Lady Ira welcomed me immediately after my sudden visit.

Grain of rice on the cheek.

"What's wrong, Dan?

The moment I pointed my finger at the position of the rice grain, my hand moved at the speed of the electrolithic fire, and the rice grain was gone the next moment.

My cheeks are red.

... I might have done something wrong.

"... I think it's worse to come when we're having dinner"

Oh, yeah.

I'm sorry.

"As I said... sorry I was in a hurry. May I wait inside until you finish your meal?

"Yeah.... because I'll eat in a hurry. Wait."

In the end, I waited thirty minutes.

I am not particularly dissatisfied. I wanted time to think again about what we were going to talk about.

But Lady Ira, who came to the room I was waiting for, had created a very sorry atmosphere.

"Sorry... I'm hungry..."

Mm-hmm. A customer is waiting. But the rice is delicious and I can't stop eating it, wwww.

That's the one. It's Ira and there's nothing wrong with that.

"Oh, no, there's nothing you care about. Please sit and wait. I can have some tea."

... You're getting nervous.

The last three years or so will bear fruit.

This is what makes me nervous.

Even though it's the only way to be.

Take a gentle, deep breath......

"Dear Ira, do you know the instructions from Zanza that arrived today?

"Yeah. I know."

"Good. We'll talk faster. Now, the story we talked about before that Zanza might call Master Talk... remember?

... I came to you exasperated, but when you think about it, it's very subtle if this guy remembers the story almost a year ago, right?

I looked pretty sleepy then...

I see, is this the failure of a human being who is only good at on-board exercises?

I'm starting to want to stir myself up.

"I remember. Dan, that's amazing. I don't think Karma and Grace understood."

Oh, oh...

You know, it used to be in my favorite novel.

The great man thinks the legion is the legion of God.

Nobody gets scared and runs away, supplies always arrive, nobody gets sick and doesn't forget orders.

That's what I was like now.

But Master Ira was God, no, an angel.

Because it's cute.

Thanks to you I can move on with the story I was thinking about.

"It would seem odd. Let me ask you a question, Master Ira. What if Master Talk went to Rand, hated by all the gods, and attacked him?

"Fight. To protect Karma and Grace."

No, I'm quick to judge.

"Even in a very unfavourable battle, is it? Even if you have little chance of winning?

…… Yeah. 'Cause I'm here for that. You'll never know unless you try to fight it. "

I'm not lost at all.

I wonder what's wrong with this.

I knew it wasn't convincing to give my opinion to Master Ira in battle...

"I didn't think I was ready to get there. As a matter of fact, I was feeling the possibility that it would be what I just said. But in order to deal with it, we need Ira's help, and if you think you need my help from now on, I want you to work for me personally."

"... cooperation is good, but it's weird that I work for Dan. Dan is Karma's subordinate. You should get the money from Karma."

Oh, I don't mind mingling with this guy.

... I think I might lose my reputation for what I'm about to say.

"Master Talk doesn't have what I want. So I'm not willing to help until I put my life at risk on top of trouble. Because if it becomes dangerous, I just have to run.

But Master Ira has what she wants. If you are running away, it is unnecessary, but if you fight, you may increase your chances of winning. Today, Ira wanted me to buy her insurance. "

"... I won't work if Dan misses his expectations. Still okay?"

...... hmm?

Something suddenly flies, doesn't it?

"Uh, can you buy it? I haven't told you what worries I have yet...... Aren't you saying there's no other loyalty to Master Talk, or running away, coward?

"Buy it, because Dan's predictions hit me very hard. I don't understand loyalty.... I think it's normal to run if you think the head of the herd is weak. I fight because I like karma."

Is this what the Beastman thinks? No, it also feels like Ira-like thinking.

It would be heterogeneous in the Kay Empire... at least it would be common for loyalty to be taken care of before construction.

Though refreshing as far as I'm concerned.

'Cause I'm telling you, this is pure favor.

I envy Karma.

"Really? Okay, buy it. Oh, it's okay if you tell me you won't buy it at any time. I can't force Ira to pay."

"... Dan is rude. I keep my word."

"Oh, I'm sorry. That's not what I meant...... Forgive me."

Seriously, this kid.

I don't care what your personal contract is...

Something made me want to compliment Fio on his hostility toward us then.

It makes me want to stick around and keep weird bugs from sticking around.

"Before we get down to business, I need a favor. Don't tell another person what I'm going to talk about. I would not help if others knew the story I had left only to Lady Ira."

There is no substantial power in the pause, but it's not even the same if you just communicate your will and put it down.

"I'm sorry. I thought we could talk."

"We haven't talked about this before, have we?


This is, Kul.

Given my future, I can't believe the umbilicus boils the tea to this extent, Kul.

... Relax, you can't afford to have that pitiful sentiment.

... have you managed to bring calm back?

All right, go on. Keep talking.

Suddenly, it's a silent thing, so Isla's got a lot on her mind.

"Really? Thank you. I will now share with you one of my forecasts for the future.

Master Talk may make an unexpected big birth himself. Beyond even Zanza today, by the time it became the primary position of the Kay Empire. It's just a matter of where it came from. Let's talk about what the problem is when the talk actually comes out. At that time, Ira decides whether to continue or stop the insurance at a price. "

"It bothers me when I can stop it there. Aren't you going to tell me the rest?

"You can't do that. I have trouble telling you the rest and telling everything to Master Talk. He could be punished for saying bad things."

"Mean. I don't even talk... Yeah?... Dan, didn't you say it might be dangerous for Karma?

"I told you that Rand was a difficult place. I didn't do any more."

"If you want to help Karma, I find it difficult if Karma doesn't listen to Dan. Why don't we at least talk about what Dan's predicting?

Oh, he told me from the other side.

That's right. I'd like to help Karma if I can, but for that, it's tough if Karma doesn't work as we say.

But that's hard. So I was rethinking from my plan to help the first karma that if Ira worked for me, I should be satisfied with it...

"Right. However, if I speak of the unfortunate future of Master Talk, I may buy the wrath of Master Talk, according to things. Or, if you have any information, it's not weird to try to make me throw up. I don't have information or anything that Master Talk doesn't know because it's a prediction I've thought about from the world's movements...... Dear Ira, would you please protect my safety and freedom from the Talks?

"Protect. So talk to me."

Ha, ha. Hey.

"You think if you act against the will of Master Talk, you'll be angry, right? In addition, if I were to advise Mr. Talk unknowingly, I would like to live in this house so that I can live in peace. Still tell me to talk?

"... I don't think Karma will be forced to listen. But Grace might... I'll protect her if she does. I just have to apologize if I missed my expectations.

I don't mind living with you. Dinner, if you'll make it. "

"Of course I apologize, and I'll do my chores... it's light... No, I get it. Then can you take me to Karma the night that the message of the messenger from Zanza was made public?

Dear Ira, snort.

I don't think this cute guy will translate the words I just said lightly, but if he does, it's almost infinitely packed for five minutes.

I didn't know these words would come to mind, did I? I can afford it on this occasion.

For once, I think about what happened. But I don't know how effective it is.

However, if this plan succeeds, it will be extraordinarily easy to obtain information about Maida.

It's time to step on it.

The downside is that if I succeed, they may recognize me as the guy I can be.

I can't say I'm a person who can, and I'd rather not be more than not have a good impact on the plan...

I don't know what else to do... I should be able to do it to the extent that I only know a few talk sisters. Let's be patient.