"... Master Souichiro said we have a tough fight ahead of us. And you're telling me that if Master Souichiro were here, we could win?

"Some are better, maybe. Because if I have time, I can use my knowledge more, and most importantly, I'm going to take the best measures to get Sekimay and Phoeniga out. Yulia was hesitant to take an unwarranted approach.... I hate to, but I'm not even going to make it if I don't. I want you to choose, including what that means."

As a matter of fact, I'd be a little more confident if I could use all of my knowledge.

But that means killing more people. I still can't decide if I'm ready to get there...

"If you don't rebuild Kay, Master Souichiro was going to be his new emperor and interest the country... I didn't know that. I can't believe you had that ambition."

"Hmm? No. All I'm asking is for Kay not to stick around. Something conditional narrows the measures a military teacher can put out. When I was united, the most likely thing was for Julia, before you became the new emperor and Kay rebuilt."

"Oh, me!? If that's the case, I'll ask His Majesty to stand up honestly!... or wasn't Master Souichiro willing to rebuild Kay?

"If it only works if you don't get caught in the rebirth. But His Majesty won't let you stand. When we're united, we should have an organization, too. When the length changes, it breaks.... What worries me most is when some lord declares that he has brought His Majesty down from the throne of the Emperor, or when His Majesty dies for some reason and the murder is whispered in the world, 'Can you stay calm?' Don't you think you're going to be wasting your anger? You really knew it would be dangerous if you just went to say goodbye to His Majesty, didn't you?

"............... I can't argue with you, Master Souichiro. But why did you ask me to give up my seat when I thought I was ineligible as a monarch? Or are you confident you'll never be?

I don't look frightened in my eyes even though I call it ineligible.

I knew Julia was amazing.

"No way. You are the most admired of us by the people and soldiers. Besides, Roxanne and Ashley admire you enough to call you my sister-in-law. At last, the two of you may choose you. [M] This isn't the qualities of a monarch, is it?

That's why I'm in trouble if you don't decide now. If it's enough for me and you to split up when things go wrong in the future, even if it's a little unscrupulous, I'd rather be stuck under you. "

"... that could have been the case at first. But I don't know now...... The inhabitants have admired me so far, but it was like Souichiro who made my life easier. Besides, what about Ashley anyway Roxanne...... Oh, Roxanne, don't answer that."

"Dear Julia..."

Oh...... we also need to talk about this.... a monarch is hard.

But Feniga advised me. I hate to talk about it, but I have to be prepared for this too. It tastes bad.

"... Julia, Roxanne and Ashley. I still need you to ask me something. That's too close for you guys.... No, it's good to be close. But... we're killing each other. Naturally there is a good chance that a warlord who is fighting for me on the front line will die. I want you to be ready so I can see around you then."

It doesn't seem like he took a brother-in-law's vow, but the three ties are much stronger than their sisters and brothers.

So much so that if someone dies, they're going to try to avenge each other without thinking about the situation.

... If it was Japan, it would have pissed me off to think carelessly.

But this isn't Japan, and there's no one else to say it.

"What are you talking about, Brother Souichiro, Ora and Roxanne stepsister? You're not going to lose! Your sister-in-law proved that no one is stronger than the Olas."

"Ashley... have you forgotten that Roxanne was about to be left in a flock of iron riders? Besides, I heard we both played together and couldn't beat Rusty in the end."

"Oh, that's occasional. Now Ola wins! I'm not coming to fight Rusty the first time."

Um, it's only with this confidence that Ashley can be so bold that she can't be there.

Would poorly diminishing your confidence crush your strengths?

No, you can't. Ashley doesn't end up with one problem.

"It's a good thing I'm confident. But if we're going to unify Kay, we should think it's time to fight Rusty. Besides, it's not always on the battlefield that you two die. You could be betrayed by your allies and attacked by sleep."

"... I didn't know. Master Souichiro had a pessimistic thought, didn't he?... Two military masters blew in?

"Is that how you say it to Roxanne? I certainly don't like it. But I'm the head of everyone. I think I need to think about it. Roxanne has decided that his master will only be bright in the future, and no one he knows will die, no matter how much he fights. What would you hate to think?

"That's... yes. But it seems like the old bright Master Souichiro has changed, and I feel lonely"

... because you used to be young. It will change more than time has passed.

"What has changed my position since the old days. I also killed a lot of people. I thought I had to change.... Roxanne, don't you like me like this?

"No.... no! Once upon a time, if you had killed and cried the head of a bandit, you have not changed to sincerely mourn the death of a man. He deserves more respect than ever before."

"... thanks.... Julia, I've told you a lot, but in the end it's up to you."

"Dear Mr. Souichiro, you've been very specific in predicting the future since just now.... Was I that dangerous?

"... there are those who strongly wished my esteemed forefathers to rebuild their country and cherished the love of their brothers. It's an old record, so maybe it's not really the same, but it's like I said in the person's failure. Not that Julia would make the same mistake."

When Shu's monarch Liu Bei lost his brother-in-law, Guan Yu, to the betrayal of his alliance opponent, he marched in an impossible battle to make enemies without even hearing his surroundings stop, and lost a great deal.

When a monarch judges by his love, it becomes terrible.

Even I'm not sure I can contain my emotions when everyone sees me terribly, but it would be better than Julia.

………… Ahhh... Me.... If you give up Kay's rebirth, will the people, my lord, help you?

"Helpful. If I could just say so. But I naturally don't have the wisdom to see heaven completely, even in Phoeniga and Sekimei. All I can tell you is that if Julia gave up Kay's rebirth and cooperated with me, it might reduce the suffering of the people and their subordinates. That's all.

Besides, I need you to be patient until the end. I will support you so hard. But I'm sure there are a lot of hard things to do. I'm going to drink with Roxanne or whoever killed Ashley if I have to. If you don't think you can follow me in a flirtatious way like that, you should be the leader. Otherwise we'll have more trouble. Come on, what do we do, Julia? "

... I'm worried. Will it bother you, thank you Julia?

"... Sekimei, what do you think Dr. Sekimei?

"Ha.... but I think it's beyond the area where a military teacher can speak"

"Fine! Teacher would know how much I am suffering right now!?

"... I will if it does. If you think of the people, you should obey Master Souichiro. If you have something more important than the people, you should kick it out. One thing I can say is that in that case, all of our men will follow you to Julia."

………… Ha...... All right, Dr. Sequimay. As you say, I will obey Master Souichiro. "

!... don't cry. I still have time to convey my thoughts.

"Dear Julia, I have no such intention." "No, do not tell me.... It is clear that Master Souichiro's talent is a hundred times mine.... Dear Souichiro, I swear I will prepare my mind and do everything I can. But still, I feel like I could go the wrong way. That's me, but I want to work for the people. Please lead us with mercy."

Oh... you told me to throw away my precious things. You wish me in tears.

I get it. I still sometimes even wonder why I see you like this. It's me.

If I walk with you, I'm sure even a guy like me can be a hero.

I swear on something that brought me into this world. Julia, I'll make sure you tell me you're glad you walked with me.

"Keep your head up, Julia. Come on! Oh, my beautiful face with tears...... Julia, actually, I need another favor."

"Do you still have it, Master Souichiro?

"Yeah. I'm sorry where I'm tired of saying so many things. But I really want you to listen to me now.

I mean...... Yulia Kay. I like you. Be my wife. "

"Oh, hey Sekimei. Keep it down, huh?"

"Oh, oh... is it Feniga? It's okay. I knew it, Death. I just regret so much. I mean, we should have discussed it, but that's the look on that guy's face he totally forgot. What will you do, sir?

"Yes, no, you're okay. I'll have a small job to talk to. So just stop smiling at my mouth."

"Oh, oh... It's a good wakannai, but it's a boulder, Brother Souichiro. Hey, Roxanne, stepsister."

"Oh, oh... right...................... Congratulations. Dear Julia…"

"... Julia, are you okay? My face is bright red though. So I'd like to hear back from you if I can."

"Oh, yes! It's okay, Master Souichiro. Uh... it's me, okay?

"There's only Julia. I want to live with Julia."

"Ha... yes. Glad to hear it...... Dear Souichiro. Happy to."

"Right. Thank you, Julia."

I was nervous. But you finally passed on your thoughts.

Afterwards, Feniga told me that the details of the marriage had arrived at Orario and that she would start preparing to travel for it.

...... ha. Good. The will is united, and we can be stronger from now on.

"Tired of boulders? See, tea."

"Oh, thank you, Feniga. Didn't you go back to your room? Can I talk to you about something?

"Well. Everyone was surprised. He said he was a hobby, but suddenly he confessed."

"What? What is that? Why would I be a faggot?"

"Well, no matter how many women you admire, it's up to you because you didn't get your hands on it, isn't it? Ashley, what did you do when you called me to the bedroom? Actually, I was thinking about it, too, just in case the male whore told me, so I taught him that. If you're interested, you can call me or him."

"Stop me...... I usually like women."

"I know because you talked to me. Well, I'd like to hear the joke in this position, but maybe you're not going to have a side room outside of Julia?

"Huh? Oh. That's right."

"Whoa. It's not like you haven't noticed how Roxanne and Sequimay feel, is it? For God's sake, turn those two into a side room. Otherwise there will be a waste of money in the distribution."

"But... I don't want to offend Julia. Besides... Phoeniga, don't you like Sekimei? You two seem to understand better than anyone. I don't like to take away people my friends like."

"Ahhh. I don't know. Those three have decided that whoever shoots their minds is bound to ask their wives to welcome the other two. Otherwise it would be a fight.

As for the juniors, well, I have a favor. But I don't like people who have to do belly searches in each other's bedrooms. I want a very normal woman to be my wife, not a warlord or a military teacher.

May I, Master Souichiro? Always choose neither of you as your wife. Otherwise we will collapse from within. You should think about how good a man you are. We're all so sure that more and more wives are coming. "

"What? Oh, really?

"Really? So, okay? Don't leave your wife alone. If anything happens to us about the Emperor's rear palace, it's Lord Souichiro's fault."

"... I get it. If Julia says it's good."

"I'm Master Mendokusai now and then. Well, that's good."

Hmm? Something atmospheric...... what!?

"Ugh. Hey, what's up, Feniga? Stop it because it's painful."

"Painful? Fine. You're making it so painful that you won't forget. Hey, Master Souichiro. I told you, didn't I? Go ahead and talk to your wife, but don't talk about making Julia dump Kay yet. Why did you do the opposite?

"Isn't that natural? I don't know how much trouble Julia would have if we let her make a life decision after we became a couple. I can't do that without sincerity."

"Sincerely? You forgot what we're doing right now? We're trying to reunite a country in civil strife, take over territory, kill each other, right? You're telling me you don't know how precious it is to have such a solid relationship right now?

"I know. What are you so angry about? Tell me what to do."

"I don't understand!... Dear Souichiro, this time it went well. But, you know, because of the strength of Julia's thoughts on Kay and her sister's brother, it is also likely that it was no good. You should have spoken after you became husband and wife, became a child, and nurtured your emotions even more so that you could not refuse! Even if you don't like it, doing so was in the end the best way for everyone!


"... Yes....... did you consult with a small position and not with Sekimay in order to leave someone with whom Master Yulia can empathize?

"Oh. If I were to leave here, the military teacher would have consulted both of us in secret, and I thought Julia might not be able to trust them..."

"I admire your lack of personal feelings. But think about it from the heights. How disappointed do you think Sekimei was? If it's a stain of blood on Xiaoyi, can you regret it?

"You think you can't stay winning if it's just Julia?

"... Without you, we would all have crushed ourselves according to Julia. But from the point of view of the small job, Master Julia lacks stability. Depending on one of the reasons pointed out earlier, it seems doomed.

Our future is completely different when we don't have Souichiro-sama. Please don't do it again with petty righteousness. No, one more time is good. Let's give up our lives and do something about it. But if there is a second time. Sequimay will die next. You will lose someone you can talk to, and you will all walk the path to annihilation. Please stay down so we can take care of you. "

I see a pheniga with his head rubbed on the floor.... even though I don't want to see it.

"My doing, you two die. Are you going to tell me where it is, Feniga?"

"I'll sit by the facts."

"... ok. Please stand up. When my friends take such an attitude, it seems to stick to my body how far I've come that I was just a little good with swords... I can't wait to see it"

"... oh. Souichiro, I know exactly how much you hate killing people. They don't want no money, no honor, no woman. It's hard for everyone to understand why they want to live and die in the name of history."

"I'm not. I want a good life, too. I need strength to change my life. Besides, they're all pretty skippers, aren't they? I'm glad to have a beautiful wife."

"Ha. That's right - but if you're pretty enough to fall just a little, you're everywhere. There's no reason to stick to those troublesome threes. You can go somewhere unrelated to this civil unrest and live a good life surrounded by beautiful women.

But... Most of this country is in terrible shape. Leave it to the people. If Mario takes the heavens, there's no way it's going to be a good country without a war.... please help us. "

... I know. Mario is forcibly taking taxes from the territory.

Now he still manages to live to the point, but I don't think that Mario would hesitate when he needed more tax.

"Feniga, even I have to live. Besides, you can't abandon your friends who put everything together. Don't worry. I'm sorry about this one."

"... bad. The little jobs, no, the little jobs are the motherfuckers who make their friends unhappy."

"Isn't that the wrong way to say it because there are more women? Besides, it's the women who ask me to be impotent."

"... Ha. Sure. It's more impotent over there because of the weather.... keep it coming, best friend."

"This way. You are the most reliable. I asked you to come to Orario."