The First Evolution

Chapter 52 ** Transaction

When I heard the words, Fanglin Rock immediately added a sentence in his heart:

"Is this forced to find your brother?"

"Your heart is also very heavy, specially arranged such a counter-system to avoid bringing your message back."

However, although the belly is in the belly, the Fanglin Rock is also a person, the face is still respectful:

"Adults are not bad, then what do you want to do?"

Signas sighed, very sad:

"I went out this time, I haven't discussed it here, so there is no preparation for the post."

"I want you to help it, that is, take a few words."

Speaking of this, Sikan said:

"The key is that my current situation is that the contour is incurred, there is no way to write a letter."

"So everything is only orally, you must remember, Zeng Big, wrong, one word may be a human life, if you forget, you must also say it."

Fang Lin Yan immediately said in the future:

"If this is the case, I have an idea."

After that, he will call the mechanical laoke:

"My original bird design is clever, and the drawings are from the ancient players, so that they can record others, and then repeat the word is not leaking."

Fang Linyan is complicated, in fact, the issuance of the issuance of the voice news ...

Sizan listened to the beginning of the foundation:

"Oh? The agency of the ancient still of the picture actually has such a gods!?"

Fanglin Rock said:

"Yeah, I heard that the young man who surnamed Zhang was developed. He was originally dried in the station (Post and Telecommunications Bureau)! Later, it was not forced to have, and I went into the peak of the life of the hair."

Si Dynasty shook his head:

"I am still unbelievable, can you give me a try?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"of course can."

Soutan Road:

"Can you start now?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yeah, what are you talking about now? I guarantee that you are in the same way."

San San is silent for ten seconds:

"Should I say something better?"

Fanglin Rock:

"... I don't know what to say, the three characters will always!"

Sinnan is bright, and suddenly, he has been a long to the mechanical lane:

"The gods don't die, it is called Xuan Zi. The door of Xuanzang is said to be rooted. Ruo, use it ..."

He said that it was almost 30 seconds to stop, and then looked at Fanglin Rock with the eyes of the expectation.

Fang Linyan mentions, the sound recording device of the mechanical lane is naturally playing his voice.

As a result, the mechanical lazy turns said two sentences, and Sidan shocked his head:

"No! How can this be my voice? The teachers said that my voice is very nice!"

Then I suddenly realized:

"You must have a little person who has been a lot of people who wrote my words in a review!"

Fang Lin Yan suddenly took it at this time, I couldn't help but turn over the eyes. I didn't know what to say.

Do you tell him that the old man, when you talk, the sound is spread through the bones into your ears.

When you listen to others, the sound is spread through the air to the auditory organ.

Then the problem is coming, in case the south wants to ask if there is a curious baby to ask his air, the Fang Lin Yan is not going to spoken from Ravata ...?

Fortunately, Sinan himself is still a bit forced, and sighs the mouth:

"Although the little monster inside this is very difficult to listen, and the male duck is like, but it really repeats exactly the same, can you still give me another time?"

Fanglinyan is doing.

Sinnan nodded:

"Well, then I will start, you are ready to tell me."

Then Fanglin Rock quickly than a gesture, so San has begun to talk, saying that the emotional and even tears ...

Fanglin Rock next to Fanglin is very sad, because he feels that he has encountered a non-critical words, or the Mai Baiba in the absolute sense.

Until Fanglin Rock began to worry about whether Shan also had a golden mac harvest, he finally left the mechanical landing of the mechanical landing, but suddenly came up and came:

"Teacher, remember the hole to make up the belly ....."

Fortunately, Sinnan still returned to normal, showing a generation of master's style, and suddenly reached out from his own thighs, the skin of the foot.

At this point, the blood in this guy is highly transpired, and after a while in the palm of your hand, it has been evaporated.

The wound on the thigh is excessive drugs self-restoration, soon began to resolve.

Following the south biting the fingers, writing directly with the leather to tear down from the blood, this is his old man, it is the dragon flying phoenix dance, and pour all the energy.

Holding this skin, Sidan carefully ended for a while, and sighed his life:

"It is estimated that it is the top peak painted in my life."

It is said that I will give the hand to Fanglin Rock. After I saw this contest, I actually appeared in a phoenix illusion, and the opposition floating over.

After Fang Linyan saw the phoenix illusion, if he thought, then took this character, and then got a prompt:

Please note that tryper ZB419! You got a special plot props: Jin Ufuhe!

Golden Guard (temporary)

Quality: quasi-funded plot props

Introduction: This item must be cultivated: "Cave Defense Emperor Moral Territory" will be drawn, and at least Jin Dan is repaired. Under normal circumstances, it will lead the manufacturer to repair Reduce 30% and decrease in life.

Effects: Inversion to the sky, will transfer most negative effects on the wearer to the specified target, the specified target must have life.

The anti-day change effect has a rule effect, and the priority is
Negative effects: Intracking, this character is drawn, it is injected into a lot of dead, so it will be damaged after 36 hours, and the use of the anti-day change effect will accelerate its damage process.

Looking at the properties of Golden Hutcher, Fanglin Rock took a breath, which should be the highest extensive thing he saw.

Quasi-gold plot props, if this stuff does not have the negative effects: If the incomplete thing, then it should be a golden plot prop.

Of course, this thing is the most domineering, which is the "legacy effect" comes with the anti-day change effect, and some rules of the room can be better defended.

No Wonder Divasan San Xin vowed to help yourself shield the "Rattage" of your body! It seems that it is not a letter to the river.

At this time, Sinnan sighed, biting the finger, a few pensions against Fang Lin Yan, Fang Lin Yan suddenly thought that the body became a lot, then I got prompt:

"You got the blessing of longitudinally gold, your mobile speed increased by 200 points! Duration of 3 hours."

"However, in this operation, you can't attack the rest of the person, you can't attack the rest, otherwise it will be invalid."

Sidan At this time, the whole person has begun to wilting down, and the sound:

"My big limit is coming, you are ready to go to my brother, he will hang a single in the Yuxian of the Pingkangfu, the road is quiet, and there are more than two hundred miles from here."

"It's good to be officially located in the west, you will be able to find the Pingkangfu in the north."

Speaking here, he is very dignified:

"After a moment, I will have a real burning, and I will lose all kindness and crazy attacks around all live."

"You must be far away as soon as possible, otherwise, once I have been lost, I will be difficult to escape, remember, remember, now I will engrave now."

Fang Linyan eyes are moving, sighing a gap:

"Okay, you will pay more, I will go first."

After that, Fanglin Yan did not return to the west.

Sinnan stood in the place to send him far away. Suddenly, there is a painful and painful, and all of them have sprayed the flames, and the whole person has become a big group of flames.

This flame is obviously similar to the three flavors in the pig giggle, it seems that the temperature is not high, in fact, there is a power of burning the earth.

Then, this giant flame broke, four-point five cracked, and finally smoked.

However, after almost ten minutes, Shoulin Yan, who should leave, but also returned to return.

He made a referring to Rubs, and it immediately opened a visual tracking mode, but this time tracking is the special smell that Sidan is issued.

Among the vision sharing of Rubs, the place where Snadn stayed, its odor is a strong blazing white, full of breathing and dying atmosphere.

Follow this, Fanglin Rock digging out of a rock, a red bead.

The color of the bead is like blood, which has both a red plasma's red, and biary that burns the world with a flame.

When he excavated the beads, he was looking forward to it, but after he took the hand, he still sighed, and put the beads into the private storage space. At this time, it officially launched the road, galloping the Pingkangfu.

The reason why Fanglin Rock will look at the beads and sigh, it is because the introduction of this bead is as follows.


Quality: dark green

Introduction: The generation of this props needs to meet three major conditions.

First, the cultivator itself must be a pure yin eight words born when the Yin Yin Moon is cloudy.

Second, the cultivator itself must cultivate the end of the South Mountain "Cave Defense Emperor Morality" and reaches the Jindan period.

Third, the cultivator has previously swallowed drugs containing the blood of Phoenix.

Special effects: returning, this is a relic that falls after the death of a refining, if it will work in time, then there is a chance to make the original Lord rely on the blood of Phoenix, Nirvana.

After Niezheng, the physical condition of this person will be resurgeurted to sixteen years old, and the qualification is based on the top steps of the blood of Phoenix, and its cultivation will drop two big realms.

Explanation: This item is a special product of this world, and it needs to experience a thundercycle before carrying a space.

Description: After you come into contact with this item, you will have a fruit entry with this item. The end of the central South School will accurately calculate your position after six hours and come to find you.