The restaurant has already prepared breakfast, pumpkin porridge, eight-treasure porridge, millet porridge ... red date cake, chestnut cake ... cool side dishes and so on.

Murong Ye was sitting at the dining table, holding a piece of his favorite chestnut pastry and eating it slowly.

When he saw Murongxue, he was stunned. He stretched his neck and looked behind her. When he saw her empty, there was no one he imagined. Murongye couldn't help but ask, "Sister, brother-in-law?" He remembered. The brother-in-law likes to have dinner, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. with the younger sister, almost all of them are used together. This morning, how can I only see my sister, not my brother-in-law ...

Murongxue looked at the sun rising high in the sky and said, "He has gone up." Recently, there are a lot of officials in Beijing, and Beijing is a bit chaotic. In order to solve the situation of the chaos in Beijing as soon as possible, the emperor made Shaochen went to the up court. Once, let Shaochen listen to what happened to Qing Yan. You can give some opinions and give some opinions. Second, you can stay in the palace directly after the down court and help review the high-grade officials. Achievements, conduct, and implementation of their official duties ...

Speaking of which, Murong Xue looked up at Murong Ye: "Don't you need to go up?" Murong Ye is no longer the vacant knight who has no real power, he is a major general with military merit. According to his official position, he also needs to face up.

Murongye ate chestnut cake and said casually: "I am now ordered by the emperor to supervise the tranquility of the capital, and I don't have to go to the dynasty until the capital is completely calm."

Murong Xue: "..."

Well, it turned out to be imperial!

The emperor's life is in the body, naturally the emperor's life is important.

Murongxue thought, sitting across from Murongye, picked up a piece of red date cake, and ate it slowly.

Just after two bites, an excited cry rang out: "Aoao!" The mousse cake came, and the mousse cake came.

Murongxue raised his head, and saw a Wangfu maid carrying a large tray, and Ting Ting walked over. There were heart-shaped items on the large tray. It was Murongxue's mousse cake for the little fox.

The restaurant has already prepared breakfast, pumpkin porridge, eight-treasure porridge, millet porridge ... red date cake, chestnut cake ... cool side dishes and so on.

Murong Ye was sitting at the dining table, holding a piece of his favorite chestnut pastry and eating it slowly.

When he saw Murongxue, he was stunned. He stretched his neck and looked behind her. When he saw her empty, there was no one he imagined. Murongye couldn't help but ask, "Sister, brother-in-law?" He remembered. The brother-in-law likes to have dinner, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. with the younger sister, almost all of them are used together. This morning, how can I only see my sister, not my brother-in-law ...

Murongxue looked at the sun rising high in the sky and said, "He has gone up." Recently, there are a lot of officials in Beijing, and Beijing is a bit chaotic. In order to solve the situation of the chaos in Beijing as soon as possible, the emperor made Shaochen went to the up court. Once, let Shaochen listen to what happened to Qing Yan. You can give some opinions and give some opinions. Second, you can stay in the palace directly after the down court and help review the high-grade officials. Achievements, conduct, and implementation of their official duties ...

Speaking of which, Murong Xue looked up at Murong Ye: "Don't you need to go up?" Murong Ye is no longer the vacant knight who has no real power, he is a major general with military merit. According to his official position, he also needs to face up.

Murongye ate chestnut cake and said casually: "I am now ordered by the emperor to supervise the tranquility of the capital, and I don't have to go to the dynasty until the capital is completely calm."

Murong Xue: "..."