The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 226: Sitting Bones

(Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all Book Friends of Cultivation Gate!


“I didn't have time to make chicks swear, just because you're a little Xuandan deserves me to swear...” Ningcheng's talking room has been constantly banned.

Together, these bans trap the rings to prevent Feng Yushan from exploding into the small world. If Ning Cheng is really trapped in here, he may have no choice but to blackmail Feng Yushan.

The little world is better, but it's just a place to keep your life, grow grass, and let the dust pound. Swear for this thing Ningcheng is unwilling. Although Ningcheng does not believe in the oath, he does not want this unexpected effect since he has practiced.

He couldn't help but kill Feng Yushan immediately. It was clearly not in his heart to let Feng Yushan go. The little world is good, and it won't be better than his beads.

Seeing that Ning Cheng did not hesitate to lock up the ring, Feng Yushan was angry and crossed. He knew immediately that Ning Cheng was killing him and did not want to compromise with him.

When Feng Yushan understood this, his heart rose to despair, while Jindan swelled. Since he wanted his life, he didn't want Ningcheng to get a small world even if he blew himself up.

The real aura of terror and fury is full of rings, but these aura are completely confined by the bans of Ningcheng, while Ningcheng's consciousness begins to grind away the original bans of the small world.

The horror of Feng Yushan's outbreak of Jindan was soon detected by Ningcheng, who knew that it was Feng Yushan's intention to explode himself. Feng Yushan not only wants to blow up Kim Dan, but also to blow up the small world. Otherwise, to the extent that Feng Yushan is now free, he can completely blow up Jindan without having to wait this long.

Ningcheng didn't manage Feng Yushan's self-explosion, he knew he couldn't handle it either. What he wants is to save the little world.

One by one, the ban was struck out by Ningcheng, who trapped the ring at the craziest speed, while his consciousness began to hone the ban on the outside of the small world repeatedly.


The horrible bursting sound directly tears apart the restraints of Ningcheng, causing hidden pain in Ningcheng's sea of awareness.

The corners of Ningcheng's mouth were shaken with a trace of blood because of their full restraint on the small world. This horrible bursting sound came from the ring to the sea of knowledge in Ningcheng, which knew it was Feng Yushan who blew up Kim Dan. The small world may still be too strong, or bound by his countless prohibitions. I just don't know what's going on in there.

Ningcheng did not move, his consciousness constantly refined the ring, while constantly grinding away the prohibition outside the ring.

I don't know how long it took before Ningcheng's mind was lightened and all the restraints outside the ring were grinded away by him. He saw a deserted trench, a place like an island that had become chaotic. Don't say grass, not even a weed, even a pair of yin and yang double locks become useless wreckage.

Ningcheng appealed, he knew that under his own restraint, the small world had become more ruined by Feng Yushan's suicide bombing, but finally saved it. In the future, as long as he runs the business slowly, even if Feng Yushan can't restore this state of use, it's enough for him to use it.

Ningcheng did not leave, he continued to refine the ring. Another month later, Ningcheng completely refined the small world. He stood up and put the ring on his hand.

After taking out Feng Yushan, he didn't get any training resources, but he could get a broken little world. Ningcheng was already satisfied, and now he can go out.

I came to myself with several ways to get rid of the dust, and Ningcheng waved the wings of the sky and clouds and disappeared from here. There are also many trapped monks here, but Ningcheng does not know them and he is not in a position to rescue them all.

With the spirit of his superb spirit stone, he can only take four or five people at most.

“Pfft...” A very familiar voice made Ningcheng think he heard it wrong, but he knew it was definitely a dusty voice.

Ningcheng was shocked. Didn't Dudu follow Yan Zheng and go to Qilan first? Why are you still here? Can't the transmission get out?

Then his mind had seen the dust, and he had seen not only the dust, but also the swallows.

The swallows were dirty, the beards were scattered, and the hands were constantly aligned with some array of gestures. Unlike his original scenario, when he deduced the formation method in there, Dudu followed him, while Du Du followed Du Du.

Dusty smell sensitive, obviously felt Ningcheng first, which was called out.

Ningcheng's sky cloud twin wings swinging room has landed in front of Yan Zheng, “Sister Zheng, what is wrong with you? ”

Yan Xiao ignored Ningcheng and is still making constant rowing gestures.

Ningcheng knew Yancheng should have been lost in the Great Battle, just like the monks he had seen before. This is just the beginning, and in just over a decade, it is estimated that the swallows will be the same as the naked, skinny monks he began to see.

Du Du saw Ning Cheng and rushed over immediately, obviously extremely excited. Looking at the dusty dude, he turned into a lean bone again. Ningcheng took out some Dan medicine and handed it to Dusty Dusty. He patted Dusty Dusty's head and said, "Go and stay in the ring first. ”

Throw everything you can eat into the Little World Ring, and Ningcheng puts Dusty Dusty Dusty in the ring.

When he intended to seal Yan Zheng and take her away, he found Yan Zheng circling him instead of moving forward. Obviously because Yan Qiang got used to following Du Du Du, now Du Du Du disappeared, she didn't know what to do.

Ningcheng directly sealed Yancheng. Instead of putting Yancheng into the small world, he helped Yancheng simply clean up and put Yancheng on his back. He doesn't know why Yan Xiao didn't go out and why he even showed up in this place and even got lost.

No matter why you get lost, it's definitely because of the big array in there. As long as she leaves the big battle here, Ningcheng believes that she should be able to wake up because of her swallow qualities and because she was lost for a short time. It is Ningcheng who knows that people who are lost are most afraid of loneliness, and loneliness will deepen her trap.


Once again, Ningcheng was about to take out the spirit stone and throw it into the Blood River Spirit Festival. Suddenly, it was seen that the bone sat up slowly under the great symbol that emitted the golden light and the Dao rhyme.

Ningcheng is also a Brother of Xuan Liquid, and he sees some numbness in his scalp. He's not afraid of ghosts or anything, but he doesn't know what a horrible existence this skeleton is, maybe he can slap him at random. He knew that after practicing to the Yuan soul, he could form Yuan Gods. This skull can sit up, obviously conscious, and the Yuan soul remains.

“The youngest missed here, borrowed the way here to pass, disturbed the elder, and please forgive me.” Ningcheng bowed down in a hurry to salute him.

This horrible guy, if he doesn't accidentally turn him into ash.

“You can find this place, and it's not an easy life. I can feel the original smell on you. Is it not Yellow Ball on you?” When this skeleton sat up, he began to speak slowly to Ningcheng.

Ningcheng is not numb in the scalp now, but numb all over the body. It was also the first time anyone had ever known that he had yellow beads on him. Although Ningcheng had Xuan Huangzhu, he also knew that he did not play even the role of Xuan Huangzhu in one hundred million. This good stuff, it's known. Where does it make sense not to take it?

Seems to know what Ningcheng is thinking, the skeleton is still not tight enough to say, “Xuan Huangzhu is one of the five things in the universe that can form the heavens and the earth, you can get Xuan Huangzhu to recognize the Lord as your opportunity, I won't want you, I just make a small deal with you. ”

Ningcheng will not believe what the other party has said, he can only say, "Seniors will not refuse, as long as they can. ”

“Since it's a deal, it's something that's mutually beneficial. I didn't think of this garbage place, but it was surprising that there were also chemical treasures.” The skeleton came here for a moment and seemed to say how it should be worded to Ningcheng.

Ningcheng was afraid to speak, but he was already very disappointed. Obviously, this golden charm is the Lord's thing, and he will never get it again.

“Your fix is still low, and I'm not going to let you help me now. I just want you to help me find two things, the first day, the flower, the second heart, the nine pubic cords. Sky 26860; flowers or something, but it doesn't matter, you just need to know that it's something that reshapes the flesh. This stuff is crap, but chatting is better than nothing. In this place, you can only find this low-level color.” The bones sighed in the back, obviously helpless.

“The younger generation will surely look hard, but when the younger generation finds it, how to give it to the younger generation.” Ningcheng has returned to calm, and he knows he can't let half of the skeleton in front of him doubt himself. He was going out this time, and he wanted to come back in, but since the charm belongs to this horrible guy, he still doesn't want it. So after he went out, he wasn't going to come back in.

“I know you're a little scared of me, so I don't want to come back in after I want to go out...”

The skeletal remains are as if they knew what was in Ningcheng's heart. Somehow, another word was said.

Ningcheng stared at the skeleton skeleton in front of him and struck a shake in his heart. What kind of monster is this? To spy on his thoughts?

“You don't have to be scared, or worry. I did not threaten you, my opponent is not you, even if you have made the beads, you cannot be my opponent now. I can accommodate any one of your requirements to keep you from traveling in vain.” The skeleton is like a big gray wolf, with an incredible tone and pleasure.

Ningcheng jumped in his heart, and all he was trying to do was go back and see his sister, could this guy let him go back to Earth?

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