A quarter of an hour later, the Wangfu guards came back: "Yang Muzi, Miss Yuan, Mufu, and Yuanfu do not have these kinds of medicinal materials."


There are really no such medicinal herbs!

Muriufeng had expected this to happen, and secretly sighed and accepted the result.

Yuan Fangfei was somewhat lost.

Murong Xue smiled and comforted: "If you don't have it, don't do it." This can't cure the wound, can't make up, can't detoxify the medicinal herbs, the Xiaoyao Wangfu didn't collect it, the Mufu and Yuanfu did not collect, there is nothing to lose: "We Go to the pharmacy and take a look at the hospital. "

Drugstores, medical halls are places for healing and saving people, seeing and detoxifying, where the medicinal materials are most complete, ordinary medicinal materials, medium medicinal materials, precious medicinal materials, rare medicinal materials, etc. Not to mention everything, there are also nine out of ten, go to the drugstore, find in the medical museum These kinds of medicinal herbs are the most suitable.

"That's good." In Yuan Fangfei's approval, Murongxue sent the guards of the Xiaoyao Palace to buy medicines in various drug stores and medical halls in Beijing.

Soon after, the royal guards who went to buy medicines came back one after another, reporting their purchase results one after another: "Concubine Shizi, there are no such medicines in Zhang's drugstore in the south of the city ..."

"Concubine Shizi, Libei Medical Center in Chengbei, without these kinds of medicines ..."

"... Chengdong Wangji Medicine Shop does not have these kinds of medicines ..."

"... the Wujia Medical Center in the west of the city does not have these kinds of medicines ..."


"How come there are no such medicines?" Yuan Fangfei was so surprised that he looked at the guards who came back empty-handed one after another, and looked at the sky silently: the big drug store, the Chinese drug store, and the small drug store in Beijing did not even have that. Several medicines ...

Murongxue's complexion also became dignified, and he asked, word by word: "Are you sure those medicine shops, do you really not have these kinds of medicines in the medical hall?"

The guards in the Wangfu Palace focused on the head: "The concubines of the reincarnation are very sure." After receiving the reply from the drugstore and the medical shopkeepers that "there are no such drugs", they quietly probed the drugstore and the medical hall. Several medicines ...

How could this be?

Which kinds of medicines are so unaffected by Qing Yan?Officials do not collect at home, nor in the drugstore ...

Yuan Fangfei frowned depressedly.

Murongxue thought for a while and said: "It is estimated that it is not a question to be seen, not to be seen, but it is used too little. The drugstore and the medical hall are too lazy to prepare this medicine ..."

Yuan Fangfei: "..."

Well, the pharmacies and medical clinics will not prepare medicines at random. They will not prepare medicines that are hardly needed, but: "So, what shall we do ..." Without these kinds of medicines, they will not be worthy. The medicine with the scorpion pattern cannot be presented in front of the emperor if it is not suitable for that medicine, and it is not possible to get rid of the crimes for the framed officials ...

"Relax, it won't be such a tragedy." Murong Xue's eyes were faint: "We haven't found these kinds of medicines in the drugstore or the medical hall, but there must be ..."

Otherwise, how did the five poisoned people make the kind of medicine that framed Qingyan officials?

The finished medicine brought from Nanzhao?

Ha ha, she doesn't think that the five poisonous people have the ability to know the prophet. They knew in advance that they would use this method to frame Qingyan officials and bring the finished medicine.

The five poisonous people took those kinds of herbs from Nanzhao ...

Oh, Nanzhao is thousands of miles away from Qingyan. With the efficiency of the five poisonous people, it will never take thousands of miles to send several herbs to Qingyan in time and effort ...

When they prepared that kind of medicine, they must have taken the materials locally.

The five poisonous people can take the materials on the spot and find those kinds of medicinal materials, and they can naturally.