpose.

This is why I don't like the race of military teachers.

"I want to know."

Apart from the discomfort, this word was sincere, even as a foutie.

I'm here to find out what Mario thinks.

The more information, the better.

"The story is, why don't we take Cameno State together?"

This is just a boat to cross.

But not yet. Don't put it on your face.

They're simply helping me.

"As good as that is, what does it mean to be together? Why don't you just bleed on us?

The battle itself was a place for Foutie to gain fame, but rather a place where she didn't want to be disturbed.

But we don't have enough soldiers and food.

I needed Mario to fix that.

"Right. I'm too busy trying to calm down a wide area to get the general out. So I thought I'd work with the soldiers by providing them with food. Is this 60% of the time?"

Having heard this word, Foutie used her full body strength to keep her from getting up.

Best suggestion ever!

I did hear that the influence of the Corno party was still in the territory.

Let's call it a late struggle with a vast territory.

That's why I didn't know this was going to be a convenient story for me!

Foutie turns to her thoughts as she desperately tilts and drinks a glass poured with alcohol.

Most of all, from Sioun's point of view, it was clear that he was upset.

"... it would be hard to get out as an army if that were the case as long as it was done. But let's say 60% of the general wants too much without anyone committing any danger. We risk our lives. We're 70%, and you're 30%."

"Oh, I wonder which one is deeply greedy. And if we can take all seven counties in Kameno, we can't have the county that Master Fouti has right now. It's going to be an enclave, okay?

Until we take the four counties, we split them in half, and then if we can take the three counties, that's your stuff. But we'll have the nearest territory here. "

I'm through!

Guh, not yet.

Don't put it on your face yet.

This is just a deal I owed these guys.

There's no reason for me to be happy.

But... the boulder is too convenient for me.

... Are they trying to thank me too?

Thinking about the future, do you want to have an alliance?

Let's go.

As far as I'm concerned, if only the clan could eventually rule Jiangdong, their homeland.

To do this, we have to go beyond Mario's territory...

If these guys don't get extra greed, can we make an alliance and do it?

By and large, no one can beat me in battle under this heaven as long as I have soldiers and food.

Whatever the measure, let's have it slashed and torn.

This Foutie confidence was almost untrue.

Indeed, at this point, there was no one in the Kay Empire who could fight him from the front and win.

"Let's be good. I didn't expect to give you three counties with only gold and food. I'm a man who likes to make people."

"Which is better. You can take the state of Kameno yourself. But the world is getting a lot messed up. If so, it will eventually be the trusted alliance that will protect you. Don't let Sioun tell you that.

Even if I try you, I can think of other things to try on such good terms. I want you to live up to Sioun's expectations, Foutie. "

"... you. If you get soldiers and food, make sure you give three counties to show them."

Mario, I'll make you feel good now.

But if you get four counties in Kameno State, Mutina State to the west is next.

All the lords out there are dumb, they won't be my opponents.

Above all, that's where Arc Kay nurtured his power to build the Kay nation.

If you get over there and have the state of Kameno, the gateway, depending on the movement of the world, it's possible that I'll take the heavens...

...... Hmm. Too far ahead of the boulder?

But I'm not wrong.

If we get Mutina State, it would be Mario Wellia, but more than reciprocal.

Whatever it is, I got a time in heaven.

Let's get that turtle and prove it to the heavens to show it.

Thus a covenant is made between Mario Wellia and Fouti Niîte.

And two days later, the food and soldiers from Mario began to arrive at Fouti, and less than a week later, Fouti began invading Kameno State.