The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 264: Bidding Jade Jane

Ningcheng heard Jade Jane, his heart was tight, he guessed that this must be the Jade Jane he wanted. As for that beautiful nun who hosted the auction earlier, can't Ningcheng hear it? He didn't give a shit. Besides, even if he cares, he can't do anything about the nun.

This nun means to tell others not to be a pussy when bidding and to gain more for the auction. As for Ningcheng's death, it is not worth mentioning for her.

“This Jade Jane our poster has written, yes, the whereabouts of the nine pubic cords of the earth. The Nine Spirits of the Earth's Heart is arguably one of the most advanced objects. It is a treasure that condenses and dissipates the Yuan soul, repairs the soul, and cannot be overstated when it comes to resurrection. In Yixing mainland, there are also many dandruff herbs that repair the soul and soul of the monk, but these dandruff herbs are far from comparable to the heart's nine pubic cords..."

When the beautiful nun mentioned it, the venue was silent. Obviously, many people knew that the Nine Pudendals of the Earth were extremely precious, but some people did not know where the Nine Pudendals of the Earth were precious.

Seems to know that everyone else is listening to their explanation, the tone of the beautiful nun is slower and slower, “A lot of repairing the spirit and the spirit grass of the Numen is conditional on the extent of damage to the Sisters, and turning the spirit grass into a Dan medicine is not an easy thing. This is not the case for the Nine Scrotal Marrows of the Earth. No matter how long you have fallen, as long as there is still a trace of your Yuan Soul, the Nine Scrotal Marrows of the Earth can be repaired slowly. There is no time, no degree of damage. This is the treasure against heaven..."

Indeed, after learning about the retrograde sky of the nine pubic cords of the earth, a burst of discussion sounded. Ningcheng also sighed in his heart. No wonder the skeleton had nine pubic cords. Looks like not only did he lose his body, but even Yuan soul had a hint.

Others left only a hint of the Yuan soul, the huge opening charm with nothing.

Thinking about it, Ningcheng remembers another guy, the sword he met when he went to Mango Sea. The sword of Fang also exists only a little yuan soul, but this guy kept his yuan soul with a soul tree, and it doesn't look like a simple master.

“Of course, what we're going to take today is not the original Nine Scrotum, but a Jade Jane. This jade brief describes the possible location of the nine pubic cords in the heart. As for the authenticity of the location, I am not responsible at the auction site. Besides, one drop of the nine pubic cords in the heart of the earth is a priceless treasure, in case you can get a few drops, I think... OK, I see everyone is in a hurry, not much gossip, this Jade Jane now begins the auction, the bottom price of 100,000 spiritual stones, each price increase must not be less than 10,000..."

“I give 110,000 soul stones.” A beautiful nun's voice just dropped and someone quoted.

After all, more than a dozen spirit stones are really not high, and anyone who can come here to participate in the auction can take them out.

“Fifteen thousand spirit stones. ”

“Seventeen million spirit stones. ”


This Jade Jane, which records the whereabouts of the Nine Pudendals, is obviously very fragrant and has risen to 600,000 spirit stones in a short period of time, at which time Ningcheng has yet to make a move.

Ningcheng began to worry a little, he now adds up to about 12 million spiritual stones, at this rate of price increase, can he get this Jade Jane or not.

“1.3 million spirit stones. ”

“One and a half million…”

Prices have gone up all the way, and Ningcheng is still worried that the price has exceeded three million.

Ningcheng did not continue hesitating, “Five million spirit stones...”

Ningcheng added two million spirit stones at a time, and the auction was slowed down. Everybody knows that guy's back. There aren't many people who can bid five million for a Jade Jane. In fact, when the price reaches three million, the bidders are just concentrated in some of the compartments.

“The big brother who just won the Unsullied Silver Wing Feather did it again, I'm sure I'm right, this big brother is happy to roll. Looks like the heart of the nine pubic cords Jade Jane is about to fall into the hands of this big brother again. Today, I finally saw what the atmosphere was called at the auction hall...” The sound of the beautiful nun who presided over the auction promptly came.

Ningcheng Qi's heart shouted, I did it and you're so happy, you bitch.

“Five million spiritual stones.” A still lazy voice bid.

Ningcheng's heart sinks, and when he hears this voice, he knows who this guy is. It was the monk who competed with him for Unsullied Silver Wings, and was choked by his own eight million spirit stones at a time. From this guy's addition of only 10,000 spirit stones, Ningcheng knew that he disgusted each other once earlier, and now the other is deliberately disgusting him.

It's probably related to what the nun who hosted the auction said, but Ningcheng can't help it, even if the nun is worse, he can only stare.

Unfortunately, Ningcheng doesn't have many spiritual stones, and if he does, he will definitely lay this guy down.

“Ten million spirit stones.” Ningcheng added five million spirit stones directly. This is the last time he raises his price, and if the other party raises his price, he has to quit. Even if he doesn't like it anymore, he doesn't have the spirit stone.

The auction venue is coming back with some noise, and by this time there are no more price increases. The heart of the nine pubic cords is precious, it's just a jade Jane. If this Jade Jane is fake, isn't it insane to spend more than 10 million soul stones? Even if Jade Jane is real, the heart of the nine pubic cords is not easy to find. Otherwise, can't the auction just auction off Jade Jane? People have been sending people to look for the nine pubic cords of the earth.

This Jade Jane was able to make three million Spirit Stones, and has reached the highest price in theory, and now this price has been fired by two lunatics to 10 million Spirit Stones.

The beautiful nun smiled more like a flower, and the tone was more inciting, "The big brother raised the price again, adding 49.49 million spirit stones at a time. It's a happy thing to be a double monk to this big brother. At least I don't need to be sad anymore. Even I have a little heart for this big brother. Now the price of Jiu Yin Zhen Yu Jian has reached 10 million spiritual stones, 10 million spiritual stones. But this price is not necessarily the highest, because this time I come to the Tianjin auction is all powerful, maybe there are more proud adults, we will wait..."

“10.1 million spirit stones.” That lazy voice bids again.

Ningcheng heard this sound and sinked completely in his heart. He knew that he had prepared too few spirit stones. After purchasing Unsullied Silver Wing feathers, he had been unable to compete with Jiu Yin Yu Jian.

“Oh, my God, there's another adult bidding more than 10 million Spirit Stones, more than the big brother who just bid. This is unbelievable. Ten and a half million pinestones. I don't know if the big brother who just took down Unsullied Silver Wing Yu will continue to raise the price. I believe that with the strength of this big brother, we will definitely continue to raise the price. We are waiting for a hotter price to come out...” The beautiful nun who presided over the auction is speaking more exaggerated and harder.

Even those attending the auction held their breath and waited for Ningcheng to raise its price. Everyone thought Ningcheng would definitely continue to add a higher price, even the 10.1 million static monks, and that Ningcheng would definitely pay a higher price.

“Uh...” After a few breaths, the voice finally came out in compartment 178, "I was really going to raise the price, but when I exposed too many spirit stones, someone tried to cry out to be my dowry, I got goosebumps all over me. Think about it, forget it. Do you still want to sleep at night holding such a disgusting woman? ”

After Ningcheng's words were uttered, the venue fell into a brief silence, but soon a burst of laughter erupted.

Almost everyone understands who Ningcheng's words are directed against, there is no fool here, the beautiful nun who presided over the auction treats Ningcheng as a wrongdoer. Want to encourage Ningcheng to keep raising prices and then be a harvester. Unfortunately, the one hundred and seventy-eight did not give a single thing, and said a terrible thing directly.

This is obviously directed against the nun who presided over the auction. The nun who presided over the auction said that it was really a happy thing to be a double nun of this big brother, even she had some heart for this big brother. Instead of wanting to raise the price immediately, she slept with such a woman with goose bumps.

The beautiful nun who hosted the auction had a cold cream all over her face, and there was no spring breeze on her face when she was inspiring. She is at least a celebrity of the Tianjin auction, and now she is so insulted, how can she endure that tone?

As to whether or not she was the first one to get into Ningcheng, she had already ignored it automatically. Or in her subconscious mind, she can say that kind of playful thing, it's that she can see each other. Unfortunately, she met a Ningcheng who wouldn't buy her bills.

“Son of a bitch.” In the other compartment, a middle-aged monk, who looked quiet, suddenly stood up with an angry look on his face. He couldn't believe Ningcheng didn't raise the price. He didn't want this Jade Jane at all. His offer was made solely in return for not obtaining an arrow of Unsullied Silver Wings in front of him, giving Ningcheng some more spiritual stones.

“Brother Man, I suspect this guy is intentionally disgusting us, so let's add the price to 10.1 million and go back.” Another monk next to this quiet middle-aged monk said immediately.

Quiet The middle-aged monk has restored calm on his face, waved his hand and said, "But the district is only 10 million spirit stones, I haven't seen it yet. 178, hey, 178...”

“I'm ten and a hundred thousand spirit stones.” When everyone thinks no one is going to continue to raise the price, someone is going to raise the price again.

Ningcheng also wondered, he heard the lazy voice intentionally targeting him, but who is this new quote? Or is it a crisp, crisp woman's voice?

But whoever it was, Ningcheng was no longer going to stay here, and he stood up without hesitation and left the box, which was not a place to stay for long. Now that you don't have a chance, wait till later. Ningcheng didn't even think about continuing to sell the good stuff to the auction in exchange for the spirit stone.

(Thanks to Blood Red, only, taizi777, online registration, Ye Fall Yunshan, and other friends for sending tickets in ten thousand yuan, thank you!