Open the store entrance door and look out.

Not long after nightfall, the doorbell rang and opened, with a thin, foggy streets that were uninspiring. The forecast said it would be clear, but now, what do you think? I don't want sunny weather, but I blur that I want it to be bitter-free for long journeys.

When I opened the lid of the mailbox installed by the door, it contained two letters and one flyer. The flyer apparently announces the opening of a new florist's shop, and the letter says "invoice" even if it is not there. If so, I'll handle it when I get back, as long as it's not a rush. With that in mind, when I hung my hand on the door again to return to the store - I noticed.

There's some little piece of paper on the door.

I didn't seem to notice it when I saw it from within because it was affixed to the "Closed" bill. Surprised to see if it was a child prank, I snap and rip. Apparently the glued paste was weak in adhesion, and the paper peeled off beautifully and never even left one of the small stains on the bill.

The text that was written was terribly short. Also, his familiarity, not the elusive language. So, I never had a hard time reading either.

- What I struggled with was not decryption.

After about two silent readings, he quietly returned to the store.

Show those ashy eyes the color of strong frustration.