The next morning, Crewe was in a very good mood.

The job is the same as usual, but there is a full smile on its face that is like a swing, and that is more like not being able to hide the joy that springs out of your belly than your love as a clerk.

Sometimes I accidentally turn off my expression and wonder if I looked up at the ceiling, and eventually, yay, I laugh suspiciously. When I asked her why, she said she was extra happy that I called her to the room last night to talk to her about a lot of things, and the remnants of it didn't disappear.

More than happy. That's good.


What did you do to her?

As he elbowed at the counter and blurred, the nut that came to "Patrol," as exemplified, asked looking at him. Sure, it's inevitable that if you try to come along as usual, your friend is smiling like a dream, wondering what happened. And there is only one person who is likely to cause it.

But I want you to stop looking at me like you're looking at a suspect. Turning away, Sputnik answers in a low voice.

"I didn't do anything."


"What do you do if you're lying"

Nothing, there may be a narrative, but at least we're not doing anything against public order. That's why I told you, of course, I don't trust nuts. Put your arms together and look at him with dark eyes of suspicion. Sputnik leaned over to escape that gaze.

I guess nuts in that attitude of his realized he wouldn't talk about anything any more. I sighed and turned that way.

"That's fine, because I'm just asking the person. - Crewe?

"Ah, yes."

She returned to me with a strange grin when she received a calling voice and looked up at the void again.

Nuts grins and asks, grinning at the height of his eyes as he walks near Crewe.

"Looks like you're kind of in the mood this morning, is something wrong?

And she remembered again, with a swinging grin. holding his reddish cheeks with his hands, waving his body left and right in vain,

"Huh. As a matter of fact, last night, to Mr. Sputnik..."

But I cut the word there. opens his eyes all the time and turns off his grin. I shake my wear in a panic as I waved my protruding arms wide.

"Oh, no, you can't"

"What's wrong?

"I'm sorry, I promised Mr. Sputnik, 'Don't tell Mr. Nuts', so it's a secret."

Sputnik saw clearly that his nut cheek was drawn to the answer.

Then she makes loose cheeks again and adds, "It's just the two of us, it's a secret" and so on, so her misunderstanding reaches the ceiling lightly. When I turned my back on my dreamless crew and grabbed Sputnik, I grabbed his chest full of thought.

"What have you done to that girl, you fucking coward!

"Do nothing. It's Ye!

I can't wait to be misunderstood, even though I haven't done anything particularly backwards. For that reason, I told my nuts to keep what I did last night from them, but now they suspect the opposite. The white gaze of the nuts is so neglected. The frustration and lack of a bed last night go hand in hand with the fact that I couldn't sleep much, and it all seems like a terrible hassle. I already sighed that I'd run away to the machining room.

The doorbell rang at the tip of its arrow.

"Welcome to Sputnik Jewelry Store!... Is that it?

A greeting played by Krew, who can be heard following, with a normal increase of a few percent. But also, for some reason, the question mark continued.

Has there been another rare arrival yesterday? With his elbow on the counter and his jaw supported, he finally raises his eyelid, which is likely to fall, and looks towards the entrance door.

It took a few seconds for the person to match her in memory.

"... aah. You."

I didn't immediately think of it because she wasn't wearing that shady robe today.

A white blue piece with a dark blue jacket. The necklace glowing small around her neck was either emerald or slightly similar to her eyes - a very common outfit that was completely different from before. One woman with a beautiful platinum blonde on its back was deeply bowing her head.

"Forgive my sudden visit. I'd like to talk to the store owner, I'm here."

Elbowed to the counter while sitting in a chair, Sputnik blurred as he supported his jaw and looked at its visitors, who were not guests. I saw it yesterday morning, a platinum wizard. The atmosphere received from the outfit was different, and the dusty and laughless, loving, thin expression remained alive and well.

It didn't take that long to remember the name. It's Iraja.

"... Um"

Either you cut the paralysis on the silent Sputnik, or Ilaja takes a step forward. shortly afterwards, the figure was blocked from Sputnik's sight. Suddenly someone seems to have broken in between.

Back spreading in front of you. Lift your jaw out of the hand you were supporting and focus on that you've been interrupting.

Whoever was there, it was Crewe. He spreads his arms wide and stares at him in a spiral position.

"I'll ask."

"You are."

"This is Crewe, an employee. If you need help with the owner, let me through."

He pointed his lips and swelled his cheeks, releasing a grumpy voice. Earlier, the peak appearance has disappeared beautifully. Apparently, because of the raid on the magic girl ahead, Krew has made the Wizard in general a hateful subject.

Ilaja frowned and sees Sputnik in trouble. but he clapped his shoulders and replied, "Yes, it is". I didn't really think Crewe could do anything, but maybe. When Sputnik found out she wasn't willing to help, she looked at the nuts next. But naturally, you just smile and say, "Sorry, but I'm not the clerk here."

"... then"

I was confused for a while, but in the end they decided to follow Crewe's instructions. The way Iraja broke her hips and spoke to Klu seriously, who wanted to, invited her to laugh, but I guess they are extremely serious. Sputnik heard Ilaja's words behind Klu's back.

"I wanted to talk to the store owner about my apology for the disrespect the other day and about this magic girl. I'm afraid you're busy, but I hope you'll have some time."

"Hmm. Okay, let's tell the store owner"

"Sorry for the inconvenience. Best regards,"

Krew nodded loudly at Iraja, who thanked him deeply, twirling and turning right. That's how I turned to Sputnik and what she tells him in a cautious manner.

"He said he went to the wrong store."

"All right. You're welcome home."

"I didn't say that, though!

It was Iraja who replied to the instructions he had told him, pointing to the entrance door, to bite. Sputnik asks her, not hiding the sentiment that she is troublesome, to take a step forward to protest.

"I'm kidding. What do you want?"

and she took a bigger, deeper breath to calm herself down. Look straight at Sputnik with those green eyes and answer with a low voice. There was no more confusion left in that standing behavior.

"I think the other day, I made a unilateral statement about this situation and it made you uncomfortable. My apologies and… Today, I have a personal favor to ask for, not just as a person of the Witch Society, and I want to talk to the store owner, and I'm here."

"Personal favor?

What I repeated strangely was the nuts.

"Yes, that"

But I cut the word there. Wait for it to continue but without saying anything, just a troubled look, tending to lean over and just circle your gaze around. - What is lost is obvious.

It was for a moment that I conceived of what to do.

Nod, tell.

"Okay. Let's hear it in the processing room."


But it was Crewe who raised his surprise at it.

You didn't think there was any way to respond, I can see Crewe and Nuts pointing this way at the same time. but trying not to gaze at them. As Sputnik rose from the chair, he proceeded straight to the machining room.

"Coo, you keep your store number. Get your nuts back to work.... you're this way."

He also opens the door of the machining room without giving me a glimpse. I looked around lightly indoors, but nothing special I wanted to avoid people. Wait for her with the door knob supported.

It didn't take long for Ilaja to catch up. Eventually, when he arrives at the entrance to the processing room, he stops at the entrance to discipline and says, "Excuse me." Sputnik responded to it by waving gently.

"I only have a chair for work. It's old and bad, but there it is."

Sit down, I almost cut the words, nothing else.

... because there was a shadow that followed Iraja with an uneaten look.

The shadow that came into the machining room with me as it was - grabbing Crewe's neck root and making him stop walking. For a while he managed to walk away with a force push, but even then he seemed to realize that his collar would only stretch, eventually stopping at the spot.

With a stubborn, resentful look, I look up at him. I also knew I didn't have to ask you what you wanted to say.

But Sputnik, as her boss, can't pull this off. Point and tell outside the room with your free left hand.

"Coo. Store Number"


And her eyebrows stopped. The look up is terribly subtle. I don't know what I have to guide you through - but I made you laugh small just at the edge of your mouth.

'Cause it's okay.

Though I didn't even have the basis for what was okay with me.

Crewe stared into his eyes for a while with his lips tied to one letter across, but eventually accepting that he didn't have the appearance of breaking into

"... if you think it's weird, I'll be right there."

He told him to slap him so he turned his back and walked out toward the door.

Just before leaving the room, stop once and stare strongly at Ilaja. And Iraja seemed a little frightened, but Crewe wouldn't move at all. Leaving the room as it was, he made an intense noise and closed the door. Sputnik the boulder also sounds "ooh" at the shock sound of the bottle of shelves trembling and protesting.

Iraja, surprised by the sound and closing her eyes firmly, raises her fearful lid. I slowly put my shoulders back together and looked at the already closed door, with a strange look on my face. Then next, ask Sputnik at the top.

"Are you sure?"

Sputnik was somewhat surprised by the words.

"Oh, my God, you wanted to pay for it."

"No. That's true, but..."

I looked at him alternately like I was in trouble and at the door she left, and eventually said "nothing" as if I'd given up something.

What a strange guy. No, would it be more humane than that guy? Seeing a series of how she was, Sputnik thought it wasn't that she didn't have any love for not having a smile on this girlfriend, but maybe she was just being too serious. - But in any case.

When he came across the other side pinching the work desk, he pulled out one of his undressed chairs from under the desk and sat down. Point under the desk and instruct Iraja to do the same.

"It's not supposed to be a room to welcome people, so don't be shy. Well."

Warm sunlight plugging through the window and a little bird similarly chirping by the window gently invites drowsiness. The side effects of the analgesics went hand in hand, or I leaned my neck and made him laugh meaningfully, taking care not to be noticed by the sleeper who was likely to row the boat immediately if he lost a little of his mind.

"I'm afraid I won't even serve tea, but I welcomed my employees into the corner until I sifted them where they were in a good mood and easy to handle. I guess I can tell you a pretty interesting story, huh?