I saw Ouyang Shaochen's beautiful face like a scroll in front of her. A faint ink bamboo fragrance lingered all over her body. Murong Xue's high heart immediately dropped: "Shizi, why are you here?"

"You are alone in the palace, I don't worry ..." Ouyang Shaochen looked down at her, her dark eyes flashed.

"Then how did you come in?" Murong Xue's eyes were gloomy.

The queen and the second princess ordered her to kill her. She would never let Ouyang Shaochen enter the palace. Ouyang Shaochen came in quietly by herself, but now it is the daytime, the palace gate is extremely guarded, and people with high martial arts, no Maybe the gods did n’t know, the ghosts flew in ...

"Come in from here." Ouyang Shaochen said lightly, his hand did not know where to press, the flat ground suddenly split to the two sides, Murong Xue fell straight down ...

Feeling on the ground, Murongxue stumbled a few feet before standing firm. She looked up and saw that she was standing in a long stone path made of stones, two sides high and three meters wide, which could not be seen at a glance. side……

Murong Xue's cold eyes narrowed slightly: "This is ... the secret way ..."

Ouyang Shaochen gave a faint hum.

"Who repaired it?" Murongxue asked softly: the stones in the secret path were dark in color and rounded in corners, showing that this secret path has been built for at least several years.

"Guess what?" Ouyang Shaochen's mouth curled slightly, mysteriously.

Murong Xueliang's bright face suddenly darkened and let her guess. She was least interested in guessing. However, the master of this secret path was not difficult to guess: "It's the East."

"How do you know?" Shaochen Ouyang looked at her faintly, and his dark eyes flashed with surprise.

"Guess?" Murong Xue smiled slightly and provoked.

Slowly turned around and walked along the mysterious path, Tingting walked forward: When Dongfang Mo brought the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts into the Yangxin Hall, Dongfang Li once said, "All are arranged". The arrangement he said should be It means taking the emperor out of the secret path.

After all, the secret road is built underground, safe and hidden. Even if the queen ordered people to search the palace, it may not be able to find the entrance of the secret road ...

Looking at her arrogant figure, Ouyang Shaochen's eyes flashed a clear smile, and quickly followed: "Xue'er, did you know your father's conversation with Emperor Xiliang?"

Murong Xue shook his head: "When I entered the Yangxin Temple, Dongfang Li was sitting beside the emperor's bed. In order to catch Dongli, Dongfang Mo stirred up the Yangxin Temple, and I didn't have time to talk to the emperor ..."

Ouyang Shaochen nodded: "I heard Emperor Xiliang was very sick?"

Murong Xue smiled: "Emperor Xiliang was not ill, he was poisoned."

"Poisoning? What poison?" Ouyang Shaochen's eyes were faint.

Murong Xue shook his head: "I didn't get close to the emperor, and I couldn't tell what he was poisoned. However, he should be chronicly poisoned. The toxicity is hidden in the body, eroding his health little by little, obviously four. Middle-aged people in their tens are weaker than the elderly in their sixties ... "

Ouyang Shaochen's eyes narrowed slightly: "The poisoned person ..."

"Queen, she poisoned the six sons of Emperor Xiliang, and the blood-staining poison in the Eastern House is estimated to be hers. The poison of the emperor, except for her not being the second person ..." Murong Xue Indifferently, Shi Shiran walked into the half-open stone door, and in a moment, the bright sunshine shone on him.

Murong Xue closed his eyes and opened again, and found that he was standing in a luxurious parlor. The east was wearing a snow-green brocade, and his face was pale, sitting in front of the sandalwood table in the center of the living room, holding a cup. Light tea.

Seeing Ouyang Shaochen and Murong Xue, he said lightly: "You are out."

"Well!" Murong Xue nodded. "Where is this?"

"The house next to the palace." Dongli said softly.

Murongxue looked out of the window and saw the high palace wall, just tens of meters away ...

The queen, the second princess sent a large number of imperial guards, and the whole city searched for the east away. He actually lived outside the palace, and was only a wall away from the palace. It is really courageous to know: "You have lived here since you returned to the west?"

"Well." Dongfang nodded: the more dangerous the place, the safer it is. He lived here for many days, and the queen has never found it, so he deliberately sought the time when the queen was least likely to go to the temple of heart cultivation, When I went to the Yangxin Temple to see my father and emperor, I didn't expect it to be discovered by the queen, Dongfang Mo ...

"How can you Xiliang Kingdom become this look?" Murong Xue asked in a deep voice: Emperor Xiliang was a brave warrior and a Ming monk who could distinguish right from wrong. How could he be counted by the queen and poisoned, Decentralized?

"Because the queen wanted to be the queen, she quietly murdered her father and the murderer of all the princes who blocked her ..." Dongfang said lowly, and the day appeared before him, the queen was in the royal In the garden, a feast full of kindness entertained their seven brothers.

A long table, the queen is sitting at the top seat, seven of their brothers, divided on both sides, mellow wine, poured into the wine glass, the fragrance is overflowing, the six elder brothers tried carefully, confirmed that they were not poisoned, and all drank .

He did n’t try anything out, but he smelled something wrong in the glass. He wanted to remind the elder brothers that it was too late. The elder brothers, one by one, fell to the ground with seven holes and his body shrank. It was very painful ...

He was shocked in his heart, and was about to call the doctor, the guard, the queen took the first step, and scolded him with anger and anger, and poisoned the princes ...

The Deputy General of the Imperial Guard arrived with thousands of Imperial Guards arrived. Without listening to his explanation, he pulled out his sword mercilessly and killed him ...

The queen was preparing to poison him together. He did not drink that glass of poisonous wine before the queen would switch to one stone and two birds, and blame the death of the six elder brothers ...

Murong Xue blinked: "You, the queen, are really ambitious and want to be queens ..."

"If the queen really has the talent to govern the world, it is not impossible for Xiliang to grow and become her queen. But the fact is that she has a narrow mind and no ability to govern the world. Every day she knows to devise conspiracies, slaughter loyalty, and rule out Dissidents, vigorously support their mothers, and nowadays, the officials of Chaotang, who are in important positions, are basically the people of her mothers. The officials of the literati accounted for most of the Xiliang Kingdom ... "Dongfang Li said lightly. Chill burst into the dark eyes.

"What about the people in these official positions before?" Murong Xue asked softly: The Xiliang New Country was not more than ten years old.

Dongfang Li whispered: "He who submits to her will arrange the official positions relatively, and those who do not submit to her are basically killed ..."