The First Evolution

Chapter 34, a new mechanical feet heart

Next, Fanglin Rock also selected the badge X2 of the abusers, and then submitted.

Suddenly I got a prompt again.

"Dear Zi ZB419, you submitted the mission props: the badge of the tyrannical arbutters X2."

"You successfully reached a honorary promotion task: the demand of the dagger."

"You have successfully completed the honor promotion task: dagger."

"Your mission completion evaluation ......."

"You this honorary task completion is 85%."

"You have the evaluation of this honor task: A"

"You got the basic reward: you have successfully promoted to the smash

"You got an extra reward: the next promotion of the army rank is 15 o'clock." (Evaluation is a reward)

"You have completed the honor promotion task: dagger, and get A-level evaluation, your team experience will be calculated according to 1.5 times."

"Your war team has received experience 12 + 6 points, your current experience is 3620."

"You have completed two honorary tasks in this world! No need to make a team level improvement task."

"Your war queue level has been successfully improved to LV2, your current experience is 1640."

"Your war queue exclusive team skills: unity is power (passive) to increase to LV2, make the entry team owner's foundation attribute +2."

Fanglin Rock was originally a little, I didn't know what this extra reward.

Later, I realized that I originally needed 90 metrics from the lieutenant, and the panel showed 3890.

As a result, after an additional reward, the data displayed on the panel became 3875, so that,,,,,

After completing these two tasks, Fanglin Rock is also a bit of exhausted feelings. After coming to the goat and vultures, they will return to the cabin.

He almost rest for more than an hour, Jieha suddenly found the door, pulling Fanglin Rock to the concealed visit next to him.

Fanglin Rock is very sleepy at this time, but it is still a strong spirit to listen to Jieha.

As a result, the first sentence of the color of Jieha, which made it surprised:

"We are dead ------- If you don't hurry to do something,"

Fanglin Rock shocked:

"Ha? What do you say?"

Jieha is very simply finger, summoning a star map of holographic projection on the wall, then pointing to a small point next to:

"Here is our destination land map plus Port."

"Originally scheduled is six hours later, but you have seen time, it has sailed for an hour, but it shows that it is necessary to be eleven!"

Fanglin Rock immediately reacted the reasons:

"Is it because the speed is slower? We should have already brought a meteorite."

Jieha feared the way:

"Yes, we have left the dense zone of the meteorite, but the battle of the stars to break into the ship is very vicious, misunderstanding missed the condensing system."

"So now we can only use the lowest power, otherwise it will face the threat of overheated explosion."

"And if you really spend eleven hours, then don't say, the star thiry will come to the revenge roll!"

"The defensive facilities on this vessel have been exhausted, and we will be difficult to resist them at all."

Fang Lin Yan stunned:

"I understand, is this going to help?"

Jieha laughed:

"I am afraid it, and because we have been roughly checked before coming, most of the technical content of the condensation system is high, so your work will be large."

"Good news is not to go to space in space, at least you can be guaranteed when you repair."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the future, very simply a finger, then said:

"If I want to help it, I have no problem, but I have only one condition."

Jieha Road:

"You said."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I want to use SCI."

Jerh Ha, it is difficult to say:

"That, that is, smuggling."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"It doesn't matter, there is SCI, I am responsible for a region, don't let the rest of the people don't see it?"

Jieha shakes his head and sighs:

"No, this risk is too big."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"That slowly flying, anyway, the shuttle star will come again to be your guess."

"I think they haven't lost their wounds, how do you dare to come to die?"

When Jiehaton, he was asked by Fanglinyan, and he was anxious.

"Hey, you don't know anything, if you are going to be late, then you will make a big event!"

Fang Linyan suddenly became interested:

"Is there anything about?"

Jieha didn't speak, and the larque sighing quickly left, it seems that it seems to have given up.

Fanglin Ran's eyes revealed a cold, but continued to close his eyes and fell to sleep.

The result is probably only ten minutes, Jieha is going back, and some are sick:

"Well, you come with me."

Since Fanglin Rock has once again got the SCI to get the SCI, starting the structural map given by Jieha, quickly traveling to the affected area for depth repair.

However, this time the repair looks like it is not smooth, it is completely unlike the second engine like a bamboo.

The reason is very simple, Fanglin Rock began to work together, he passed some spider marts, plus Latvis, which was extensive, has been discovered, has discovered some unsatisfactory places.

And SCI This thing is not used for the rest. For Fanglin Rock, it means a new way of processing, and a large amount of free materials that can be used to practice.

So don't drag it, when is it?

It is clear that the condensing system that can be repaired by two hours, and is dragged by Fanglin Rock to a six hour.

During this period, Sanchez and Jieha must have urged countless times, but Fanglin Yan said "I want you to come" will blocked them.

Because the condensation system is truth, the difficulty is really very big, and the professional must be customized.

So Sanchez and Jieha can only stand.

Fanglin Rock noted a thing, and after five hours of staying in the stars, Sanchez suddenly issued an emergency notice.

It is said that it is a virus on the boat while leaving, now you need to make the whole boat, please don't panic,

Fang Lin Yan heard this news from the SCI's earphone, if you think, then I saw a bluemelet mist, a bluemone of the sprayed hole next to it.

This fog smells, but some very strange tastes, I feel inexplicable disgusting, but I haven't feeled.

After more than an hour, Fanglin Rock used SiC's new processing technology, plus materials that did not have on the earth, once again successfully processed a strange cast material:

Mechanical fever heart.

This place looks still different from Fanglin Rock, although it is still similar to a strange structure in the interior of the watch,

But most parts are actually like a embers in a fire, sometimes it becomes red, sometimes it be dim.

Not only that, but it can also take a good smoke every few seconds.

And the heart of this mechanical fear has special instructions:

This mission is made of K8 liquid metal unique to this world because it is very unstable at normal temperature, so the top can only exist for 48 hours.

Once more than 48 hours, it will be destroyed.

When Fanglin Rock reached his own purpose, it would no longer be delayed, and the condensed system was directly repaired.

The Cors is finally a full-speed, and finally arrived at the Sand Chaxing Port after ten hours of starring.


The Sand Tu Jiaxing Port is located on a small star. The initial purpose of human construction of this star is intended to be based on this, directly collecting the side gaseous giant stars: the rare substance on the HD18973.

The size of this asteroid has half the moon, so it is huge to build the Starborns in the above, and later, because the operation is not good, it is alleged.

Just at this time, with the advancement of the latest cosmic exploration technology, the earth map Jiaxing Port can also be said to be everywhere.

Because there is less than one million kilometers away from the land map, it will find a worm hole that can be jumped!

As soon as the Saitang, the Sau Star has become extra prosperous, from a remote location of the birds, it turns into the traffic.

Not only that, in recent decades, the Saitao Port, Starbar is a large transformation of the terrain. It has been transformed into a large lake with thousands of kilometers, and it has become a famous tourist attraction.

In addition, every 217 days, gaseous giant stars: HD18973 will set off a horrible storm.

Its surface and even a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers of blood-colonal whirlpool, continuing for two months, such a wonders, also attracting a lot of tourists.

With the emergence of stars, the Santa Jiaxing Port also prepared the corresponding armed, and there was a permanent space fortune in the 30,000 kilometers of Starport.

Space is going to abandon the ability, but there is a horrible remote strike and defense system, which assembled the "Zeus" Du Shiji can even hit the goal of 100,000 kilometers away.

This is almost a nightmare of any stars.

Therefore, although the stars are in the disaster, it has never been able to refer to the Saitang Port.

With the huge ship of the Cors, the huge ship, the two-use giant ships finally were in a relatively safe state.

After experiencing the two big things in-depth meteorite belt and starch, it is still a lot of internal faults in the Cors, and Fanglin Rock is only temporarily processed by the main issues.

It is like a person in the arm, temporarily uses a blood bomb and bandage, and it is still nothing to do if he is reluctant to fight.

However, if it is the Cors, it will be directly paralyzed by a large and small problem.

So, at least it will be renovated here, in order to get sailing, enter into the vast space of the universe.