The First Evolution

Chapter 73

Harkan said so many words, artificial intelligence: Panda Husky has quickly completed a series of self-test procedures, then replied:

"The big sweep plan has a total of 13 subprojects, twenty-six response measures!"

"There are four subplices that can be implemented now, seven response measures."

"After the exclusion of counterfeit measures need to be resigned, or the external cooperation should be performed, two sub-projects B and C can be performed."

"Do you need all the execution?"

Harkan looked at Omi, then said:

"First execute sub-project C!"

AI: Panda Husky:

"Execute a large sweeping C plan, you need to authorize the authority of I, please authorize."

Harkank nodded, then stretched his fingers, pressed on the somath of the husky, and immediately saw a silver cut needle, directly giving the Harka's fingers, and collected his blood. The authorization is completed.

I saw this scene, the goat immediately in the channel of the team:

"It seems that this artificial intelligence is quite dangerous, giving B-level authorization requires the owner's biological sampling."

Fanglin Yan solemnly said:

"Be careful, computer is also a virus, if artificial intelligence has problems, will Harkan as a slave owner, then who should you guess this sweeping plan?"

After listening to Fanglin Rock, the goat suddenly stayed and took a breath:

"You ....... You said this, it's really a matter!"

It's just that the three people worried that things were only worried. After the license is given, the computer screen next to it shines a few times, starting to formally implement the big sweeping plan!

Some things have fallen into the paper, maybe it seems to be very powerful, but actually deduct it, it is so big. For example, the fighter wing is the last thing to ride a horse riding, even the steel wire is too lazy.

For example, the heavens and the earth are given yin and yang big grief, and the way to move the screen is a man's palm, and then the lens is switched into a few janan tanks to be fried in the west.

Of course, there are many names of things sound, but they are very fearful.

Such as Dongfeng Express mushrooms.

For example, 731,

Such as new crown,

For example, my husband, I have to,

Such like Ibola,

The "big cleaning" program now executed is also the case, it sounds simple, but feedback to reality, in fact, it is only a large number of underground bases.

There are two lines that are eight hundred meters away from the underground secret hydropower station. Then there are two lines, and then the motor begins to quickly rotate, opened the other two closed dark doors, and the external fresh air is inflining.

Then, in the space above the door, there were two covers to be opened, so the two sealed glass bottles fell down.

One of the glass bottles is filled with lavender liquids, stars, and ripples are very beautiful.

In addition, a glass bottle is loaded is yellow viscous liquid, with a lot of flocculation, which makes people feel good.

However, with the fall of two glass bottles, slash, the two soldiers have successfully flowed out.

The floor below is a pit that does not significantly exist. These two liquids are mixed in a little bit, and then the watermast-blending and cannot be divided.

With the rapid gathering of the two liquids, then I saw a lot of light yellow smoke, I spread it in all directions. ,

The mixtures of these two liquids are called variating lyncolin hormones, referred to as Pakh, is a variant insects on the island, and their role is to enable them into crazy mating.


In the core area of ​​the underground base, there is a huge nest.

This nest is used to use a large number of fans, bones, built, and taste, it is definitely good.

The soil around the nest is also very special, showing purple, obviously being doped into some special substances.

In the depths of the dirt can't be seen in the naked eye, there are several upright metal bars, which is these hollow metal rods that are slowly released with acrylate.

This kind of hormone that makes the amphibious dinosaur is quite stable, in the non-cold extreme environment of the nature, as long as the temperature is not less than zero 20 degrees, it can maintain at least three years of activity!

However, at this time, the temperature of these metal rods started to 80 degrees, and the released acrylate three-hormone exceeded 7 units per minute, which was 600% of normal speed, under such temperatures, acrylate The taste of the three hormones is naturally spread toward the outside world. This land has also begun to exude a white gas.

Not only that, in the entire underground base, there are more than a dozen points, and there are similar changes, and the terrible hormone storm is quickly spread.

So, as long as it smells the two-inch dinosaurs who smell this taste, they have begun to enter the estrus period and began to become crazy.

And those dinosaurs who lived in the underground base have also entered the madness.

Or in an intuitive point, insects and two-in-life dinosaurs in the almost three kilometers, they have been included in a "mad" buff, just like an irritated bull, with a huge hoof , Spraying the rough red eyes ready to hit any movable object by the side.

Not only that, a large number of exuded hormones is more exclusted by three kilometers (and also rapidly spreading) insects and amphibious dinosaurs and mad toward the underground base!

Don't forget, the insects on Lang Brah are all mutated, the body is huge, and some poisonous debris can also threaten human beings!

If you say that the 10/-square kilometers of the amphibious variant dinosaurs before the underground base, this number has soared to 50 / square kilometers in a short time, and it is still rapid!

Not only that, these in the estrus period, the dinosaurs will have a fierce battle between each other, but their deep genes in their body are in effect.

In this violent state at this time, this forced write to this energy will only have a role:

Once you have a foreign man, or smell their breath, you will immediately give up everything, you will be able to kill them from the madness of these people, don't have all the price!

More terrible is that these mad amphibious dinosaurs are still rapidly increase with the spread of high concentration hormones!


Inside the underground base,

Distance from 2 km from Fanglin Rock and others,

There is a very common dinosaur nest, and the dinosaurs living inside are also common:

Its name is called a red grain dragon.

Among the group of dinosaurs, this is a relatively small dinosaury with toxins. These shapes look like an ostrich, and the dinosaurs of bats are rapid, and their main killing is coming from sharp mouth. There is a foot attack on the feet.

Not all dinosaurs are large, just like Chinese men's height is not all 2 meters 30 as Chairman Yao. In fact, there are 70% of the dinosaurs' volume than humans, but because of those blocks will have a profound impression, they will certainly focus on them.

This group of red-grainted convex dragons is a medium ethnic group. The total number reached 40, and the adult's red-crushed dragon is more than the big white goose. The leader has reached the elite level, and it has only one person.

Of course, for the red-clad dragon, it is not possible to use its blocks to correctly comment on its attack power.

Because their sharp loop is capable of breaking through most dinosaurous skin, then use their own secretion of neurotoxin to experience the opponent's unforgettable experience.

And their quick speed and sharp claws will also have a huge threat to adults.

If the battle force of a 20-year-old general adult mank, a hand-held steel pipe is defined as 5, then a normal defrauding dragon's combat power can float between 10-15.

Distance, a camera that looks like a stone is slightly turning, and all the situation of this group of red-clad dragons is fed back.

The evil Zen in black is carefully observing their actions on the iPad. After ten seconds, he nodded, in the team channel:

"Hand, Mach."

He called the arm, throwing a bottle filled with blood in the twenty-meter wall, and the bottle hit the hard wall and shredded, and the blood was scattered immediately.

Mach is a leader who joined the evil Zen team in the world. It is a black man with a tendon meat. It has also combed a small-scale whip. It is characterized by a speed fast defense high healing. It is abbreviated as black and hard, see some similar It is also similar to those of the famous star Avversen.