Little Fox's eyes flickered: "Aoao." No ... no!

"Really?" Murong Xue looked at Xiaohu from a condescending glance, his eyes frosty.

"Aoao." Really not!

Xiaohu said word by word, but his head was low and he looked guilty.

"Well." Murong Xue looked at Xiaohu, his dark eyes flashed a little bit cold, like a sharp arrow, directly into Xiaohu's eyes, hitting the heart directly, Xiaohu's already fragile psychological defense line was instantly Crushed, it wowed and cried: "Aoao." The baby was wrong ... but the baby did not deliberately deceive you ...

"What's going on?" Murong Xue asked sharply.

The little fox pawed his eyes and cried: "Aoao." The baby can't smell the man's breath ...

Murong Xue's eyes flicked: "What do you mean?" What does it mean that you can't smell the person's breath?

Xiaohu whispered, "Aoao." The baby followed the breath on the dart and turned into this small alley, the breath disappeared, only the pungent breath of the alley ...

Murong Xuexue narrowed his eyes slightly: "The pungent breath of the alley?"

"Aoao." Yeah.

Xiaohu focused on her head: "Aoao." The breath was unpleasant. It was all over the alley. The thorny baby's nose was so uncomfortable ...

During the speech, Xiaohu sneezed in "A snee ..." It was really uncomfortable ...

Murong Xue: "..."

The alley is full of pungent breath?Why didn't she smell it at all?


Well, she's not a fox, she doesn't have such a sensitive sense of smell, she can't smell the breath left on the dart by the owner of the dart, and naturally can't smell the pungent breath in the alley ...

The alley was full of pungent smell. Xiaohu's follow-up search for someone was interrupted. She couldn't continue anymore, and naturally she couldn't pull those people out.

However, those who assassinated her had secretly shot her three times, and each shooting was so neat that she could not find any clues. They are clever assassins, but there is no such thing as hunting dogs in this era. , They did not know that they would be exposed by the breath. The pungent breath scattered in the alley is probably just a habit. When they return home, they eliminate their habit of going outside. That is to say, the person who shoots darts lives in In this alley.

"Come here, search every house and every house in this alley, find suspicious people, and arrest them immediately." Murong Xue sternly ordered toward the empty void.

"Yes." The secret guards hidden in the dark led their orders and rushed towards the households in the alley ...

After the dark shooting incident yesterday, Ouyang Shaochen matched Murongxue with the Wangfu Dark Guard. As long as she walked out of the Zhaoyang Hall, there would be dark guards protecting in the dark. Murongxue had good martial arts. Dark guards are almost a decoration, but unexpectedly, dark guards came in handy so quickly.

"Younger sister, younger sister ..." When Murong Ye ran over, there was only Murong Xue in the whole alley. The little fox was one by one, and the young fox was pulling Murong Xue's skirt. The person with breath is so abominable that the baby's nose is about to be smoked ...

Murongxue leaned over and picked up the little fox, took out a light blue silk scarf, and put it on the little fox's nose: "Is this better?"

The faint fire lotus scent filled the nasal cavity, just like a stream of Wang Qingquan flowing in, instantly removing most of the nose pain caused by the pungent breath, and the small fox took a deep breath, focusing on: "Aoao." More comfortable ...

Seeing Murong Xue, Xiaohu was safe and sound, Murong Ye's high-hanging heart was slightly lowered, and his pace was also slowed down. From running to walking, he walked and said: "Sister, how did you come here?"