Siun came back just about enough.

I tried to say hello on my knees again, but he showed me to get to my seat by hand gesture, so thank God I sit back in the chair.

"Well, tell me your name first. And the mask is in the way."

"I can't take this mask off. Besides, I'm not even a person who can be named. I won't have a chance to see you in the future either. More than that, I'd like you to make sure there are no people in the attic or under the floor..."

"Aya ~? I've already checked the attic, under the floor... Then no matter how good you tell me, it's going to be hard to give back to the Talks. 'Cause there's no guarantee that you're from the talk, is there?

Isn't it enough that he moved like a talk official until he connected you to his clothes?

Or are you just rocking it?

I don't care.

Rather, I have trouble being returned to the Talk family to understand.

"I am here because I have been told to give a good greeting to the Mario family if it is possible for Master Grace to do so. You don't have to pay me back. A better messenger than Grace Talk if my story is a good one. Otherwise, I'd appreciate it if other fools thought of you as messengers for deceiving Lady Grace's name."

"Aya, I'll say something convenient." Wouldn't it start if you didn't listen? At least I'd expect a better story than to drink with all the famous folks, wouldn't I? So what did Terica collect and pick up?

I think I can live up to my expectations.

You haven't seen Terica from the other team directly, and she's pretty much talking about what Lydia guessed.

"I will try to follow your wishes. I'm sorry, but there's one thing I'd like to ask you before we talk.

Do you know where the country's greatest treasures are? I couldn't really find out who I was. "

"Eh. What suddenly.... I don't know, maybe, Master Kent... and together....

Hey, you bastard! I intend to conspire with such paranoia Mario's lead warrior!!

You usually think so.

But I guess it's too much anger. The way you talk is broken.

Or are you threatening me?

Sure, the idea comes from a famous fabrication. It's a delusion, but the whole story must be worth listening to, Sioun.

"Don't get me wrong, Master Siun. I'm not sure Terika picked up Kay's dominant symbol. What the handlers were able to grasp was that Terika gathered those who were the lords of the well near the temple and conversed with Meng in particular. And I only cherished hiding something of this magnitude.

When it was just hidden, it was like a ball that you saw for a moment, and you saw a light like gold. Considering what applies to it, isn't it the Herald of Nations? And so it was. Because I thought it was particularly important to Mario, and this is how I came here. "

………… Is it true from the story of Terica bringing people together?

"This is here. I just want someone to be there all the time."

…… Don't you think it's better to put surveillance on Terica, a loyal subordinate?

... Is there any chance that this is true? If…….

"Holy shit. I thought I had a lot of problems with Terica in the future. But if you say so, it looks like it was an estimate of the inferior species. I apologize for taking the time. Excuse me immediately."

That's what I said and tried to put my hips up, but Sioun showed his seat by hand, so I sit back down.

I knew it was just a shake. Unless Mario is a headless hero who has left his name in history, there's no way he won't bother.

No, I worry even if it is. Even Liu Bang, who is said to be the best user in history, had a scattered relationship with Han Xin.

"It's a used hand to make you stop taking a seat and try to shake your opponent ~? If it's the use of Lord Grace, who is said to be the Grand Military Master, shouldn't you be a little more creative?

"Word is, I'm not thinking about shaking it or anything. A story that can also be described as an extra favor over the ex. If you're wrong, I want you to pull back as fast as you can so I don't have to take the time."

"Ha... No. Make sure you let me take the time ~. Oh, I told you earlier about Shiro, but forgive me, right? I was so upset."

"Forgiveness is outrageous. I understand it's natural to think of it as paranoia."

"That was good. … indeed, the Kunikunikuni is lost. But can you stay? I thought Viviana took it away."

"I thought you might. But when Viviana followed Lando, it was very confusing until the fire. In that circumstance, it is first and foremost the safety of Emperor Kent that the faithful think. And isn't it the next best treasure, the Herald of the Nation? But what was being handed over was probably the treasure hall near the burnt temple. Suppose what you went to pick up got caught in the fire and asked a confused medium well for an escape. And to make the well usable again, suppose I found it when Terica pulled it up. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to confirm that the water corpse appeared to have been handled by Terika."

I also thought I would check with Lydia if there were any aquatic bodies, but I had no choice but to refrain from imitating them because they might see me as having a strong interest.

I have a hard time trying to move in secret.

"You talk as if you've come to see it, don't you?... Do you know what the menthol is deep in?

"No. It is difficult to examine the generals of the South, and we have only collected a great deal of information. Something in the mento?

"... she prefers old heritage, history"

As good as it gets. This guy might get a pawn out of the ladybug.

And Siun began to think about it.

I won't stand in your way. Didn't they misjudge you by flushing you at a later date? I have trouble being thought of.

I can't look into any more information, but with Mario's help, I should be able to quietly find out where the Herald is.

If we don't find it and it turns out that Viviana doesn't have it... it will be big info.

I want you to use it effectively and reliably...

"Mmm. This information, very, very, very grateful to Hiji-kun. Be sure to share your thanks with Lord Grace. Why did you tell me this story at the place?

"Lady Grace wants to connect with Mario in the future. One of the directives I gave you was to look for opportunities to say hello. Bringing in stories like this would have been unexpected for Lady Grace..."

"Thank you for that. Tell me one more thing. Earlier, it was important to Mario. And you said, right? What does that mean?

"Lady Grace is here to jeopardize Terica's loyalty. The movement of the world, how Master Mario treats Terika, and the immensity and personhood of the generals that Terika has shown this time. As a result of these combined thoughts, I wonder if Terica is planning to become independent. If we get a sign of the ruler, we believe that we will be oiled into Terika's burning despair, so we ask you to take the time to do so."

It also means taking charge of gen, but there will be many uses.

For example, if you give it to Mario, who is proud to be Kay's precious blood muscle, he will be very pleased.

Maybe enough to make a wrong political decision.

"It's a story that's going to be there, but it's not specific at all, is it?

"If Terika is so far-fetched that we, the people of the North, can easily grasp it, there will be nothing more wrong with her than the original. But her most trusted military teacher, Glossa Publi, is not here.

While Sioun's eyes are going to this allied army, not only do they arrange for soldiers to gather in the land of Gangdong that Terika wants, but they also make cuts that make Mario want to send Terika, for example, attacking villages on the state border from beyond. Aren't you doing that kind of landscaping? That's what I'm worried about. Come on.

If Terika had acquired such a treasure as Master Mario would have liked. When the incident happened and someone had to be dispatched, if Terika offered the treasure and begged him to show that he had no ambition (...) and leave it to him, could he say no? If a tiger who specializes in water warfare accumulates strength by releasing it to the land of the major guarded by the Yangtze River. It may not be easy for all the gods under heaven. … So, how much surveillance do we have on Glossa?

I think I was about to pound my tongue for a second now......

Rockstone Lydia, your guess seems to be on the line.

"... even if we talk about the difficulty of collecting and arranging food for this Allied army in our territory, the handouts are a handicap. But whether Glossa's going to do that or not, don't you think it's impossible that everyone who trusts Terica is here?

Ge. Seriously......

That's pretty harsh. Whether you want someone to deliver the letter, you can't give the secret book lightly, and it's impossible to get ready by yourself.

Suddenly my story became frigid.

Anyway, let's apologize. Stand quietly in your seat, kneel on the floor and bow your head......

"That's... I don't know you. I am truly sorry that you apparently took up Mr. Sioun's time without giving up your minutes. I apologize for lying down. Please forgive me peacefully..."

Wait with your head down.

... shouldn't get his neck splashed by a boulder.

Because it's true that they picked something up.

"... if you're stuck, you're a big deal. That was a lie. There aren't a few of us who were the Lord. A former river thief, Naikan is good at moving behind confused by the state folks. Roshu is famous for his intelligent and radical rapport with Glossa. Besides, Terika has an intimate exchange of sentences with Shouchi, who has great fame in the area of Jiangdong.... but it would be offensive to have such an attitude. Have a seat."

He blamed me for the lack of information and made me bow my head, which sounds terrible.


"I'm not blurry. There are a lot of things I haven't been able to find out. Let's not forget we're from the border. But... I didn't expect you to tell me where it is. Are you sure?

Yes, that was a very grateful piece of information. Enough to want to make a note right now if I can.

"Maybe I shouldn't have told you ~. You, you're a crazy person. It doesn't seem like an enemy to do anything with your attitude and respect from everything you say. I thought Lord Grace resented this one."

Then I'm not the enemy in this matter.

In addition, I have respect and fondness for all who live on this earth.

As someone who grew up so null in Japan, I can't help but admire the people who live in environments where there is no such thing as science.

However, I do not change my behavior with such emotions.

And Grace and Karma are right about Mario and you.

But Mario and I won't be easily hostile. You won't fight until you banish me and Lydia.

"Lady Grace's emotions cannot be inferred. But I thought you had more of a measure of forgetting resentment than of making great enemies as those who stand above all mankind. Above all, we should resent you most, because the greatest threat is to sit in Viviana."

All right... your expression hasn't changed. With this reaction, it is unnoticed that we are trying to form an alliance with Viviana.

Even so, it's hard to tell because my eyes are hiding with my hair. This haircut is cowardly.

... you're completely hiding your face in a mask. Can't I tell you?

"Yeah, because we couldn't go against Viviana then either. Glad you understand. So what does Mr. Grace say? You want me to kill Terica right now?

That's great, but I don't want to go anywhere.

If I told you to kill me first, you'd think you were a gauge of separation, wouldn't you?

No, Sioun, I'm here to help you.

At the very least, make sure you keep holding Terica's head down.

Independence, it's troublesome to be driven by the military at Terika's will.

Don't even give battlefield heroes the right to make battlefield choices.

I want you to be bigger than a small army led by a tiger than a large army led by a peacock.

That way, a good use of peacock could easily kill even a tiger.

"No way. First of all, we don't have Grace's thoughts on this case, on the boulder. Because it's today's story. For that reason, I can only answer what Grace has told me so far in words that mix my thoughts... Would you like to hear?

"Uh, that's right, isn't it? If Lord Grace can direct me to tell you today's story, I'm a magician. Yeah, I'm fine with your mixed opinions ~. Talk to me."

Hmm? Could that have been camouflaged? I thought it wasn't all Grace, it wasn't my idea?

I guess it was too big a story for an unnamed messenger to bring...

Whatever it is, all I can do is do what Grace deserves as a subordinate.

It's all right. You simulated the word choices in a scattered fashion so that they were the right ones.

Come on, it's important, speak with the utmost sincerity.