It's been two weeks since Dan checked Maida's position.

During this time the Vivian army 80,000, with Agra as general and his sister Goode as deputy general, has been caged in the city of Sola at night and provoked by the day to send out messengers to the anti-Vivian coalition led by Terica to press for a frontal showdown.

By contrast, when Terika traveled to the distance of a day south of Sola, she managed to pull her opponent away from the city of Sola and continued to exhaust her hands for more than a week trying to strike a blow by an ambush, softly.

But even from Agra's supposedly brief point of view, it was clear that measures existed to try to further draw out the opponent, who was showing the plot of showdown every day.

In the end, Terica ended up spending time unnecessarily, having to fight from the front unwillingly, in the form of a general who kept being moved according to Terica's instructions and, above all, pushed out by Mario's grievances, who was giving out his troops.

This began the battle at 9: 00 a.m., a good and sunny time on the fifteenth day when Terica laid the formation.

The Agra side has sidelined the Good-led infantry 65,000 in parallel with the walls, and the self-led archers 10,000 are placed on the walls and the cavalry 5,000 are placed in the castle as reserves.

This was Howde's instruction.

It is easy to cover with a cavalry that is a bow and reserve force from the walls, even if the enemy tries to poke sideways and vice versa.

This only leaves the front of the infantry farthest from the walls where the opponent hits.

It is a formation that sees a strong will to force the opponent into a war of attrition, a simple bump of power.

Terika had no choice but to respond, and of the 90,000 soldiers, 50,000 infantry were put in line beside Mario and Ilhermi.

And he made the archers and the remaining infantry fifteen thousand at the rate of five thousand to each of his three men, and made fifteen thousand reserves, and put four thousand cavalry of all the armies under the sapona, and he assumed command of the whole from the spectacular hills behind him.

The battle began silently, with no arguments between the generals.

Agra had no interest in such objects, and Terika wanted to do so if she could raise her reputation, but only had a single command, because she thought that if she made only a few remarks above, she would be overbearing.

The first is a shot at the front of the opponent's infantry from a critical range of bows.

From the Viviana army it is neat from above the walls, and from the Terica side it is somewhat dispersed and the arrows fly.

Each other's infantry advances as they endure with shields in the rain of arrows.

The damage is worse on the Terika side due to the quality of the weapons.

It was a bitter result for Terica, but I also expected it.

For this reason, the soldiers are instructed to advance at a fast foot.

However, by a defensive formation with shields at the forefront and soldiers lined with triumphs behind them.

Terica thought she couldn't win a simple bump and was aiming to be unbeatable rather than winning.

Not only is it inferior, albeit slightly, to the quality of the weaponry, but the opponent is a trained elite as a single army, compared to what we are collecting.

I saw that. Agra...

"You guys! The enemy has challenged us to battle from the front! And the UAE crowd! This is your chance to teach yourself to those cowards who have slandered you without roots or leaves! Push it down!!

When he flew to the soldiers and left the command of the fine front line to Good, he himself decided to sit in the chair he had placed on the walls and wait for Yuyu to turn up.

Terica, on the other hand, can't afford it.

It is visible that the front lines of their own armies are pushed, and defeat is imperative if they are not allowed to face and cover the subordination that they place as reserve at that moment.

Because we need to keep looking at where the 50,000 soldiers that spread beneath us will collapse.

I chose a sunny day to see the whole thing through, but I decided that if it rained, I would pull the soldiers immediately.

An hour after the start of the war, Linhak came to report to Terika, who had been watching in detail on the front lines.

"Dear Terica, we are being pushed on 60% of the front. We won't be breaking down soon, but let's get busy."

"Yes...... I know you were there, but it's going to be hard for Jaco, Ment, and Kernel. How's Sanada? As far as I'm concerned, I was most worried."

"That's probably the best thing about the whole thing. I don't seem to be willing to attack at all, but Sanada herself is on the line to inspire the soldiers, and the generals under her command seem to be the brave generals we rarely see. You don't have to worry about collapsing."

"Ha... commanding a prostitute. That's awesome. Then let's get you to work harder. I'll leave you to the right wing, Rinhak. Bear the strain on Sanada and be abrasive. I'll handle the rest.... is it still impossible to win?

"Yes, the only way to lose five minutes is to rely on Terika's rare generals."

"Unmatched generals, huh? I don't think people under the sky would approve of something like that."

I wanted to manage to encourage Terika to say dissatisfied, but I can't find the words well.

In fact, if you are not here, it is difficult to understand how disadvantaged soldiers Terika is being held, and you will not greatly appreciate the result of the draw.

In the end, Linhak had to say the facts as they stood.

"That may indeed be the case. Now, if we draw in this situation, let's admit that the general present here is Terica's arm. I'll sit you down step by step. And even if it's far away, those who know will know."

Here Linhak lurked his voice.

"... If, when you have to run away from Mario's, it makes no sense to be in the care of a fool like Mario again. Isn't it enough for now to gain fame that only spreads to those who understand? Plus you win too much to earn fame and buying Mario's jealousy is a problem. Now we should be satisfied to this extent."

"... Indeed. I said silly things. Rinhak, I command you again. Prioritize the lives of your soldiers and try to keep them warm. Do whatever you have to do to help. If you can push your opponent into the city of Sola, you'll have a better chance of winning than you do now. Agra is not a general for Cage Castle, and the road to Rand, where the other soldier has his food, is easy to block. Let's go to war."

"Ha! I understand that."

"... I'm better at attacking fights... The sapona... you can't move it, can you?

"Yes, the Admiral's Agra and Iron Cavalry are not moving at all. Assault yourself when this one is exhausted, definitely looking at it as a calculation to ravage. I thought Sapona would lose a fortune in an instant, even from a five-minute situation, if it wasn't prevented then.... If you're in the opposite position, then so will Master Terika, right? Please weigh yourself in."

"... I know. Didn't you just ask? You're really serious, Linhak."

"... I'm sorry. As Glossa's replacement, Biina was able to tell you to clear Terika's mind, but she couldn't find a good word... please forgive her for not being a genius."

"You're serious about giving that back... It's not so much the difference in the length of a relationship as it is the genius. I'm grateful to you. Even to my sister, Biina, who found you. Glossa's not here right now, and I'm counting on you."

"Thank you, I will always respond to your trust."

It was thus decided what would happen to this battle.

In other words, it is a tragic long war of attrition.

Sometimes we had some anticipation of each other, and Terica backwards, Agra tried to put a rest stop all over the city and replace the soldiers successfully to make them drink water and add to it.

but it is impossible to fully manage nearly 100,000 people.

Naturally the drooling continues on the spot, and the whole battlefield is engulfed with stench by the addition of the smell of blood and guts, which is an accessory to the battlefield.

This war of attrition lasted until evening, when both armies were on the verge of rendering their infantry exhausted and unable to move.

And at this time, Agra, who had been embracing the urge to fight, led all the Iron Cavalry out of a gate that wasn't Sola's battlefield side, storming to ravage the left wing of the tired coalition.

It turned out just as Terica assumed, but there was nothing she could do, and I just had to pray that the commander on the front line would deal with it well and that Sapona would prevent it.

Sapona, who saw Agra's assault, also wanted to do something, but losing more than losing in numbers was the limit to side-by-side and losing the sharpening momentum.

I would not have bumped from the front even if I had won by the greatest number.

Though she has come to this battlefield as a battle of great skill, she is a lord.

The value of life is different from that of a mere general.

The way horses fight each other from the front is beyond the dangers they can take.

Regardless of whether the other party is Viviana herself, there is no way that such an imitation can be done to the other party under her command.

But even though the number of soldiers is losing, shredding from the side, it's impossible to kill momentum altogether.

Besides, the general is Agra full of war for what he has endured so far.

He let only a thousand rides go on separately, and let Sapona opponents do the rest. He ran his horse to the left flank of the Terrican army fast enough to leave all his subordinations behind.

Everyone thought Agra's blow would crumble the left wing of the Terrican army.

But at that time, a single cavalry advances in front of the infantry, desperate to form and shield themselves to deal with Agra's assault.

The man was Roxanne, a servant of Maida.

Later in life, the soldiers who took part in this battle tell the recruits they received.

"We were about to be attacked then. We were exhausted. I was desperate to get in line, but I clearly knew I wouldn't make it. But it was our general, Mr. Roxanne, who got in the way."

"Who doesn't know that story? Even I heard about it, and I volunteered for the army because I thought that if you were Roxanne, you wouldn't abandon us."

"Oh, a lot of guys like that. I was also helped by Mr. Roxanne. [M] But you better know the exact story. That's why I'm talking to him like this.

So, when we saw Master Roxanne advance the horse in front of Agra, we all thought, Yeah, you're a good guy to try to prevent him. But you're going to die with a knife. Back then, he was nothing but a baroness general no one knew. We even know the Miscellaneous General Viviana, no one thought he could beat Agra. "

"You know the people of this city are going to follow. Master Roxanne, who slowly ran the horse with the Lunar Knife in one hand, flashed his temper when he made it in time and waved the Lunar Knife down from the Great Upper Stage. But Agra also became a warlord, who managed to be slashed with his spear as a shield. There's no way I can stop Master Roxanne from having a knife all over her. He lets the horse's neck be slashed, and Agra blows up with the horse like no other. Isn't that right, Captain?

"Well. There was no one who could see the fat muscle, but I could see it flying like a spear tip, and I guess so. We were desperate to get in line, and we were suddenly losing ourselves. But you know what happened after that?

"After that? When Master Roxanne punches the Lunar Knife to the ground and glances at it, the 5,000 horsemen under Agra's command are all frightened up, right? He's rolling on the ground. When I picked up Agra, he ran away like a rabbit. I mean, Master Roxanne saved more than 80,000 troops, led by Terica."

"... and the others... do they all believe that?... you know what? There's no way that only one of us could just stare at the morale of the most elite iron cavalry and retreat in fright, is there? If you've just been slaughtered, you're still pimping, aren't you?

"What? No, 'cause everybody knows the story, right?

"Well. I know it's spreading because I can hear someone serve it on their own. Master Sanada didn't dare to tell me it was a strategy. But if you're going to be a soldier, think of reality.

It is true that Master Roxanne made the stare work. But the momentum of the enemy cavalry had grown so much that we had to save the Admiral. So, Mr. Roxanne is bright blue. You're right about the fire on your ass. I've come so desperately to escape. Until a moment ago, we were laughing when you saw a legendary samurai come running with a leaky face. "

"Then Agra's Iron Cavalry will come in. Captain, you survived."

"That's because Master Sapona fought so hard to stop that Iron Cavalry. Besides, I'm pretty sure Master Roxanne bought us some time. The other soldier lost momentum when he helped Agra. Then he exposed himself to the unusual and was stormed by angry Agra, and quite a few of the dead came out, but without those two, I would have died, too. That's why I'm pretty sure Master Roxanne is the benefactor of my life."

"As good as it gets. But that Master Roxanne almost leaked and ran away? I'm disappointed."

"Ha. You guys are so stupid. Though it has not changed that Lord Roxanne stood before five thousand iron cavalry men with only one horse to name. Can you imitate the same thing? Besides, after fighting all day, right? I don't know if I checked it, but I can't even leak it. Or do you want me to butt out while you fight? Stabbed to death by a spear? Together, more than 100,000 people fought. Think about the situation."

He said, and told the soldiers under his command.

Incidentally, the content of this story goes into Roxanne's ear, and this platoon leader will be so shitty that he can't get enough for two days from Roxanne alone.

Now, even if Roxanne drops me off the horse, I switched to the horse under his command and stuck it in Agra, but I can't do a great deal of damage to the forming opponent, and in a short time I pull the soldier.

Thus the battle, which is said to be the battle of Sola, ended in the later world.

The number of people in this battle, including the number of those seriously injured who could not fight the dead, was 13875 Terrican troops, compared to 10372 Agra troops.

After this, when we make an agreement with each other as messengers, we help the wounded left on the battlefield before sundown.

Afterwards Agra Army hates Cage Castle after a night of awesomeness in the city of Sola and moves formation to a city one closer to Rand than Sola.

And Terica occupied the city of Sola, where the enemy left.