The Fake Son-in-law of the Dragon King Palace

Chapter 234 Missing Shen Rulin More

This lady is greedy for petty and cheap, and her mouth is broken. What he hears most a day is that she talks about other people's things.

Sometimes, he was so tired to death, she even ordered him to do this and that, not caring at all!

Since meeting Zhao Lijun, Chen Feijun has missed Shen Rulin more and more.

I finally understand how important it is to marry a virtuous woman!

Zhao Lijun's words made Lin Yanrou's family look ugly.

Even if he is anxious and does not hesitate to speak, he cannot speak like that.

How could there be such a disgusting person in the world who, on the one hand, begged others to buy a house for himself, but in the end, he abandons the source of other people's money as unclean?


It's really interesting.

"Chen Feijun, you have turned your back! Since you came to the capital, your attitude towards me has become more and more indifferent. What's the matter? Huh? You don't really think that you can take the lead with Lin Yanrou, right? You too? Regardless of your own virtues, let me tell you, you have been a dead worker all your life, and you will never be a high-class person in your life!" Zhao Lijun gritted his teeth and cursed.

Zhao Lijun's temper is like this. When she gets angry, she wants to kill everyone around her.

With that, she still felt that she was not happy enough. She got up from the ground and punched Chen Feijun on the shoulder. Her face was hideous. Her swollen cheeks made her look terrifying.

"I tell you, in this life, no woman except me can blindly look at you! My old lady is really blind and marry you such a thing, but you are now helping outsiders to bully me? You really have the ability!"


As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feijun raised his hand, slammed Zhao Lijun's shoulder, and pushed her onto the cabinet.

Chen Feijun exuded a terrible aura, and he stared at Zhao Lijun, as if he was regretting the past.

"Yes, I just fell blind to you! If you can't go on, don't live it, get divorced!" Chen Feijun dropped these words and turned to leave.

People, after having a retreat, they have confidence.

Chen Feijun decided to separate from Zhao Lijun and reunited with Shen Rulin.

Otherwise, how could it be so now?

Chen Feijun's separate words made Zhao Lijun stunned for a moment, and then sensibly returned.

However, she found that when Lin Yanrou's family saw her, they reduced the sluggishness on her face, licked her lips, and said, "Heh, divorce me? Does he have the guts?"

After Zhao Lijun finished speaking, he took the child and left with his back stiff.

Xiao Chen glanced at Lin Yanrou and saw her sigh, his eyes flashed with guilt.

Xiao Chen did not expect that Zhao Lijun was so temperamental that she would not want to apologize.

However, he does not regret it.

After all, this matter was originally Zhao Lijun's problem, and she apologized for granted.

Xiao Chen knew about Shen Rulin and Chen Feijun, and he could understand Chen Feijun's behavior, but felt shameless.

Just as Xiao Chen and Lin Yanrou were about to leave, Chen Fang stopped Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen stopped and was about to turn his head, feeling something hit his back.

He frowned slightly, turned around, and saw Chen Fang grinning at him.

"Wonderful! This is what you want, right? You don't make our family upside down, you are not reconciled, right? What a big thing, Zhao Lijun is an elder anyway, what's wrong with Yan Rou? Let her apologize! Now it's alright, are you satisfied with the trouble?" Chen Fang stared at Xiao Chen angrily with hands on hips.

She is Chen Feijun's sister, how could she not know what Chen Feijun thinks?

It's just that this thing is impossible!

At the beginning, the Shen family didn't look down on Chen Feijun, it was Shen Rulin who insisted on marrying him.

Afterwards, Chen Feijun didn't cherish it. After the two divorced, the Shen family tried every means to prevent them from contacting each other.

This time, if it weren't for Shen Rulin's initiative to contact, they would never have an intersection in their lifetime.

The gap between the two sides was so big, and Shen Rulin never planned to reconcile from the beginning.

Now, with Chen Feijun alone, how can he get back together?

Although Zhao Lijun's mouth was broken, they all saw her dedication to Chen Feijun over the years, otherwise they would not have been so indulging her.

Hearing Chen Fang's words, Xiao Chen's mouth hooked uncontrollably.

Is this style of painting changing too fast?

I just united with him, and now that the enemy is gone, infighting has begun?

He just suggested that Zhao Lijun apologize to Lin Yanrou, they can not implement it.

They all made the choice, but in the end they blamed him?

It's really interesting.

"Mom, Xiao Chen is all for me, if you scold me, scold me too."

Lin Yanrou stood in front of Xiao Chen, for fear that Chen Fang would hit him with something again.

"Yanrou! What kind of poison are you being killed by him? Didn't we analyze the situation of you and Xiao Chen clearly enough? Everything he is now relying on other people's pretense! Are you sure you want to defend such a fraudulent person? I wonder now, did you deliberately prevent this wimp from handing over the contact information of that mysterious person!"

After all, they are all talking about this issue, and no matter how Lin Yanrou explains, Chen Fang and others do not believe it.

In that case, what is the explanation?

Looking at the confrontation between the two, Xiao Chen felt very uncomfortable.

He has always tried to ease the relationship with Chen Fang.

Now he realized that no matter what he did, Chen Fang always had only power in his eyes.

Whoever has money, she goes to post.

Some time ago, Chen Fang thought that Xiao Chen was so dignified because of her friend, she was rarely polite to him.

But after Zhao Lijun's nonsense and random analysis, she was convinced of Xiao Chen's current glory because of Lin Yanrou, and she began to cold-eyed him again.

How could Xiao Chen not be chilled by this change?

After marrying Lin Yanrou, Xiao Chen also had expectations of Chen Fang.

However, she broke mercilessly every time.

"Mom! I have to say it several times. All this is not what you think, it is Xiao Chen's own. Why would you rather trust your aunt as an outsider than Xiao Chen?" Lin Yan asked softly.

She was emotionally broken, and she was too weak to collapse.

However, Chen Fang turned a blind eye to her performance, and instead smiled mockingly.

"Oh, I want to believe it too, but my mother is not as simple as you, not easy to deceive! How can I believe a person who is full of lies?" Chen Fang mocked.

The cabbage is really overwhelmed by pigs!

She worked so hard to nurture the grown-up daughter, even if she marries such a wasteful!Now he is still protecting her!

It's really a big girl!

"Whatever you think, you will regret it." Lin Yanrou took Xiao Chen's hand and left quickly.