I'm the third one in charge? Possible reasons...... no way.

"Father, is there anything on you and Sister Rosa and Sister Stra?

"Yeah? Oh, don't worry. Same as before. Rosa is beneath His Highness Ilhermi, and Stra is magnificent in defending the Barca family territory in my place"

"Then why did you ask me to take charge?" Father is magnificent, and Sister Rosa is as personable as a saint. Wouldn't it be bright and white for everyone with Barca's name to rejoice more than the Red Heart if his sister were the master? "

"Times have changed too much. All I know is that I'm loyal to Kay. I don't even want to know. If Master Kent goes to Viviana, I'm going to serve as your official. But you can't crush the Barca family. When I think about it, Rosa is anxious. He will not lay down his life for the sake of the soldiers."

"... but it is admired by everyone because of such a person. I am the one who must be dissatisfied."

"It's also the opinion from Rosa that takes you for the lead. Your talent is many times greater than your own, and you will gladly give up your Lord's throne, and you will follow and sustain it all."

"What is Sister Stra's opinion?

"You want me to put someone in charge who hates conspiracies on top of being serious and moulded? He was showing relief when he said he would take you for the principals.... my only anxiety is that I didn't listen to you at all while I was away. I'll leave the final decision to you.

Lydia, answer honestly. Who is the person most deserving of the Lord for our Barca family to survive this turmoil? "

I understand my father's story. Although the sisters are fine figures, they are difficult to break their emotions and are now in public opinion.

But Father doesn't know this situation.

"I need to confirm a few points before I can answer you, Father. I (I) have not made a name for myself in this world and will remain opaque. If you become the master, you will abandon your name, you will abandon your standing, and you will move only for the survival of the Barca family, will you forgive me?

"That's a little troublesome. Why? If Lord Karma can't take you seriously, where can I go? You're the one who can live on the border for years, and the Skittos are good. That way, Rosa is Lord Ilhermi, and you are the Skitto family. No matter where you win, my house is safe."

I can say it's a better hand than not knowing where to survive. But I wouldn't go either if I were the Lord.

"Father, I will not move. And if I were to take the lead, I would have to resign my sister from Ilhermi's place as a disease, and I (myself) would have to decide on the supplier of my entire family. Would you still like to sit down?

Not only do I disagree head-on with Father's wishes, but I also talk about being water in my sleeping ear as Sister Rosa.

The last time I saw it, I heard that it was not enough to meet Il Helmi in person, but the future was bright.

But now that you are in charge, if there are clans elsewhere, let's buy Dan's unhappiness.

"... Oh my God. Is that for the Barca family? Or for your own standing."

"I understand it's a difficult story to understand. But since the Barca family survived, if I were you, I wouldn't be sitting here any longer."

"... you haven't answered my question yet, Lydia. Who should be in charge?"

………… This is Lydia Barca. Dear Titus Barca "

"... ok. But your assumption of the presidency will be put on hold. Let me confirm Rosa's intentions once and for all. Now, from what I've seen before, you're in charge first. I'm going to fix it."

I had no idea that I had to entrust my family's fate to a bet that I had prepared for if anything happened to my two sisters.

The world of men is truly unclear... I feel a strong fear.

Now this will be the best hand. No, it has to be in your best hands.

"I understand.... Your father will follow you after this, won't he?

"Oh. My family has been eating Kay's locks for over a hundred years. Whatever the world may be, I don't want to change. I would have liked you to follow the same path if it had come true... but not in this mess. Kay's doom is no longer avoidable.

Now, Lydia, swear one thing for this father. When I tried my best to keep the blood in Kay's room running. "

"Of course I will sit with you. In addition, you know, I thought you were worried. No matter where the crowd triumphs, you have no interest in founding a nation by killing an emperor who has lost so much power. Definitely take the form of a Zen concession behind the peace."

"Sure. Hmm. Am I old enough to worry like this? It may have been a good decision at last to give up the Lord."

"Play. For the next twenty years, I thought my father was in charge....... I won't have a chance to see you early in the future either. Please, Kensei."

"Oh, you too, Lydia. People fear your talent. Be careful."

"Thank you very much for your kind words."

Are you afraid of talent?

Surely Dan is afraid of my talent.

But I'm more than willing to get rid of it than I've given you all the credit for my inner work.

No one obeys the unproven.

Kung fu and the name associated with it are power.

Yet I am not jealous. Thank you for this point, my lord.

... If this allows you to deduce a little more within your heart, rest assured.


The meal and tea prepared by Lady Titus was seated at Berry Delicious.

Hey, nobles, you're not using me. My tongue can't measure the price.

How much tea do you want to change? That's what I heard. It's dangerous.

I wonder if I can steal the flavor somehow. Maybe I'll find out what Karma's cook looks like when I get home and ask her to learn.

Ha, you were right to follow Lydia today.

So... it's that thankful Lydia...

After the two of us drop off Master Titus, who came down from upstairs, he puts me in his seat again, pays people, and sits face-to-face for about five minutes before thinking about it.

It's rare.... oh, I think I finally decided something.

"Die, first of all forgive my father for his disrespect earlier"

Ultimate, I don't care. Start with the Social Dictionary.

"Uh, you said you could come with me today because you knew I'd be thrilled, didn't you? And even though they say it's disrespectful..."

"... My lord, I did sit down with that thought. Now, master of the world, no, if you are treated like a servant, whether you are a peer or not, be angry as a fiery fire. I wondered if I should follow my common sense or if I should not reward you according to your wishes."

"Ha... it's hard for smart people too"

"... compliments and the ultimate in pleasure. and forgive me"

"I'm not even a little uncomfortable with forgiveness or anything. I am very happy now. I can't believe you value my favor so much that you don't even talk to your family. If you're not uncomfortable, before going to bed every day in the future, I'm going to head to where Leah is and I'm going to lay low and thank you."

When Lydia used to get laid or something, she said, "But I have a lot of relatives. I'll tell them where I am. If it leaked to Maida's place, I would have trouble sorting out the information."

But if you open the lid, it's just silence.

I couldn't read it! Even with the eyes of the ruler of this Talk Territory Shadow......!!

Hmm. It would be good for me to remember this gratitude once a day.

"... I apologize for any inconvenience. But are you so glad to know that your work hasn't become famous..."

"Yes, pleasure. So, I remembered with that fame. Please answer according to your feelings, Mr. Leah. From now on, would you disagree if I told you to raise Mr. Leah's name?

"Tell us why first"

"If you do that, you'll make up your mind, won't you? I want you to decide by emotion."

You're not talking about putting up with me until I'm dissatisfied, are you?

"Thank you for your consideration. But I was thinking about that, too. Grace's name is too much. It is inconvenient that all the confidence of the soldiers and the people should belong to Grace.... but aren't you in good shape to be on the table, not me?

Are you paying attention or trying... well both?

Give me Dan's name, and I won't let you and Sanada target me.

Surely, the more fame the others have, the less I can do alone.

But when you sell your name and people gather around you, it's harder to escape.

"Are you trying me?

"No, no. Never.... but if you concentrate on me and Lord Grace, you must be worried about me, too, right?

"Absolutely. And a better hand than this, I can't think of. Now, how much more prestige can you give Mr. Leah? If Mr. Grace is magical, Mr. Leah is divine...... then it's normal. Any interesting representations?

"... My lord, please stop playing. I understand your concern. Suppose you think of a way to raise your name. Or I want to talk to you about one more thing. It is not certain, but I (I) will be the head of the Barca family. In the dawn, gather all the people of the clan in the land of talks..."

"Hey, wait a minute. Master Titus is a good winner, isn't he? And I heard you had a fine sister?

"Yes, I'll sit with those two thoughts."

"What? I thought my knowledge of the Lord's throne was such a thing as to be a reason for strife to wash blood with blood..."

"I can't go wrong with that perception. Let's just say it's our main contention that that dispute between Viviana and Mario is also on the edge. But my sister, Rosa, is a personable man with no one in line for the world, and she used to talk about me (me) happily a few times more talented than I am for a long time... which is why it was unexpected that I would be given the Lord's seat."

"It's... having a wonderful sister... uh, congratulations, would you like to sit down?

"Thank you. Now, Rosa, no one in the clan is long enough to serve, so let's gather them together immediately, but it will take a little while for my sister to be under Il Helmi. But I will definitely let you come here. Some time" "Please wait..."

How about that? The story is rushed and I can't chase my head. If I imitate you like that, aren't they all dissatisfied Taratara?

"You want me to quit working and gather? Besides, under Il Helmi... your sister is also very good, isn't she?

"Yes, but let's also say it's just the right opportunity. Underneath Ilhermi is dangerous when we think about the future. Viviana is enough, but aren't you going to crush me, too?

Oh, you were finding out... So... you sure you want to let him get away with it?

That'll crush you if you get a chance. Competent enemies are reduced when reducing them.