"Deep down, I looked ahead. I admire your thought.... I have a few questions to ask you, can I ask you something?

"You don't have to be shy. Lord Gamhou will have trouble obeying me completely. If you have any doubts, go ahead."

"First I asked you how to make an army, but you're not going to let them fight you by family, by tribe?

"If it's to the point of being questioned, you didn't explain it enough. Yes, it is. Mountains lead the grass, and water lead the mountain. The chief of the clan was just killed in battle, and it doesn't seem confusing. Even if the Ten Horsemen died, the Hundred Horsemen thought about this system because if the Ten Horsemen died, the next deputy would lead them and continue to fight without confusion.

In addition, being under my command will not diminish the strife between the families, as they seem to receive respect because they are the chiefs who lead the great families. In the future, Lord Ganghou will receive respect not only because he is the chief of the family, but also because he is the chief horseman of my subordination. All my men are compatriots and comrades of war. You must be aware that you are one of those who fight together. Oh, if I die, Jorg will lead. The third one is called Jin, but he will not have a chance to meet you because he is in Lester with Karma to connect us. "

Oops...... you said it as if Gunhau had been subordinated.

"Totally different from what the strong chief had ever led... Next, I was very surprised at the iron claw that the clam had just said. I just heard a completely different arrow, and the soldiers were frightened. How did you get all that iron?

"I invited an iron craftsman from Kay. Well, to the extent that I finally started using it in battle, it's not enough at all."

I want to protect my soldiers' steeple with iron, and I also want to use it on carriage axles and other fragile places.

Yet it can only be turned to the elite.

Naturally I picked up the arrows I used and reused them.

... all that work bothers you, doesn't it?

When I told you how many I could buy for one sheep in Kay, you turned bright blue and picked it up.

And most importantly, I didn't know you had to cut so many trees to make iron...... very massive.

If you erase the forest, heaven and meadows will be angry.

As Dan told me, I want to think a little bit ok because I'm planting a small tree after cutting a tree......

"... stupid. You should be able to do that overnight...... did you have any great luck? The occasional stripper possessed knowledge of iron. such as"

Yeah? What are you talking about?

"I'm not saying I wasn't lucky...... Ironsmiths found and invited what they could no longer live in Kay. I don't want to imitate Kay. It took me almost five years to find it. It's really only these days that we get results."

"... I was impressed with all the earlier stories about the station system and how it was made, the horseman system and how it was done. It has been conceived to dominate and unite our nomadic people. I don't think I have any more ideas. Besides, there are more than a hundred people who can teach you how to write. Twenty or so little girls...... excuse me, I don't think I had time to prepare the young for that. Was your father ready to go down?

Oh, so I thought, "Gun ho! I can't stand it anymore! Speak freely with your mercy, Master Ouran!!

...... moub......

"No, but Master Mowb, don't you think so? Five years of iron? It's too soon. Letters don't even last a year. I didn't know twenty people were doing that right now..."

"Hmm. Let's admit it makes sense. But it is the pinnacle of foolishness to think of Master Ouran with such a low level of common sense. When your proud son was out hunting and depressing women, that's all Auran was getting ready for. And he releases his reprimands so obsessively that he cannot be present during the battle, and beware. Just listen to me, and you'll see? more cautious than an old wolf at this young age. And a giant wolf with the power to follow us. None of Kay's men boast that they are smart enough to be wise!

Master Ouran is the chief of what heaven has given us. And that's not all! Have great mercy. How many babies die at your place in less than a year? If we give birth to five people and do bad things, we'll both die? BUT,...... Aww, obo!!

You can really rely on Jorg.

Oh, because when I think of this idiot, he's already kicking me in the stomach and shutting me up.

But Mowb didn't show how to prevent... er, special victory, did you say?

It's just... Sablo was about to smile for a moment...

Well, let's make sure Mowb first.

I'd like to see your eyes, but it's going to be hard to stand up. Do I go?


... I just pinched my face with my hand and lifted it, and I have trouble even if I'm frightened to where it is.

What's in my eyes is... pain, fear, regret...

Good...... I don't see dissatisfaction or anger.

"Moub, my side. I have trouble being light mouthed in your position. Do you understand that?

"Ooh... ooh... ooh, forgive me. These people, not much......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... At the edge of greatness, please."

"... Mowb, do you resent Jorg?

"No, no eh! Please stop, thank you... resentment, etc., I've decided! I resent it, it's my own mouth!!

"Good. If you want to help me, I won't punish you any more. To say one thing, it was wrong earlier that I was smarter than anyone else in the Kays. Much of the knowledge I have gained has been taught by the wise men of Cay, the 'men'. Many of them are smarter than I am. Never look lightly."

"Words, but...... I've met Kay's sage before. But they're all just bullshit to no avail." We will not let the Ouranium, who have gathered us so strongly here, strike us. "

"That's just the wisdom to take care of is different from ours.... Anyway, there are those who are smarter than me. Is that good? Besides, sometimes you feel like I'm inexperienced, don't you? I am, like you and Sablo, a fool who needs the help of those who have been gathering large families for many years.

Well...... Sablo. I command you, as punishment, to deliver untouched three hundred sheep, fifty good horses, and twofold unto Moub. "

"Ha ha! I would be delighted to give you a gift of that magnitude to Master Ouran, but...... Please tell us why, if you don't mind. What punishment?"

"... to double if you are testing me. Sablo, when Mowb was silenced and kicked, did you rejoice? It's that punishment. It is a pleasure to me and to the beast man as a whole for you to be competitive in order to do a better job. But it's troublesome if it's something that delights the other person in failing. Eventually we may not tell each other important stories and even try to lead them to fail.

Our God, this heaven and earth are merciful and harsh. I've been fighting between beasts to make it harder when they say there's a struggle just to live. Forget the idea of breaking it, even though it's finally only within the tribe. "

"I won't sit down a word. I understand. I will deliver the chosen sheep and horses."

This one is fine......

"Oh, you know, Master Ouran, about Lord Mowb earlier, one too... I don't know. Yes, no, I can't help it if Master Ouran won't tell me, but if it has to do with the number of babies dying..."

It's rare to see such a serious look on Equa's face with a cloudy and graspless look at all times.

… if it is a matter of babies, is it natural?

"Equa, we're talking about the extent to which we're still trying. Moub and Sablo also accepted it knowingly. Besides, these people have worked longer than clouds. When you hear my instructions completely, you will be able to trust me, and I will tell you when I do my job."

"All right. I'm waiting to be able to say anything. Trust the cloud tribe."

"I'm hoping.... Well, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Lord Ganghou. I have one last thing to tell you. I think all beasts are compatriots living in this harsh heaven and earth. So I will not kill the opponents I have made obedient in battle, as you have done, nor will I kill them as conventional, and if you obey me, I will eventually treat them as important beings, like Moub and Sablo. But those who betray you once after showing obedience must be treated more harshly than sweetly in this way.

You asked Equa if you were Susai's family? Equa. Talk about what Susai did and what happened. "

"Yes, Susai came here like Lord Gamhou and swore obedience to Master Ouran. But shortly afterwards, he looked lightly at Master Ouran, far younger than himself, and called upon several families to defy him, and also killed Master Ouran's messenger. Naturally it became a dispute. Susai could not be helped by most of the families he called upon, and lost in battle with the soldiers of Lady Ouran of 20,000 and 10,000 or so. And Master Ouran killed all 10,000 of Susai's clans to their babies. Lady Ouran showed all that to the chiefs and successors of the leading clans of the Cloud tribe, and told Wang to bury the bodies, and finally Susai had fought with Wan's family to destroy them. All the Ones trembled and swore allegiance."

... It reminded me of the screams of the baby and the children.

I work hard on my tail, but Equa, Moog, Sablo's tail is round...

Seeing someone honestly representing their emotions these days makes me sexually envious.

... I'd like to think it's getting a little easier considering I used to change my tone too... some parts...

"... let's be honest. That was a very unpleasant ending. Killing all the children who have a future, who would have been soldiers if they had been servants, and possibly even generals.

Lord Ganghou, if you will obey now, I will give you the iron meat for the number of people under my command in order to get used to the iron meat meat just as Susai did. If you're not going to obey, say so. Return it safely. Naturally, I will strike again, but I will not kill anyone younger than the horse. "

Needless to say what happens if you defy them after you leave.

"Give it back... what if Non explains this situation to Kay and asks for reinforcements?

"If you imitate betraying all such beasts, even the tribes of the mountains will not forgive you. Besides, I'm not showing any hostility to Kay. Whoever it is has a low chance of attacking me for real. First, Kay is finally in a violent turmoil. I'm too busy arguing with my neighbors to look this way or deal with it."

"Will you be so vigilant while you know it..."

"As a result of what we've all discussed, it's easier to get a better result. If you don't. My judgment dictates 700,000 life and death miseries even now. What are you going to do, Lord Ganghou?"

Even for me, I hate taking a little trouble right now, and I don't like to create difficult problems later.

I'm glad my struggles didn't have to increase more than I thought, because it became my own family to execute after I figured out how to hide them.

"There's a hell of a story about Mowb-sama, not even Mowb-sama, defying Ouran--sama. Mercy for giving a sincere answer to the foolish old man, no words but reverence come out. I don't know if I'll be able to work for the next decade, but I beg you not to abandon these mountain tribes, and I swear to you, obedience."

I thought that would happen from being a gang-ho person I heard about, but you're still relieved to see it as a result.

JAMKA just hasn't taken an attitude of obedience yet......

I'm staring at this one.

"Jamka, is there something you want? You think you can't obey me?

"Yes, do it! It is not. No, I won't sit down. If you borrow my father's words, I will obey my father's judgment, not even mine. Not really, the... I was in love with Master Ouran's ambition... I fell in love with a woman for the first time. Lady Ouran, could you please be my wife?"


...... Ugh, hmm.

I've never been proposed so straight from the person, and I was delighted to know that the other one was meant to be from the beginning.

Oh, no, I also know you were meant to be more of a political marriage at first... but now you don't seem to be... who are you excusing?

You're a little confused...... let's look around to take the time it takes to calm down.

Equa showing hostility to Moub and Sablo in panic... why is this guy showing hostility?

And no change at all Jorg...... Jorg, you really haven't changed......

"Buh! Jam! Stay back!

"Yes, no, I said I should tell my wife myself if I wanted her!" "I don't know what my wife is!! Wouldn't you shut up! Dear Ouran... I apologize for the stupidity.... Well, as you can see, I've been hoping to marry Master Ouran since the beginning. It seems the fool is confused to know who he is going to be... Excuse me, forgive me peacefully"

"... No, I don't consider it rude. I believe it's quite normal to think about marriage to strengthen the relationship between mountains and grass."

"Ha, ha. Thank you for that. Well, if you've fought the thought of Mr. Ouran, you won't have any more joy if you have a son. Of course! I will sit in the form of a son entering your house, not your wife."

"Ki, you! Cancer hoe, run away!

"Yeah! Master Ouran will have One's son as her husband!

"No, Lord Equa, wasn't your Lord's son five years old?

"What's that!? Lord Sablo, do you think of your son as Ouran? Whoever sees it will give up because it's different. One's son will surely grow up smart in that regard!

"I'm sure we're not talking about it at this point! Sure, I wish my son would be Ouran's counterpart..."


I didn't know, Equa already has such a big son.

No, not when you're upset......

"Gamho, Jamka, I'm glad to feel, but now I can't afford to have and raise a child. Besides, this is true, marrying a bad person can be a source of contention. Jamka, if you were your age, would you have a wife? Take care of those wives."

"If it was my wife!

Oh, are you going to tell me you're going to get separated?

I don't want to hear it.

"Shut up.... Gunhow, I command you one thing. If Kay's people come to you in the future, it is forbidden for Jamka to meet them. If you go against this, I will punish you severely."

"! Master Ouran! My son certainly can't reach you, but he's a very promising young man. I did work a lot of disrespect. But let's always be loyal to you and do a lot of work. If you're working on the battlefield, you should be more than a dozen at once! From cowards like Nong while my son, I am impressed that you have given birth to such a brave man! Please, don't abandon me. Please stay down. Jam, please stay down!

"Ah, oh. Forgive me for all my disrespect, Master Ouran. But I'm useful. I want to work under you and earn your respect."

Gamho, if you and Jamka thought the opposite, I would have been very happy......

"Don't get me wrong, both of you. I am counting on Jamca. First, I entrust a thousand horsemen, and eventually I also want them to be ten thousand horsemen. Earlier, however, Jamka offered to attack Kay. When Jamuka meets Kay's people like that, she thinks," If we care, we can attack and destroy you right away. "I don't want Kay's people to feel anything by it.... you can't deny it Jamka?

"Ugh...... yes.... Yes, I understand. I don't even want to sit down with those people who find joy in hurting the earth more like Kay than I did before. I will do as you wish."

"Great. Now, this has made the three tribes one. Everybody, we're going to fight the water in the north. But as you know, even if you control one family, you will have a dispute with the next. Moreover, even though the water tribe has been divided since the death of Boctus, it has a vast territory as its own, and a vast number. Be prepared. You cannot lose as long as you obey me."

"" "" Yes!

"The water tribe is a great distance from Kay. You can fight flashy. You will be able to show your martial arts and raise your name. And...... there is also intense strife in the tribe of fire in the east, especially hearing that a woman named Sekika is strengthening her powers. You think you're thinking of putting everything beastman under control? I mean, we might fight at some point."

"Dear Mr. Ouran, what if... No, say yes"

"Mowb, you're right. I will unite all the beasts. We intend to die as few as we can, but naturally many will. But if you don't, we Beast Man, we won't have an end to the feud.

And in the wake of unity comes the most prosperous era in the history of our beasts. This is your chance to be the hero you want to be told. Swing! "

Everyone's tail is upright and his face is red.

The room is getting hot with their excitement, isn't it?


No one has ever united all the beasts before.

That's all the difficulty...... it is necessary and will be possible.

"In the next month, we will gather what was the Lord and hunt rolls, getting him used to the way the army is and the way it transmits its orders, which has turned into mountain, cloud warriors. From then on, the days of fighting water will last until winter arrives every year. Gang-hoo, bring all the families who were the Lord of the Mountain Clan, not only those who followed you, who are behind you the next time you call. If you take my word for it then, I will forgive you for this small work."

"Ha ha! Thank you for your patience."

"If the ties between these three tribes are strong, what shall we fear of the water and fire that are divided? Moreover, Kay, who was mighty, has become more turbulent than ever before, and there is little room to interfere with us as before. The heavens, the meadows, the wind is giving us such blessings!

You have unprecedented honor and prosperity in our future. Follow me. You will accomplish a great deed that no one could have accomplished!

"" "". "" Do as you will!!!