"First, tell me the secret of the story. And as usual, you will dance, making sure that you do not notice until you bring the Terricans back to the most advantageous realm. Perhaps he is worried that he should give what he has obtained. This should be forgiven.

But if you're not coming to give me the treasure. Or it may be counter-intuitive. At that time, I wonder if Terika and her subordinates have any plans, including the land of Gangdong. "

It can be taken for granted.

And to my mind, Terica is doing something.

Because I would.

Terica lives in Mario's territory, and the eyes of the surveillance are tight at all times.

It's not like Mario and Sioun have all the opportunities to leave the territory, it is.

I don't know if what I'm doing touches Mario's scales or stays uncomfortable...

For First Mario, Terica is a seed of inner worry.

Viviana, Ilhermi, when fighting one way or the other, why don't you tell Terika to go back to sleep because I guarantee her the land of Gangdong?

Even I can think of a way. Sioun said he couldn't think of anything. - I don't know.

In addition, there are rumors that Terica's father, Fouti's cause of death, was Siun's plot.

What if this is true? No, even if it's not true, a small suspicion in Terika's and Siun's mind would suffice.

My info would pour me water and it would blossom interesting.

Personally, I'd like to support Terika, who struggled scratchy from a young age and gained strength as a general that everyone acknowledges.

Because if you don't pull your leg, troublesome is an exponentially increasing public opinion......

I have to be an airborne son of a bitch.

"Nah, nah, nah? As far as it goes. Confirmation and prudence are important, aren't they? But... ugh. What, didn't you come here to talk about this? I can't believe I'm really using Kunikunikuniku as a greeting topic... Boulder Warrior Grace, people are bad until I subordinate them"

I still found out.

Exactly. I might have picked something up. More than anything else, I'm aiming to direct your vision towards what Terika might be up to.

I don't want to get bogged down while I have a tiger.

"I will only share the information and Master Grace's thoughts. I can't judge which is more important."

"Ma, that's the grass, right? But Lord Grace is a big man. I also remembered something strange about Terika, but I was too busy in front of her to see it. Yet I can't believe you think and grasp more than I do while you're on the border across the river...

It is only rumored that I will go beyond Liu, the warrior - and I thought I could use magic too. They say he was a magician, too. When I met you before in Rand, I didn't even think you were that good... did you suddenly develop your abilities these days?


You've been seeing Grace.

I'm not happy, though I'm supposed to be...

"As I said, Master Grace has grown remarkably. It was put in a crisis of survival, and the current situation must have been harsh and polished by misery. But I've had enough material for a long time.... May I apologize for your disrespect?

"Of course not. I like you, too. Don't hesitate. Now, if you'll excuse me."

"Thank you for your generosity. Okay, so you can just see it from the outside, the military teacher, etc., below. I can't use it anymore. I wonder how the mighty Mario's head teacher, Sioun, can't see it all without a close discussion."

... a good smile. Maybe he's making it.

But you think so, Siun. Look at him. He knows what's inside him. Whatever.

"Sure. This was a stupid question. I want you to forgive me. At the place... he said it was a good relationship, but wasn't it good for Terika to be with him? It seemed like you were expecting her for a long time, and all you had to do was say that you were gonna keep this story secret over there, and you sold me a favor, didn't you?

"She is a man of aspiration. Therefore, even if you sell a favor, you will immediately forget it if it interferes with your wishes. First of all, it's very difficult to help Terica. More than that, we want to connect you with Mario, who has great power today."

In addition, Terica's place is far more dangerous than here.

Even if you're picking something up, if you tie up a messenger named me and dedicate every thing to Mario, you can show loyalty.

I don't have a problem with a bad relationship with the Talks over there.

"... what's your hand in taking the story to Ilhermi?

"My Lord is worried about that ilhelmi. Depending on how the world goes, she can be our common enemy. The basics of diplomacy are infiltration. I'd like you to think about it..."

And say it appropriately.

I'll never come here again. That's more than a restful story.

Welcome to your alliance, of course.

"Aya ~. I can't believe you said that knowing you're allied with her... you're a bad person ~?"

"We don't necessarily expect you to be on our side. But she's after heaven. Otherwise, you mustn't muster and lead so much talent. And I'm listening. In addition, it's not just Il Helmi. There is also the possibility that dangerous forces may arise between us and this turmoil. Orario is seriously ill and his ruling state of Cameno could be disrupted. Someone might come in. and"

"... it refers to us, doesn't it?

Whoa, that was so misleading.

"If Master Mario is going to pick it up, there will be no way to get your hands on the Talk family. Please be generous to the fold where the territory is nearer, only in laying low and wishing.

Not really, he said, some small force could be attached to the unstable state of Kameno and make it the foundation of independence. Headed by Terica. There will be others. "

He is headed by Maida.

But whatever it is, it should be pretty hard to escape further west than the center from the end of the east.

But there are a bunch of smart guys at his place... just in case, Mr. Sioun.

"Um, sure. Ha... that's a lot of hard work. I just want to live happily ever after with Mario."

Yeah? Isn't Mario the one full of honor and territorial greed?

... Is it possible that it is Sioun's true meaning?


"It's impeccable to keep quiet. At times like this, it's good because it's 'if it's a disturbance'. Tell me one last thing. Your opinion is fine. The fact that Karma came to Rand and even appeared to the Grand Chancellor, and the subsequent move, was too crude as someone with such a divine conspiracy. Why not?"

"... I can't even tell you how horrible I am... Karma still seemed to have a weak awareness of the turmoil at that time. In other words, no matter what kind of man of wisdom, there is no choice between time and master. There's nothing else to say."

My answer seems to have satisfied Sioun.

This guy's struggling with his master, too.

I can tell from the outside that you are too expensive and unconscious to the bottom of the ground.

"As good as it gets. That's for sure. Well, thank you so much for talking to me today. So, should I even write a thank you to Mr. Grace?

"No, it's useless. I want you to keep everything inside Master Sioun's chest. I'm not here. Think of it that way. Even Grace will never admit that someone like me asked."

"Kufu. You don't want to be Terica's enemy, do you?

Yeah, there's that, too.

but most importantly, I don't want the people in the talk to know.

"We can't answer that."

"I didn't blame you, did I? It's a smart hand not to get your own hands dirty. And I got a good side. Not only do you have a shrinking plot, but you seem to fit in. Thank God you're here to say hello."

"Ha. Thank you very much."

"As a heartfelt thank you to the Talk family......, how old are you? Twenty from the voice. There it is."

Wow! Can't you just stop being interested in me?

... I'm changing my voice even after practicing, but I can't even tell.

I thought it was over... how can you be a military teacher... or just because I'm bad...

Anyway, we need to make sure we don't get nervous.

"... if you ask. We are over forty. I can't leave this to young people."

"Heh... You have a very young voice ~. But forty. Above me. … it is true that your calm is not possible for young people. Um, Raven had a few battlefield generals. Little wisdom worked, but you were the one who put wisdom on it?

... Ahbu. I almost wobbled.

Suddenly it's too much.

I know you're after me... but what the hell? I already want to go home, but I don't know how I answered.

"... We only did so by communicating Lady Grace's instructions. After that, Master Raven thought about it. Of course you can't even name Raven after someone like me. Master Sioun feels the shadow of Grace and overestimates me. Come."

"There could be such a side to it. But...... yeah, I really liked the calm and the bravery, the depth of care with which you hide everything. If you tell this story to Lord Grace, won't you be under my command? If you have a subordinate, we'll take care of all of them. Even I personally, Grace, of course, have twice as much wealth as Karma. Do you want to reuse it?"

Oh, my God, I didn't know you could still invite me here following Phoeniga.

It was a tough social gear to be born, and I'm growing up to be appreciated by those in power?

... If I hadn't, would I cry?

I've been trying to reflect and apprentice every word of Lydia every day as best I can.

They kill people directly and indirectly, and they're still moving to cut off the future of promising young people.

Not at all like back then.

But I appreciate the invitation, but I can't possibly leave the North.

".................. I am honestly impressed. I don't think it's a dream to be able to appreciate this. As I'm sure you know, trust is more important than anything else in the world for anyone who deals with information like me. Because the information given to me by those who have replaced my lord, even though my life is not in danger, raises suspicion. I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for your patience."

"Uh-huh. That makes sense, too, doesn't it? Can't you help it? But you should remember that. The Talks are still unstable, aren't they? If it crumbles, come to me."

I know it's lacking in intelligence hands anywhere, but it would be an impossible word to be there first.

Let's take a seat, kneel down on the ground, rub our heads, and put some more effort into our voices than ever before.

"I will never forget the kindness of this to the lowlife"

"Yes ~. It was a really good time. Please wait. I'll get my things."

That's what Siun said and left.

... Hmm. Things, I don't think.

Within five minutes, Sioun returned with a bag that looked heavy.

Is it gold to see the bags decomposed?

"This is a reward for today's story. Go ahead."

Heavy... pretty much. This.

"This is... I don't even have your fine words of gratitude. Please keep talking."

"Of course, thank you for being able to make an alliance. Ha, that's too bad."

"Yes.... Dear Siun, I have one last favor to ask. You're asking your men to follow me and find out who it is. I guess so. Could you please not do such a thing? Trouble with me, but let's take unnecessary care of Mario."

Sioun's grin deepened.


Naturally, Sioun. Did you ever act like you had a crush on me just to keep me alert?

But that's troublesome.

"Well. I don't have any credibility, do I? I'm not going to be rude like that ~? So, why are you telling Mario I'm in trouble? I'm interested."

"I would be foolish to say that if Terika picked up the treasure in all sincerity, she should be quite careful now. Naturally the ones who pay the greatest attention are Mario and Siun. I might be keeping some kind of watch here, too. In the meantime, if you put your hand on someone who seems to have nothing of any other force, it is imperative that you draw attention.

To make it easier for Sioun to move, I came here as a regular person from the Talk family. Please, take my heart. "

Hearing my words, Siun is showing how to think about it.

Can you think about it enough? This is not your home. There are plenty of houses up there. There are many ways to keep an eye on Rand's property.

Please, don't get stuck. Don't ruin it with greed.

The must-win tactics are unintentional at all times. It's the biggest opportunity to get it.

"... Terika, I'm a very helpful person... Competency is an eyesight at times...... Ok. Welcome home in peace. And even if I say it, you care about the back."

"... because we have to think about other people. Thank you for your consideration. Now if you'll excuse me. Dear Mario, I sincerely wish Sioun prosperity."

"Yes, you can count on it. I'm good at plotting."

I prayed silently and left the mansion after the room.