Murong Xue shook his head: "I can't guess for the time being, but there are just a few of me at Qingyan's Chou's family. After checking one by one, I can quickly find the mastermind behind the scenes ..."

"Shizi, these people in black are somewhat different ..." Xun Feng's surprised report suddenly sounded.

Murong Xue blinked his eyes, not an assassin. What's different?

Looking down in confusion, a jade-like hand suddenly stretched out and covered her eyes.

Murongxue was dark in front of him, and could not see anything. The bright little face was slightly gloomy, grasping that hand and breaking out with force: "Ouyang Shaochen, what are you doing?"

"Several eunuchs, what to see." Shaochen Ouyang returned to her casually.

what?Eunuch, is the assassin who assassinated her?

Murongxue stunned and broke down the palm of Ouyang Shaochen's palm, looking at him momentarily: "Did you read it right?"

"Would you like to see it with your own eyes?" Shaochen Ouyang looked at her with a smile, a dangerous light flashing in her obsidian eyes.

Murongxue's eyelids jumped violently, smiling unnaturally: "No ... No need ..." Want to determine whether the black man is a eunuch, need to see a special place, Xun Feng, Shaochen Ouyang has already watched After that, she won't do anything more ...

However, the eunuch with high martial arts strength is not the person from Dongchang. The mastermind behind the assassination of her is Wei Jinxian, the governor of Dongchang.

She and Wei Jinxian just fought a few words in Yangcun. No one used the sword, and the other didn't use the sword. Wei Jinxian sent someone to assassinate her. It was a narrow-minded and love-minded villain ...

Looking at the rapidly changing look in her beautiful eyes, Ouyang Shaochen's ink eyebrows picked up: "Are you trying to teach the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"Huh!" Murong Xue nodded.

"Can you think of it?" Shaochen Ouyang asked lightly.

"I already thought of it!" Murong Xue smiled slightly, unpredictably ...

Jin Hui little by little, shone on the antique roof, unspeakable towering, magnificent.

Wei Jinxian wore a dark blue cloak, his face was cool, his eyes were sharp, and he walked along the corridor surrounded by the eunuchs. When he passed, the eunuchs who came and went all stopped and saluted: " Duke ... Duke ... "

Wei Jinxian gave a faint hum, and strode out of the gate of the East Factory, and an unidentified object suddenly dropped above his head. "Bida!" He dropped on Wei Jinxian's forehead.

Wei Jinxian frowned, reached out and wiped the unknown, and saw a bright red blood stain on his fingertips ...

His sharp eyes narrowed sharply, and he looked up, only to see five or six men's bodies nailed across the gate.

Their masks and trousers have been ripped off, revealing their faces, and their unique defects, let people know at a glance that they are the eunuchs of the East Factory ...

Wei Jinxian looked iron: "What's going on?"

The two eunuchs guarding the gate shuddered and fell to their knees with a thump: "The governor forgive sins, the little ones ... don't know what's going on?"

"Five or six corpses hung on the gate of the East Factory under the blue sky and the day. The two of you guarded the door, even though you are not aware of it, are you dead?" Wei Jinxian snarled sharply, his eyes burning with anger.

"The governor forgive sins!" The little eunuch knocked his head, shaking his body like a sifting chaff: They had been standing at the gate, paying attention to the movements around them all the time, and found no abnormalities, how did the corpse hang At the gate ...

The corpses are lined up in a row, with no rules, looking from a distance, like a big white flower, the defects on each petal are particularly obvious, as if silently telling: "I am an eunuch ... I am an eunuch ... I am a eunuch ... "

Wei Jinxian's black face was about to drip out ink, and he screamed loudly: "What are you stunned for? The corpse hasn't been removed yet!"

"Yes yes ..." The eunuch promised again and again, quickly stood up, flew over the gate, and leaned over to pick up the body ...

Pedestrians passed by not far away, pointing at the body above the gate: "Is that the eunuch of Dongchang?"

"Yeah, didn't you see that they lacked the most important thing for men ..."

"Then how did their bodies hang on the gate of Dongchang ..."

"Don't you know that Dexing of Dongchang, they must have been murderous, and they were killed by others ..."

"Even the people in the East Factory dare to kill, the courage is big enough, and they are powerful enough, hahaha ..."

The talk was full of words, and Wei Jinxian's gloomy and terrible face. These dead people were indeed the assassins he sent to assassinate Murong Xue. Their martial arts and strategies are all outstanding in the East Factory. The meeting all died in Murongxue's hands.

The body was also nailed to the gate of Dongchang by Murongxue, letting people from all over the world watch it, happily pointing fingers.

Murong Xue is provoking him, humiliating him, and beating his face mercilessly!It's really abominable!

Wei Jinxian's face was iron-green, and his sharp eyes burst into chill: but it was just a small town and country mansion, and he dared to provoke him and humiliate him.

The sun was slanting westward, and Murongxue slowly came to the front door of Zhenguo Palace under the invitation of Shaochen Ouyang. The corners of his mouth curled up with a beautiful arc: Wei Jinxian saw the body nailed to the gate of Dongchang, his face The expression must be very exciting.

The assassins were the eunuchs of the East Factory, and naturally returned to the East Factory after their death. Wei Jinxian, as their master, should have collected their bodies so vigorously ...

After seeing Wei Jinxian, dare to send someone to assassinate her ...

"Murongxue!" The rough call came into his ears. Murongxue suddenly turned back and looked up. Yuan Fangfei walked over with a smile. Today she is wearing a silver-white uniform and her hair is tall and bundled up. Yingfa.

Sharp eyes glanced at Ouyang Shaochen behind Murong Xue. She smiled ambiguously: "Where did you meet?"

Murongxue rolled his eyes helplessly: "We just went to the restaurant for lunch together, don't think about it."

"It's all developed to have lunch together, let me don't think too much ..." Yuan Fangfei said with a smirk, "Say again, who have you seen using lunch to the present?" It is clearly after lunch. , And ran to somewhere again.

Murongxue had no choice but to touch her forehead and ambiguous things. The more she said, the more wrong she would be. At the end, it would only become darker and darker, and she was too lazy to say more.

"As you think, I'm going back to Xuege Pavilion, please ask Ouyang Shizi to drink tea ..." Murongxue said lightly, and walked slowly into Zhenguohou Mansion, along the Qingshi Road, and slowly moved forward ...