The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 204-Young Eagle

"Sister Yue, you are here."

"Sister Xi."

Nangong Yue blessed her body towards Jiang Yixi. During these few days in the hunting palace, Nangong Yue would come over from time to time to chat with her and diagnose her pulse. Although Jiang Yixi looked pale, she did not have much trouble.

The two sat together until the beauty collapsed. Jiang Yixi asked the maid to get tea and snacks, and said, "Sister Yue, I have nothing to do in recent days, and I have tossed out a new kind of snack. You can still like it if you try it."

Nangong Yue picked up a piece of emerald green pastry and took a bite. The mouth was filled with a cool mint flavor, which was very refreshing and palatable.

"Sister Jiang." Nangong Yue ate the pastry with a smile, and said, "You're afraid of motion sickness."

Jiang Yixi pursed her lips and smiled, but did not deny it, and said: "On the way to the hunting palace, I failed to eat something."

"Sister Xi, I just came out from the Queen Mother..." Speaking of this, Nangong Yue paused, Jiang Yixi saw this, and clearly gave the big girl Qingyi a glance, and Qingyi immediately retreated to the outside with interest. After that, Baihui also retreated and closed the door.

Nangong Yue continued to say: "Sister Xi, did you tell the Queen Mother about the herbal tea?"

Jiang Yixi smiled faintly and responded: "Of course. The second day after I came to the hunting palace, my aunt came to talk to me a few words, and asked about my "illness", and asked me if I knew who it was. What the hell..."

Jiang Yixi had some obsessive medicine, and the queen, as her sister-in-law's aunt, was naturally impossible to give up.Nangong Yue was not surprised.Just listen to Jiang Yixi continue to say: "She used this method to frame me, I naturally could not make her wish. I told my aunt, after I came to the hunting palace, because of motion sickness, I couldn't even drink water, so I only used Princess Qi Specially ordered medicinal tea."

Jiang Yixi took a sip of the tea cup dignifiedly and said, "Later, my aunt asked me to take some herbal tea..."

Nangong Yue blinked and looked at Jiang Yixi with admiration.

It is true that Jiang Yixi was infatuated with medicine, and the queen would thoroughly investigate it, but Jiang Yixi used this method to lightly dismiss all the relations of Han Huaijun, and led everything to Princess Qi, which really made Nangong Yue look a little surprised.However, the queen just rejected the merchant girl that Princess Qi had chosen for Han Huaijun, and the queen's sister-in-law and niece had such a thing. This Queen Qi had almost complete motivation.

Nangong Yue let out a sigh of relief, took Jiang Yixi's hand, hesitated and asked, "Sister Xi, do you know why Princess Qi did this?"

"Xu is on the way to the hunting palace, and Han Gongzi sends me herbal tea from time to time, let her see it." Jiang Yixi said slightly with contempt. "My aunt is right, a princess like a princess is so petty, She can’t get on the table. She is just afraid that once I marry into Qi Wang Mansion, Han Gongzi will overwhelm Qi Wang Shizi. First of all, I want to choose that kind of affair for Han Gongzi. After being rejected by my aunt, I want to start with me. I therefore bear the name of virginity before marriage, even if I marry into the palace of King Qi, I may not be able to raise my head in this life."

Jiang Yixi deserves to be a girl who has been carefully nurtured by the government of Eun Guk. There is no tweak in mentioning such topics. With such a state of mind, it is no wonder that her past life and pro-marriage can also lead a good life.Nangong Yue secretly admired her and wanted to tell her that Princess Qi had just got a "sister" to make her happy. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Qingyi reported outside: "The big girl, the master of Liushuang County" Here comes girl Fu Liu."

Jiang Yixi hurriedly got up to meet, and Fu Yunyan and Yuan Yuyi saw Nangong Yue also at the sight, they were all surprised.

After seeing the ceremony with Jiang Yixi, Fu Yunyan took Nangong Yue and said, "Ayue, I just went to see you. Your elder sister said, you went out with the four girls from the Fang family, and you will be back soon."

Nangong Yue said with a smile: "After watching a good show, the show is over, and naturally comes back."

"Good show?" The three girls were all curious, and Fu Yunyan asked her eyes brightly, "Say, what good show, tell us quickly."

"I just wanted to talk to Sister Xi." Nangong Yue didn't sell Guan Zi, smiling, "Fang Caifang Siqi said in front of the Queen Mother that she had been aligning with Wang Aimu for a long time, so after asking the meaning of Princess Zhennan, The lady gave Fang Siqi to King Qi as a side concubine."

Jiang Yixi's eyes brightened, and the corners of his mouth slightly bent, while Yuan Yuyi and Fu Yunyan widened their eyes in surprise.

Anyway, this matter will soon be spreading, Nangong Yue did not continue to talk about it, and the three girls did not ask inquisitively. You said the interesting thing about autumn hunting recently.

Talking, Fu Yunyan remembered one thing and said, "Oh, yes, do we know that there is a Lei Dian horse farm not far from Shenlong Mountain, and the Gongma cultivated there is very Shenjun. We have just come to hunt On the day of the palace, a lot of people went there to see the horses. I heard that there is a horse breed from the Western Ocean called Lei Fry in the Lei Da Racecourse... Yes, Frisian horse! People’s names are so eloquent.” Fu Yunyan liked the horse. When he talked about the horse, he flew up. “It’s said that this kind of horse is the first time for us to come to Dayu. Let’s go and have a look together some time later. Good looking pony."

"Okay." Nangong Yue was also very curious about the horse from the west, and immediately agreed.

Yuan Yuyi thought about it and responded, but just added: "You can't just go with the girls like us. You have to call them my second brother."

Fu Yunyan looked at Nangong Yue with a smile, and said ridiculously: "Of course, it must be called Brother Yi, otherwise how can Ayue get it?"

Nangong Yue's cheeks were reddish, and she deliberately glared at her and said, "Liu Niang, wait for you to make a kiss, and see how I can make you!"

Hearing the word "fixed relatives", Fu Yunyan's earlobe suddenly turned red. Several girls exchanged glances and hurryed together, "Forcing to ask": "Liu Niang, tell us quickly, your favorite person who is it?"

"Where is there!"

"Hurry up!" Yuan Yuyi said with a smile. "If you don't say it, I'll guess..."

"No guessing!"


Several girls made a mess, although in the end did not force Fu Yunyan's sweetheart, but let Jiang Yixi agree to spend some days with them to pick horses at Lei Dian Racecourse.

After a leisurely laugh for a while, as the dusk approached, the Holy Drive was about to return. Nangong Yue waited for several people to get up and say goodbye to Jiang Yixi.

They need to go to Lietai to greet the Holy Driver.

I went to the stable and led my own horse. After the three of them went out of the Fenglin Palace, they did not rush to get on the horse.As I walked near Biboting, I heard a girl whisper in her right hand: " could this happen? The scorching sun was fine yesterday..."

"Sister Sister, don't be sad, or will my Baiyun lend you a ride first?"

Nangong Yue looked around and saw that a girl in a pomegranate-colored riding suit was comforting a girl in a pink riding suit: "I think the scorching sun will get better soon, it should just be unacceptable."

"Sister Liu, the horse will also be unacceptable?"

"That is of course. The horse wants to eat and drink..."


Fu Yunyan glanced back at the two girls and sighed, "Why are some horses sick again?" She sighed. "I don't know what happened recently. Many horses are sick." She touched her gently. The black horse's neck, and fed him a piece of candy, said softly, "Xunfeng, don't you get sick!"

Nangong Yue frowned slightly, and turned to ask, "Liu Niang, have many horses been sick recently? Have veterinarians seen them?"

"The veterinarian looked at it, but he couldn't tell why." Fu Yunyan shook his head. "Just said it was probably because he accidentally ate something wrong. The veterinarian also deliberately checked the forage in the stable, but it was okay, so I suspect that the horse might have eaten poisonous grass, poisonous mushrooms or the like in the hunting ground."

"Then we have to pay attention to it in the future, but don't let the horses eat at the hunting ground." Yuan Yuyi also touched her horse, and said with some worry.

"What are you afraid of?" Fu Yunyan said with a grin, "We have Ayue, Ayue's medicine is so clever, if there are any poisonous plants, poisonous fruits and poisonous mushrooms, it will definitely be seen at a glance! ...Ayue, do you say that?"

Nangong Yue said confidently: "That's nature."

"...Huh, it seems to be the third cousin. I thought he drove to the hunting ground today." Yuan Yuyi suddenly said with some surprise, "Yue'er, the girl in red riding costume, is it your cousin? ?"

Nangong Yuewen looked at the past, the afterglow of the setting sun spattered on the lake in front, like a layer of orange-red gauze, the autumn wind was blowing, a wave of ripples appeared, and from afar, in the blue wave pavilion in the center of the lake Sure enough, there are two familiar figures, impressively Han Lingfu and Bai Muxiao.

The two stood at the front of the lake at this time. Bai Muxiao looked at the carp in the lake. Her voice was clearer in the gentle breeze, "... Your Royal Highness, in fact, you don't have to be too anxious."

Han Lingfu was startled, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Bai Muxiao.She means...

Bai Muxiao blessed his body gracefully and said, "His Royal Highness, I shouldn't have said anything about it...just for His Royal Highness, I would venture to say a few more..."

For his... Han Lingfu's heart moved, some sharp eyes became softer and said, "White girl, please say."

Bai Muxiao pondered for a moment, the first sentence was that the words were not surprisingly endless: "Your Highness, do you think it is a good thing to be a prince now?"

Han Lingfu's eyes flicked slightly, and a habit of "extravagance" was almost going to be exported, but Bai Muxiao continued without hesitation: "This is the midst of a strong age, wise, but in this supreme position, Wouldn't it be doubtful. Your Highness, do you think the Emperor can tolerate a prince who is even more brilliant than him?"

Han Lingfu felt as if she was calmed down by a bucket of cold water.She was right. The father’s biggest fault was his suspicion. If he took the wrong step, he would be terrified and ruined.

Bai Muxiao naturally noticed his change, flashing a gleam in his eyes, and then said: "If the emperor really wants to set up the prince, now the three princes are already about to become adults, why are they still not princes?"

Han Lingfu did not speak, he also thought about this issue.The first principle of establishing the crown prince is: "Leave the eldest and grow the eldest." Now the five eldest sons are sick and young, and the eldest son is mediocre and incompetent, so that the emperor has not yet established the prince; Depends on virtue, then you and the second prince have a great chance...Because the emperor has not expressed his position, in the past few years, the three princes have been surreptitiously surging, and all three want to express themselves in front of the emperor and discredit others.

Does Bai Muxiao mean that what the emperor wanted to see was the fight between the three of them?

Seeing him thinking deeply, Bai Muxiao smiled faintly and asked again: "Even if the emperor really has a prince now, has His Royal Highness thought of what kind of prince to be?"

Han Lingfu answered rightfully: "Naturally is..." He suddenly thought of Bai Muxiao's words in front, and he paused again.The father emperor is very suspicious...

Bai Muxiao's corner of the mouth smiled deeper, "The crown prince is destined to pose a certain threat to the authority of the emperor. A mediocre prince makes the emperor disgust, and a competent prince makes the emperor jealous. It is difficult to grasp this size, not to mention The emperor is in his prime! "I don't know how many years this prince will be?" Moreover, can't the emperor abolish the prince after he became a prince? Since ancient times, have there been fewer princes who have been abolished? In the midst of a strong age, the year is strong, and even if you are a little suspicious, you will not be stubborn, but in the later years, the emperor's suspicion of the prince will only become deeper and heavier..."Lest the prince force the palace to usurp the throne!

The more Bai Muxiao said, the more shocked Han Lingfu was, and the look to Bai Muxiao was also different from the past, and there was a little more respect in the admiration.

Unexpectedly, she was a little girl in a house, and she even saw these things so thoroughly.When I thought about the Fang feast meeting, she was a slender woman who could say "ten steps to kill one person", but she could dance such a fierce sword dance...she is different from other women!

Bai Muxiao naturally noticed Han Lingfu's burning eyes and turned his small face away, eyes half drooping.

Although they are destined in this life, she still hopes that he can go better and better, until that supreme position, if she can give him a meager force, they will never lose their acquaintance...

"White Girl," Han Lingfu could not help but took a step closer to her, and wanted to see her more clearly, "So what do you think I should do?"

Bai Muxiao looked up at him and slowly said: "Look at me, Your Royal Highness should hide the light and keep a low profile." After a pause, she suddenly turned around, "Have your Royal Highness thought why the emperor likes the king of Zhennan Xiao so much Yi?"

Thinking of Xiao Yi, Han Lingfu took a scornful contempt, "The father emperor is just looking at the face of King Zhennan."

"This is the first." Bai Muxiao shook his head. "Second, and the most important point is that Xiao Yiwan was incompetent. If he succeeded the king of Zhennan in the future, he would not pose a threat to the court or the emperor! Zhennan Wang Nai is a hereditary vassal, with more than 100,000 southern army in the palm of his hand, a very capable king of Zhennan will only be free from the control of the emperor and the court."

Han Lingfu looked at her fixedly, her eyes burning.

Bai Muxiao continued: "Of course, your Highness can't learn all about Xiao Shizi. The emperor likes Xiao Shizi's dudes, but he doesn't want the prince to be incompetent. For the emperor, if you don't show your excellent side, I am afraid that you will not be considered, just like the great prince ; But if you over-exhibit your excellence and even exceed the emperor, you will be jealous of the emperor."

Han Lingfu frowned slightly. According to Bai Muxiao, wasn't he left or right?

"I send your Highness the four words, filial piety, sincerity, harmony, and forbearance." Bai Muxiao smiled calmly and confidently, and the obsidian-like black pupil flashed an incredible brilliance. Tolerate it, tolerate it."

"Filial piety, sincerity, harmony, and forbearance..." Han Lingfu thought thoughtfully, and the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually spread, arching his hands, "White girl, you are so unique, I benefit a lot today!"

Bai Muxiao smiled a little insultedly, and blessed him again: "Your Highness, don't blame me for arrogant political affairs. I just hope that it can help your Highness..."

Han Lingfu looked deeply at her half-hanging pretty face, and his white skin was blown up, making him want to touch it, but he didn't dare to be daring.His heart felt like a ball of fire, so that his mind could not calm down.

"Xiao'er," he couldn't help stepping forward, and said with a little excitement, "I am pleased with you, I will marry you, OK?"

"His Royal Highness," Bai Muxiao raised her eyes in sorrow but looked at Han Lingfu decisively. "I have already said to His Royal Highness, I will never be a concubine! You and I are destined to miss this life."

"Xiao'er, you listen to me! I will find a way." Han Lingfu eagerly took her little hand, "... Would you like to wait for me for a while longer?"

His sea-like eyes revealed a pleading, which made Bai Muxiao feel soft at once.He is such a high prince, but for her, willing to lower his posture, should he give him a chance?

Bai Muxiao lowered his eyes slightly, and after a moment, he raised his eyes and said: "His Royal Highness, Shengjia is coming back soon. We should go to meet him."

Although she did not immediately agree to let Han Lingfu be disappointed, fortunately, she did not refuse herself as decisively as before.Han Lingfu has a little more confidence. A beautiful girl like her can only impress her with sincerity.

Han Lingfu reluctantly let go of her hand and said softly, "Xiao'er, can I go to the hunting platform with me?"

Bai Muxiao nodded and said generously, "Your Highness, please."

The two's horses are staying outside the Bibo Pavilion, and they have been in the hunting palace for a few days. Bai Muxiao's riding progresses quickly, and it is no problem to ride alone.After Han Lingfu helped her on the horse, he rode on his own horse, and the two of them spoke towards each other while heading towards the hunting platform.

When they got to the hunting platform, the sky was dark again. Bai Muxiao, who came with Han Lingfu, didn't care about the eyes of others' inquiry, and still raised his head and raised his chest.Han Lingfu was a precious treasure for them, and she It is just an admirer.In the matter of feelings, their status is equal.

In order to greet the Holy Drive, except everyone who reported illness like Jiang Yixi, almost everyone went to the hunting station. Bai Muxiao looked around and said, "His Royal Highness, my cousin and cousin Yue have arrived. Please forgive me first. Now."

Bai Muxiao blessed him and led away.

Han Lingfu's eyes fell on her for a long time, unwilling to leave.

Bai Muxiao soon met with the two sisters Nangong Kun, and the three met each other, and after a few gossips, they heard the eunuch's sharp voice:

"Holy Drive--"

Everyone in the hunting platform was quiet, and they knelt to greet the driver.

It was not until the emperor went to the hunting stage that he stood up after a "flat body".

The emperor's harvest was very rich, and he could see that his mood was very good. Instead of dismissing the people early, he specially recruited a few people to come forward to speak, and those who came back with the emperor naturally had those officials who were traveling with them.

Since Xiao Yi returned to Lietai, his eyes have not left Nangong Yue, and a pair of peach blossoms sparkles.Even among the people, she is the most special one. He can find her at a glance in the crowd at any time.

At the moment when Nangong Yue faced his eyes, the smile on Xiao Yi's face was even brighter, and she kept blinking at her.

Soon, the emperor also noticed his uneasiness, followed his eyes to see Nangong Yue standing there, deliberately raised his face and said: "Yi Geer, what are you looking at."

"Uncle Emperor." Xiao Yi said with a smile on his face. "You call your daughter-in-law for your nephew."

The emperor did not expect him to dare to say that after a slight stun, he shook his head with a smile, and then beckoned in the direction of Nangong Yue and said, "Yue girl, come here."

Nangong Yue once again became the focus of everyone. She found that she had been thickened by Xiao Yi's "threatened" face, and did not feel that her cheeks were hot, so she walked past without squinting, and behaved ceremoniously: "emperor."

"Okay." The emperor said kindly like his own nephew, "Yigeer, I've called Yue girl for you. If you want to present a treasure, hurry and offer it."

"Xie Emperor Uncle."

Xiao Yi thanked him with a smile, and pulled Nangong Yue aside in a hurry. Then, he proudly took out a small bamboo basket, which was covered with some grass. Indistinctly, there seemed to be a slight chirp.Nangong Yue leaned over curiously and saw a little brown bird nesting in the haystack. It was only as big as a slap and covered with soft fluff. Nangong Yue's eyes lit up.

Nangong Yue cautiously touched its fluff, and her light work was so light that she might be hurt if she accidentally accidentally.

The bird was small, but it was quite fierce. Nangong Yue's hand hadn't touched it yet, and it opened her small beak to send out threatening sounds to her.Nangong Yue was amused by it like this, her lips chuckled lightly, and asked Xiao Yi, "What kind of bird is this?"

Xiao Yi was staring blankly at her smile, and then she heard her words and said, "This is a young eagle."

"Eagle?!" Nangong Yue widened her eyes and exclaimed, "It turns out that the eagle looked like this when it was small..."

"I found it at the foot of the cliff, maybe it fell from the nest. I didn't find its nest, so I brought it back." Xiao Yixian said with a pensive expression on his face. "Three words, "It should be grown by the spring hunting next year, and you can take it with you to hunt."

Nangong Yue's lips filled with a smile, said: "I am very happy."

These four words poured into Xiao Yi's ears like the sounds of nature, so that he could see the joy all over his body.

While talking to the courtiers while watching the emperor secretly, they just thought the children were really interesting.This marriage was originally chosen by him, and the feelings for the two children are naturally happy.What's more, Yue girl has always been close to him and the queen, and it is considered that they grew up watching, and their characters are trustworthy, and they will not do something provocative next to Xiao Yi in the future.The better the relationship between the two children, the more Xiao Yi will get closer to them.

The emperor's thoughts were more and more satisfied, he said with a smile: "Yue girl, Ayi has been holding this eagle in her hands since she got the eagle. I asked him if he hadn't given it. I just said it would be brought back to you."

Being ridiculed in front of so many people, Nangong Yue's face was obviously not thick enough, and she couldn't help adding a few bright reds, but she still gracefully blessed the emperor and said, "Yueer thanked Emperor Yue."

The emperor said interestingly, "Thank you?"

Nangong Yue blinked and said delicately, "Naturally, Emperor Xie gave Xiaoyue to Yueer."

The emperor laughed heartily, and the courtiers around him looked in their eyes and secretly felt that the lord of the shaking light was indeed quite sacred.

The emperor no longer amused her, and publicly rewarded several people who excelled in today's hunt and hunt, and there are awesome Pei Yuanchen, the son of Jian'an, and Han Huaijun of the King's Mansion.The two emperors are particularly praised and can be imagined. After Wangdu, his future must be smoother.

Among the crowd, envy, jealousy, and joy are all there, and Princess Qi can't help but feel indignant. …She must not let the son of this slut take away her own future!

The emperor stayed at the hunting ground for a whole day, and was a little tired at this time. After the reward, he said a few more words, and it made people go.

Everyone saluted, and watched the emperor go away.

After all, it was too late. No matter how unwilling Xiao Yi was, she couldn't let Nangong Yue hold her back. She could only say goodbye to her.Nangong Yue cautiously held the young eagle and returned to Nangong Kun who was waiting for her far away. The three girls went to Qingxiazhai together.

"Sister Three, what kind of bird is this?"

"It turns out to be an eagle, no wonder it looks so majestic!"

"How should the eagle be raised? Does it eat bugs?"

Nangong Kun loves this little young eagle very much, and together with Bai Muxiao, you are talking non-stop.

Nangong Yue has never raised eagles. Naturally, she did not know three times, but Bai Hui knew a little or two, and said with a smile: "Three girls, just have raw meat. After you go back, the slave will prepare some fresh raw meat. Cut it finely and feed it..."

During the talk, they arrived at Qingxiazhai, and before they settled down, they received the emperor's reward.Everyone had this reward. It was a prey that the emperor personally hit today.The three sisters of the Nangong family got a large piece of wild boar. The hind leg and the two rabbits had not yet waited for the three to discuss how to eat. Fu Yunyan asked the maid to ask them to eat barbecue at the Huiyi Palace where Princess Yongyang lived.

The three of them happily responded, and went to Huiyi Palace with the maidservant.

When I got there, I learned that Fu Yunyan not only invited them, but also invited Yuan Yuyi, Han Qixia, and some other girls. Even Jiang Yixi was dragged by her, and a large stove was set up in the courtyard. The flames were blazing, and the flames couldn't stop. On the stove were iron grate and iron bars, and on the side was the processed meat.

Seeing the three people, Fu Yunyan greeted him with a smile, and said, "Ayue, girl Yan, girl Bai, you are here. Today, the emperor rewarded her grandmother with a whole deer, and the grandmother rewarded me. Bake and eat."

Nangongyan and Nangongyue naturally had no opinion, and Bai Muxiao said enthusiastically: "Miss Fu, if you cut the meat smaller, marinate it with some spices and roast it, it will be more delicious."

Fu Yunyan thought and nodded, "It sounds good. I'll leave it for a while and give it a try tomorrow."

Nangong Yue pursed her lips, nodded her forehead, and said familiarly: "I think Liu Niang, you are reluctant to let us eat, so I want to find an excuse to hide some."

Fu Yunyan, who was said to have broken his heart, giggled, took her hand and walked in, said, "Sit here, sit with sister Xi..."

The girls saw each other and Nangong Yue sat next to Jiang Yixi, not forgetting to tell: "Sister Xi, you are not yet in good health, and the venison is hot, you can't use it more."

Jiang Yixi smiled and nodded.

How can these noble ladies do it themselves, they just have to sit and talk and laugh, since there will be a maid who brings the roasted venison in front of them and carefully slices it.

In this regard, most of the ladies are accustomed to it, but Bai Muxiao raised her eyebrows in disappointment, thinking: if you can cook it yourself.

While eating happily, Han Qixia's grandma suddenly came in a hurry, and she didn't know what to say in her ear, she saw Han Qixia's face slightly changed, got up and said goodbye to Fu Yunyan, and left in a hurry.

This sudden situation made other girls feel a little strange and whispered. Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi vaguely guessed something. The two exchanged glances. Then, Jiang Yixi asked Qingyi to go out and ask.

Not long after, Qingyi returned, bringing back news that surprised them but was not too surprised.

The queen made a decree and gave the fourth maiden of the princess of Zhennan, Fang Siqi, to King Qi as her second concubine, and was carried into the Tengyun Pavilion three days later.

The two girls were a little surprised that it was this "concubine" that Fang Ziteng was anyway the niece of Princess Zhennan, and Xu Yici concubine seemed to be a little low.In the Prince's Mansion, the concubines on both sides of Yizheng Concubine are on jade. As for the concubine this time, it is only nominally good-looking, but it is just a concubine.It can also be called a concubine if it is replaced by an ordinary large household.

"Girl, the sister Xueqin next to the queen's mother said that this is the emperor's meaning. The emperor said that Fang Siqi didn't have any merit, how could she be the side concubine as soon as she entered the house, and she would have time to give birth to a child and a half later. "

Nangong Yue and Jiang Yixi looked at each other, and the so-called credit of the woman in the backyard was nothing more than a heir. Fang Ziteng hadn't gotten started yet, how could there be credit? The emperor was just deliberately on the face of Princess Nan of Xiazhen.However, halfway through this autumn hunting, the niece of Princess Zhennan was given to King Qi as the second concubine. This may be even worse for Princess Qi's face...

"Sister Yue." Jiang Yixi smiled suddenly, "At that time, let's go and congratulate Princess Qi."

Nangong Yue readily agreed.

King Qi is just a concubine, and they don’t need to congratulate them in their capacity. Obviously, Jiang Yixi wanted to go out of his breath...


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