The First Evolution

Chapter 27

"So what is the private life ??" Fang Linyan slick the eyes and counts:

"It should be something such as the world's unique milestone? I have a reminder when I entered the world. I can only check the current milestone because of my meritorious value, or what else is the ultimate secret?"

At this time, he suddenly felt a pain in the right arm. It turned out that the medical staff made a needle for himself. It quickly felt that it was trapped. It should be used to use the sedative, so it will soon be sleepless.

When Fang Lin Yan woke up again, I found that I didn't know when I was already in a fixed chair. I had a glamorous light, so I was very uncomfortable in the horizon, and the chest It is also very stuffy, nausea is very strong, should be a side effect after large dose of sedatives.

After a while, someone took the lights, then a man wearing a black pen is quite a suit, and the cold man came over and showed the documents to Fanglin Rock:

"I am a FBI, Mr. Lee, Jerry, Mr. Lin, now doubt that you are engaged in terrorist activities and have a close relationship with the 811 terrorist attack, and now start a formal investigation to you!"

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"If you have asked the crew and passengers, you should be very clear, that is, everything I have done is to save their lives. If there is no, then they have already burned it with the plane. A group of fireballs, hitting the tours! "

The Leide prison has slammed a hook, and he is heavy in the belly of Fanglin Rock! When Fang Linyan suddenly felt that the belly inside the river in the sea, immediately bent and went sharply, and he didn't even slow, the Leide agent has grasped his hair, and pulled the head of Fanglin Rock. Word a word:

"Kid, I am not a tolerant person, then I asked, you answer! If you can cooperate, I can let you eat less, if you have to do it with me, so really, I will let you Try the taste of steel and current! "

After he said, he released the hair of Fanglin Rock. Let Fanglin Rock reappeared back to the chair. Fang Lin Yan did not talk, he didn't talk, it was very good for dozens of seconds, and he used him with a grievance. I saw it, biting my teeth:

"You will regret this."

The Leide agent is not angry, and the thorn said:

"Oh? I want to try it, how do you make me regret!"

However, the smile on his face is uncomfortable, because the squatting of Fanglin Rock in the criminal chair, actually slowly standing, as if he became a ganta, something of handcuffs Une useless, it is directly penetrated.

Then, Fanglin Rock pointed to him, it is more than a cutting action, and the smile is slowed down into the ground, and then disappears.

The Leide agent suddenly opened his eyes, and after a few seconds, he opened the door next to it, he called:

"Raise the alert! First class event! The prisoner escaped!"


Why did Fanglin Rock disappeared?

It turned out that he stayed here, because he also looked at the remaining stunning time, Fanglin Rock wanted to take advantage of this time, to discover the huge secrets of the world.

However, seeing himself directly by the FBI, deep in the heavy prison, and facing it is a series of miserable unmanned penalties, even in the face of electricity, slitting, etc., and it is clearly escaping No hope!

Therefore, Fanglin Ran is very decisive, and all fantasies are decent, directly in the heart:

"I want to receive the main line task: reverse the historical task reward!"

"Receive the main line task: After reversing the historical task reward, you will leave this world within a minute. Do you want to receive the main line task: Clean the task reward of the time and space node? Yes / No."


"Main line task: Clean the task rewards for time and space nodes."

"Your mission completion is 130%, your task completes the evaluation of the S-class!"

"You successfully received a general point 4000 points." (Basic reward)

"You got 4 points of free attribute points." (Task completion is more than 100% additional reward)

"You got a merit value 4 points." (Task completed the evaluation S-class additional reward)

"You currently have a total of 4 points."

"The free attribute point is used to directly strengthen your own basic quality, so you can make your characters stronger in a certain manner."

"The higher your merits, the bigger the permissions enjoying in space, the bigger enjoy a variety of discounts, and the merit value is the only way you promote the rank of the army."

After this series of suggests, Fang Linyan felt that he had a very strange weight loss. Even the ears were slightly smashed. Everything in front of him seems to be rotated. After that, after the calm down, I will find yourself. It seems that it seems to be in the space of the universe, and the surrounding is a star, the floor under the foot is completely transparent, as if it is suspended.

Immediately in front of Fang Senyan, it began to show a total 3D microtic projection. The first is that he fights in Washington and Middle-aged security contractors, the beauty contractor, and then he mounts US Airlines No. 11 flights.

Then, he flashed one by one on the battle of terrorists on the plane, and finally he sat in the trial room, then this is fixed.

The sky is embossed out of the following information:

"Scenario: Earth that has occurred 811 events."

"Difficulty: Easy (E-class)"

"Integrated task completion degree: 70%"

"You are in the world that has entered a desperate model, and your strength is too high, so you can't get the corresponding pass evaluation."

"You .....% ¥ * redundant code, data generation, clear ........."

"Clear it."

Tip: Some of the equipment / weapons / props you bring cannot bring out the world, you have the following choices.

A: Sold it at this time to exchange a certain universal point.

B: Send it to this, you can retrieve it when you enter this world next time. (Executing this operation will pay a certain generic point as a storage fee, otherwise it will result in an unbearable consequence of loss / loss / rust.)

Fanglin Yan is calculated on something on his body. I found that there is only the bloody reel that I can bring out. The witch doll can be used to exchange 171 point.

The strange thing is that the one-on-handed hand of Fanglin Rock, clearly consuming, and the materials used are far on the witch doll. However, there was no corresponding description after the success of the production, that is, the space did not admit it, so it could not bring it out, and it could not exchange universal points. They only regret to give up.