"See Father Emperor!"

Han Lingfu and Han Lingfan stepped into the Yu Study Room one after the other, and saluted the emperor after the Yu case.

"Get up." The emperor raised his hand casually, looking at the young people and teenagers with three or four points in the front. His eyes were a little complicated.

The emperor pondered for a moment, and then said: "Pingyang Hou sent me a secret letter from the southern border."

Both Han Lingfu and Han Lingfan listened to each other, and vaguely guessed that the Emperor suddenly asked them to come to the Imperial Academy for the secret letter.

After a pause, the emperor Shen Sheng said again: "Baiyue civil strife, Kui Lang is dead..."

what?!Kui Lang is dead?!Han Lingfu shook his pupils in shock, only to feel that his brain was banging, and he couldn't believe his ears.How could Kui Lang die?He is dead, what should he do with his Wuhe cream?

For a time, Han Lingfu was distraught, but he still remembered where he was at the moment, and he worked hard to settle down, and he heard the emperor continue to say: "Also, the king of Zhennan just took a fold and asked Feng Shisun, for this matter , What are your thoughts?"

Hearing the words, Han Lingfan looked surprised, and thought about it: "Father Emperor, Sister Yue and Xiao Shizi have grandchildren? This is really great!"

Looking at Han Lingfan's ecstatic appearance, the emperor's eyes dimmed and his heart sighed quietly: Xiaowu was still a child who didn't grow up, after all, he was still lacking...

Although Han Lingfu looked down at the lower eyebrows, he always used the afterglow of his eyes to pay attention to every change in the emperor's expression, and immediately understood in his heart that what the five emperors said was not what the father emperor wanted to hear, yeah, their father emperor always Be suspicious...

For an emperor, it is not a happy event for a lord to guard one side...

Han Lingfu's thoughts turned around, and he already had seven or eight points of confidence in the emperor's thoughts, so he respectfully said: "Father and Emperor, this is a happy event. It has filled the heart of King Zhennan who loves Sun."

Han Lingfan echoed with a smile: "Three Brothers said yes."

In the slightly disappointed eyes of the emperor, Han Lingfu continued calmly: "The father and the emperor's brothers are in poor health recently. It is better to ask the princess to come to the king to treat the father and the emperor's brothers. Shi Sun was just born, young, and naturally cannot be separated from his mother-in-law. He also brought the king capital together, so as to avoid the separation of their mother and son. Anyway, there is also a mansion in the king's palace in Zhennan."

There was a look of surprise in the emperor's eyes, and he plucked his beard with satisfaction. He didn't expect that Xiao San knew his intentions, and the reason that Xiao San said was really good.Embracing his dragon body, the king of the world should adjust the body for himself.

The smile in Han Lingfan's mouth froze, and he looked at Han Lingfu in surprise.

He is pure in nature and does not mean stupidity, and it does not mean that the dragon body of the father emperor has now recovered to seven, seven, eight, eight, even if it is to be adjusted, the public doctors in the own hospital are here.Moreover, the road from Nanjiang to Wangdu is far away. This boat has a lot of trouble, and the adults can’t eat it, not to mention a newly born baby... The proposal of the three emperors is clearly to leave the king’s concubine and grandson in the south. Be protons!

"Father Emperor," Han Lingfan looked at him in a condensed manner, and quickly said to the emperor, "Zhennan Wang Shizi guarded the southern frontier and fought for the battlefield for my Dayu. He repeatedly defeated Baiyue and Nanliang. Father and Emperor, you can't let A warrior who is bathing in the blood of Dayu is chilling!"

Han Lingfan looked at the emperor anxiously, with a sincere heart, but the emperor's face sank, and a pair of eyes narrowed sharply and unpleasantly.He has given Xiaowu the opportunity again and again. Until now, Xiaowu is still obsessed with it... How could he take his father and emperor to heart!

However, Han Lingfu was happy in his heart, and a disdainful light flashed in his eyes. He thought to himself: he knew that his five emperor brothers who knew only benevolence and justice had no vision and courage as an emperor.

Han Lingfu said in front of the emperor: "Five Emperor Brothers, you are still young," he taught in the tone of the elder brother, "but you must always remember that you are a prince, not a civilian, and you must start from the big picture. You can’t just blindly follow the Five Emperor Brothers and Xiao Shizi and Shizi Concubine, and you don’t know the difference between them. If you continue this, the ambition of this courtier will grow, and I am afraid that Dayu is in danger...”

The words and sentences of Han Lingfu were all worried about the emperor's heart. The emperor gave Han Lingfan a quick look, his face sinking like water, and he said: Maybe, after all, Xiaowu was too close to the Nangong family...

"The brothers of the three emperors are apt to make alarmism!" Han Ling and Fan Yi replied eloquently. "The king of Zhennan made a great military contribution to Dayu. Doesn't the imperial court reward him? :'Lip death tooth cold', wouldn't that let the courtiers also..."

"Enough!" The emperor only felt that Han Lingfan's words were getting harsher, and interrupted him coldly. "Xiaowu, your three emperors' brothers are not bad. Your kindness is good, but you still need to remember Four words,'Junchen is different'."

The emperor deliberately increased the volume on the last four words, and sighed in disappointment in his heart: he was always emotional for Xiaowu, too indecisive, and he might not be a great mountain.

As for Xiaosan, he...

The emperor looked at Han Lingfu again. In the past month or so, the small third supervised the dynasty, and the political affairs were handled in an orderly manner, and he did not pick out any mistakes.Hey, after he became a father, he was considered to have grown up.

"Father Emperor..."

Han Lingfan wanted to say nothing, but the emperor didn't want to listen anymore. He rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and waved his hand: "I have a terrible headache. You two will withdraw."

"The father emperor also asked to take care of the dragon body," Han Lingfu said with concern.

But Han Lingfan stopped talking, and finally retreated.

After the brothers left the Imperial Academy, they soon parted ways, one returned to the dormitory sadly, and the other left the palace directly, and the whole person was satisfied.

In the battle that was not smoked just now, he Han Lingfu won a big victory!

However, this short-lived joy only lasted until the gate of the palace. When Han Lingfu turned over, he couldn't help but think of Kui Lang's death and the issue of Wuhe cream. His face gloomed and clouded.

What should I do next?

Where do I go to get more Wuhe cream, or how long is Wuhe cream in my hands?!

These problems have been lingering in his heart.


Han Lingfu lashed fiercely at the horse, drove the horse away, and returned to Prince Gong's palace as quickly as possible.

Then, Han Lingfu directly called Bai Muxiao and Bai Yi to his outside study, and ordered Xiao Lizi to stay outside, leaving only three of them in the room, a gentle and handsome gentleman and two temperaments of different temperaments. At first glance, her stunning woman looks as beautiful as the same painting, but unfortunately, the three have different thoughts and are pregnant with ghosts.

Han Lingfu looked back and forth at Bai Muxiao and Baiyi, and suddenly dropped a bomb: "This King just returned from the palace, Pingyang Hou sent a secret letter from Luo Yuecheng, and Kui Lang was dead in southern Xinjiang."

In an instant, Bai Muxiao and the dress were moving, and his face was slightly white.

The two of them learned about Kui Lang’s unknown whereabouts after being robbed by “gangsters” in southern Xinjiang years ago. Bai Muxiao had expected this worst result long ago, but Han Lingfu’s news today still gave With her heavy hammer, at this moment, she is standing alone on the edge of a bottomless cliff. It seems that when a breeze comes out at any time, she may be irreversible... She can only rely on herself!

"Impossible!" Posing Yi stood up excitedly, murmuring in disbelief, "How can His Royal Highness Kui Lang die?!" For more than a month, Posing Yi has been holding a silver lining in his heart, thinking Since the other party robbed the person and did not kill it on the spot, it must have felt that His Highness Kui Lang was of value to him.

Han Lingfu frowned slightly, and said perfunctoryly: "Huh, it's not because of your civil strife!"

After finishing the speech, Han Lingfu stared anxiously at the pendulum and asked, "Now that Kui Lang is dead, pendulum, can you get Wuhe cream?"

Placing the clothes was an unheard of second sentence, and she subconsciously glanced at Bai Muxiao. Before, she and Bai Muxiao suspected that Kui Lang's abduction was planned by the father and son of Zhennan. Could it be that they guessed wrong Anymore?!

But even so, it cannot be so cheap!

Placing her clothes took a deep breath and said, "Your grandfather, Baiyue civil strife, what are the father and son of Zhennan doing?! Didn't they protect His Royal Highness and help His Highness recover? Now His Royal Highness is dead, The father and son of Zhennan did not work well, and the emperor should punish them severely..."

"Don't think about this!" Han Lingfu interrupted the dress impatiently. "The grandson of Zhennan Wangfu was born, where can they care for Kui Lang!" The kings and grandchildren are all qualitative, and it is impossible for them to punish the father and son of Zhennan for the death of Kui Lang!

"Shisun?" Bai Yixiao and Bai Muxiao blurted out in surprise, and Bai Muxiao looked at Baiyi incredulously.

"Putting clothes, what's the matter?" Bai Muxiao asked aggressively, "Don't you say that Nangong Yue can't bear children?!"

After clearly returning from Nanjiang last year, he vowed to tell himself that Nangongyue had both blood and blood, so don't even think about having a heir in this life, but now Nangongyue has given birth to Liner!

Bai Muxiao thought more and more of her heart was mixed, her hands were clenched into fists, her nails were deeply drawn into her palm, but the pain of these flesh was not comparable to the pain in her heart.

She really didn't understand that she was in this dilemma now, but how could Nangong Yue, a woman who is well-established and pedantic, win the favor of the father and son of Zhennan, the better the better?!

But in a few years, the situation of their cousins ​​has changed dramatically.

Nangong Yue is the prince concubine who is married by Xiao Yiming, the son of the king of Zhennan; and he said that it is a side concubine of Han Lingfu, but in fact it is just a concubine who is always pressed by the concubine.

Nangong Yue gave birth to Xiao Yi's son, and now the child is born to be a grandson; and himself, the first child born is called evil, and even the child's biological father dislikes him, even tolerating him to live. , Her second child was even a child who had a child, and she was born without a father...

What's more, she and Han Lingfu already had a disagreement with each other, and she couldn't wait to die!

She didn't understand why Nangong Yue was so lucky?!

Obviously he is not as good as Nangongyue in terms of identity, and is not better than Nangongyue in terms of resourcefulness, talent, and means?!

Why does God treat Nangong Yue so much!

Bai Muxiao's face was white for a while, immersed in his own thoughts, and he didn't speak for a long time.

And the dress next to her was unbelievable, and the blue eyes were full of shock.

Before she left South Xinjiang, it was clearly arranged...

Nangong Yue can't have children, how could it be the so-called "grandson"'s biological mother!

Placing her clothes on her heart, she said to herself, and then looked up to Han Lingfu, and asked slowly: "Wang Ye, do you know who the birth mother of this grandson is?"

It is said that Bai Muxiao's gloomy eyes light up, yes, Nangong Yue can't have children, this child must not have been born in Nangong Yue!

Could it be that Xiao Yi had other women long ago and abandoned Nangong Yue indifferently?

Imagining the miserable situation of Nangong Yue with no children and no pets, Bai Mu Xiaomu Lu looked at Han Lingfu expectantly.

But Han Lingfu immediately broke Bai Muxiao's unrealistic illusions, saying lightly: "Shisun is naturally born of the concubine of the world, otherwise, how could this child be born, the king of Zhennan will play the name of Feng Shisun!"

Putting on the clothes and biting his lower lip, he said, "Lord, why don't we send someone to Nanjiang to find out, maybe this child is not from the princess of the world, so that he can serve as a concubine, and he can also treat a crime of bullying the king in the southern palace of the town. "

"Do you think the people in Zhennan Wangfu are all fools, and send such a handle over?" Han Lingfu sneered.Xiao Yi is still young and can't afford a sister-in-law. How could the Zhennan King do such a stupid thing!

The stunned face sank.

If Shisun was really from Nangong Yue, wouldn’t it mean...

Suddenly, the swinging clothes wanted to understand what was happening. If struck by lightning, her body staggered, and she fell back into the circle of the chair in a state of embarrassment.

She finally understood that the situation she had carefully arranged was seen by Nangong Yue!

When did it happen?

Swinging clothes carefully recalled her last year's events in Nanjiang, and her pretty face was suddenly white, so white that there was no trace of blood.

It's Nangong Yue, it must be Nangong Yue!

It was she who saw through her game, so she secretly applied Wuhe cream to herself, so she would...

Thinking, the flame of resentment was ignited in the dressing heart, and the fire was burning...

Nangong Yue, she will never let her go!

Placing her clothes secretly swears in her heart.

Han Lingfu didn't know the thoughts of these two women. What he cares most about now is his Wuhe cream.He has been arguing about Wuhe anointing all the time, but has kept asking about the insignificant details of Shisun.

Han Lingfu sank his face, raised his voice and asked again: "Darling, did you get Wuhe cream?" His dark black eyes revealed a dangerous smell.

Swinging clothes recovered from the panic, greeted Han Lingfu's impatient eyes, barely calmed down, and his thoughts turned fast: His Royal Highness Kui Lang died, and the great princess and several emperors and grandchildren had also been the false king Nuhar Killed, now the only flesh of His Royal Highness Kui Lang is His Highness Bai Muxiao, who was born just now, and he can only rely on this bloodline to restore in the future.Now they are trapped in Wangdu. Whether it is survival or future restoration, they have to rely on the power of Han Lingfu.

At this time she must coax Han Lingfu!

"The prince is not in a hurry." Xingyi smiled slightly, calmly and calmly and Han Ling fussed, "Although His Highness Kui Lang passed away unfortunately, but His Highness's contacts in Baiyue are still there. I know where I can get Wuhe Cream." .. I will contact Ada Chi as soon as possible to send someone to Baiyue, the prince does not have to worry about Wuhe cream."

Han Lingfu narrowed his eyes, and looked at the dress with sharp eyes, as if to see through what she said was true or false.

Looking at Han Lingfu calmly, he looked at him and continued: "Your lord, it's just that there is a medicine in Wuhe cream that only Baiyue has. Last time I went to southern Xinjiang, our people tried their best to avoid it. The false king's eyes and ears got Wuhe cream. But after the Zhennan royal palace laid down Baiyue, then..."

Then this medicine is equivalent to falling into the control of Zhennan Wangfu!

Han Lingfu's pupils shrank, which was equivalent to holding his half life in the hands of the father and son of Zhennan. The more he thought about it, the more he felt like sitting on a needle felt.

Han Lingfu quickly glanced at the clothes. He is not a fool. Of course, he knows that clothes is urging himself to deal with the Zhennan Wangfu. I am afraid that it is the clothes that has been holding a grudge against the Zhennan Wangfu. Maybe she still suspects that the Zhennan Wangfu is deliberately inaction. Kuhalang was killed by the Pak-yue king Nuhar.

He just put on his clothes and said that he was the key point. He must hold the Zhennan King Mansion in order to control Nanjiang and Baiyue in his hands, in order to ensure the continuous supply of Wuhe cream in the future...

After a moment of pondering Han Lingfu, there was a little tone of voice: "The father emperor should have decided recently, calling the concubine of the king of the south of the town and the king of the grandson of the sun."

Wen Yan, Bai Yixiao and Bai Muxiao all brightened their eyes, and could not conceal their joy.

When Nangong Yue comes to the capital, then they have a chance!

Moreover, once Nangong Yue is separated from Xiao Yi by thousands of miles, can the two have such a similar connection?Could Xiao Yi fail to defend Nangong Yue as a jade?Bai Muxiao smiled sarcastically, before the depression in his heart swept away.

It seems that God doesn't treat Nangong Yue that much!

After discussing the business, Bai Yixiao and Bai Muxiao left the outside study and walked slowly to the inner court of the county government.

She didn’t return to her yard, but followed Bai Muxiao to Xinghui Academy, and Bai Muxiao didn’t tacitly ask why she came with herself. The two walked side by side in the cold wind of Ling, Still standing upright, walking forward step by step, without words, the two had already vaguely discovered each other's intentions.

After the two entered the room, Bihen and Biluo served the two masters with hot tea and then retreated with interest. The two maids were a little shocked.

Placing clothes didn't even bother to drink tea. She looked at Bai Muxiao with a certain degree of temptation in her tone, and said meaningfully, "Sister Xiao'er, until now, you and my sister can't see you again!"

Both of them are now in desperation, as long as they take the wrong step, they will be destroyed by the next huge wave...

For Bai Muxiao, she needs the Wuhe cream to control Han Lingfu, and the power of the dressing to reach Baiyue, otherwise, no one can prove that her son is Kui Lang;

As far as dressing is concerned, Bai Muxiao is the biological mother of His Royal Highness, and now His Royal Highness is nominally the grandson of Emperor Dayu. With these two points alone, Bai Muxiao's value is sufficient!

Bai Muxiao smiled slightly, and his sharp eyes were sharp and sharp, and he straightened out the words directly: "Sister Yifu, you and I join forces, and we may not be able to kill a blood!"

The two laughed at each other, and their black and blue eyes shone with ambitions, and outside the house, when the drizzle was floating, the sky was gloomy.

Next, Wang Du was rainy for days, and the air seemed to be wet.

On February 24th, after hesitating for a few days, the emperor finally issued a decree sent to southern Xinjiang, showing that the emperor was also relieved when he learned that there was a royal palace in Zhennan. Shisun came to see Wang Wang.

The emperor said it nicely, but everyone understood what it meant.

When the five prince Han Lingfan learned the emperor's decree in the upper study, he could not conceal his disappointment.

He closed his eyes, swayed the little inner attendant who had come to summon, and then looked up at Nangong Xin who was in front of him, slowly said: "A Xin, do you want to send someone to Nanjiang, tell Sister Yue first ...And prepare well early."

Han Lingfan's voice was extremely difficult, and he knew in his heart that his proposal was meaningless. Even if someone was sent to inform Xiao Yi and Nangong Yue before the imperial edict arrived, what could it do?

Once the decree has arrived, can the King's Mansion in Zhennan resist the decree?