"All right! Get one of you out of the net and tie your hands and feet! It's coming from a weak guy! I won't tolerate rambling unless they resist!

"Kingsguard, come!! Jiin! What do you mean!! Is Ouran aware of this? I'm not kidding!

"I'll leave Karma's protection to the Kingsguard and help you guys tie it up too! Dear Karma, I understand that this is against your will. But I will never be able to sit on your teeth. [M] Just a moment. I can't even talk calmly without tying an arrow to these powerful people. Hey! Your hands are rambling! That way! Be more careful. Kay, you know you're one of the best warlords. You're gonna die!!

"Now! You're turning your teeth to my will! Untie Terika's rope now and apologize!!

Are there... ten Kingsguards called to Karma? When he built a wall in front of the Talk sisters, he pulled out his sword and showed hostility to the Beast Man.

Hey, you fucked up? No, Grace started to suppress you.

Karma is in high spirits, but he's trying to make sure the chief of the escort is willing. Calm down first.

Such a medium escort chief did his job and finished tying up the Terika One Party.

Now take a breath. Terika, in that instant, I saw Grace and the escort jump.

After all, you were right to keep one disturbing object out of Terica's sight.

Believing the chief of the guard who said he was trained to move with one whistle, he had as many places as he could think of, such as having him wait with me in the next room, knowing what would happen.

And the moment Karma would have been most relieved to admit Terika, she whistled for the most difficult posture of movement: flat.

The Beast Man's movements were great, and I thought it would all be over in an instant. That reaction......

I'm pretty sure it ended in a wave or so no matter how I scratched my feet, but I thought my heart would pop out of my mouth.

I sense in an instant that Karma is still acting strange, and all my men shut up and want to know what's going on.

I think I've been betrayed, and I would've been upset. This circumstantial judgment and self-control is unusual.

Stiff. I didn't know you were really picking up jade seals. From the shelves, it's the Bota Cake Shop or the Winter Bug Summer Grass Bird Soup.

I wonder if I can use it somehow. "Let's scratch your name as a subordinate to Kai, such as making the jade jade jade my thing," and say it relatively calmly...

... No. Ilhermi, who will be using the emperor's name from now on, has decided to refer to Viviana as Kay's enemy.

Yet without an in-depth thought of the talks I intend to work with Viviana, when I have an attitude of thick loyalty to Kay, I talk about whether I'm ready to throw Viviana away and attach it to Il Helmi.

Lydia or Grace may have some good hands if you take the time to think about it... but it's not the kind of story I can convince you with the reasoning I've thought about in three minutes.

First, it is obvious that Terika did not intend to deceive us, and gave us the jade as a useful tool.

Karma would never allow herself to be obsessed and decapitated, even though there are a lot of facts to use.

Terika brought me some good tools when it came to jade. And you're just thankful.

It's opaque if I can use it, and there's no fruitful payback for Terica.

Either way, the Terika Party will all die here. Not a single one of them escaped.

Terika One Party, ability, spirit, solidarity, unexplained luck. It was a really dangerous group with everything in place. I don't think that if I miss this opportunity, there will be a full screen of opportunities.

If these guys had soldiers and territory, if they were bad, they could have gotten in the way on a ten-year basis.

And that's not even the worst......

Now I feel a great relief. Unless the meteorite suddenly descended, the minimum goal was guaranteed.

Lydia could have read quite a bit and been ready, but she still shouldn't be disturbed.

It's no use reading her expression, but her standing position... is almost the same as before.

However, it moves near the door that goes outside.... to escape at what time? Because it looks fine.

If there's any danger looming, or if something goes wrong with the escape route, it should ring, just make sure you don't miss the whistle.

How small can you lose after that? If I can't help it, I just have to throw everything away and run, but if I can, I still want to stay in the talk.

Let's focus above all on the look and gaze movements of the Talk sisters while we look forward to Mr. Guard's famous performance.

"Jin, are you satisfied that you've finished tying everyone up? Then explain. By heart."

"Don't threaten me, Master Karma. First of all, I would like to make sure that there is no misunderstanding. Given has no evil thoughts. Karma, of course, made it easier for the guests to imitate it so that it was less dangerous."

"... I have no idea what that means. You applied mud to the face of the eagle. Terica assured me that the eagle would accept it as a subordination. Yet tying up and humiliating attitudes leads to less danger for the Terricas"

"You're welcome. But I was wondering if you would understand if you read this sentence. Oh, only you two can read it."

The escort chief places his sword on the spot and hands the sentence from me to Karma via Kingsguard.

Here's the spirit of the sentence.

I. I am disappointed because I decided to accept Karma, even though I thought she would expel the Terika One Party, which is extremely dangerous. When Karma was driven down by Terika, she got involved and didn't want to die, so she decided to kill one of the Terika parties.

Two, as far as I'm concerned, I want you to order Karma's mouth to the chief of the escort, to drop the neck of all the Terika One Party. If you want to discuss it, let me and Lydia go outside because I can't talk freely with Kingsguard.

III. When talking, my position shall be that of a loyal minister. To fit. I'm wearing a mask, but don't worry about it.

IV. Do not take my name by name. Also, if you notice anything, don't tell Terica or the Beast Man. If you try to tell me, I'll take it that the two of you are trying to get rid of me.

V. The chief escort accepted my request so I could take a relatively secure means. If it had been rejected, it would have taken a more dangerous approach.

I'm actually going to kill Terica. I don't want to tell you what it is.

But the chief escort has no choice but to help me. I just had to say this to make it look like it.

But it has advantages. You can make Karma realize the means of my radical person and get information from the look on his face...

Well, the look on those two faces is... furious. There's nothing suspicious about making a fool of yourself. This is a good start.

"I told you at the end to write why Given is following, so there should be that sentence. You've done a hell of a copycat before, haven't you? So here's what I was hoping to plant again.

If Given was wrong, you can order me right away. Tie it up and roll it in front of both of you. "

If you're going to order me to be caught with this, first, final confirmation.

And from the time I stayed at Mr. Ouran's place before, I grew thankful for buying Kay's medicine for my sick daughter and parents. He escaped through an open door behind him while being helped by the people who were planning to do so.

Ma, the odds are low. Lydia needs more than just working with Viviana.

I have no hand in picking up Terika, who would be resented by Viviana, and dumping Lydia.

Just because I got a jade jade jade jade doesn't match the treasure alone.

Telika, if there's one party, they'll get rid of everyone attached to my side and change. I don't know if I can even see through that... but even Karma's bellies would be dissatisfied with the level of Lydia's contribution, which is clearly visible.

Everyone but me was more comfortable with Karma than Karma would judge it that way. What a better possibility.

And to see how you two are doing, I don't think Lydia's going to see you go over there.

Good. I believed you, Lydia, about 90%.

The Talk sisters are trying to calm down somehow. He then began to convey his intentions with little eye contact and little ear punching, with little movement of his mouth.

Maybe he's trying not to be heard by the people around him. Kingsguard and... Lydia in particular? Oh, you've come to a conclusion.

"Kingsguard. Everybody out and stay away until you can't hear the inside. Don't come in unless you call it out loud."

"Master Grace! Then you'll be safe!

"I've already reached my order.... Rest assured. Jin didn't rebel."


Will you accept my request? Then there's nothing suspicious. Let's get ready to leave.

Wear armor that can also be worn under clothes, a jacket that was removed to make it easier to run, and a simple mask made to hide the expression.

"Hey, come out, you coward!

Yes, sir. 'Everything's on schedule', right?

Open wide so that the door opens. First of all, the Terikas... all sat on the floor with their hands and feet tied. Then…….

"Hey, surround him. Like you can't imitate it badly."

When the chief guard pointed at me with a sword drawn at about the same time as my entry, eight people immediately surrounded me.

Okay, well, you're a little dangerous from here on out.

"I did what Temehe said for once. But now Karma and Ouran don't get along very well. Throw it into the wolf herd after being naked and sprinkled with sheep's blood. Be prepared to say things."

That's good. It is only natural in what circumstances that Karma should be shown here that the relationship between the beast man and Karma is of paramount importance.

"Don't worry, Master Jin. I am also moving to exclude the dangers of Mr. Talk. I'm sure you'll understand."

"I didn't allow you to call me names, you coward."

! Are you two seriously trying to pull out your swords in response to the words and awesome expression of the Guard Chief? This is disgusting. Something unforeseen happens.

"Excuse me. Please forgive my growth, Master Guard.... Dear Talk. Could you please take it?"

Keep the tension you feel in your voice and give in low to Karma.

"... back off, Jin. You have to talk to him."

"Ha. You guys get out of the way for once. But don't interrupt."

Walk to the position where Terika is directly behind you in front of Karma while surrounded.

Now you don't have to pay attention to the other two. Behind it all.

Attention to sound, of course, bends over on your knees while twisting carelessly so that your back appears in the corners of your vision.

"I say to Master Talk. I said I would accept Master Niiteh, but I will never. They will have trouble with the inhabitants of the South, necessarily the beasts whom Master Grace has finally formed a relationship with.

And I will ask Lady Grace. Didn't you feel uneasy when you saw Master Niiteh and his men?

"... what anxiety. You don't know what that means."

No, no, that's not it. d Unless you're a common man. Do what you feel when you see them.

"Hi Grace, I don't understand you being a genius. Looks like you're going to pretend to be a fool with your thoughts...

Their abilities, their hegemony and, above all, their desire to be vagrant, accompanied by so many competent ministers. It is clear that it cannot be suppressed as a subordination. Mario's biggest reason for Kay's second-place power to kill them was because he couldn't afford to cut off Niite-sama's giant vessel. "

"Oh, wait, Master Karma, Master Grace! Why do you two lend your ears to this junior official or so!! We have shown you the Red Heart. We also gave away the only treasure left over from the vagabonds to make sure Karma didn't lose one thing. And I feel that I have come into contact with the sincerity of Master Karma and gained a master several times better than Mario.

How could you say such a thing? It is clear that we will take Karma and become a minister of far greater merit than such a trinket. I'm not convinced at all. Please take care of yourself!

"There is no doubt that Master Niiteh is an incomparable and capable man such as me. But Master Grace would think my words would make sense. No matter how useful a man may be, it seems pointless to treason."

"... if that's what you mean, why didn't you object then?"

"In fact, I foolishly thought that you would understand immediately. When you two are convinced that it would be better to get kicked out without leaving untrained.

I had no idea you would decide to accept this so easily...... It wasn't something a dwarf like me would move on prospects. I sincerely apologize for making you both feel uncomfortable as a result. But if I let this opportunity slip away, I won't be able to protect Master Niiteh from the talk like I did. Please stand down and forgive me for my tremendous behavior. "

It is pre-built, but it contains a lot of facts. I want you to be as convinced as you can be.

Whatever the real reason, I can't say 'I used it to kill all the Telika One Party for sure'.

If you pulled out your sword and turned hostile, it should be special. Like Akechi Kwang-soo.

It sucks if you let any one of them get away with it. It even comes up to the possibility of my information spreading.

If that's the case, it's better to let him leave without a hand.

However, I wanted to make this the best opportunity at all costs.

You did good, both of you.

If they weren't kind enough and sincerely willing to add to the subordination, Terika might have left.

Especially Grace.

He put himself in danger of exposing himself before Terica, even in case, and gave them peace of mind.

I didn't know you would even try to prepare clothes in addition.

I think I can keep track of my height for generations to come.

I know it's an extra sentiment, but I beheaded these heroes at the edge because of the rumor of a guy with no name. I don't want to be just a record.